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The entire endless nothingness was already empty at this time, and there was no world, only the flood world.

And those bystander worlds have all merged with the flood barren world, and now they have become a subsidiary small world of the entire flood barren world.

The Supreme Dao wanted to erase half of his life, but it was stopped by Lin Tian, which made the Supreme Dao completely angry.

The Supreme Dao did not speak, but the endless Dao Yun was suing ~ against Lin Tian, and he was very angry.

“Do you want to stop me?”

The Dao of the Supreme Avenue sounded, questioning Lin Tian like this.

Lin Tian, on the other hand, looked at the supreme Dao above and said in a deep voice.

“This side is nothing, from now on it will be the Buddha-figure who has the final say!”

Lin Tian’s words made the Supreme Dao completely angry. Suddenly, the entire endless void began to tremble violently, and one after another thunder cut through the void.


With a loud noise, Dao Dao did not have the slightest hesitation, and directly attacked towards Lin Tian.

The thick Supreme God Thunder is powerful enough to bombard any Dao-level master.

But Lin Tian at this time is not the original Lin Tian, he has become the supreme avenue, and this guy in front of him is a level existence.


With a loud bang, I saw that there was a supreme divine thunder that could instantly destroy a Dao World, and it was actually blocked by Lin Tian with one hand.

“Is this the power of the Supreme Avenue? It’s really scary! ”

Lin Tian sighed and said, but that feeling is really strange, the Supreme Avenue is very powerful, yes, and there is no wisdom, but why does Lin Tian feel that the Supreme Avenue seems to be controlled by something?

This point is incomprehensible, and beyond this side of the heavenly universe, what will be?

All of this Lin Tian wanted to know, but if he wanted to know everything, he would have to defeat this supreme avenue, otherwise, he would not be able to transcend the endless nothingness and see the real world.

Moreover, just the practice of the Supreme Avenue to annihilate half of the living beings, Lin Tian would not tolerate it.

What’s more, there is the most crucial point, that is, in any world in the endless void, any living being, will be controlled by the Supreme Dao.

And Lin Tian’s words were because of that glimmer of life, which became the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Barren World, coupled with the Supreme Avenue creating the battle of the heavens, which allowed Lin Tian to seize the opportunity to detach.

In the end, it will become an existence that can compete with the Supreme Avenue, otherwise, Lin Tian will actually be under the control of the Supreme Avenue.

Fortunately, Lin Tian only sensed that the Supreme Avenue was controlled by someone, but the person who controlled did not seem to appear, which gave Lin Tian a chance to detach himself.

But if the controller personally controlled everything, then Lin Tian was estimated to be destroyed in an instant.

After all, the practice of the Supreme Avenue is as if someone set it in advance. Let him create the world, create life, and then start the battle of the heavens to create a powerful world.

And why create a powerful world, maybe only defeat the Supreme Avenue will know?


The eyes of the Supreme Dao flickered, and then a venerable powerhouse slowly appeared in the air. These strong people, Lin Tian had never seen, were not those strong people who had been devoured before.

And the bodies of these guys are all the breath of the Supreme Avenue!

Lin Tian suddenly thought of something.

“You are the masters of the previous transcendent world?”

Endless Void doesn’t know when it was born, and I don’t know when the Supreme Avenue began to set up the battle of the heavens.

In the battle of the heavens, every time there are billions of universes, there will only be one left!

And the remaining world can become a transcendent world, and all kinds of absolute powerhouses will be born in it! But after these powerful people and their world detachment, no one knows where they went.

Now he was actually summoned by the Supreme Avenue.

“How many billions of years is this?”

A young man in black looked at Lin Tian and asked curiously.

Lin Tian frowned and did not answer, because he simply did not know how many years ago this black-clothed young man in front of him was.

Another woman in red said.

“I am waiting for the world that was detached before, and we are the lords of the world, the most powerful beings in the entire world.”

When this woman in red was speaking, she actually made a move on Lin Tian.

And the other guys were the same, they talked to Lin Tian while fighting with Lin Tian.

“I can’t control myself, our will can even be controlled by the Supreme Dao, and our bodies will fight you according to orders.”

An old man in black punched Lin Tian, and then said so.

Lin Tian resisted a full four supreme powerhouses while asking.

“What the hell is going on here? Why do I feel that this supreme road is indeed lifeless, but it is controlled by people? ”

Lin Tian asked his doubts, since these guys were detached before, they should know.

The very beautiful woman in red cast a Dao method on Lin Tian, and then said.

“You are really extraordinary, you can reach the combat power of the Void King level just detached, I have achieved such combat power after devouring the original world, but it is still controlled.”

The woman in red said so, Lin Tian frowned, devouring his own world?

People who choose to participate in the battle of the heavens, except for those who are completely to become stronger, most of them are actually to protect their world and protect their families, right?

But why did they devour their own world?

A middle-aged man dressed in white was full of rhyme, and a terrifying aura struck towards Lin Tian.

