Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 354 Return to the prehistoric times and open up reincarnation!

Previously, when exploring the reincarnation space under the boundless sea of ​​blood, Aruhuo and Houtu learned the secrets of the three realms of heaven, earth and man. From then on, Aruhuo began to plan.

If you want to open up the underworld, the biggest threat is the way of heaven. Under the suppression of the way of heaven, even if the underworld and reincarnation are truly opened, they will almost certainly fall into the hands of the way of heaven.

After this battle with Tiandao, Pangu's will cut off a corner of Tiandao, which weakened Tiandao's power by a large amount. At the same time, it planted the seeds of fear in Tiandao, making Tiandao no longer dare to easily Born.

At the same time, Yuan Huo also obtained a trace of the origin of Heaven's Dao through this. As long as he refines this origin of Heaven's Dao, it is equivalent to becoming a part of Heaven's Dao. How can Heaven's Dao deal with Heaven's Dao?

Therefore, now is the best time to open up reincarnation in the underworld!

In the process of returning to the ancient times, Yuan Huo began to refine the source of heaven. His heeling talent was so strong that the whole process did not take much effort.

When he returned to the primitive world, a ray of heavenly light suddenly rose above his body, filling the air with an aura exactly like that of heaven. It was as if he had incarnated heaven!

Boom boom~~

Faintly, Yuan Huo could sense that there was a heavenly space outside the endless time and space, and the body of the long river of heaven was located in it.

"If my strength continues to improve in the future, can I use this trace of the origin of Heaven's Dao to completely control Heaven's Dao?" Feeling his own state, a bold idea suddenly came to Sarushuo's mind.

Now that he has refined a trace of the origin of Heavenly Dao, he has become a part of Heavenly Dao, just like a clone of Heavenly Dao.

Of course, although he is a clone of Heavenly Dao, he still has the clearest will and will not be interfered by Heavenly Dao.

If the strength continues to improve in the future, it is entirely possible to rely on the origin of Heaven's Dao to continuously invade the body of Heaven's Dao. By then, it is not a delusion to completely control Heaven's Dao!

"With the opening of the underworld and the shaping of reincarnation, Hou Tu will definitely be able to become the first saint in the earth. And now, our Pan clan has unified the entire prehistoric world. If we can bring those innate saints who have not yet transformed into our subordinates in the future, then the prehistoric human world will The power will also fall into my hands, because all the creatures in the prehistoric world represent the prehistoric humanity, plus the way of heaven... Maybe one day in the future, I can completely control the three realms of the prehistoric world!"

Thinking of this scene, even Sarushuo couldn't help but feel excited, with a trace of expectation and a trace of yearning. If you can control the three realms of heaven, earth and man, you will definitely gain amazing power!

However, it is extremely difficult to achieve this. Perhaps, he can only do it after he attains the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.


While thinking in their hearts, Yuan Huo and the Twelve Ancestral Witches had reached the deepest part of the boundless sea of ​​blood, where the six huge bloody whirlpools were located.


Hou Tu had just arrived here, and with just a slight sense of touch, he established contact with the six huge whirlpools, and his whole body bloomed with divine light that soared into the sky.


Her body swayed, and the true form of the ancestral witch appeared directly. It was huge and boundless, towering into the universe, and stood directly in the boundless sea of ​​blood. Even in the vast and boundless sea of ​​blood, the sea water could only reach her calves.

"Brother, I have already sensed how to open up the underworld and how to establish reincarnation." Houtu lowered his head, overlooking the boundless sea of ​​blood below, and murmured to himself.

"Just do it, I will be by your side to protect you." Saruhuo smiled.

"Sister Houtu, come on!" Seeing this, the other ancestral witches also felt worried and nervous, and encouraged them one after another.


Hou Tu nodded, and then took a deep breath. A sharp aura suddenly emerged in his eyes. He raised his delicate fist and smashed it down.


Endless terrifying power burst out, and the boundless sea of ​​​​blood below exploded all at once, and the space continued to shatter. Then, the ninety-nine levels of the netherworld, the initial reincarnation, and other scenes were faintly revealed.

"All sentient beings in the prehistoric times bear witness that today I, Hou Tu, will open the underworld, open up reincarnation, and guide sentient beings after death so that they will no longer suffer the pain of displacement." Hou Tu, with a beautiful face, spoke solemnly.

At this moment, her eyes swept across the vast expanse of land, looking at the many remnant souls formed after the death of endless creatures, with a look of pity in her beautiful eyes.

Houtu is the most kind-hearted and compassionate person. Although he has his own interests in opening up reincarnation in the underworld, he also wants to contribute to all sentient beings in the prehistoric times.

While speaking, Hou Tu continued to bombard the underworld below.

The key to opening up reincarnation in the underworld is to penetrate the boundless sea of ​​blood, the ninety-nine levels of netherworld, and the initial reincarnation.

Finally, under the continuous bombardment, a channel appeared between the boundless sea of ​​blood, the ninety-nine levels of netherworld, and the initial reincarnation, connecting them together.

However, this connection is not enough, as if it is just a hole.

At the same time, with the help of this passage, we can see that both the Ninety-nine Netherworld and the initial reincarnation have many flaws and are not complete.

Then, at this moment, a hint of perseverance flashed through Hou Tu's beautiful eyes. The huge ancestral witch's true body exploded with a bang, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and then merged into the Netherland below, the initial reincarnation. middle.


In an instant, monstrous divine radiance burst out below. After being filled with Houtu's flesh and blood, it began to evolve rapidly, becoming complete and even more closely connected.

When the other ancestral witches saw this scene, even though they had already been warned by Sarushuo, their brows still jumped and there was endless worry in their hearts.

This process was so brutal. The body was broken into pieces, leaving only the soul. This was definitely the most cruel torture. Hou Tu paid a high price in order to open up the underworld!

However, precisely because of paying such a price, the reincarnation of the underworld below began to gradually take shape and evolved into a huge world!


It was at this moment that a surging sound rang out from the highest point in the sky, and endless heavenly virtues suddenly manifested, whizzing down like a vast ocean.

The power of merit shines with brilliant golden light, illuminating the heaven and earth with a golden glow.

Obviously, Hou Tu's move was a great achievement for the entire prehistoric period, and he would naturally receive endless power of heavenly merit.

However, this is not necessarily a good thing for Hou Tu, because Hou Tu belongs to the earth after all, and may be affected by bad effects if it is infected by the power of heaven's merits.

"Give it all to me." Naturally, Ape Fire couldn't allow such a thing to happen. He immediately reached out with his big hand and grabbed for the endless power of heavenly merit!

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