Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 333 Kaitian kills Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with one axe!


In the chaotic sea, there are huge whirlpools, rumbling and rotating, and chaotic lightnings, connecting the sky and the earth, stretching hundreds of millions of miles, criss-crossing.

The whole sea of ​​chaos gives people the feeling of endless chaos, and various scenes may appear. There is no past or future, no up, down, left, and right, it is chaos.

As soon as General Zhenxiao rushed into the sea of ​​chaos, he was bombarded by the endless waves of chaos. However, because of his strong cultivation, thick divine light rose up around him, surrounding himself and resisting the impact.

With a flicker of his body, he can fly tens of billions of miles away. It can be said that in order to escape, he has pushed his power to the extreme, no matter the cost.

Sarufire looked at this scene with a calm expression.

Strictly speaking, this was the first time he had truly seen the Sea of ​​Chaos with his own eyes!

Its vastness, majesty, vastness and unfathomable depth are all difficult to describe in words. It seems to be full of endless mysteries, enough for people to spend a lifetime exploring.

Various insights arose in his heart, all of which were related to the ax that opened the sky.

"Chaos is definitely the most terrifying force throughout the ages. In the Chaos Sea, three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were born, and even the Great God Pangu was born!"

"Its vastness, its majesty, its depth, its mystery and unfathomability have all reached an extreme."

"However, in the face of such a great power, the Great God Pangu dared to swing his axe, to create a new world in this boundless chaos!"

"This great courage that opened up the world surpasses all others! The so-called ax that opened up the world is to grasp this supreme courage that even dares to chop down chaos!"


Many insights surged through Yuan Huo's heart, and his eyes became calmer and deeper. The Kaitian Divine Ax condensed with infinite mana in his hand became even more dazzling and dazzling.

It seems that there is a force gestating and transforming inside.

At the end, there was only a "boom", and a terrifying spirit burst out. Behind the monkey fire, a majestic figure standing on the endless chaos appeared directly. It was huge and boundless, holding a divine axe.

Ape Fire held the God's Ax in his hand and struck out towards the vast sea of ​​chaos ahead.

The majestic figure standing tall behind him was also holding a giant ax and slashing forward.

The two divine axes seemed to merge into one at this moment.

A bright ax light that seemed to illuminate the eternal time and space suddenly roared out at this moment, and with a terrifying power that made the island of chaos almost explode, it sank into the sea of ​​chaos.

In the blink of an eye, the light of the ax whizzed, flying hundreds of billions of miles away, drawing a vast rainbow like a long river, coming behind General Zhenxiao, and falling in the sky.


When General Zhenxiao looked back, his eyes were filled with endless ax light. The overwhelming pressure suppressed him completely, making him unable to even mobilize his strength to resist at this moment. He only had time to let out an endless sound. The shrill screams of fear were then drowned by the endless ax light.


This Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal War General was annihilated inch by inch, and his soul was completely shattered. He died in this sea of ​​chaos!

When the warriors on the isolated island of chaos saw this scene, their whole bodies were cold, their hands and feet were trembling, and endless fear emerged in their eyes. When they looked at the monkey fire, they seemed to be looking at a monster.

What is the origin of this person? horrible! General Zhenxiao had already fled to the depths of the Sea of ​​Chaos, but he struck out with his axe, and the light of the ax flew hundreds of billions of miles away, and he actually killed them directly with the axe!

General Zhenxiao is a creature at the level of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian! After taking the blood of the devil, he becomes a powerful person equivalent to the second level of Hunyuan!

And Ape Fire was only in the sub-sage realm. A sub-sage actually killed a top creature from the second level of Hunyuan with just one move!

What kind of incredible fighting power is this?

These generals are well-informed, but they have never heard of such a heaven-defying monster in the Chaos Sea.

Even the descendants of the top Chaos Demon Gods, the descendants of the top ten Supreme Demon Gods, would never have such terrifying combat power.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, this is a natural chasm. No one can cross this realm. This is an iron law, but Yuan Huo has broken this iron law. This is incredible, almost like a myth.

If this news spreads, the boundless sea of ​​chaos, thousands of demon god universes, and countless creatures will cause a huge uproar and shake the world.

"My combat power has finally reached this level."

Aruhuo looked at this scene and sighed a lot in his heart. Although he has not yet attained the Daluo Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, his overall strength is already a strong man at this level!

If he returns to the prehistoric times, even if Hongjun succeeds in attaining enlightenment, he has nothing to fear. With his current strength, he can easily suppress him. The only thing he needs to worry about is the way of heaven.

“I don’t know when I will be able to truly realize the truth.”

Even so, Yuan Huo still has some regrets in his heart. After all, he has not truly succeeded in attaining enlightenment, and there is still some distance between him and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Of course, with his qualifications, it is only a matter of time to succeed in enlightenment, and there will be no peace. If there is enough time, he will naturally improve.

What Sarushuo is thinking about now is how to break through to this realm in the shortest possible time!

Once he breaks through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his combat power will truly undergo earth-shaking changes, and he will be many times stronger than he is now!

"Your leader has been killed by me. Do you want to continue to resist or surrender?" Thinking in his heart, Sarufire looked at the remaining generals.

Hearing this, the remaining generals did not hesitate at all. They knelt down on the ground with a thud and shouted hurriedly: "We are willing to become your slaves from now on, and we will go through fire and water, no matter what!"


This guy even killed Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian directly. If they continued to resist, they would be seeking death. In the sea of ​​chaos, strength is the most respected. They had no psychological barriers and immediately decided to surrender completely.

"Very good." Sarufire laughed. Since he surrendered, it would be much easier to do the next things. He asked: "Where is the treasure house of your chaotic island? Take me there?"

Although this island of chaos is rarely visited by people, it is after all an important territory under the command of a demon god. There may not necessarily be many precious things, but there will definitely be no shortage of treasures.

Now that it's here, Yuan Huo can't leave empty-handed.

"Yes, sir, please come with me." Upon hearing this, the warrior generals were overjoyed, knowing that Yuan Huo would not kill them. They immediately stood up and trotted ahead to lead the way.

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