Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 329: Physical confrontation, overwhelming Hunyuan Daluo!


A terrifying roar erupted directly above the Chaos Island, and the power of endless energy and blood steamed, condensing into the shape of a lifelike real dragon.

This is the True Dragon Fist Seal!

It was during the battle that the monkey fire, thinking of the previous battle with the dragons in the ancient world, naturally swayed out, just like a real dragon probing its claws and absorbing everything. The terrifying fist seal, with endless power, struck directly and violently. It was printed on the face of General Zhenxiao.


Only a scream was heard, and the skin and flesh cracked directly on the face of General Zhenxiao, blood splattered everywhere, and under the impact of violent power, the whole body flew out upside down.

"you wanna die!"

His face was dripping with blood, his expression was distorted, and he was extremely angry. He never expected that in the close combat, instead of occupying the top position, the monkey fire seized the opportunity and struck a ruthless blow. Although the injury was serious, It's not that serious, but it's so embarrassing!


With a roar, his body suddenly surged, reaching the height of the sky, and he shouted loudly: "Competing with fighting moves, how long will it last? Do you dare to compete with me in the purest form of physical strength? Let's see who it is. My body is stronger!"

"Why don't you dare?" Yuanhuo let out a long laugh, and the blood in his body surged, which directly activated the Xuan Gong real body. His body also suddenly grew to a height of hundreds of millions of feet, standing tall against the sky and the earth, like an ancient giant, breathtaking.

In fact, after the confrontation just now, they already have a certain understanding of each other's strength. At least in terms of moves and magical powers, they have reached a perfect level. There is not much meaning in continuing to fight.

It is better to have the purest collision directly!


At that moment, General Zhenxiao clenched his fists and blasted forward with all four arms at the same time, tearing the sky apart, blasting the heaven and earth, and attacked Ape Fire. Ape Fire did not give in, and the huge real body pushed forward, punching one after another with the two pairs of fists. , blasted forward and collided with it.

Boom boom boom! ! !

For a moment, on this isolated island of chaos, it was like the God of Chaos beating the divine drum. There were terrifying roars one after another, and the two giants kept colliding!

The terrifying power fluctuations spread out, and the entire chaotic island was shaking. The sacred mountains were blown to pieces and suffered a huge impact.

The other generals were frightened when they saw it. It was so terrifying. They felt as insignificant as ants in front of these two powerful men.

"What is the origin of this outsider? He is in the realm of Cai Yasheng, and he fought with General Zhenxiao back and forth! This body has definitely reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!"

"Yeah, it's horrible."

They were all shocked. If General Zhenxiao was physically powerful, it would be excusable. After all, his own realm was there, but Ape Fire was different. However, how could he reach this level in the sub-sage realm?


Suddenly, at this moment, a volcano erupted within Saruhuo's body. The power of endless energy and blood boiled, and the power of the entire body was mobilized to the limit. His fists suddenly became golden, more powerful than the scorching sun in the sky. It will be ten thousand times more dazzling, condensing all the strength and blasting forward.


General Zhenxiao also showed no reservations and attacked with all his strength.

The two collided at their strongest, only to hear an earth-shattering roar, and then with a click, the sound of bone cracking came out from all four arms of General Zhenxiao. His huge body retreated step by step, and was shocked by the ape fire. Return! In this physical confrontation, he was defeated!

Just for a moment, this island of chaos seemed to fall into absolute silence. Several generals opened their eyes wide and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

what's the situation?

How can it be?

This outsider can compete with General Zhenxiao, that's all. However, he actually defeated General Zhenxiao in the physical body!

What freak?

General Zhenxiao also had a look of shock in his eyes. He looked down at himself, as if he couldn't believe that he had really lost. After confirming what happened, an uncontrollable anger suddenly surged in his heart. He was a warrior at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he was defeated by a sub-sage in a physical battle. If word of this spread, how would he lose face? No matter what, it will not be tolerated!


General Zhenxiao let out a thundering roar, "You are very good. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant in front of me. But don't think that you are truly invincible just because you have some talent in the physical body. You have no idea that the true complete body of Hunyuan is Daluo Jinxian, how terrifying!"


As he spoke, an aura of law erupted directly from General Zhenxiao's body, sweeping across the entire Chaos Island. At this moment, his momentum suddenly increased countless times.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, and wild waves arose on the chaotic sea. The entire chaotic island shook violently, and a terrifying energy filled every inch of space.

Before, General Zhenxiao only used the power of the physical body, but this time, he decided to use the power of the law. This is the basis for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to truly dominate all other living beings!

Because only by comprehending a law to 100% and beginning to integrate it into the body can one truly step into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!


A vast river of laws appeared directly behind General Zhenxiao, and one end of this river of laws has been integrated into General Zhenxiao's body, so from a distance, it looks like this law The long river flows from inside his body.

"Here it comes, here it comes! Now the Zhenxiao general is getting serious!" When the other generals saw this scene, they immediately became energetic.

Sarushuo's expression suddenly became serious at this moment.

He refined nearly twenty drops of Pangu's essence and blood, promoted him to the top level Chaos Demon God, and practiced the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong. His physical body was naturally powerful and terrifying to the extreme, and he was able to overwhelm Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. At first glance, it was shocking. , is actually a very reasonable thing, after all, the foundation is so powerful!

But now, General Zhenxiao has shown the true power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the law has pushed it to the extreme. This battle with Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has only begun now!


While speaking, the Zhenxiao general took action. He raised his hand and pressed it down. Suddenly, the river of law boiled. There were huge stars rising up in the middle, illuminating all nations, with a murderous and fierce aura. , rushed towards the monkey fire.


The big stars connected with each other, directly forming the shape of a divine wolf. The hair was like steel needles, and the eyes were exuding infinite ferocious energy. The surrounding void was filled with endless shouts of killing, like They came to a vast battlefield and were engaged in the most brutal confrontation.

"This is the way of greedy wolf, greedy wolf, the main killer!"

General Zhenxiao spoke coldly.

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