Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 326 An unprecedented road to becoming stronger! Think big!

Sarushuo's expression suddenly turned ugly.

When he was in the mysterious passage just now, he had already experienced a mental storm, and the result was that it was coming again now.

Of course, the mental storm spurred by this creature at the moment was very weak, obviously far from being compared with the terrifying mental storm in the mysterious passage, but after all, it caused a bad association with the monkey fire.


At that moment, Ape Fire directly activated the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art, and a layer of dazzling primordial light suddenly bloomed all over his body, forming a huge transparent shield that lay in front of him.

The mental storm bombarded the shield and immediately received a terrifying backlash. It collapsed and was annihilated inch by inch in the void.


Then, screams came, and a figure staggered high in the distance and almost fell to the ground.


Aru Huo snorted coldly and slapped it with his hand. Immediately, the vast magic power in his body surged out, directly condensing into a terrifying palm with a radius of ten thousand feet in mid-air, blooming with a dazzling golden light, covering the sky and the sun, and slapped it. He knocked that figure to the ground and suppressed it severely.

After the suppression, Sarushuo did not immediately go over to interrogate. Instead, he flew high into the sky, opened his eyes of time, scanned the surroundings, and observed the environment here.

Upon seeing this, he was immediately shocked.

The place where he is now seems to be a beach, and beyond the beach is a vast ocean. In that ocean, endless chaotic air is surging, chaotic air currents are intertwined, huge waves are surging into the sky, and terrible roaring sounds are made from time to time. , is a vast sea of ​​chaos!

From time to time, a huge wave of chaos will come roaring towards us. At this time, where the ape fire is, a curtain of light will rise, with chaos runes on it, like a small sun, shining dazzlingly. The brilliance formed a very powerful Chaos Restriction, blocking the destructive power of the Chaos Sea.

The ape fire activated its magic power, raised its altitude again, and looked towards the land.

This piece of land is extremely vast and majestic, with mountains rising into the sky and long rivers surging, and it is full of a wild and majestic atmosphere.

The various plants on the land seemed to be full of endless vitality, shining with a little bit of chaotic light, and even contained extremely precious spiritual roots.

However, at the end of the other side of the land, there is also an endless ocean of chaos!

This gives people the feeling that this piece of land is... a small island in the ocean of chaos!

"Where is this in the dark side world?"

For a moment, after seeing the colors of these scenery clearly, curiosity emerged in Yuan Huo's heart.

Immediately, he waved his hand to release the suppression, and then reached out to grab the creature that appeared before.

This creature is extremely tall, four to five feet tall. It is a humanoid creature with four arms, thick and strong muscles, and three eyes on its face, with the third eye showing a blue-black color. There are channels of dark divine light flowing, and the fluctuations in cultivation level it emits are approximately equivalent to a Daluo Golden Immortal.

Daluo Jinxian was already a quite powerful creature, but to today's Ape Fire, he was no more than an ant.

He didn't bother to use any other means. He directly gathered the power of his soul and turned it into a small white-gold sword, which penetrated into the opponent's mind and forcibly searched for the soul.

In an instant, all the information that the Great Luo Jinxian knew was completely absorbed and digested by Ape Fire! After digesting this basic information, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"I see."

His guess just now was correct, this was actually an island in the Sea of ​​Chaos!

The Sea of ​​Chaos is endless. No one knows how vast it is. Even the top ten Chaos Demon Gods may not be able to explore it to the end.

The territories of the Chaos Demon Gods are also extremely far apart, and some are even so far away that they cannot be encountered in their lifetime.

The environment in the Sea of ​​Chaos is extremely harsh, and there are all kinds of dangers. Unless you have cultivated to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, you are not qualified to walk in the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Each Chaos Demon God will build his own universe in order to reproduce his tribe. For example, the Yinghuo Universe that Sarus Fire entered before belongs to the Yinghuo Demon God!

In the Demonic Universe, the environment is much safer, and even weaker creatures can survive!

In addition, there are some strange places in the Chaos Sea, such as the "Chaos Island", which was born in the Chaos Sea and has a relatively safe living environment.

Places like this are naturally delicious.

Many Chaos Demon Gods discovered such an isolated island after exploring it, and they would occupy it and send their subordinates to guard it.

And this isolated island belongs to the "Greed Wolf Tianying Demon God". The creatures under this island are naturally the blood descendants of the Greedy Wolf Tianying Demon God.

The Greedy Wolf Tianying Demon God ranks low among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, only slightly higher than the weakest Yinghuo Demon God, but his cultivation has still reached the ninth level of the Hunyuan Realm!

"It turns out that the pattern in the Sea of ​​Chaos is like this..."

After digesting this information, Aruhuo's eyes flickered.

This time, he gained a lot! I learned a lot of important information!

And the most critical point is that the Sea of ​​Chaos is vast and boundless! It’s so vast that it’s unimaginable! Even if the Chaos Demon Gods want to communicate with each other, it is difficult! Some are so far apart that it may even take a lifetime to meet!

Moreover, in the sea of ​​chaos, unless you are at the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal level, you will not be able to walk calmly with your own strength!

Even such a controlled "chaotic island" has an extremely weak connection with the mother universe. It may take thousands or tens of thousands of epochs to have a single contact.

And such a state is undoubtedly very suitable to be exploited...

"I have been worried about the insufficient number of ethnic groups before. After all, the entire prehistoric world has been conquered by me, leaving only some innate saints who have not yet been born."

"But the dark side world is different! If I can control the passage in and out of here at will, wouldn't it be possible to launch an unprecedented ethnic expansion here?"

"Go slowly and conquer one Chaos Demon God after another!"

"And because the Sea of ​​Chaos is too vast and the Chaos Demon Gods are too far apart from each other, if I do this, I will definitely not attract any attention in a short period of time."

For a moment, Sarufire felt that his breathing was quickening. A road to become stronger, a road to expand the tribe with unlimited prospects, was suddenly placed in front of him!

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