Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 346 Fighting the Way of Heaven! The ultimate collision begins!

Boom boom boom! !

Just for a moment, the Eye of Punishment flashed, and several more blood-red lightning struck Yangmei's body. Even though Yangmei tried his best to resist, it was his opponent. Large pieces of flesh and blood exploded, and his body was in tatters and miserable.

"I am no match for Heavenly Dao." At this moment, Yang Mei instantly confirmed that with his current strength, he would never be able to compete with Heavenly Dao, and he might even fall because of it.

"The way of space, escape the universe!" Thinking of this, a trace of determination flashed across his eyebrows, and he directly activated the laws of space. His body suddenly turned into a stream of light, sinking into the deepest layers of the void, and then the whole person's aura He disappeared all of a sudden and ran away.


At this moment, even the bloody lightning couldn't catch the trace of Yang Mei, and fell into the air.


When Sarushuo saw this scene, he couldn't help but be startled. The image given to him by Yangmei Daxian had always been that of being unpredictable and extremely powerful. After all, he was the second-ranked existence among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

However, I didn't expect that when facing Tiandao, as soon as he realized that he was not his opponent, he raised his eyebrows and ran away, with no hesitation at all.

"No wonder he survived the battle at Kaitian." Sarushuo laughed. Looking at it like this, Yangmei was definitely an extremely "steady" creature. When in danger, he would definitely run away as soon as possible.

During the battle at Kaitian, all the other Chaos Demon Gods fell. Even the Time Demon God, who was more powerful than the Space Demon God, also fell. It was not without reason that this raised eyebrow could still survive.


At this time, the starry sky was at the highest point, filled with terrifying power. Since Yang Mei had escaped, the Eye of Punishment naturally immediately focused on the monkey fire.

"Ape Fire, you have disobeyed the law of heaven and the general trend, and you will die today." Hongjun looked cold, without a trace of emotion, and spoke coldly, reaching out his hand to press down.


In an instant, at the top of the starry sky, the huge Eye of Punishment suddenly lit up, and its terrifying power was brewing. After reaching its peak, a bloody lightning as broad as a galaxy suddenly fell down.

The power of this blood-colored lightning was much more powerful than before. Obviously, in the eyes of Tiandao, the ape fire was a more terrifying threat, and he did not hold anything back when he struck, and he struck with all his strength.

At this moment, the entire universe was dyed red and turned into blood. The tragic aura was overwhelming, as if it was heading towards complete annihilation.

The power of the blood-colored lightning was so powerful that it was enough to shatter everything. It fell down in the shortest time, shaking the vast universe and the vast wilderness.

Yuan Huo looked calm and not panicked. You must know that the fundamental reason why he blocked Hongjun was for this heavenly way! How could it be possible to be afraid when Heaven takes action at this moment?


The magic power in his body surged, and five powerful spiritual treasures suddenly rose into the sky, including the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, the Chaos Bell, the 12th-grade Pure World White Lotus, the Qiankun Cauldron, and the Fortune Cauldron!

The black and yellow exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth shines, and the endless black and yellow air flows down. At the same time, accompanied by the light of merit, the chaos bell rings continuously, and the brands on the surface shine. The chaotic air flows down like a waterfall, covering the whole person of Ape Fire, and is innately immortal. The spiritual light shines, and the huge white lotus blooms in the universe. Each petal is crystal clear and extremely beautiful. The energy of the universe and the energy of creation flow out in a mighty way, intertwined, and faintly, as if they are about to merge. In the void, a blue lotus flower actually appeared, shrouding the ape fire.

These five spiritual treasures all have defensive capabilities! The Linglong Pagoda is a treasure of acquired merit and defense. As an innate treasure, the Chaos Bell has one of the strongest defensive capabilities in the world. The twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus is also the most powerful defensive power among the five innate lotus platforms. As for the The Qiankun Cauldron and the Creation Cauldron were transformed from the lotus pods of the Thirty-Sixth Grade Chaos Green Lotus. They were both innate treasures. When they were sacrificed together, they seemed to be merging faintly.


For a moment, the starry sky collapsed as Ape Fire gained a foothold.

The five spiritual treasures he sacrificed were really terrifying. The layers of endless spiritual light shrouded the ape fire in them. It was the most powerful defense in the history of the ancient world.

That streak of blood-colored lightning that was like a galaxy struck hard on it. It only made the endless spiritual light tremble, and was blocked outside, unable to shake the ape fire inside.

"It's ridiculous that a small fly shakes a big tree."

However, facing such a scene, Hongjun spoke indifferently, like a god looking down at the ants in the world, and once again activated the Eye of Punishment.


In the long river of heaven, huge waves are set off, and the endless power of heaven is steaming up, constantly sinking into the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, making its power surge by a large margin, as if it has stirred up the essence of the entire prehistoric world. , a terrifying thunder brewed successfully and suddenly struck down.

This time, the Qiankun Cauldron and the Creation Cauldron merged, and the phantom of the blue lotus that was transformed into it trembled violently. The surface was covered with cracks and even appeared damaged.

And this was just the beginning. The next moment, something even more terrifying happened. The universe shook, the Eye of Punishment shone, and in one breath it struck down a total of eighteen starry rivers of blood. The entire universe turned into ashes at this moment. There was a bright red color, and there was a strong and tragic atmosphere in ancient and modern times.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Eighteen terrifying thunderbolts that penetrated the universe and shook the sky, all fell on the defense of the monkey fire. Even though it had five layers of the strongest defense, at this moment, the brilliant and dazzling Lingbao aura was still trembling violently. , large tracts exploded, and even the black and yellow energy and chaotic air currents were constantly shattering. Several spiritual treasures were all trembling violently and fragile, with fine cracks appearing on their surfaces.

Only the Chaos Bell, as an innate treasure, is extremely special. Although it is still shaking, it is not damaged, but its light is dimmed.

"After Hongjun's enlightenment, the way of heaven was activated, and his power really increased to an unimaginable level." Yuan Huo sighed in his heart. Obviously, the next step will be an extremely difficult battle.

Naturally, he couldn't just let Heaven attack him like this. He took a deep breath and his eyes suddenly became extremely deep, with the terrifying scene of the roaring sea of ​​chaos and the roiling river of three thousand avenues emerging.

Sarushuo just stretched out his hand and grabbed it violently. Suddenly, a crashing sound sounded, and twelve large flags flew out from his body, all shining with shocking magic light. There were lines on them, with endless The fierce and terrifying smell suddenly surged as soon as it appeared, towering into the depths of the universe.

As the light shone, they intertwined with each other, forming a huge formation in an instant, enveloping the ape fire.

This is, surprisingly, the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation!

Condensing the endless evil energy of the ancient times and transforming into Pangu's true body, he will show the most powerful fighting form since the birth of Ape Fire!

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