Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 301 The number of clan members exceeds 10 trillion! New rewards in the system!

The sound of the system resounded in Yuan Huo's mind, and Yuan Huo couldn't help but smile. He didn't expect that just by conquering the Eastern Continent and the Northern Continent, the number of tribesmen would skyrocket, from one trillion to ten trillion.

"However, this is normal, and there will only be more creatures in the ancient world. Because before, I asked the Twelve Ancestral Witches to select the best from the best, and only select some ethnic groups with amazing potential, and the remaining ethnic groups will not be included in the list. Under the clan’s command, the number of clan members has only exceeded 10 trillion now. In fact, this rate is already considered slow!”

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with a map of the dark side world. With this map, you can go to the dark side world and return at will within ten days."

The sound of the system rang in Sarushuo's ears.

As the voice fell, a map appeared in the system space, its entire body showing a dark color, with magic lines surrounding it. At the same time, black airflows continued to evaporate. The entire map gave people The feeling is extremely evil, ferocious, and strange.

"The dark side world?"

Sarufire couldn't help but feel curious. He had never heard of the entire dark side world before.

At the moment, he was observing the map carefully, and at this glance, Sarushuo's expression suddenly changed slightly, because he found that this map gave him a feeling of familiarity. The magic pattern I came into contact with before at the end of the dark world under Pangu Palace is very similar!

"Could it be that this dark side world is actually related to magic patterns?"

Sarushuo's expression suddenly became serious.

If there is something in this ancient world that can make Yuan Huo unable to figure out its origin no matter what, then it is definitely the mysterious magic pattern!

Before, he also followed the guidance of the system map and saw the mysterious magic pattern at the end of the endless dark evil energy under Pangu Palace!

Those magic patterns covering those dark behemoths were able to increase the strength of the dark behemoths to the level of a sub-sage, and they were even able to interact with him at that time!

In particular, the dark magic pattern covering the giant egg embodies the imprint of the Great God Pangu. It is extremely real and completely embodies the charm of the Great God Pangu. However, it is full of endless evil and endless ferocity. It seems that all the negative emotions are concentrated on that brand, giving people the feeling that it is an evil corpse chopped off with the method of killing three corpses!

"The maps the system gave me twice were all related to this magic pattern. They seemed to be guiding me! What kind of great secrets does this contain?" For a time, countless thoughts surged in Yuan Huo's heart.

"In any case, no matter where the system map points, no matter how weird it is, it must contain a shocking opportunity. I got the infinite origin of chaos before, and this time it may also contain an extremely amazing treasure! So, you must go and take a look. one look!"

Soon, Sarufire made up his mind.

However, obviously, this dark side world definitely does not belong to any place in the ancient world. If he passes according to this map, he might disappear from the ancient world.

Therefore, before that, we need to inform the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

"Dijiang, Zhurong, Houtu..." At the moment, Yuanhuo is activating the laws of space. Even if they are separated by endless time and space, they can easily lock the object and contact it, which is extremely convenient.

"I have gained some insights during my practice. I will go into seclusion next and may not show up in a short time. Don't worry," Saruhuo said.

"Hey, brother, don't worry, leave everything else to us! Even if Hongjun appears, we are not afraid. We can directly use the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation and we will definitely be able to withstand it for a while." Di Jiang, Zhu Rong and others They all responded with laughter immediately.

"Well, be careful."

Apefire nodded, and then he stopped his magical powers and focused his attention on the map. This time, this map was different from the previous map. It was similar to a magic weapon that could carry people with him. Travel through space.


He took a deep breath, adjusted his state to the peak, ensuring that he was at the most perfect level, and then activated a force of mana to inject it into the dark map.


In an instant, the dark map burst into dazzling black light, and all the magic patterns on it shone brightly. Waves of black energy surged, and a terrifying wave came out.

Then, the aura of the map became stronger and stronger, and in the blink of an eye, the magic pattern was blazing to the extreme, spreading out, directly forming a wildly rotating black vortex in the void.

This black vortex exudes endless malice and endless ferocity, just like a bloodthirsty beast with its bloody mouth open, waiting for other creatures to fall into its trap!

"It's getting weirder and weirder."

Sarushuo couldn't help but frown, but he didn't hesitate at all. The products produced by the system would never let him down. When he took the next step, he would step into this black vortex.


In the blink of an eye, he entered a terrifying passage, and everything around him was constantly spinning, a crazy storm, and full of endless chaos. At the same time, there were screams of the Chaos Demon God, the sounds of sacrifices and prayers from various creatures, endless shouts, shouts of death, the fairy music, the heavenly sound of the avenue... countless sounds, some evil and some Some sacred, some solemn, some solemn, all mixed together, like a storm, suddenly and violently, ringing in the ears of the monkey fire.

Even the incomparable tenacity of the monkey fire soul was affected at this moment, and there was a feeling that it would be broken in the next moment. Now he is like a lone boat sailing in the sea full of violent storms, ready to break at any time. Possible to capsize!

However, the next moment, the black map in his mind glowed, filled with a strange power, covering his whole body. Suddenly the ape fire stabilized in this terrible passage, and everything Things can no longer affect him and he is isolated.

"What kind of passage is this? It's too strong. It has the same feeling as when I accepted the inheritance of Pangu's essence and blood before, returned to the era of chaos, and faced those chaos demon gods. That kind of impact is just a ripple, and I'm afraid I will bear it. Don’t stop!”

After being protected, Sarushuo felt a huge wave of panic in his heart.

At that moment, he felt like he would be completely destroyed at any moment!

At that moment, Saruhuo couldn't help but open his pupils of time and looked around, wanting to observe this passage. However, in his field of vision, there was only endless darkness, and there seemed to be an illusion at the end of the darkness. The giant thing was swimming around, but other than that, nothing could be seen clearly.

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