Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 324 Repairing the God-killing Spear and the Four Immortal-killing Swords!

Although Yuan Huo is now well-informed, he was still surprised when he heard the system's rewards, because they were so generous, a map of the dark side world, and 10 billion points of great merit!

The dark side world has been visited once before by Sarushuo. It is extremely mysterious. There are actually three thousand Chaos Demon Gods in their complete form, and there is another avenue. Moreover, those Chaos Demon Gods all respect the Great God Pangu and will specialize in certain areas. On that day, they held large-scale sacrifices. They also mastered the terrifying power of magic patterns and were able to find all kinds of Pangu sacred objects, which were full of endless magic and mystery.

After that time, when he returned to the ancient world, Sarushuo had always had an idea about the dark side world, and wanted to go there again and explore it more deeply!

Because he knows that there is definitely a huge secret in the dark side world. If he can figure it out, he may get unimaginable benefits and get a really great opportunity!

However, the dark side world is extremely mysterious, and there is no way to sense it, as if it is a phantom that does not exist in the world.

Unexpectedly, the reward of this system now is to give him another map of the dark side world. This time, he can use it to take a look.

The other one is the great merits. This time the system actually awarded 10 billion great merits in one go. This is simply a jaw-dropping astronomical figure!

So huge!

Dao merit is definitely the most precious thing. It is an omnipotent thing. It is impossible to obtain it through normal channels, let alone obtain such a massive amount of Dao merit!

With it, whether the ape fire is used to improve one's realm and cultivation, or to refine elixirs, spiritual treasures, or to do other things, there will be no problem, and all the great merits can be perfectly realized!

Its value cannot be overstated.

"In the previous battle with Luo Hu, I got the Four Swords of the Immortal, the Formation of the Immortal, and the God-killing Spear from Luo Hu. However, they were all seriously damaged during the battle. I can try to use this great merit to repair them." Looking at them. When the vast ocean-like power of merit appeared in the system space, an idea immediately came to Sarushuo's mind.

He didn't hesitate, and immediately turned his palm and took out a pile of fragments.

Even though it was just a pile of fragments, when this pile of fragments appeared, there was still a monstrous murderous aura. It suddenly exploded, causing the endless chaotic airflow at the entrance of the chaos to tremble, as if it was about to be torn apart!

This is the fragment of the God-killing Spear!

The God-killing Spear is a rare treasure from the ancient world. It can be called the first killing weapon in the ancient world. Its killing power reaches an incredible level. It is derived from the stems of the thirty-sixth-grade Chaos Green Lotus mixed with the evil energy of Chaos. It has a powerful background. Scary.

In the previous battle between Yuan Huo and Luo Hu, the fight was extremely violent. Even the God-killing Spear was still damaged in the end. Yuan Huo never had time to repair it. Now that he found an opportunity, he would naturally not let it go.


He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and directly grabbed the vast and endless river of avenue merit condensed by a billion points of avenue merit, and then poured it into the fragment of the God-killing Spear.


Just for a moment, all the fragments of the God-killing Spear glowed, and terrifying blood-red lines appeared on the surface, spreading outward.

Then, every piece of debris clanked, emitting a terrifying thundering sound, and ocean-like evil energy surged out from it.

The inner entrance to chaos was turbulent because of this, with terrifying visions of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and thousands of troops shouting and fighting. The shouts of killing shook the sky, and the aura of killing soared into the sky.

Finally, all the fragments suddenly flew out into the air, collided together, and made a loud noise. With the help of the endless light of merit, they merged perfectly.


A perfect god-killing spear reappears in the world!

Endless evil spirit, vast wasteland!

"It's done!"

Sarushuo smiled, reached out and grabbed the God-killing Spear, and waved it around at will.

However, just when he came into contact with the God-killing Spear, the God-killing Spear vibrated, as if he was a little dissatisfied and wanted to break free.

Seeing this, Aruhuo couldn't help but smile. You must know that he has understood the three thousand great ways, which naturally includes the way of destruction and killing!


Ape Fire just moved his mind slightly, and suddenly two vast rivers of law appeared behind him, flowing out of nothingness, and they were countless billions of miles long, vast and endless.

The aura of endless destruction and killing surged out from it.

The God-killing Spear in Sarushuo's hand sensed this aura and immediately stopped struggling. It made a low sound, conveying a sense of surrender and obedience.

Ape Fire has comprehended the ways of killing and destruction to the ninety-nine percent level, and his current understanding is not much weaker than that of Luo Hu back then!

"very good."

Yuan Huo nodded, flipped his hand to retract the God-killing Spear, and then flipped his palm again. In his palm, a pile of formation diagram fragments and long sword fragments appeared!

This is naturally the Zhuxian Formation and the Four Swords of the Zhuxian. The killing power of this Zhuxian Sword Formation is absolutely as powerful as that of the God-killing Spear. In fact, to a certain extent, it is even more powerful and terrifying. After all, these Zhuxian Four Swords and the Zhuxian Formation can form a sword array. The stronger the person who activates the array, the more terrifying the power they can exert.

Ape Fire followed suit, reached out and grabbed another billion points of great merit, and smashed them into the pile of fragments.

Moisturized by the light of endless merit, this pile of fragments suddenly glowed with endless brilliance, erupted with a terrifying aura, flew out of the sky, collided, and combined together.


Just for a moment, in the void, a brilliant formation diagram emerged. On top of the formation diagram, four peerless killing swords were laid out, killing and trapping all, with murderous intent spanning the ages!

"In later generations, the leader of the Tongtian Cult set up this formation and was confident that he could stand up to the four saints on his own. Later, Taiqing Laozi took action and used the unparalleled magical power of turning three pure beings into one qi to break it."

Looking at this sword formation picture, Yuan Huo's heart was filled with excitement. The Zhuxian Sword Formation was so famous that it was one of the few killing formations in the ancient world. The true legend has now fallen into his own hands!

Compared with the God-killing Spear, he likes the Four Immortal Swords more, they all look more powerful and domineering!

After admiring it for a while, Yuan Huo took the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the Formation of Zhu Xian into his arms.

"There are ten billion points of great merit, but now there are only eight billion left. There is nothing worth using at the moment. Let's study the dark side world map now."

After doing all this, Sarushuo focused his attention on the map of the dark side world.

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