Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 362: Ape fire breaks through the realm, and all three thousand avenues are completed!


The entire altar turned completely blood red at this moment, glowing suddenly, and the endless bright red was all burned at this time.

A cluster of fire just appeared on the altar.

Then, beyond the firelight, one could vaguely see a vast scene, an endless sea of ​​chaos. In that sea of ​​chaos, there were huge universes one after another.

In every huge universe, there lives a powerful Chaos Demon God!

They seemed to be standing on a high place, overlooking all the spirits. Some were majestic, some were cruel, some were indifferent, some were full of fighting spirit. They had different expressions, but all of them were extremely powerful!

As the firelight shone, one Chaos Demon God after another seemed to be sensing the vast universe. One after another, they opened their cold eyes and looked towards Hongjun.


The huge inner chaos set off huge waves and was in constant turmoil.

Hongjun's body was also trembling, as if he was shrouded in endless coldness, and fear was like a tide drowning him.

At this time, he seemed to be poured down by a basin of ice water. He suddenly woke up from the previous enthusiasm and hatred, and endless panic emerged in his heart.

"I...I seem to have started an unimaginable disaster!"

On the other side, after Yuan Huo received the reward of 50 billion points of great merit, he returned to Pangu Hall, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice.

This time, he is going to use the power of merit and virtue to break through the shackles and reach the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!


As soon as he thought, vast layers of Qing clouds spread out above his head, spreading in all directions. Among them, three Dao Lotuses were swaying, and thirty-six jade plates of good fortune were rising and falling.

The infinite Taoist rhyme surged out from it, still the same as before. In the blink of an eye, it almost filled the entire Pangu Hall, turning it into a holy land for cultivation.


The next moment, the ape fire activated the Three Thousand Avenues, and a long river of Three Thousand Laws emerged behind him. It was magnificent, and it was countless billions of miles long, filling the void.


At the same time, the world inside his body also vaguely appeared behind him. It was vast and boundless, reaching the highest level, and the power of the vast world was surging.

After all kinds of blessings were activated, Yuan Huo adjusted his state to the peak.

Breaking through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is a crucial step. Yuanhuo attaches great importance to it and does not dare to be careless in the slightest!


He took a long breath and let his Taoist heart enter a state of calm and profoundness without any ripples. Then he reached out his hand and gently grabbed it.


A total of 58 billion points of great merit, gathered together, like a vast ocean with no end in sight, were taken out of the system space at once by Ape Fire.

So majestic.

These great virtues are golden in color, sacred and brilliant, splendid and radiant, with millions of rays of light, like a golden ocean with surging waves and turbulent waves.

Infinite power seems to be contained in it, with a flavor that can change everything, a flavor that is omnipotent.

The power of merit is always the most terrifying power in ancient times, because it has the attribute of "omnipotence" and has no side effects.

This is the blessing of the great avenue. If any living being can get a little bit, it is equivalent to embarking on the road to heaven. And now Yuanhuo has a total of 58 billion points!

"Refining all the merits of the great avenue to help me break through, Hunyuan Daluo!"

Yuanhuo shouted loudly, opened his mouth, and in one breath, swallowed all the terrifying power of great virtues into his belly and began to refine it.


In an instant, a terrifying force exploded in his body, and then turned into a torrent, rushing into his mind and integrating into his soul.

In just a moment, Sarushuo felt as if he was suddenly ten thousand times smarter, and endless insights suddenly surged out of his mind.

" law of force..."

Sarushuo murmured to himself, the endless insights were extremely complex, mixed together, and all-encompassing, but they were extremely clear and would not let him fall into chaos.

This feeling can be said to be extremely wonderful, as if it were apocalypse, and as if the road had opened to him, and the handle had given him the wisdom of heaven, allowing him to pry into all the secrets.

Therefore, at this moment, Sarushuo was completely immersed in it.

At this time, the infinite Dao rhyme began to spread out from his body, as if he had become the incarnation of Dao, shrouded in the endless brilliance of the Dao.


Behind him, the long river of three thousand avenues and laws was tumbling violently at this moment, and the waves of the avenue were surging one after another, seemingly showing the state of the monkey fire from the side.

So, soon.

Yinghuo Avenue... 100%.

Chenxing Avenue... 100%.

Greedy Wolf Avenue... 100%.

The Avenue of Charm... 100%.

The avenue of formation... 100%.

The Avenue of Poison... 100%.

In that endless enlightenment, the three thousand avenues that Sarus Fire understood were constantly perfected, reaching a 100% level.

If the law of a great road reaches 100%, it is equivalent to realizing the Tao fruit of a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. However, he has perfected one great road after another, and suddenly formed an extremely terrifying scene. His magic power cultivation , continues to skyrocket, and every time one more avenue is comprehended and perfected, there is one more magical power of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in the body!

Moreover, although each of the Three Thousand Great Avenues is very terrifying when practiced to the extreme, in fact, there are superior and inferior ones.

High-level avenues are more terrifying than low-level avenues. After comprehending the high-level avenues to perfection, the mana gained will naturally be more powerful and terrifying.

Therefore, this is no longer a simple superposition!

It is a qualitative change where one plus one is greater than two!

As a result, as he continued to comprehend and perfect the laws of the great avenues, Sarang Huo's magic power increased crazily at a speed that was almost as fast as Sturm und Drang.

And as time goes by, he comprehends more and more laws of the great road, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred... one thousand, one thousand five hundred, two thousand, two thousand five. Hundreds...

In the end, even the top ten three thousand avenues, such as cause and effect, destiny, reincarnation, creation, life and death, the five elements, time, space, etc., were all perfected to a 100% degree.


An extremely terrifying aura erupted, and the entire Pangu Hall roared at this moment, and the Wu Clan blood pool also set off huge waves.

The aura of the ape fire, at this moment, was so powerful that it reached an unimaginable level. It simply overpowered the sun and the moon, turned the universe around, stopped the flow of time, and caused the collapse of all realms.

And this is not the end!

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