Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 320 The great secret of the ancient world, the three realms of heaven, earth and man!

As he said that, Houtu pointed forward.

Yuan Huo looked in the direction Hou Tu pointed, but he didn't see anything in his field of vision, only a dark red endless land.


Regarding this scene, Yuan Huo felt a familiar feeling in his heart and said, "Is there some innate restriction in this area?"

As he spoke, he took Houtu with him and asked Houtu to follow the feeling and continue to go deeper. Finally, he stopped in an open space.

Seeing this, Ape Fire didn't hesitate, raised his fist, and suddenly struck into the void.


The next moment, densely packed and endless runes suddenly appeared in the void, each one as bright as a small sun.

They formed an extremely vast and powerful innate restriction, appearing in the void, with a terrifying coercion emanating from it, giving it a feeling of immortality.

"It is indeed an innate restriction! Moreover, judging from the appearance of this restriction, it seems to be a top-level innate restriction. There must be a big secret hidden in it!"

Sarufire nodded.

Hou Tu looked at this top-level innate restriction curiously. She naturally knew about the top-level innate restriction. Any place where a top-level innate restriction appeared, there must be infinite treasures or supreme opportunities in it!

In the ancient world, top-level innate restrictions were extremely rare. She had only heard about it before, but had never seen it with her own eyes. She never expected that there was a top-level innate restriction related to her!

"Brother, what should we do next?" Hou Tu asked.

"Now that you've arrived here, you can't leave empty-handed. Next, let's go explore this innate restriction." Aruhuo smiled slightly.


After saying that, he directly opened the Pupil of Time, his two eyes shot out two dazzling beams of divine light, and looked at the top layer of innate restrictions.

Under his field of vision, all the mysteries of this innate restriction were immediately revealed in front of his eyes without any concealment, without even a trace being hidden!

This is the mystery of the Eye of Time, which can see through all the fog.


Then, behind him, a vast river of formation laws emerged, rolling and surging, representing his ultimate achievement in the formation!

He activated the formation method and immediately saw the flaw in this top-level innate restriction from the endless runes. He stretched out his finger and tapped it lightly.


Just for a moment, the top innate restriction in front suddenly opened a huge hole, and a passage appeared, extending into the interior of the innate restriction.

"So strong!" Hou Tu was surprised.

She also has an understanding of the top-level innate restrictions. It is extremely difficult to crack. Even a creature at the sub-sage level may take tens of thousands of years.

However, under the hands of Yuan Huo, this top-level innate restriction was like paper. Yuan Huo just stretched out his finger and broke it with a light tap!

What kind of terrifying array cultivation is this?

"Let's go in," Sarufire said.

"Yes." Hou Tu nodded, and at the same time, there was a sense of expectation in his heart. He didn't know what was in this top-level innate restriction.


Both of them are under the shroud of the exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth. With one step, they pass through this passage and enter the space within the top innate restriction.

In an instant, the surrounding scenery changed drastically. Looking around, it was a strange space full of darkness and chaos. Illusive lights and shadows floated in the void, showing a strange, dark and cold atmosphere. Atmosphere.

Entering this space, it seemed that the whole person suddenly calmed down and felt drowsy. My eyelids felt heavy, and I wanted to lie down on the ground immediately and fall asleep.


However, the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth emitted a hazy light, which blocked all these negative influences and was not affected in any way.


At this time, the entire strange space suddenly shook violently, giving birth to endless light spots, which gathered together like a torrent, rushing towards Houtu.

"This is a spiritual brand!"

Apefire is very familiar with this scene. When he entered various top-level innate restrictions before, such mental imprints would also be generated and flooded into his mind.

Most of them record various information related to related prohibited things!

However, this time the message within the innate restriction was directed towards Houtu.

Understanding this, Yuan Huo naturally did not stop him. He immediately controlled the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth and opened a hole. Immediately, the torrent formed by the gathering of infinite light points rushed through the passage and poured into the back soil. in the mind.

Hou Tu's delicate body trembled slightly, and she felt a majestic message pouring into her mind. The impact was so great that she could not bear it.

However, at this moment, Hou Tu suddenly saw a vast cloud of joy emerging above Yuan Huo's head. Among the clouds, three Dao Lotuses were swaying, and at the same time, thirty-six jade plates of good fortune were rising and falling. Endless Taoist charm permeates the air.

Under the shroud of that rhyme, Hou Tu immediately felt that the operation of his consciousness suddenly became millions of times smoother, his thoughts became clearer and his digestion of the information became smoother than ever before.

"Brother..." she said softly.

"Don't be distracted, digest the gains." Sarufire smiled slightly.


Hou Tu nodded, immediately focused her attention, closed her eyes, and tried her best to digest the information. Not long after, she suddenly opened her eyes, with a look of extreme shock in her beautiful eyes.

"What's said here?" Seeing this, Sarushuo asked curiously.

Hou Tu seemed to have not recovered from the shock. After a while, he calmed down and said in shock: "There are mentions of the way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of humanity!"

"Huh?" When Sarushuo heard this, he immediately became interested. This mysterious place under the boundless sea of ​​blood is actually related to the way of heaven. This is incredible.

You must know that Tiandao is currently his most powerful opponent. No matter how much he knows about such an opponent, it is impossible to overestimate him. He immediately asked: "What are the details?"

"In the ancient times, under the Great Dao, between heaven and earth, the way of heaven, earth, and humanity should be dominated!" Hou Tu said in a deep voice: "The three ways of heaven, earth, and humans have different functions, but they all have the same status!"

"Among them, the Dao of Heaven represents rules and order, the Dao of Humanity represents all living creatures in the ancient world, and the Dao of Earth represents a kind of 'balance' that maintains the harmonious operation of heaven and man."

"And this place is the place where the true spirit is nurtured!"

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