Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 244 The great earthquake in the wild, the violent waves are shaking the sky! Hongjun’s stren

"Pan Clan, Pan Clan..."

In the Eastern Continent, Zu Qilin looked in the direction of Yujing Mountain, with extremely complex emotions in his eyes, including hatred and a trace of fear.

It will never forget that the Twelve Ancestral Witches were born in Mount Buzhou, and then Yuanhuo defeated his entire Qilin clan with his own strength!

In the end, even three of its bloodline descendants died because of this, and the entire Qilin clan's treasure house was completely emptied by Yuan Huo. The entire clan could no longer stay in Buzhou Mountain and moved as a whole. And go.

Ancestor Qilin was extremely domineering and was the top strong man in the world. Since his birth, he has become the most powerful man in the world, sweeping across nine heavens and ten lands. He is extremely powerful.

During the calamity of ferocious beasts, Zu Qilin shined even more brightly, killing countless ferocious beasts, and then established the Qilin clan, which became the dominant race in the prehistoric times.

As a result, when they encountered the monkey fire, they were immediately defeated and the whole family fled.

Such an experience was like falling from heaven to hell. Even later, the Qilin clan occupied the Eastern Continent, and then Tiandao was born. From Tiandao, they received great benefits, and their own cultivation realm made great progress. Progress, now that he has set foot in the sub-sage realm, Zu Qilin thought of his original experience, and there was no feeling of joy in his heart. He was still depressed.

However, even so, Zu Qilin had no intention of revenge, mainly because he did not dare, because the Pan clan under Yuan Huo was really too powerful. Even though the Qilin clan was now many times more powerful than before, Zu Qilin still had no idea in his heart. Any confidence in defeating the monkey fire.

The fear of monkey fire has been deeply engraved in his bones. The domineering Zu Qilin now has a timid temperament.

At this moment, when he saw Yuan Huo leading the twelve ancestral witches to fight against Hongjun, Zu Qilin's eyes flashed with strong hatred and uncontrollable fear. He speculated with endless malice in his heart: "How does this Hongjun exist? Although He acts low-key, but everyone knows that this is one of the most terrifying creatures in the wild."

"If Yuanhuo goes to find trouble for Hongjun, he will definitely suffer a big loss. He may die or disappear, it's possible!"

"This person acts so arrogantly and will definitely receive the most severe lesson!"

"According to my calculations, the catastrophe of this era should take a long time to come, but now it seems that things have changed."

In the northern continent, separated by endless time and space, Zulong frowned when he looked at Zhu Rong's tall figure standing tall and tall.

Nowadays, the dragon clan has occupied the entire northern continent, its overall strength has improved dramatically, and the ancestor dragon's cultivation has also stepped into the realm of the sub-sage.

Seeing such a scene, he felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart. He always felt that the entire prehistoric situation was completely chaotic, shrouded in a layer of fog, and nothing could be seen clearly.

"There are too many strong people, and our Phoenix Clan is not strong enough."

In the southern continent, Yuan Feng was also looking in the direction of Yujing Mountain from a distance, with ten colors shining brightly around him, and there was a look of worry in his eyes.

She could feel that the entire prehistoric landscape seemed to be heading in an unpredictable direction. Once any disaster broke out in the future, if the strength was insufficient, the consequences would be disastrous.

"The Pan clan actually started fighting with Hongjun?"

In the Western Continent, in Mount Sumeru, shrouded in overwhelming demonic energy, a look of surprise flashed across Luo Hu's eyes. This matter was beyond his deduction.

"My original purpose is to provoke a war in the wilderness, understand my way of destruction and killing, and through this, I can become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal."

"But now it seems that there are some problems with this plan. Perhaps it can be adjusted according to changes in the situation to create a larger-scale catastrophe."

In Luo Hu's eyes, a horrifying scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood emerged. The evil aura was churning, and the murderous intent was like a sea. The God-killing Spear lying across his knees was also buzzing at this time, as if it was impatient and full of blood. Bloodthirsty and excited.

Suddenly, many innate gods and demons, top experts, and countless creatures in the ancient world were shaken by this battle and found it difficult to calm down.

However, Zhu Rong didn't pay attention to this. At this moment, he showed his true form as an ancestral witch, raised his head to the sky and roared, and punched Hongjun again.

This punch can be said to dominate the world, crushing eternity. The void of trillions of miles around Yujing Mountain suddenly collapsed and turned into earth, fire, water and wind, and then turned into chaos under the endless divine flames.

Only Yujing Mountain, as the top cave heaven paradise, is inherently strong and has not been damaged, but even so, it is rumbling and seems to be falling apart at the next moment.

At Zhu Rong's level, one punch can blow up the entire world with infinite power.

However, Hongjun's expression was still neither sad nor happy. Facing this unparalleled punch, the purple light all over him shone suddenly and suddenly surged, turning into a purple dragon and colliding with it.


The sky and the earth shook violently, and the purple dragon roared. Although it was just a burst of mana, the power it possessed was simply incredible, and it forced Zhu Rong back at once!

At the same time, under the purple light, the layers of divine fire covering Zhu Rong's body started to snort and extinguish, completely melting away in the blink of an eye.


Zhu Rong was surprised.

Back then, when he fought with Zu Qilin, Zu Qilin activated the Yin-Yang Five Elements Destruction Formation, and a stream of chaotic energy was generated within it, all of which were exploded by him.

As a result, Hongjun didn't make any moves now. It was just a burst of mana condensed into a dragon, which finally forced him to repulse his most powerful blow. What kind of power is this?

"If you only have this level of strength, I think you should start running away quickly." Hongjun said indifferently.


And following Hongjun's words, a monstrous coercion suddenly burst out around him, sweeping the heaven and earth, filling the universe. In just the blink of an eye, although Hongjun's body shape did not change much, he seemed to have transformed into a god from outside the sky. Standing in the clouds and looking down at them indifferently!

Unparalleled pressure poured down from the sky and the earth. Purple light shone everywhere between heaven and earth, and endless avenue symbols roared, filling billions of time and space.

Zhu Rong's body crackled, as if he was being pressed down by billions of chaotic mountains, and he couldn't bear it.

Then, Hongjun took a step forward.


The sky shook and the earth shook, and the long river of time seemed to suddenly break. Time was chaotic, and space changed. The vast expanse between heaven and earth was filled with misty purple energy, turning into a supreme realm that belonged exclusively to Hongjun.

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