Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 253 Chaos sword energy destroys vitality!


A chaotic sword energy flew out and struck a piece of Yuan Huo's flesh. The sharp breath spurted out. Even though the crystal flesh piece was very tough and not inferior to the most powerful spiritual treasure, it still turned into powder all of a sudden.

But this was not enough. The Chaos Sword Qi continued to spurt out, disintegrating from the most fundamental level. In the end, with a "boom", the physical powder actually emitted streams of Chaos Qi and returned to Chaos.

"This... is so cruel!"

For a moment, all the creatures in the wilderness felt their hearts skip a beat and were completely chilled.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to kill a prehistoric creature that has reached the level of Daluo Jinxian. The mark of its own life is imprinted on the river of destiny, and it can be resurrected with a single thought.

However, if a person is wiped out into chaos like Hongjun, then all the rules of order integrated into this body will be completely shattered, fate, cause and effect, good fortune, etc., everything will be completely wiped out, chaos In it, nothing exists!

In this way, no matter how powerful that creature is, it will naturally be difficult to resurrect.

"I originally thought Yuan Huo was invincible, but now it seems that Hongjun is even better."

"Hongjun has benefited so much from Heavenly Dao! He actually refined the Pangu Banner into a total of forty-nine innate restraints, which can activate the power of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal level! Such power can naturally sweep across the prehistoric times. , invincible, unless someone truly realizes the truth, no living being can compete.”

"A generation of extraordinary figures perished just like this!"


In the ancient wilderness, many living beings sighed and felt a pang of regret. Yuan Huo's previous strength was so deeply rooted in people's hearts that seeing him gradually fall under Hongjun's hands gave everyone a sense of fantasy.

"Is this great enemy being suppressed and killed like this?" Even Zu Qilin, Tai Chi Patriarch and others were in a trance when they saw this scene and felt it was unreal.

"Has Hongjun's power reached this level?" In Mount Sumeru, Luo Hu's expression was even more gloomy. Hongjun had such a powerful and terrifying power, which made him feel a huge pressure!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The Chaos Sword Qi kept roaring, wiping away piece after piece of Ape Fire's flesh and blood. A lot of Chaos Qi appeared in the starry sky, and then gradually overflowed.

Having achieved this level, Hongjun felt it was not enough, so he was very cautious. With a low roar, he stirred up more power of heaven and poured it into the Pangu flag.

Although his cultivation has reached the level of sub-sage perfection, it is still extremely difficult to activate the Pangu Banner that has forty-nine innate restrictions.

However, because of the long river of heaven, this is not a problem at all. It directly mobilizes the endless power of heaven and enhances the power of Pangu Banner to the extreme.

At the end, there was a roar, and Pangu Banner erupted with divine light that surged into the starry sky. The big banner made a hunting sound, and suddenly enveloped the entire starry sky.

In an instant, the starry sky turned into chaos!

This starry sky was completely shrouded in Pangu Banner. Every inch of time and space in the sky and on the ground was filled with endless chaotic energy, forming a realm of chaos!

In this realm of chaos, even if Apefire wanted to escape, he couldn't.

Clang! ! !

Then, endless chaos sword energy emerged, filling the entire realm of chaos, sweeping across every corner. No matter where Ape Fire's flesh and blood was located, it would be attacked and then destroyed into complete chaos.

In such a situation, Sarushuo could only feel that his physical body and soul were disappearing little by little, completely disappearing and never coming back.

His most powerful body has been cultivated to the sub-sage level and has endless vitality. Unless he kills him 129,600 times in an instant, no one can kill him.

However, Hongjun took another path and slowly destroyed his flesh and blood soul into chaos. If this continued, he might really be completely destroyed.

Yuan Huo didn't expect that Hongjun could achieve this level!


He mobilized his own strength, gathered part of his body, and then sacrificed one piece of killing treasure, without hesitation, to launch the ultimate killing.


The Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler shone with purple energy, and patterns such as the sun, moon, and stars appeared on its surface. It exuded a terrifying aura of killing and fiercely bombarded this area of ​​chaos.

At the same time, spiritual treasures such as the Netherworld Book, the Underworld Picture, and the Reincarnation Disk were also sacrificed by him one after another.

The book of the underworld flipped loudly, spewing out monstrous black mist, manifesting the ninety-nine levels of the underworld, with streaks of black lightning across the sky.

The layers of the netherworld are like reality, superimposed together, giving an incomparable sense of weight. The real world roars, descends, suppresses, and collides with the realm of chaos.

The map of the underworld is even more luminous, condensing into the long river of underworld, majestic and boundless, no one knows how many thousands of miles long it is. It surges forward and rolls out, and also hits the realm of chaos hard.

The reincarnation disk rotated with a roar, and the six reincarnations emerged, huge and boundless, filling the universe, and actually exuded a sharp aura, cutting forward during the rotation!

Suddenly, there was a riot in this area!

Several spiritual treasures, all with earth-shattering killing power, were all activated by the ape fire at this moment, and suddenly exploded with earth-shattering power.

The Chaos Sword Qi in this area actually shattered into dozens of pieces.

However, the next moment, something terrible happened, Pangu flags roared, and more chaotic energy spewed out, flooding the area at once.

All the attacks of the ape fire disappeared into the chaos, just like a mud cow entering the sea, and they disappeared without causing any movement.


Then, high in the sky, a vast cloud rolled, and dazzling thunder swam among it, as if a terrible storm was brewing, extremely oppressive.

When the storm brewed to its extreme, huge chaotic sword energy emerged from the clouds one after another, falling down like a heavy rain, piercing Aruhuo's entire body again.

Then, with a violent shock, the remaining body of the monkey fire exploded again and shattered into pieces.

"How can it be so easy to deal with the power of the Golden Immortal level of Hunyuan Da Luo? Under the saints, all are ants. No matter how you defy the heavens, you will not be able to stir up any trouble under this Pangu flag. Just accept your death. "

Hongjun's cold voice came out.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The Chaos Sword Qi roared, and it continued the action it had started before, constantly wiping away the flesh and blood of the monkey fire, turning it into a little bit of chaos.

"Suruhuo is completely finished!" In the prehistoric period, everyone sighed when they saw Saruhuo's counterattack failed, thinking that Saruhuo never had any hope of making a comeback.

The main reason is that Hongjun's methods are too outrageous!

I have to admit that the monkey fire is indeed tyrannical to a terrifying level. If it were any other creature, it would be impossible to defeat the monkey fire.

But Hongjun can actually mobilize the almost endless power of heaven. With such terrifying blessing, how can Ape Fire be his opponent? There is only one way to defeat.

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