Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 272 One hundred and eight! Countless calamities!


After many dark king beasts were killed by the ape fire, the altar seemed to feel something and shook violently. The magic patterns covering the altar emitted a dazzling light of ten colors, and chaotic light surged out in some places. The extremely terrifying power shook and Get up, break free from the shackles of the ape fire, and escape from this place.

Sensing this movement, Yuan Huo naturally refused to let the altar do as he wished, and took back many spiritual treasures. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to grab the altar and released the restraints on the altar. All the chains of order dissipated in the void.


The altar shook violently, and without the suppression of the chain of order, he was about to escape through the air.

However, at this moment, Ape Fire's big hand reached down, and this time nothing could stop Ape Fire's grasp. He immediately grasped the giant egg and many sources of chaos in his hand.


Suddenly, both the altar and the giant egg began to struggle violently.

The magic pattern on the altar suddenly became extremely intense, and a terrifying power was brewing. With a click, a crack appeared, and light came out from inside. It looked like it was about to self-destruct.

The magic pattern on the giant egg is even more astonishing. The image of the great god Pangu on it reveals an extremely ferocious and evil feeling. It is lifelike and constantly shines with magic light, as if it is about to emerge from the giant egg at the next moment. walk out!


Ape Fire snorted coldly. He suppressed the Dark King Beast. The resistance of the altar and the giant egg naturally had no impact on him.

Although the magic pattern is mysterious, it still needs a living carrier to be able to exert its effect. The giant egg is still being gestated, and the altar is just a dead object and cannot change the world.


Ape Fire directly sacrificed the Chaos Bead, which is the treasure of chaos. Now it has broken through two chaos restrictions. It is extremely powerful and has an extremely terrifying chaotic space inside.

The Chaos Orb glowed, and a huge vortex appeared high in the sky. A terrifying suction force enveloped it, and it immediately absorbed the entire altar and suppressed it.

The magic pattern on this altar was very interesting. Apefire wanted to continue studying it later, so he did not destroy it, but kept it.

"As for you..."

Then, Saruhuo looked at the giant egg, with a look of contemplation in his eyes.

Something seems to be gestating in the giant egg. Then there are two choices. One is to see what is gestating in this giant egg and see if it can be controlled!

The other is that regardless of these, the giant egg contains an extremely majestic life essence. After all, this has been cultivated by the origin of chaos for countless years. If these life essences are absorbed, the realm of ape fire will be A surge!

"Take a look first."

Thinking like this, the ape fire soul glowed, and a vast power of soul roared out, rushing directly into the giant egg, wanting to see what was gestating inside.


The power of his soul is extremely powerful and can be called immortal. Even though the giant egg is very mysterious, he still rushed into the giant egg at once.

Then, Sarushuo was surprised and saw an extremely astonishing sight.

There is nothing in this giant egg!

Some are just majestic and vast, endless life essence!

Other than that, there are no traces of any living beings!

"What is going on?" Saruhuo was almost confused. He felt that the scene in front of him was completely beyond his expectation, unbelievable and unimaginable.

Dark hell, endless king beasts, grand altars, mysterious magic patterns, the origin of chaos... all kinds of things, any one of them when exposed to the outside world is enough to shake the entire prehistoric world!

And such a huge formation was just to cultivate such a giant egg. As a result, there was nothing in the giant egg, it was empty!

"Could it be that the creatures in the giant egg were actually born a long time ago and ran away from here?" Suddenly, Saruhuo thought of a possibility and felt chills all over his body and his hair stood on end.

If this conjecture is true, it would be terrible!

You can also tell with your toes that the creature bred in this giant egg is absolutely powerful and is probably related to the great god Pangu.

Such a creature has actually sneaked into the wilderness. God knows what chaos it will cause!

This will definitely be a much more terrifying existence than Hongjundu! Even its threat level may exceed that of Heaven! It is an unimaginably powerful enemy!


Suddenly, at this moment, Sarufire noticed something else, and a look of disbelief suddenly appeared on his face. At this moment, he even felt that he had seen it wrong!

There is also a magic pattern inside the giant egg. This magic pattern contains a kind of spiritual fluctuation, but it can be clearly sensed, so one can know its meaning.

And the meaning of this magic pattern is: One hundred and eight!

"Number 108, what does this mean... Could it be that there are more giant eggs like this, and the one in front of me is the 108th?"

For a moment, Yuan Huo felt a chill, as if there was an unprecedented web of conspiracy covering the entire prehistoric world.

Such a giant egg is already very scary. How terrifying would it be if there were more than a hundred of them at the same level?

"In later generations, there will be a series of horrific catastrophes such as the Conferred Gods' Tribulation and the Journey to the West, but they are all controlled by known creatures from the ancient times. Creatures related to these giant eggs have never appeared before!"

"In this case, it can be inferred that although these giant egg creatures are terrifying, they are probably not interested in many things in the ancient world. They may have a bigger plan!"

"Could it be related to the legendary immeasurable calamity?"

At this moment, Yuan Huo thought of the immeasurable calamity. According to legend, the immeasurable calamity is the most terrifying calamity, the final calamity!

This calamity is countless times more terrifying than the calamity measured by the Lich, the Calamity Conferred by the Gods, or the Calamity Measured by the Journey to the West!

Lich's calamity interrupted Mount Buzhou, Fengshen's calamity shattered the prehistoric world, and Journey to the West's calamity also caused huge damage. The prehistoric world will be weakened a lot every time it experiences a calamity.

And when it comes to immeasurable tribulations, the entire prehistoric world will be completely destroyed. At that time, even the saints of heaven who are not stained by immeasurable tribulations may be completely destroyed!

Since these giant egg creatures have never appeared in later generations, it is very likely that they are related to the countless tribulations.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, the calamity in the prehistoric times is quite abnormal." Sarushuo's thoughts were ups and downs, and he thought of a lot at this moment.

When he was refining Pangu's essence and blood, he accepted the inheritance of Pangu's essence and blood, so he watched the entire process of the Great God Pangu from his birth to the creation of the world.

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