“No one can really dare to imagine, and no one dares to imagine! The Supreme Avenue is actually just a magic weapon! ”

Listening to his words, Lin Tian was shocked. The Supreme Avenue is actually just a magic weapon? This is simply incredible, can it be said that the entire endless nothingness, the entire heavens and realms, are all in one magic weapon and the like?

The young man continued.

“When I was still weak, the war of the heavens began, and for the sake of our world, for our families, for everything, we chose to participate in the war.”

“After a lot of hard work, we won and became the masters of the transcendent world!”

“But just as we were happily thinking about resurrecting our friends and family who had died in battle, we found that everything was different from what we thought.”

“This battle of the heavens is really raising cheats!”

When the young man in black spoke, his words were full of hatred, but his body attacked Lin Tian madly uncontrollably, and they were all subject to the Supreme Avenue.

Because strictly speaking, they were generally created by the Supreme Avenue with Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian seemed to have escaped the control of the Supreme Dao for special reasons. Not only did they achieve the Void King level they spoke of, but it should also be for other reasons.

“Since it is a magic weapon, it should be a controller, right?”

Lin Tian asked while resisting the four guys in front of him.

The woman in red nodded.

“Naturally, there is, the entire Endless Void Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms is a supreme supreme treasure called Dao Bead, and no one even knows the grade, only that it exceeds the highest level Hongmeng Supreme Treasure currently known.”

“It was obtained by a big family in the Void Realm, and then that big family began to make good use of it.”

“Dao beads can grow, and when they first get it, they may even be just Heavenly Dao-level supreme treasures.”

“But after constantly nurturing the world, and then raising and devouring, time keeps passing, and slowly grows to the current level.”

“Now that the cultivation method of the battle of the heavens has been opened, every time after creating a transcendent world, the instrument spirit of the Dao Pearl is the Supreme Dao, which will devour the Dao of the Transcendent World, and then feed back to itself to increase the degree of evolution.”

“And the words of the Lord of the World, if I am unlucky, will also be devoured.”

“And if you are lucky, you will be enslaved and then become the thug of that Void Family.”

Silent, Lin Tian did not expect the truth to be like this.

At this time again, the old man in black continued.

“And the reason why you can not be controlled is probably related to you being a Dao.”

“After every battle of the heavens, the Supreme Dao will divide a part of the Origin and turn into the Heavenly Dao, Dao, World Rules and so on.”

“Then slowly cultivate and grow, when the world is destroyed, the growth of the avenue will be swallowed by the supreme avenue, which is also equivalent to recycling.”

“But you are different, you have actually become a Dao, it can be said that you have lost part of the origin of the Supreme Avenue differentiation.”

“Then because of the battle of the heavens, he became a transcendent world, the existence of the void realm, standing at the same level as the Supreme Avenue.”

“The Supreme Avenue is to control you, those previous avenues, but there is nothing unusual, their core is still a trace of the origin of the Supreme Avenue differentiation, and the core of your world is yourself.”

Lin Tian understood, that is to say, even if it became a transcendent world, the entire avenue of the transcendent world would only become the growth nourishment of the Dao bead instrument spirit.

This entire void world is within the Dao Bead Spirit.

Creating the world, developing the world, and then starting the war of the heavens is to cultivate the best source and provide it to yourself to devour.

No wonder I felt before that this supreme avenue really had no will, but it was controlled by something.

It can now be understood that the supreme is only a magic weapon, and the struggle to dominate the heavens and realms is only within this magic weapon.

“If you say so, aren’t the powerhouses of the Void Realm very perverted?

Lin Tian asked with an ugly face.

After all, Daozhu is so terrifying. The entire heavens and realms are only within the Dao Pearl! That Void Realm family powerhouse who controls the Dao Pearl, as well as the entire Void Realm, should be terrifying, right?

Who knew that the old man in black among the four people smiled slightly, and said while attacking.

“No, it’s not as powerful as you think!”

“Before that family got the Dao Pearl, it was just a weak family in the Void Realm, and the strongest one hadn’t even reached the Dao-level realm.”

“Just because after getting the Dao Beads, you can use the Dao Beads to cultivate powerful worlds, the origin of those worlds, etc., in addition to giving the Dao Beads to devour self-evolution, you can also use them for the strong to increase cultivation.”

“Therefore, that family has grown a lot over the years, but the strongest is only in the late stage of the Void King level! It’s just that because I refined the Dao Beads, as the Lord of the Dao Beads, I can control me and so on. ”

A few people said so, they were all early stage cultivators of the Void King level, and such cultivation was far inferior to that late stage of the Void King Level.

But if they wanted to, they could easily escape.

But it was because their origin was considered a part of the Dao Bead Artifact Spirit, and it had evolved from a trace of the original to such a huge size.

But they are still subject to the Dao Pearl, as long as they control the Dao Pearl, it is equivalent to controlling them.

Just like this, you can use the Dao Beads to control their battles and so on, control their will.

The heavens and realms within the entire Dao Pearl are really just a breeding farm, and in the eyes of that Dao Pearl controller, the strong people cultivated by the entire Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms are just their own slaves, increasing the existence of the family heritage.

