Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 340 Fierce battle! Pangu flag! Chaos Space Ruler!


The chaos sword energy was terrifying and boundless, filling the starry sky. Each one penetrated the universe. Compared with it, the sun, moon and stars were as small as dust and extremely terrifying.

They were densely packed, gathered together, and moved forward overwhelmingly, slashing towards the long river of space laws, showing their shocking power.

This is the power of the saint. As soon as he takes action, it is as if the world is about to be destroyed. The whole starry sky is rumbling and shaking, as if it is about to explode in the next moment.

But soon, something terrible happened. The long river of space law roared, and the water surged, flooding the starry sky. Chaos sword energy slashed into it one after another, like a long needle falling into the ocean, and disappeared silently. disappeared, and the entire long river was not affected in any way.

It roared into the sky and continued to move forward, swirling around brilliant space fragments, steaming endless rain of orderly light, and struck Hongjun's body with one blow.


There was only a loud noise, and Hongjun's body was directly shaken out by the long river of space law. He flew out horizontally, blood spurted out, and countless bones were broken. A starry sky was directly collapsed. The big star instantly turned into powder.

"Damn it, if I still had the Map of Mountains and Rivers, the Universe and the Ding of Heaven and Earth..."

Hongjun's expression was extremely gloomy at this moment, almost dripping with water. Unexpectedly, with the first move, he suffered a big loss and was hit hard by the long river of space law.

If he had top-notch spiritual treasures such as the Mountain and River Society Map and the Qiankun Cauldron in his hands, he would never encounter such a dilemma and directly activate these treasures to defend. Even if Yangmei's power increased tenfold, he would not be able to break through his defense!

But, unfortunately, he was defeated miserably in the previous battle with Yuan Huo, and most of the treasures on his body were taken away. The only powerful spiritual treasure in his hand now is the Pangu Banner. Other than that, the other spiritual treasures are somewhat inaccessible. Take action.

However, even if there is only one Pangu flag left, it is amazing enough, because this is one of the Three Treasures of the Open Sky. It is so powerful that it is the most powerful treasure in the ancient world. It is the top treasure in the ancient world and is incomparable.


Hongjun let out a low roar, and the saint-level mana in his body boiled. He held the Pangu flag and shook it violently, urging it to a higher level.


In just a moment, all the brands on Pangu Banner began to glow, terrifying power bloomed, chaotic energy overflowed, and the energy that created the world was surging.

The Pangu Banner is transformed from the blade of the God's Axe! The ax blade is the sharpest part of the Kaitian God Ax. Its killing power is unparalleled and more powerful than anything else!

At this moment, Hongjun was almost violent, with endless saint mana steaming all over his body, flooding the starry sky. At the same time, at the highest point in the starry sky, the long river of heaven was boiling, and the endless power of heaven poured down like a brilliant flood, pouring into Hongjun's body. , causing his aura to surge and become stronger, and when he activated the Pangu flag, it became even more powerful.


As Hongjun roared, he held the Pangu flag and waved it forward.


Suddenly, the sound of swords reverberated for eternity. The endless chaotic sword energy, dazzling and peerless, spurted out crazily once again. Together, they formed a torrent of swords that seemed to run through the ancient time and space, shining to the extreme. , illuminating the past and present, with a fierce strike, slashed onto the long river of space laws again.


Although the long river of space law is earth-shaking, it cannot be resisted at this moment. It was cut off at once, shattered in the starry sky, turned into a terrifying space storm, and rushed into the depths of the universe.

"The Space Demon God is nothing more than that." With the Pangu flag in his hand and the blessing of the power of heaven, Hongjun felt stronger than ever before, his pride soared into the sky, and he laughed loudly.

He took a step forward, and with a flicker of his body, he came to the front of Yangmei. The Pangu flag glowed. This time, it did not fire out the chaotic sword energy, but the whole body shone. All the power was contained in the body, and the chaotic light wrapped around it. , the terrifying aura was frightening, Hongjun held the Pangu flag, as if waving a mace, and slammed it down on Hongjun's head.


He raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly, and the magic power in his body surged, and suddenly a divine light shot up into the sky, brilliant and dazzling, and the endless space law fragments surged out like a torrent, flooding the starry sky.

In the starry sky, a ruler emerged, surrounded by chaotic energy. It seemed to contain endless worlds. It didn't look big, but it was so heavy that it crushed the starry sky.

And this is the treasure in Yangmei's hand! Chaos Space Ruler!

In its heyday, the Chaos Space Ruler was the ultimate spiritual treasure of chaos, crossing the sea of ​​chaos, making the endless chaos demon tremble with fear, leaving no opponent.

At that time, looking at the entire Chaos Sea, this was also the top treasure. It ruled the Chaos, and its power was overwhelming. A ray of power overflowing was enough to make the Chaos Demon God crawl in fear.

However, after the battle at Kaitian, the Chaos Space Ruler was also damaged, and its power dropped drastically. Now in this prehistoric world, it is nothing more than an innate treasure.

But, even so, it’s scary enough!

After all, its essential level is terrifyingly high!

At this moment, Yangmei did not hold back, and directly activated the Chaos Space Ruler, shooting out, and in just one click, it collided with the Pangu Flag.


The universe shook and the starry sky exploded. The moment the two collided, endless brilliance burst out, like the big bang when the universe was just born. It was terrifying and boundless. The most powerful power swept out, forming a cosmic storm and blowing to the end of the universe. , causing the endless chaotic airflow at the entrance to inner chaos to violently churn.

"Space slash!"

The first collision was evenly matched, but Yang Mei soon activated the combat form of the Chaos Space Ruler. In an instant, the laws of space were majestic and sharp breath spurted out.


It slashed forward suddenly, and the space and time in front of it suddenly shattered, turning into endless space fragments, intertwined together, each fragment was like a peerless sword energy, extremely sharp, whistling, rolling, filling the universe. The terrible storm completely submerged Hongjun.

Space is the most mysterious, and it seems to be non-threatening in its normal state. But once it is broken, any space fragment is comparable to the sharpest magic weapon. The raised eyebrows of the Chaos Space Ruler take this feature to the extreme, endless The space debris forms a storm, enough to annihilate everything!


Hongjun's mana surged around his body, urging the Pangu banner to resist, and swept out, causing most of the space storm to collapse and shatter. However, there was still a residual roar of the space storm, and they all fell on him. Suddenly, he The smaller half of his body was gone, strangled and turned into a ball of blood mist!


The eyebrows were raised and the expression was indifferent, and the murderous intent in his eyes was intense to the extreme. At this moment, there was no more explosion, and a more violent momentum burst out, rising into the sky.

And this... is the aura of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian!

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