Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 367 Fusion of the Jade Disk of Creation! The first heel!

"It's scary." Even the well-informed Saruhuo felt extremely shocked at this moment, and at the same time, he felt excited and excited.

This level of power has improved so amazingly!

However, if you think about it carefully, it is actually normal. After all, this is the Chaos Treasure. The Chaos Treasure is the top treasure in the era of Chaos!

Moreover, this Chaos Bead is also extremely amazing. It is related to the Hongmeng Era before the Chaos Era. Naturally, it contains endless magic.

"I don't know what changes will happen if all nine chaos restrictions of this Chaos Bead can be unlocked." Yuan Huo couldn't help but have endless expectations in his heart, but that would have to wait until his cultivation becomes better in the future. Only when you are stronger can you do it, but now you can't do it.

"Next, let's try to put the thirty-six fragments of the jade disc together." Then, Yuan Huo changed his attention, turned his palm, and put the thirty-six pieces of jade disc together. The disc fragments were taken out.

Before, he had collected all the fragments of the Jade Disk of Creation, but he lacked a piece of the origin of the Jade Disk of Creation, so he could not restore this treasure of chaos.

At that time, he used the Way of Cause and Effect to deduce the whereabouts of the jade plate of creation, but due to insufficient cultivation, he failed to succeed. This time, his Way of Cause and Effect has reached a 100% level and is stronger than before. There are too many, so I might as well give it a try.


Ape Fire sat down cross-legged, activated the magic power in his body, and fully activated the path of cause and effect. Suddenly, a magnificent river of cause and effect appeared behind him, and it was unknown how many billions of miles long it was, and it suddenly spread to the endless depths of time and space. This place seems to be able to contain the entire prehistoric world at once.

"Between heaven and earth, there is cause and effect. Hold this jade butterfly and pursue the origin."

Yuan Huo shouted loudly, stretched out his finger, and pointed towards the fragments of the jade dish of creation. Suddenly, endless threads of cause and effect suddenly appeared in the void. From the thirty-six fragments of the jade plate of creation, threads of cause and effect spread. They came out, gathered together, and directly formed an extremely thick thread of cause and effect, which spread out, penetrated endless time and space, and went all the way to the deepest part of the prehistoric starry sky, an ancient and remote dead star field.

In this star field, there is a lifeless star, but an innate restriction suddenly appears on it. Obviously, the origin of the jade disk of creation lies within it.

"It was thrown in such a remote place. No wonder no one has discovered it. If I hadn't mastered the method of cause and effect, I would have been hard to find in my lifetime."

Seeing this, Yuan Huo directly stretched out his hand. Immediately, this big hand flew out from Pangu Hall, penetrated billions of time and space, came to the starry sky, crossed billions of star fields, and came to the dead silence in the deepest part of the universe. Star Territory, grab it hard, the dead stars, including the innate restrictions on them, explode all of a sudden, and the source aura suddenly comes out in a mighty way. With a big hand, he grabs the mass of the source in his hand, and then takes it back. In Pangu Palace.

With one hand, he stretched out across the entire prehistoric continent and through the entire prehistoric starry sky!

You must know that the prehistoric continent and the prehistoric starry sky are extremely vast. Even the Hunyuan Golden Immortal often needs to spend thousands of years to travel.

However, today's ape fire can use his magic power to cross such a long and far distance in just an instant. His cultivation level has already reached an incredible level.

This is the current strength of Sarufire. After the breakthrough, he has become much stronger!


In the Pangu Hall, the origin of the Jade Disk of Creation was like a sun, blooming with dazzling brilliance, suddenly illuminating the entire Pangu Hall. The thirty-six fragments of the Jade Disk of Creation seemed to be attracted. All of a sudden, he flew to the surrounding area of ​​the origin of the mass, flying up and down.

"Let the fusion begin now."

Yuan Huo has great expectations in his heart. You must know that this is the most precious treasure of enlightenment. At the beginning, even the Great God Pangu used this jade dish to understand the great path.


He unleashed a huge burst of mana and poured it into the jade dish of creation. Suddenly, the origin and the fragments began to merge with each other. The whole process went very smoothly. The originally broken jade butterflies were reunited. Together, it became a complete jade dish of creation. A terrifying aura suddenly erupted, and the pressure belonging to the treasure of chaos surged out, filling the entire Pangu Hall, causing the Wu Clan's blood pool to set off a huge wave.

The extremely strong Taoist rhyme suddenly surged out from the jade plate of creation, reaching an extreme level, giving people the feeling that it had been recorded for hundreds of millions of years without being able to vent, and now All of them surged out in one go. The amount of Dao Yun could be described as terrifying, as if a sea of ​​chaos collapsed, and the endless Dao Yun, like a tsunami, suddenly drowned the monkey fire.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

Yuan Huo had no idea that such changes would occur after the fragments of the jade dish of creation were completed. For a moment, he was not prepared for the impact of the endless Taoist charm. All of a sudden, endless waves surged in his mind. Comprehension, compared with before, it is simply improved by hundreds of millions of times.

At this moment, he felt that his head was about to explode. He couldn't bear it. He couldn't bear it at all. Even at the level of ape fire, he felt that the impact was too fierce and the endless insights. , at this time, it has simply become a disaster.


The ape fire roared, with pain in its voice.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

As if being stimulated, the power of the last Pangu essence and blood, which was sleeping in Yuan Huo's body, suddenly surged out, filling the limbs and bones, and poured into the soul.

Previously, when the ape fire physical realm broke through to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm, most of the power of Pangu's essence and blood was consumed, leaving only a small part.

But at this time, it was completely released.

But this time, the power of Pangu's essence and blood did not strengthen his physical body or soul, but improved his heel. Originally, he was the heel of the top Chaos Demon God, but this heel was not as strong as the top Chaos Demon God. Among them, it is probably equivalent to tenth, but now, after this foundation, Sarufire's heels have improved again.








In the end, Sarufire's heel soared all the way, and his own heel directly rose to the level equivalent to the number one Chaos Demon God, which was the level of the Time Demon God. On this basis, it continued to improve for a while. Such a heel is already second only to the great God Pangu!

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