Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 299 The fusion of thirty-six heavens! Advanced world!

The long river of cause and effect permeates every inch of time and space. In the huge inner world, the infinite universe, infinite planes, and infinite time and space are connected and influence each other.

There are also creation, reincarnation, the five elements...the three thousand avenues, and each level of law is imprinted in this inner world, forming an extremely solid underlying law structure.

Among them, the most terrifying and terrifying thing is undoubtedly the long river of law of power, which seems to exist everywhere, becoming the essence and supporting everything!

This kind of rule structure is simply luxurious! It's enough to brighten a blind person's eyes! Luxurious to a thrilling level!

In the prehistoric times, apart from Yuan Huo, the person with the largest number of practitioners and understanding of the Great Dao was Hongjun, but he only had a few hundred Dao laws.

In addition, other strong men generally only understand a few laws of the Great Dao. For example, Luo Hu only understands the way of destruction and the way of killing.

If other powerful people in the prehistoric era wanted to open up the world, then at most they could only fill in a few great laws they had understood.

As a result, the growth potential of this world is naturally extremely limited!

The ape fire is different. Three thousand avenues are directly sacrificed at the same time. This is too terrifying. It has reached a jaw-dropping level and is extremely terrifying.


A magnificent power of the world was born, boundless and boundless, and the inner world in front of us has also reached the level of the primary world.

The primary world, with the current power of Sarushui, can be shattered with one punch. It is as fragile as a bubble. But the difference in this world is that it has unlimited growth potential. In the future, it will grow into an intermediate world, an advanced world, and even a top-level world. world, it will bring him endless help.


Looking at this scene, Sarufire nodded, feeling extremely satisfied in his heart.

Feeling the power of this inner world, he suddenly thought of the thirty-six heavens, and a bold idea came to his mind.

"These thirty-six heavens are also very powerful. They are an external world. Can I integrate them into the internal world to make my internal world stronger?"

As soon as this idea came up, Sarushuo became excited, because after some deduction, he found that it could really be done, and maybe there would be unexpected gains.


At that moment, Ape Fire didn't waste any time, and with a move in his heart, he sacrificed the thirty-six heavens.

Suddenly, in his body, black holes emerged one after another, a total of thirty-six, and each black hole revealed a majestic and vast power of the world!

Each of the thirty-six heavens has now reached the level of the intermediate Great Thousand Worlds. If the thirty-six heavens are sacrificed together, the power is also very terrifying.


Ape Fire didn't hesitate, activated the thirty-six heavens, and immediately rushed into the world inside the body.


The moment the two worlds came into contact, an astonishing change occurred. The heavens one after another, spanning the infinite plane of the universe, began to merge rapidly!

It didn't take long for the monkey fire. The two worlds turned into a whole with almost no flaws.

Faintly, you can see the inner world of the monkey fire. At this moment, it seems to be a giant beast that swallows the sky, showing unparalleled devouring power, swallowing up the thirty-six heavens in one go!

Laws and orders shine, spread out, and intertwine to form a huge network. In an instant, they are imprinted on the thirty-six heavens and merged with them.


Sarushuo was startled at first, and then he couldn't help but reveal a smile. It seemed that the world inside his body had initially revealed its edge, showing its unparalleled power of assimilation!

"In the ancient world, there are top-notch cave heavens and paradises. In the future, can they all be put into the world inside my body and merge them?"

Sarushuo couldn't help but have a bold idea in his mind.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly became hot, and he felt a desire. If he could integrate those top cave heaven paradises, wouldn't his inner world and his power level be able to skyrocket again?

"This is a very good idea! When all the top cave heavens and paradises are matured in the future, they will be swallowed up and integrated into the world inside my body!"

"At that time, all the creatures of the Pan clan can live in my body! They can be detached from the world anytime and anywhere, and will not be threatened by other things!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Huo immediately decided that integrating the top cave heaven paradise would definitely be done in the future.


At this time, the integration of the thirty-six heavens and the world inside the body was completely completed, and a violent aura suddenly erupted, sweeping across the sky and the earth, vast and endless.

The power level of the world inside the body suddenly rose from the elementary world to the intermediate world, and then to the advanced world!

A vast and boundless power of the world is stirring, surging, and terrifying.

"There is such a transformation?" Even Saruhuo couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw this scene.

Fifty-six billion primary worlds can form an intermediate world!

Fifty-six billion intermediate worlds can form a high-level world!

In other words, now that the inner world has merged with the thirty-six heavens, its power level has suddenly increased by more than 300 billion times!

What level of improvement is this?

It was as if he was a little immortal who suddenly transformed into the realm of Da Luo Jinxian!


Boom boom!

At this moment, Yuan Huo even felt that the majestic and vast power of the world posed a certain threat even to him, and it definitely reached the level of a sub-sage.

Seeing this scene, Sarushuo's heart became even hotter.

If we integrate those top cave heaven paradises in the future, to what extent can the power level of this inner world be improved?

It's a pity that this is the Longhan era, and fairy islands such as Penglai and Abbot are still in the process of being conceived and have not been completely formed. It is estimated that they will not be able to mature until the Lich Tribulation period.

"It's over. This time's practice has come to an end."

Afterwards, Yuanhuo ended this retreat and was about to leave Pangu Palace to see how the twelve ancestral witches were going in their battle against the Great Desolation.


But, suddenly, at this moment, the Netherworld Book glowed in his body, and a strange wave appeared, which seemed to resonate with the world inside his body.

Then, a magnificent message rushed directly into Sarushuo's mind. After this message was digested, Sarushuo's eyes widened suddenly.

"How to open up the Nether World?!"

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