"The way of heaven is invincible. There is no power in this world that can hurt the way of heaven." Hongjun's cold voice sounded, as cold as a machine, making people feel chilled.

If you try your best but can't even break through the defense of Heaven, then how can you really shake Heaven?

At this moment, Yuan Huo showed no sign of panic. The eyes of Pangu's true body were always closed, but his own eyes in Pangu's true body became deeper and he said: "The Chaos Demon God controls Chaos. The sea is powerful and boundless, but in the end they all fell under the hands of the Great God Pangu. No matter how strong the Heavenly Dao is, how does it compare with the Chaos Demon God? In this ancient world, this world, there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the human beings. There is no existence that cannot be shaken."

As he spoke, mana surged in Yuan Huo's body, and the twelve heavenly gods' evil array roared, erupting with a suction force that once again absorbed the evil energy between heaven and earth.


Originally, almost all the evil energy between heaven and earth had been absorbed and exhausted. However, at this moment, the distant ancient continent shook violently, and a majestic palace appeared in the direction of Buzhou Mountain. , revealing the power of suppressing eternity.

Then, this big hall became slightly loose.

Suddenly, under this great hall, there was endless terrifying evil energy that was so strong that it made the sun and moon eclipse. Like a vast sea, it surged out and flooded the sky and the earth.

There are so many, it is comparable to the amount of evil energy generated by a calamity. It is endless and vast. Under the operation of the evil formation of the twelve gods, it passes through the ancient wilderness, crosses the starry sky, descends down, and merges into Pangu's true body. .

This is the source of the evil spirit under Pangu Hall!

The function of Pangu Palace is to suppress the endless evil spirit under the ancient land. The evil spirit under the ancient land is endless. Even in the evil spirit, a tribe more terrifying than the ferocious beast family was born, the ape. Fire controls Pangu Hall, so he will naturally take advantage of this. At this moment, he directly stirs Pangu Hall, causing Pangu Hall's suppression to loosen slightly, and in an instant, endless evil energy roars.


The aura of Pangu's real body surged, and his strength increased again!


At this moment, Yuan Huo mobilized all his power without any reservation. He held the Kaitian God Ax and slashed hard, bursting out with earth-shaking power.

Boom boom boom boom!

Only five consecutive rays were heard, like the terrifying roar of the universe exploding and time and space collapsing. The last five rays of the Heavenly Divine Wheel exploded completely, and its defense was completely broken by the monkey fire.


The long river of heaven is violently churning, with turbulent waves and huge waves. In an instant, endless fragments of rules are dimmed and annihilated, and the light of the entire long river of heaven is dimmed.

"Is it going to be successful?" He raised his eyebrows and was overjoyed when he saw this scene. He was extremely pleasantly surprised.

If the defense of Heavenly Dao is broken, then the next step will naturally be to destroy Heavenly Dao and severely damage Heavenly Dao in one fell swoop. At that time, it will be possible to intercept the origin of Heavenly Dao. From then on, there will no longer have to worry about being suppressed by Heavenly Dao.

"Do you think you will win like this?" But at this moment, in the long river of heaven, Hongjun spoke again, his voice was still extremely cold, like a machine, without a trace of living emotion.

At this moment, the long river of heaven was tumbling, and it was obviously much darker than before, but the expression on Hongjun's face did not change at all. It seemed that everything was certain to win.

"You can't even imagine the power of Tiandao. Before, it was just a small test. Now that you can break through Tiandao's defense, you are qualified to experience the true power of Tiandao." Hongjun said coldly.

"What does he mean by this?" In the deepest layer of time and space, he raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but feel horrified. At this time, does Heaven still have a way? This was something he had never imagined.


While speaking, Hongjun raised his hand and pressed it.

Suddenly, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment in the long river of heaven bloomed with infinite light.

The rules of order, one after another, materialize and become crystal chains of rules, spreading out in all directions, endless and dense.

In the blink of an eye, the ancient starry sky, all the worlds, the ancient continent, and even the entrance to inner chaos... All areas in this world are shrouded and covered by the chains of heaven's rules.

At this moment, the way of heaven seems to be integrated with the entire prehistoric world!

"The way of heaven is the rule and order of the ancient world. To be an enemy of the way of heaven is to be an enemy to everything in the ancient world, the sun, the moon, the stars, all things in the world, the heavens and the world, and so on."

"Anyone who dares to use flesh and blood to challenge the power of heaven will eventually die. This is a destined fate." Hongjun spoke indifferently, as if the gods were announcing the prophecy of fate.

A creepy aura swept across the endless starry sky and the vast wilderness. He raised his eyebrows and his whole body trembled. There was an instinctive fear. At this moment, he felt that the whole world was against him.

"Is this the true power of the Dao of Heaven? The power of the entire prehistoric world can be mobilized by the Dao of Heaven! This is the prehistoric world, a vast world created by the great god Pangu!" He raised his eyebrows in horror.

How to fight this? There's no way to win!


The heaven and earth shook, the world trembled, above the long river of heaven, the Eye of Punishment shone to the extreme at this moment, and its power level seemed to have climbed several realms at once. The power it emitted alone caused the entire universe to continuously... The ground is shaking, and the prehistoric world is also shaking.


Then, along with Hongjun's cold voice, another scarlet lightning suddenly struck down from the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, dyeing the universe red.

This lightning, unlike before, was only as thick as a water tank. Under the grand scale of the prehistoric starry sky, it looked extremely small, just like a thin line.

However, when it fell suddenly, the entire starry sky seemed to collapse. The terrifying power caused the eternity of time and space to break.

The ape fire energized Pangu's true body and erupted into a ball of extremely brilliant body-protecting divine light. The green light shone brightly, and its defensive power was even more powerful than the defensive treasures such as the Chaos Bell and the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

But, the next moment, the bloody lightning struck on the body-protecting divine light. The protective divine light was penetrated at once, torn apart, and completely collapsed. Then the bloody lightning continued forward and fell on Pangu's true body. , actually left a terrifying bloody hole on that majestic body!


The flags that had condensed into the Twelve Capitals' Formation of Gods were shaking violently at this time. There were densely packed and countless cracks on the surface, and it seemed that they were about to collapse in the next moment.

"Hiss..." He raised his eyebrows and sucked in a breath of cold air. After showing all its power, is Tiandao so powerful? It’s simply impossible to compete!

"This time, you will definitely die." Hongjun said coldly. He stood at the highest point in the starry sky, looking down at the ape fire, like a god king who controls the fate of all people.


The long river of heaven surges, endless power gathers, the Eye of Punishment shines again, and another bloody lightning begins to brew.

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