Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 235: The record of achievements manifests itself into a great and turbulent situation!


A vast wave of power rushed out from the Tai Chi Diagram, penetrated the universe, rushed into the deepest part of the prehistoric starry sky, and shook the entire prehistoric world.

In an instant, countless top creatures felt their hearts palpitate suddenly. They opened their eyes and activated their magical powers to look at the battlefield.

The battle between Ape Fire and Tai Chi Ancestor can be called the pinnacle battle in the world.

In such a battle, the battle fluctuations will naturally spread widely. However, as soon as the battle started, the Tai Chi ancestor was included in the Tai Chi diagram, so it did not manifest in the world.

At this moment, the ape fire tore the Tai Chi diagram apart from the inside, and terrifying waves came out, immediately alarming the entire prehistoric world.

Then, when these top creatures from the ancient world looked here one after another, they saw a terrifying scene that they would never forget for the rest of their lives.

I saw that in the Tai Chi diagram, the earth, fire, water and wind were surging, and a majestic figure stood in the middle.

On his body, there is a surge of black and yellow energy, the innate immortal aura flashes, the energy of chaos is permeated, nine golden dragons of luck are coiled, and the long river of creation is rolling.

Astonishingly, there are five defensive spiritual treasures, each of which exudes the most powerful aura, and the weakest one is at the level of an innate top-grade spiritual treasure.

And beside him, there is a huge bead, accompanied by the overwhelming purple light, and a ruler, which releases endless killing energy. There are also ninety-nine levels of ups and downs in the nether world, the long river of underworld is turbulent, and the six reincarnations are roaring. .

The five spiritual treasures are all offensive spiritual treasures. The levels are so high that it is unimaginable. The weakest ones are all at the level of treasures. Especially that one bead, which looks countless times more terrifying than the innate treasures.

The treasures are displayed one after another, emitting an extremely dazzling brilliance, illuminating the past, present and future, and shocking the entire prehistoric era.

All the top creatures took a breath of cold air at this moment, and their eyes showed deep shock and strong fear.

" the Sarufire from before, the big shot who single-handedly suppressed the Qilin clan!"

"Oh my god, how many treasures does he have on his body? It's incredible. One spiritual treasure after another, top-grade innate spiritual treasures, innate supreme treasures, etc. It's almost as if they are free of charge."

"What kind of amazing opportunity does it take to obtain so many treasures?"

"Incredible, incredible!"

"It was already unimaginable that this person could subdue the twelve ancestral witches before. You must know that each of the twelve ancestral witches was a terrifying existence in the late Hunyuan Golden Immortal period. As a result, except for the powerful ones under his command, In addition, there are so many treasures in his hands. Is this man the reincarnation of the Great God Pangu? He is simply the son of the prehistoric era!"

"Over the past few years, in the ancient wilderness, there have been thousands of races, and three races have been fighting for hegemony. They are all competing for luck and want to go further. However, there is such a terrifying creature pressing above your head. You are fighting for these things, and there are What do you mean? No matter how powerful you are, how can you surpass this person?"


For a time, there was a lot of discussion in Honghuang, and it was boiling.

Everyone was shocked by the monkey fire.

This was the first time that Yuan Huo showed all the spiritual treasures on his body to the eyes of many creatures in the ancient world without any reservation.

However, when seeing this scene, even the most top powerful people did not have the slightest look of covetousness in their eyes. Instead, they were full of awe and fear.

Nothing else.

The strength of the monkey fire is enough to overwhelm the ancient times!

Among them, Hongjun and Luo Hu's moods are the most complicated. They have always regarded themselves very highly, thinking that they are the existences that stand at the pinnacle of the ancient world.

But now it seems that there is another creature rising up. Even if it cannot surpass them, it is definitely enough to compete with them.

"If you want to achieve your goals, there may be many twists and turns. You must carefully consider this person's impact on the entire prehistoric pattern."

For a moment, Hongjun and Luo Hu had similar thoughts in their hearts.

While the world was in shock, Yuan Huo didn't pay much attention to it. Now he doesn't care too much about it, after all, he has the strength.

After the Tai Chi Diagram was torn apart, Yuan Huo took one step forward and came to the outside world.

He reached out his hand, grabbed hard, and grabbed the Tai Chi Patriarch out of the Tai Chi Diagram, just like a god grabbing a mortal ant.

When the Tai Chi Patriarch activated his ultimate method just now, he burned his own origin. At this moment, he had no fighting power and was no match for the monkey fire.

Sarushuo's eyes were cold. At this time, he would naturally not be merciful and was immediately ready to completely suppress the Tai Chi Patriarch.

However, changes occurred suddenly.

Tai Chi Patriarch was in a dazed state, as if he was frightened by the power of the monkey fire. But just when the monkey fire was about to take action and completely suppress it, a burst of energy suddenly burst out from his body. Huge power, the origin of Tai Chi, surged out, sweeping the world.

Tai Chi Patriarch's whole body suddenly turned into a stream of light, flew out, merged into the heaven and earth, and changed in a thousand ways. In a few flashes, he lost all his breath, and actually escaped under the nose of the monkey fire.

"As expected of the ancestor of Tai Chi, he does have some skills."

Sarufire smiled.

Thinking about it, the Tai Chi ancestor was in a daze at the beginning, but he should have calmed down quickly, and then pretended to be frightened and waited for the opportunity.

Just now, he used his last resort and ran away.

The origin of Tai Chi is ever-changing, and even Yuan Huo can't catch it if he escapes like this.

However, this is not a big problem for Saru Huo. If he escapes, he will run away without causing any trouble. Anyway, Tai Chi Tu has stayed.


Yuan Huo stretched out his big hand and grabbed the Tai Chi diagram in his hand. His magic power came out in a mighty way, erasing all the imprints in it, and then refining it.

Although the Tai Chi Diagram was somewhat damaged in the previous battle, Yuan Huo has the source of chaos in his hands, so repairing it is not a problem.

"The Tai Chi ancestors have already broken through to the sub-sage realm. I think Hongjun, who has higher qualifications, will definitely go further in the sub-sage realm."

"Next, if I want to get the remaining jade disc fragments, I must fight Hongjun. I cannot overestimate Hongjun's strength. I need to be fully prepared."

Holding this Tai Chi diagram, Sarushuo's eyes were deep and he was thinking about future plans.

Next, his goal is to collect the remaining fragments of the jade dish of creation, understand the laws of the great road in them, and use this to practice the laws of power to a higher level.

To achieve this, the fragments of the jade dish of creation must be taken away from Hong Jun.

Hongjun is not a being like the Tai Chi Patriarch. He is countless times more terrifying than the Tai Chi Patriarch. He is a being who truly stands at the pinnacle of the ancient world.

Facing such an opponent, no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious.

"Go back to Pangu Palace first and make a good plan."

Soon, Yuan Huo made a decision, and in a flash, he flew towards Pangu Palace.

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