Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 316 Hongjun’s current situation! Shocking changes in Houtu!


Although they were separated by an unknown amount of time and space, those eyes penetrated all the obstacles and fell on Yuan Huo with a strong oppressive force!


That thick line of cause and effect actually trembled at this moment, making a wailing sound, as if it was about to break under this terrible power the next moment!

Yuan Huo was shocked. Compared with before, Hongjun's power had improved so much that it had almost reached the critical point of breakthrough! This speed of strength improvement is so amazing, it's not much slower than him!

"It seems that I am changing history more and more. In the original history, Hongjun's strength would never increase so fast. And the reason why it has become so terrifying now is probably because he has obtained the way of heaven. Full blessing!" Sarushuo speculated in his mind.

While thinking, he continued to activate the thread of cause and effect, trying to figure out where in the world this mysterious heavenly body was located.


But the next moment, Na Hongjun seemed to snort slightly, and then his whole body burst into dazzling light. The infinite divine brilliance of the avenue rose into the sky like a vast ocean. The entire long river of heaven was also turbulent. Thousands of huge waves surged and undulated.

In an instant, Yuan Huo's vision was filled with endless heavenly light, and the causal thread melted under the strong heavenly light and was completely annihilated. After that, he completely lost his sense of Pangu. Banner, the body of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun's induction.


Sarushuo muttered to himself, his eyes showing a trace of solemnity.

Although this investigation failed, a lot of information was obtained, and most importantly, Hongjun's status was clarified at this moment! You can use this to make various preparations in advance!

This Hongjun is obviously about to achieve enlightenment and become a saint. Once he achieves enlightenment, with the blessing of heaven, his power will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes and reach an unprecedented level.

After Hongjun becomes a saint, there is no doubt that he will attack him immediately! After all, they have a deep grudge against each other, and it is already a feud that will never end!

Faced with such a situation, Sarufire must be prepared at any time and try his best to further improve his strength. Next, it will be a real tough battle!

"Now, my soul has been fully cultivated into the sub-sage. I have many spiritual treasures in my hands and my power has also increased dramatically. The only shortcoming left is the realm of the physical body."

"Next, go to the inner chaos entrance at the end of the prehistoric starry sky. Use the chaotic air flow there to temper your physical body and improve your physical body to the level of sub-sage perfection."

Soon, Yuan Huo made a decision. The chaotic airflow at the entrance to the inner chaos was extremely powerful. Every ray was comparable to the average Yasheng Perfection. It was definitely the most suitable place for tempering the physical body!

"Brother, brother!"

But, suddenly at this moment, a figure broke into Pangu Hall, and it was Di Jiang. With an anxious look on his face, he shouted: "No, no, something happened to sister Houtu!"


Ape Fire stood up like a magic mountain rising from the ground. In his eyes, he shot two piercing and soul-stirring eyes. A burst of pressure erupted, and the entire Pangu Palace roared. The blood of the Wu clan In the pool, there were endless huge waves. He asked in a cold voice: "What happened?"

He naturally attaches great importance to the Twelve Ancestral Witches, especially after refining Pangu's essence and blood. It can be said that they have the same blood flowing between them, just like brothers and sisters. At this moment, listening to Zhu Rong's words, Hou Tu actually In case of danger, no matter what, the monkey fire will not allow it!

However, in today's ancient world, there are basically no creatures that can threaten the Twelve Ancestral Witches. There are very few that can put the Twelve Ancestral Witches into danger. What is the reason? Could it be that Hongjun or Immortal Yang Mei took action? ...Thoughts surged in Sarushuo's heart.

I only heard Di Jiang say: "I don't know why, but when we were attacking a group of people in Honghuang, Sister Houtu suddenly showed a blank look in her eyes, as if she had lost her soul, and she left the battlefield directly. Fly towards the boundless sea of ​​blood."

"When we saw it, we were all very surprised and hurriedly went to stop us, but Sister Houtu didn't talk to us at all, and just flew away in the direction of the boundless sea of ​​​​blood. Moreover, she actually radiated... A kind of sacred and vast brilliance that no one can look directly at.”

"We didn't know the reason, so we just kept following him."

"Finally, when Sister Houtu reached the sky above the boundless sea of ​​blood, she stopped and looked down in a direction, doing nothing. We tried many ways but failed to wake her up. Finally, we discussed After a while, I decided to ask you for help, big brother."

Having said this, Di Jiang couldn't help but show a guilty look on his face.

They all knew that Sarufire had been practicing with all his strength during this period, so no one dared to disturb him. Now that something happened, they had to trouble Sarufire.

"You guys did a great job."

After hearing this, Sarufire waved his hand and comforted him, then took a step forward and said, "Let's go over and take a look now. Don't worry, I already know what the cause is, and I will definitely be able to solve it by then."

As soon as Sarushuo heard Dijiang's story, he understood in his heart that this was obviously a precursor to the reincarnation of the earth body!

However, the reincarnation of the Houtu body was originally supposed to happen during the Lich Tribulation period, but now, it actually happened in this Longhan era!

Obviously, this is definitely a huge change caused by the monkey fire!

Then the earth body transformed into reincarnation, which can be said to be one of the key turning points in the period of Lich Tribulation. It was precisely because of her failure in reincarnation that the twelve capitals of the gods and evil formations condensed by the ancestral witches were not so perfect. Therefore, the demon clan had to die together.

Yuan Huo speculated that behind the current reincarnation of the earth body, it was probably related to the way of heaven, or perhaps some kind of bewitchment by the way of heaven in the dark.

"Okay, okay." When Dijiang heard that Yuan Huo said that he could solve this problem, his face suddenly showed joy, and he immediately increased his speed and quickly followed.

Di Jiang is the ancestral shaman of space speed. His speed can be said to be unparalleled in history. He is as famous as the Golden Crow Escape Technique of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. After practicing to the extreme, he is even faster than the saints of heaven. On a trace.

However, when he pushed his speed with all his strength and tried to keep up with the monkey fire, he immediately discovered to his shock that he felt like he couldn't keep up!

"The speed is too slow." Sarushuo frowned slightly and simply grabbed Dijiang, then took him with him, activated the laws of space, and quickly swept towards the boundless sea of ​​blood.

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