This Chaos Bell is an innate treasure with infinite power and unparalleled defensive power. In later generations, Donghuang Taiyi relied on the Chaos Bell to be invincible in defense.

This Chaos Bell, together with the three treasures of the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth and the Qingyun of the Heavens, are listed as the most powerful spiritual treasures in the ancient world.

At the same time, as an innate treasure, the attack power of this Chaos Bell cannot be underestimated, and it has the most powerful killing power.

Its surface is entangled with streams of chaotic air. Once it is launched, it is like a square of chaotic space and time crashing down, enough to shatter the heavens and crush eternity.

The moment Sarushuo held the Chaos Clock in his hand, he could feel the vast and endless power contained in it, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It is truly an innate treasure, truly extraordinary."

He didn't think much, he just sat down here cross-legged, a vast amount of mana poured out, and he began to refine the innate restraints in the Chaos Bell.

There are forty-nine innate restrictions within the innate treasure. Unless one reaches the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal level, no one can completely refine it.

With Yuan Huo's current cultivation level, this is naturally the case.

However, he was also able to restrain and refine the forty-eight paths, allowing it to exert its strongest power.

For others, it must be very simple to do this, but for Sarenfire, it is not too difficult.

He is the heel of the top Chaos Demon God. He has comprehended nearly two thousand laws of the great road, and even masters the law of force. Although his Yuan Shen cultivation is in the late stage of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, it is definitely more perfect than the average Hunyuan Golden Immortal. To be terrifying, it may even be comparable to some Yasheng.

In addition, he even had experience in refining many top spiritual treasures before, including the innate treasures, the Cauldron of Creation, the top-grade chaotic spiritual treasures, the Netherworld Book, the Underworld Picture, and the Reincarnation Disk.

With such a strong foundation, there is no problem in refining the Chaos Bell.


Sure enough, as time passed, the innate restrictions in the Chaos Clock were refined one after another, and the connection between the Chaos Clock and the Ape Fire became closer and closer.

At the end of the forty-eight forbidden refining, the Chaos Bell suddenly rang a bell, which seemed to come from the ancient times across time and space, ringing throughout the past and present.

Its surface suddenly erupted with a burst of brilliance, and various mysterious patterns appeared, including various sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, insects, fish, etc., which contained endless mysteries.

A stream of chaotic air flow wrapped around it, it was extremely thick, and the vast area was like a waterfall, giving people a frightening feeling.

And inside the Chaos Clock, a scene of mountains, rivers, land, and thousands of races was faintly revealed, seemingly containing the entire prehistoric world.

There were even more five-colored rays of light bursting out, and billions of rays of divine radiance illuminated the past, present, and future with such brilliance that the supreme stars, the sun, and the stars were dimmed.

This is the Chaos Clock!

This Chaos Bell has the power to suppress the "Hongmeng World", reverse the "heavens, time and space", evolve the "mysteries of heaven", and refine "earth, water, fire and wind".

Once mastered, it is equivalent to mastering a top-notch killing weapon that is unparalleled in history. If you wait until you break through to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, refine the last restriction and fully control it, you can't even imagine how powerful it can be. .


Within the innate restriction, the two Golden Crows, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, were able to sense the changes in the state of the Chaos Clock. Even though they were still sleeping, their bodies could not help but tremble.

This is their companion spirit treasure!

As a result, it was taken away abruptly by someone, and it was still being refined and completely controlled in front of their eyes.

After refining the Chaos Bell, Yuanhuo took it into his body with a thought, and then looked at the other two spiritual treasures in the innate prohibition: Hetu and Luoshu.

These two spiritual treasures are both innate and top-grade spiritual treasures. They are also the top things in the ancient world. They are derivation treasures.

At the same time, using them as formation eyes, you can also set up the Hunyuan Heluo Formation. This Hunyuan Heluo Formation is one of the top ten formations in the prehistoric times!

In later generations, Emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi relied on the Hunyuan Heluo Formation to force Dong Wang Gong to self-destruct and wipe out Dong Wang Gong's ancient heaven.

At the same time, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi gave these two spiritual treasures to Fuxi. From this, Fuxi derived 365 Great Zhoutian Star Flags and arranged them in the Demon Clan Heavenly Court. The great formation of stars in the sky.

This week's star formation gathers the power of the endless stars in the ancient world. It is countless times more terrifying than the Hunyuan Heluo formation. It is infinitely powerful and is one of the biggest killer weapons of the demon clan in future generations.

Faced with such a treasure, Yuan Huo naturally would not let it go. He reached out with his big hand and grabbed it out again.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were almost crying at this time. There was no treasure left for them, and it was all gone.


Afterwards, Ape Fire activated his magic power and began to refine the two spiritual treasures. This was much easier than refining the innate treasures. There were a total of forty-eight innate restrictions inside them. Soon, they were all refined.


A terrifying power burst out, and Hetu and Luoshu were shining with divine light. In the void, there were endless symbols of the infinite avenue, as vast as the sea, and it seemed that all the mysteries of the world could be deduced from it.

"These two treasures can be used to coordinate the ways of cause and effect, the ways of destiny, etc." Sarushuo said to himself.

The Law of Cause and Effect is very useful and can deduce many things. The Law of Destiny can also deduce the past and future fate of a living being. They are all powers of deducing this category.

The Hetu and Luoshu, as the treasures of deduction, can be used as an auxiliary, making Yuanhuo's deduction process smoother and allowing him to gain insights into various secrets.

When Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi saw that Yuanhuo had also refined Hetu and Luoshu, they were all trembling with fear, fearing that Yuanhuo would come over next moment and kill them too.

Sarushuo glanced at them and smiled slightly, but he had no such idea. After all, these innate saints were all beings with great luck. If they were killed directly, he himself might also encounter some backlash.

Moreover, at this time, an idea came into his mind.

"Now that I have subdued the twelve ancestral witches, can I also think of a way to subdue all these unborn innate saints in the future?"

In the ancient world, there were innate gods and demons, as well as innate sacred beings, and all races in the ancient world.

Among them, all the innate sacred and prehistoric races are more or less related to the great god Pangu. For example, the three legs of dragon, phoenix and unicorn are all Pangu's legacy.

Sanqing was directly transformed from the Yuan Shen of the great god Pangu. The sun star where Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were conceived was also transformed from the right eye of the great god Pangu.

Yuanhuo's Pangu bloodline has now reached an unimaginable level. If he wants to conquer these creatures, it is justifiable!

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