Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 246 The Divine Form of the Great Dao, the Pagoda of the Great Dao! The strongest confrontati

"This...this is...Pangu!"

In the ancient wilderness, an innate god and demon, after seeing this figure, his mind instantly set off a huge wave, his whole body stiffened, his eyes widened, and endless panic emerged.

They are the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God, and there are still some memory fragments remaining in their minds, including the image of the Great God Pangu. What is displayed in front of them at this moment is exactly the same as the Great God Pangu!


The minds of all the innate gods and demons roared, and they were extremely shocked and horrified.

what's the situation?

The Great God Pangu appears again?

Isn't he already dead?

"No, that's not right. This is not the real Great God Pangu, but the true body of Pangu! These twelve ancestral witches are the creatures transformed by Pangu's essence and blood. They joined forces to activate the twelve capital gods and evil formations, and condensed Pangu’s true body!”

This group of top experts are, after all, well-informed beings. They were too surprised at first to figure it out, but once they calmed down a little, they came to understand.

However, even so, the endless creatures in the ancient world are still very shocked at this moment.

"A big deal, a big deal! These Twelve Ancestral Witches are so tough, they even resorted to such methods as soon as the war started! Even though Hongjun is powerful, he is probably no match for him."

"This Pangu's true body has gathered the endless evil energy of the prehistoric times and merged with the twelve ancestral witches. I don't know how strong it is. I'm afraid it has reached the ultimate level of a sub-sage, or even stronger."

"Pan Clan, Pan Clan, is this the strength of Pan Clan?"


For a moment, Honghuang was horrified, shocked by the power of the twelve ancestral witches.

In that later life, the Twelve Ancestral Witches also used the Twelve Heavenly Divine Evil Formation. However, at that time, the Houtu body was reincarnated, and the number of Ancestral Witches was insufficient. Moreover, the Ancestral Witches were infected by the evil spirits and lacked wisdom. In fact, There are big problems with Pangu's true body condensed from the sky.

Now, not only have this group of ancestral witches not been infected by evil spirits, but they have also condensed their souls. At the same time, all the ancestral witches are present, and the true body of Pangu formed is countless times more perfect than those of later generations!

Of course, the ancestral witches have just been born after all, and their realm is in the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

In later generations, those ancestral witches who have been practicing for who knows how long are probably the perfect existences of the sub-sages.

Therefore, the power of the current Pangu real body may not be as strong as that of the later one, but due to the advantages in evil spirit and soul, I am afraid it is not much different, and it should be between equals.

Hongjun's heart also stirred up huge waves at this moment, and his expression, which had always been neither sad nor happy, flashed with a hint of solemnity at this moment. No wonder he felt threatened just now. It turned out that these twelve ancestral witches actually used such methods!

For a moment, Hongjun felt a chill running down his spine!

After Pangu's true body was condensed and formed, without any delay, he raised his fist and slammed it into the void, and an extremely terrifying force burst out.


There was only a terrifying roar that shook the earth, and the supreme realm formed by Hongjun couldn't even hold on for a moment. It exploded and was completely shattered.

Terrible power fluctuations spread out in all directions of the world, Yujing Mountain was destroyed in an instant, and everything within a trillions of trillions of miles no longer existed.

At their level, even in the wild, they can raise their hands and feet to destroy everything in the world, collapse the world, and annihilate heaven and earth.

Hongjun's body was shaken, and he took a step back due to the backlash.

Pangu's real body still had his eyes closed, and his body towered out of the universe, huge and boundless. At this moment, he stretched out a big hand and patted Hongjun.

Although it is an extremely simple action, in this moment, there is the roar of the divine voice of the infinite avenue, and endless visions are manifested.

Between heaven and earth, chaos surges, as if we have returned to the time when the world was created.

It feels as if this simple movement condenses all the mysteries of the world, and no living thing can escape it.

Hongjun did not dare to be careless at all. The purple light all over his body filled the sky with monstrous fluctuations. The cultivation of the perfect level of sub-sage was fully activated, and his aura suddenly surged to the extreme.


Hundreds of long rivers suddenly appeared behind him, surging and surging, running through the universe. Each long river could surround the world, vast and boundless, and extremely powerful.

In the roaring sound of the sky, they filled the air with astonishing Dao light and merged with each other. In just an instant, they turned into a nine-story Dao pagoda filled with endless Dao rhyme and shining with ten colors of brilliance, standing between heaven and earth.

When Pangu's real body took the photo with his big hand, this avenue pagoda bloomed with brilliant brilliance and actually blocked it.

"The Great Dao Divine Form." Seeing this scene, Sarushuo nodded secretly.

He is very familiar with Hongjun's move because he can do it himself.

The so-called Great Dao Divine Form is after comprehending many great Dao laws, integrating them and constructing them into various strange forms, possessing unparalleled power.

His Grand Avenue Millstone is a kind of Grand Avenue Divine Form, and it can be said to be the top Grand Avenue Divine Form. I am afraid that only the creatures who have truly experienced the First World War can condense it.

Hongjun obtained many jade disc fragments of creation, comprehended many laws of the great avenue, and was naturally able to fuse them to condense the divine form of the great avenue such as the great avenue pagoda, which is infinitely powerful!

Of course, its status is much lower than that of Sarushuo's Great Millstone. After all, the Great Millstone is the strongest attack form condensed by the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods during the First Battle.

However, Hongjun is a creature at the perfection level of the Sub-Saint after all. Because of the advantages above this realm, the power of the Dao Pagoda is also extraordinary and terrifying.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches also did not expect that after condensing Pangu's true form, Hongjun actually resisted two consecutive attacks, and his fighting spirit suddenly became stronger.


Pangu's true body glowed all over, illuminating the past, present and future, like the only one, like eternity. He launched another attack and slapped him down again.

This time, Pangu's real body mobilized even more powerful power. The whole body was so bright that it seemed to be burning. The power was endless, and it seemed that it was about to open up the world again!

The avenue pagoda vibrated and roared, resisting with all its strength, but in the end it failed to resist, and exploded with a bang, turning into thousands of fragments.

"So strong!"

A gloomy look flashed in Hongjun's eyes.

The power of Pangu's real body is simply difficult to describe in words. Even his Dao Pagoda exploded at once. What else can resist it?

Moreover, the most important thing is that there is a monkey fire next to him, watching eagerly. No one knows when this monkey fire will take action, but once it does, it will definitely be earth-shattering!

At this time, Hongjun felt a huge pressure. This could be said to be the most dangerous situation he had ever encountered since his birth.

"The only thing left is to take out that trump card." Finally, Hongjun sighed in his heart, and then his eyes suddenly sharpened, he made a seal with one hand, and pressed it between his eyebrows.


A terrifying aura that shook the entire prehistoric world suddenly erupted.

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