Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 312 Three thousand avenues, all perfected by Yasheng!

"In the next time, just continue to practice and understand the laws of other avenues."

Yuanhuo did not leave Pangu Hall, but continued to sit here cross-legged and began to comprehend other laws of the great road, hoping to elevate them to the level of sub-sage perfection.

The first thing he chose was the Law of Yinghuo, which ranked third thousand among the three thousand avenues. Just as he was immersed in it, Yuan Huo immediately discovered that he was able to comprehend it very quickly!

In just an instant, endless insights surged through my mind.

Everything related to the Law of Yinghuo, with him, became as clear as looking at the lines on the palm of his hand.


Even Sarufire couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Although he is the heel of the top Chaos Demon God and his understanding is extremely terrifying, no matter what, he should not have such a terrifying speed of understanding!

"This should be the influence of the Law of Power!"

However, Sarufire just thought about it and quickly figured out the reason.

He has understood the law of force to a ninety-nine percent level, and the law of force is the general outline of the three thousand avenues. The general outline has been understood to this level, and then he can understand other laws of the avenue. Nature is overwhelming and very simple.

"very good!"

For a moment, Aruhuo couldn't help but feel excited.

Originally, he thought it would take him a long time to comprehend the three thousand avenues to a higher level.

However, now it seems that maybe this speed will be faster than he imagined!


At this moment, Ape Fire's whole body was filled with Tao charm, and he was completely and completely immersed in this enlightenment.

Seventy percent.

Eighty percent.

Ninety percent.

Ninety-nine percent.

Soon, Yinghuo's Law was understood to 99%. Behind Yuan Huo, there was a "boom", and a vast river of Law appeared, running through endless time and space.

Then, as time passed, Sarushuo began to comprehend other great laws, and just like this, one long river of great laws after another continued to appear behind Sarushuo.

I don't know how long it has been, but the ape fire roared all over the sky, and the three thousand avenues and laws of the river, magnificent and boundless, bloomed with dazzling light, surrounding him!

At this moment, he had comprehended all the three thousand great laws to the 99th percentile level!

In other words, everything is equivalent to the perfect state of Yasheng!

Boom boom!

The aura around Ape Fire surged again, and it seemed that he was getting closer to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Each of the three thousand avenues and laws is extremely powerful and terrifying. If you practice to the extreme, you will have world-shattering power.

Comprehending a Three Thousand Great Avenue to the perfection of the Sub-Saint is definitely an extremely dazzling achievement in the ancient world. It is enough for a living being to stand at the top of the pyramid!

After all, even Zu Qilin, Zu Long, and Yuan Feng were only in this realm before they fell.

But now, Yuan Huo has comprehended all three thousand avenues to this realm, which is simply equivalent to having the power of three thousand Perfection Saints gathered in one person!

What a terrifying achievement is this?



A terrifying aura erupted around Ape Fire, and the Three Thousand Great Laws surged, making the entire Pangu Hall tremble and vibrate.

The Wu Clan's blood pool, which was larger than the whole world, was setting off huge waves at this time, with endless waves surging.


He opened his eyes at once, and at this moment, his eyes were extremely deep, and there was a terrifying scene of three thousand avenues surging in them. He looked like the ancestor of the avenues!

"Three thousand avenues, all of them have been perfected by the Yasheng, and their combat power has once again skyrocketed." Yuanhuo said to himself, and he was quite satisfied with this improvement.

"Next, all that needs to be done is two things! The first is to find a way to raise the realm of the physical body to the perfection of the sub-sage! The second is to plan the reincarnation of the earth body. Let Hou Tu open up the underworld and integrate the world seeds of the Netherworld Book with the reincarnation of the underworld. At that time, I may be able to take this opportunity to control the entire underworld. By then, I will have another trump card in my hand."

"As for conquering the innate saints and expanding the ethnic group, there is no need to worry about this matter. After all, those innate saints are still in the process of being conceived and have not yet been born. They can wait until later and take action slowly."

Many thoughts surged through Saruhuo's mind, and clear plans were soon formed.

However, just when he was about to take action, something suddenly occurred to him.

"Previously, with the help of the power of heaven, Hongjun was able to completely refine the Pangu Banner even though he was still at the level of the Sub-Saint!"

"Now that I control the three thousand avenues and have understood them all to the level of sub-sage perfection, am I also capable of refining all the forty-nine innate restraints within that innate treasure?"

Once this idea emerged from Sarushuo's mind, he could no longer get rid of it.

Right now, he has more than one innate treasure in his hands. If it can be completely refined, the power it can explode would be terrifying!

Theoretically speaking, it is indeed possible for him to achieve this. After all, in the dark side world, he was able to shake the real Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian with all his strength. Now, he has refined three Pangu holy objects, All the laws of the three thousand avenues have been fully understood by the Ya Sheng. Their strength is countless times stronger than in the dark side world. At this moment, their comprehensive combat power is definitely comparable to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Since it is comparable, then it is possible to completely refine the innate treasure.

"Furthermore, if the innate treasure is completely refined, maybe we can use the law of cause and effect to deduce the whereabouts of Pangu Banner and Hongjun!"

Sarufire thought again in his mind.

Before, when he deduced the Pangu Banner, he found that it was covered by the heavenly secret and could not be deduced at all, because the Pangu Banner had been completely refined and the level of his personality was too high.

However, if the Chaos Clock and the Tai Chi Diagram are also completely refined, then they have the same personality, and the possibility of using the method of cause and effect to deduce their whereabouts will naturally be greater!

“Give it a try no matter what.”

At that moment, Aruhuo flipped his palm and took out the Chaos Clock.

At this moment, the Chaos Clock has shrunk to the size of a palm. On the clock face are engraved mysterious patterns such as the sun, moon, stars, and ancient ancestors, with traces of Chaos Qi surging out from it.

Even though its size has shrunk, this Chaos Bell still exudes a shocking power that is unique to innate treasures, and has an extremely noble and powerful flavor.

Ape Fire held this Chaos Bell without hesitation, his brows suddenly glowed, and the power of his soul roared out and poured into it.

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