Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 224 Chaos Bead? Hongmeng Pearl? The secret of chaos!

The long river of Heaven's Dao vibrates, its waves surge into the sky, and pieces of Heaven's divine brilliance surge out, filling the universe, sweeping across the three thousand realms and suppressing the past and present.

That mysterious bead actually swallowed the chain of heaven, which is really unbelievable. The power of heaven is so high, what can resist it?


At this moment, the Heavenly Dao River seemed to be furious, its body surged, and bright light burst out, and thick Heavenly Dao chains flew out one after another.

In particular, on these chains of heaven, the runes are shining, and the origin is mighty. The river of heaven has mobilized its original power, and it is stronger than before!

Heavenly Dao has just been born, and the source is not sufficient. Mobilizing the power of the source at this moment will cause great damage to it.

However, Tiandao can't care so much anymore. The more abnormalities the monkey fire shows, the stronger its determination to get rid of the monkey fire!

At this time, Tiandao did not have its own will, but acted based on a cold order and rules. It was precisely because the rules required it to remove threats that it was so ruthless when it took action, regardless of the cost.

If it were any other creature, having fought to this level, knowing that it would be difficult to suppress the ape fire, I'm afraid I would have given up long ago in order to avoid too much damage to myself!


Chains of Heavenly Dao run through billions of time and space, whizzing towards each other. They are much stronger than before, and the fluctuations they send out have already surpassed the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The ancient world trembled, the universe trembled, everything in the past and present seemed to bow under the chain of the original order of heaven, and was no match.

Even the ape fire's physical body was making a rattling noise. It was already difficult to maintain its shape and was constantly collapsing just by bearing the pressure.

However, the Chaos Orb was not affected in any way.


It skyrocketed into the sky, and with a slight sway, it turned into a real abyss of chaos, pitch black and bottomless, and all the chains of heaven were included in it at once.

Then there was silence between heaven and earth.

The whole process was like flowing water without any twists and turns, and he easily swallowed up all the chains of the original order of heaven.

Sarushuo's eyes showed surprise. This Chaos Bead was too powerful. It was the power of heaven. It could be dealt with so easily.


Suddenly, a soft sound came from the Chaos Bead, which seemed to be the sound of a chain breaking.

Sarushuo explored his spiritual mind and submerged himself in it. After knowing what happened, his eyes widened with a look of surprise.

"The second Chaos Restriction has been broken!"

Generally speaking, there are forty-nine chaos restrictions inside the Chaos Treasure.

However, this Chaos Bead is different!

There are only nine Chaos Restrictions inside it, and each Chaos Restriction is extremely powerful. Ape Fire broke the first Chaos Restriction before, but later, even if its strength increased, it was difficult to break the second Chaos Restriction.

Yuan Huo speculated that only by ascending to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could the second chaos restriction be broken!

He never thought that after the Chaos Bead absorbed the endless attacks from Heaven, the second Chaos Restriction would break open on its own. This was simply a huge opportunity.


In Yuan Huo's perception, it can be seen that after the second chaos restriction was broken, endless purple energy suddenly surged out, filling the heaven and earth, filling the universe.

Among the endless purple energy, there were actually streaks of Hongmeng purple energy, nine in total, wandering like dragons in the space inside the Chaos Bead.

Each ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi exudes earth-shattering power fluctuations. It seems to contain endless divine power inside, and at the same time, it exudes a strong Taoist charm outwards.

It gives people the feeling that as long as you have this Hongmeng Purple Qi, the efficiency of enlightenment will skyrocket. This is an amazing aid to enlightenment!

"Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

A huge wave of shock arose in Yuan Huo's heart, and he couldn't calm down. He never thought that there would be such a treasure after the second restriction on the Chaos Bead was broken.

Looking at the entire prehistoric period, Hongmeng Purple Qi can be said to be the most precious thing, and there is simply nothing else that can compare with it.

In fact, even innate treasures such as the Three Treasures of Kaitian, under certain circumstances, are far less precious than this Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Because, after the Heavenly Dao Era, only by possessing this Hongmeng Purple Qi can one truly become a Heavenly Dao Saint!

Without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, no matter how amazing the talent is and how strong the luck is, reaching the level of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Emperor Jun, and Donghuang Taiyi, one cannot attain enlightenment.

The saints of the way of heaven, high above, are the highest realm in the ancient world. They are immortal for all eons. Throughout the ages, countless living beings have pursued this realm.

And without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, it is impossible to realize the heavenly saint, which shows how precious it is!

In later generations, it was Hongjun who gave the seven Hongmeng Purple Qi, which were obtained by Patriarch Sanqing, Nuwa, Zhunti, Jieyin and Hongyun respectively.

Except for Ancestor Hongyun who was jealous of Ancestor Kunpeng and killed him, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi in his hand also broke into countless pieces, all the other creatures have successfully attained enlightenment!

"What a great harvest."

Even though Ape Fire had already seen countless treasures, he still couldn't help but be excited at this moment. There was actually Hongmeng Purple Qi in the second Chaos Restriction in the Chaos Bead, and it was not one, but nine!

In this way, wouldn't it be possible to create nine saints?


At the same time, after the second Chaos Restriction was broken, another message poured into Sarang Huo's mind. After he digested it, his eyes once again showed surprise.

"It turns out that the real name of this Chaos Pearl is not the Chaos Pearl, but the Hongmeng Pearl. It is a treasure left over from the Hongmeng era!"

At this moment, Sarushuo's heart was even more shocked!

According to legend, before the Age of Chaos, there was an Age of Hongmeng. That Age of Hongmeng was extremely brilliant, and it gave birth to endless powerful men, and its glory reached its peak.

However, later, for unknown reasons, the entire Hongmeng era was destroyed and never existed again.

There are also legends that Hongjun is actually a creature left over from the Hongmeng Era. His original form was a cricket deep in the earth. He is the only creature left over from the Hongmeng Era, the Hongmeng Legacy Seed!

This Chaos Bead turned out to be from the Hongmeng Era. I don’t know how prosperous, bright, glorious and vast the Hongmeng Era was!

"Before I accepted the inheritance of Pangu's essence and blood, and when I experienced the First Battle of Kaitian, after the death of the Chaos Demon Gods, they all turned into streaks of Hongmeng Purple Qi."

"The weak ones can be transformed into one or two rays, and the powerful ones can even be transformed into more than a dozen rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi."

At this time, Yuan Huo recalled the opening battle of Pangu's blood essence and blood inheritance a long time ago. At that time, the Great God Pangu struck out with an axe, and all three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were destroyed.

After each Chaos Demon God is completely destroyed, streams of Hongmeng Purple Qi will flow out from the deepest part of its huge body, walking in the chaos.

"The Chaos Demon God of this Chaos Era seems to be inextricably linked to the Hongmeng Era. What is the relationship between the two?"

Questions arose in Sarufire's mind.

However, such a question can be called the great secret of chaos. With his current state, it is completely impossible to explore it. Only when he becomes stronger in the future, may he discover something.

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