Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 248 Hongjun’s methods, the most powerful spiritual treasures are like rain!

"Your physical power is very strong, but I have the most powerful defensive spirit treasure in my hand, activated by sub-sage magic. No matter how powerful your physical power is, it is of no use to me." Hongjun said coldly.

While speaking, Hongjun also launched a counterattack. Hundreds of great avenues reappeared behind him, running through the universe, merging with each other, and turning into another great avenue god shape, which was a huge bronze cauldron with three legs and two ears.

The huge cauldron was thick, filled with misty purple air outwards, crushing the starry sky, and blasted towards the ape fire, with a terrifying momentum that suppressed the eternal.

"Hongjun really has something worthy of praise. If he doesn't understand the laws of the Great Dao to a high level, he won't be able to condense such a divine form of the Great Dao."

Sarushuo admired secretly in his heart, and the movements under his hands were not slow at all. His body roared, and he punched forward with a punch, and collided with the giant tripod with three legs and two ears.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the giant bronze cauldron exploded and turned into countless light rains, dissipating into the universe.

"This group of witches..." Hongjun's eyes were gloomy. Pangu's true body had also used the power of his physical body to blast his great avenue god form before, but now the ape fire came again.


He had many methods, and now he was protected by the Golden Lotus of Merit, so he was confident. In the blink of an eye, he used a new method, and pointed forward suddenly with his finger.

Suddenly, the universe was filled with brilliant crimson clouds, and bright red light burst out, almost dyeing the entire universe red.

A red hydrangea flew out and skyrocketed into the sky. In the blink of an eye, it was as huge as an ancient star. It hit the ape fire head-on, causing the starry sky to collapse wherever it passed.

This is another innate and top-quality spiritual treasure, which will also be famous in later generations. It is the most valuable marriage witness in the hands of Nuwa, which can prove the three marriages of heaven, earth and man. Now it is also in the hands of Hongjun.

Its attack power is also very terrifying. Once used, it can easily kill people. No one under the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal can escape and will be seriously injured.


Yuan Huo opened his eyes of time and immediately noticed the mystery. There was a strange connection between him and the red hydrangea. He couldn't dodge it, couldn't avoid it, and could only bear it forcefully.

This is the ultimate marriage witnessing treasure activated by Hongjun with his sub-sage perfect level cultivation!

Its power is very powerful. Even if the ape fire body is against the sky now, if it is forced to fight, I am afraid that it will suffer a loss.

However, Yuan Huo was not afraid, and simply did not dodge. He took a step forward and activated the Xuan Gong true body. His body suddenly swelled and he stood under the starry sky.

His body is majestic, bigger than any galaxy. He is an extremely majestic giant, with stars spinning and circling between his hair.

The red hydrangea flew towards me, and Yuan Huo stretched out his big hand, grabbed it, and squeezed it tightly, as if he was going to crush this wedding treasure!

"Oh, this is such a treasure, how can you destroy it?"

Hongjun had a sneer on his face, and the waves around his body erupted, and he was driven by his vast magic power. Suddenly, the red hydrangea's billions of rays of light vibrated suddenly, trying to break free.

Yuan Huo's whole body had energy and blood like the sea, and his body at the sub-sage level was enough to crush Taixu. There was a green glow between his palms and fingers, and his divine power was overwhelming. He didn't let go at all and continued to squeeze.

Click, click.

The red hydrangea couldn't hold on and made a sound on the verge of breaking.

However, Hongjun did not panic at all, and a scene of endless symbols of the avenue appeared in his eyes. It seemed that the law of heaven was watching the world coldly, and everything was under its control.


The next moment, the red hydrangea suddenly exploded and turned into a sky full of red silk. The red silk flew out like a red dragon and spread rapidly upward along the palm of the monkey fire. In the blink of an eye, layers of red silk were wrapped around it. , actually enveloped the whole body of the monkey fire, wrapping it in it.


The blazing red clouds burst out, dyeing the universe red, as bright as blood, and breathtaking.

Ape Fire's body was majestic and boundless, but he suddenly fell into layers of restraints and was severely trapped.


Apefire's body surged with power, trying to break free. His body surged again, this time as if it was about to squeeze out the universe, stretching out the red silk.

At this time, Hongjun was extremely calm.

"Mountains and rivers and the country's map!"

"Qiankun Ding!"

"Wuji Xinghuang Flag!"


With a cold drink, three terrifying power fluctuations suddenly erupted in Hongjun's body, shaking the universe, impacting the ancient world, and illuminating the past, present and future with bright light.

Amidst the sound of clattering, a huge picture scroll appeared in the world. There were endless mountains and rivers inside, and endless spiritual energy was sprayed outwards. The ape fire bound by the red silk was swallowed into it in one go, and then the whole picture was drawn. As soon as the scroll was rolled, it was rolled up.

Sealing runes appeared on the scrolls one after another. The layers of seals were mysterious and mysterious. They weighed billions in the blink of an eye and were countless times more complex than the top innate restrictions.


Then there was the giant cauldron, majestic and vast, capable of swallowing the sea of ​​stars. It sucked the scroll into the belly of the cauldron in one fell swoop. The whole body shone with divine light, and the world was born and destroyed one after another. It turned into the most powerful seal and sealed it again.

Finally, the big flag shook violently in the starry sky, shattering half of the starry sky, and countless star fields collapsed and were destroyed.

Billions of golden lotuses manifested, exuding a powerful murderous aura, capable of destroying everything. They ignored the two powerful seals, passed through directly, and struck hard at the body of the monkey fire!

"Oh My God!"

In the ancient world, the innate gods, demons, and people with great supernatural powers who saw this scene were all shocked, their eyes widened, and their hearts were shocked to the extreme.

Hongjun's attack was really terrifying. He actually took out four powerful spiritual treasures in one breath!

The red hydrangea, the map of mountains and rivers, the tripod of heaven and earth, and the apricot-yellow flag of Wuji, each one is a shocking thing. Even the top innate gods and demons can possess a treasure of this level, which is considered to be extremely lucky. .

Here, Hongjun seemed to take out four items for free, and when he took action, he was like a god, and he suppressed the ape fire in one fell swoop. This kind of method was simply chilling.

"When you fought with Tai Chi Patriarch before, you already showed your skills. You have countless spiritual treasures in your hands. Once you are asked to sacrifice them, the consequences will be disastrous."

Hongjun said indifferently: "In that case, let's just go ahead and seal you off and see what kind of disturbance you can create."


Wuji's apricot-yellow flag made a hunting sound and swayed in the starry sky. There were hundreds of millions of golden lotuses all over the sky, spinning and spewing out endless murderous aura. They all penetrated the two layers of sealing spiritual treasures and struck fiercely on Yuan Huo's body.

At the same time, Hongjun did not dare to be careless at all. He used all the magic power of the Perfect Level of the Sub-Saint to pour into the four spiritual treasures crazily, pushing their power to the extreme.

Stronger mana can allow Lingbao to exert stronger power!

When Ya Sheng's perfect magic power was activated, these four spiritual treasures seemed to be burned, illuminating the vast starry sky and surging out endless power.

Just in an instant, under the seal, terrifying murderous intent burst out, leaving horrific wounds directly on Yuan Huo's body, dripping with blood.

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