And the powerful world cultivated by the Dao Pearl, its origin can be equivalent to a top-level elixir, and improving the strength of cultivation is even effortless.

This is the truth of the heavens and realms, this is the endless nothingness, and the reason for the existence of the battle of the heavens.

If nothing else, the origin of the Dao of the Transcendent World born this time was either recovered by the Dao Pearl, or it would become the elixir of that late Void King level powerhouse, helping him improve his cultivation strength.

But because of the accident, Lin Tian became a flood wasteland.

Such an abnormal world may also exist within the Dao Pearl, but none of them can grow up, and even really become a transcendent world.

And Lin Tian did it, and even because Lin Tian, as a Dao, directly became a Void King-level cultivation when he achieved transcendent world.

In this way, the mistakenly hit got rid of the control of the Dao Bead Instrument Spirit, and it can even be said that he stole part of the origin of the Dao Bead Instrument Spirit.

Because Lin Tian is strictly speaking, it is a flood road to seize the house.

That is to say, it is equivalent to taking away a part of the Dao Zhu and taking away the doppelganger of the Dao Zhu.

“Kill us!”

“Then devour our Origin, and you can become a mid-stage of the Void King! In this way, your strength can be comparable to the Dao Pearl’s Instrument Spirit, that is, the Supreme Dao. ”

“Then kill the Supreme Dao, control the Dao Beads, use the power of the Dao Beads, resurrect me and so on, and rebuild our world.”

The woman in red looked at Lin Tian and said seriously.

The other three people were looking at Lin Tian expectantly, this was the only chance, although the time flow rate of the Void Realm was different from the Heavens and Realms within the Dao Pearl, it had also been many years.

After all, since the Dao Pearl is a magic weapon, it is naturally very simple to change the time flow rate with the outside world within the magic weapon.

They hoped that Lin Tian could defeat the Dao Zhu’s Spirit Spirit, because Lin Tian had lost the Flood Barren Avenue, and theoretically, he had become a part of the Dao Pearl.

If Lin Tian can defeat Daozhu, he can claim the throne! Become the new instrument spirit of Daozhu, the new controller.

The world inside that bead, and they can all be resurrected!

Although it will be controlled by Lin Tian in the future, this is different. Because the powerhouse of the Void Realm treated them as slaves.

They also had some partners, just because the task was not done well, they were directly erased, and even the origin was fed back to Daozhu.

Therefore, they would rather that Lin Tian control the Daozhu in the future, and they are controlled by Lin Tian, rather than continue to be such a pig and dog inferior.


Lin Tian nodded directly, because according to their words, the Supreme Dao was also the instrument spirit of the Dao Pearl, and the cultivation strength was the middle stage of the Void King level! And he is only in the beginning, and he will definitely not be an opponent.

If he can devour the four human origins in front of him, he can become a mid-stage of the Void King level, so that he can have the power of a battle with Dao Zhu.

As for devouring, it should not be difficult, because everyone was created by Dao Zhu, and strictly speaking, they are all of the same origin.

Perhaps the strong man who controls the Dao Pearl can’t devour the origin so much.

But Lin Tian had no restrictions at this time, these four people in front of him were of the same origin as himself, and they were the same as those Dao Origins that they had swallowed before, and their cultivation strength would definitely be able to skyrocket and resist the Dao Pearl.

“Hurry up, the owner of that Dao Pearl is not in the family anymore, and the Dao Pearl is placed in the Family Forbidden Land Formation.”

“It doesn’t stop you, but if that guy notices it, when he gets back, it’s all over.”

“He is the realm of the late stage of nothingness, you are completely unable to resist at this time, if you can devour the Dao Bead and become the master of the Dao Bead, there may be a little hope.”

The old man in black said so, while fighting, he was letting Lin Tian defeat himself, which was really complicated.

But they were all wretched people who chose to participate in the battle of the heavens in order to resurrect their precious ones, and then they won.

But he didn’t get what he wanted, but instead became a slave controlled by others, under the control of the Dao Pearl Instrument Spirit, helped the owner of the Dao Pearl, fought in all directions, and served as a slave.

“I and the other four are all in the Void Stage Realm, comparable to you, if you don’t have a little means, you can’t kill us.”

The young man looked at Lin Tian and said.

The four people were a woman in red, a young man, a middle-aged man, and an old man in black.

Lin Tian pondered for a moment, and then gulped.

“He is at ease with Dafa!”

Lin Tian cast the Peerless Technique of the Barren Heavenly Emperor, and immediately summoned the past and future bodies!

In an instant, Lin Tian’s three bodies fused together, and his aura suddenly skyrocketed, and he actually reached the realm of the middle stage of the Void King level in an instant.

Although this realm may not last long, it can already completely crush the four people in front of him!


Lin Tianqu pointed into a sword, and actually killed the four people in front of him in an instant.

This is the gap between the early and middle stages, Lin Tian is glad in his heart, fortunately, the guy who controls the Dao Pearl is not there, otherwise, he really can’t resist.


The middle-aged man in white smiled slightly.

“yes, we’re relieved.”

The woman in red also said with a smile, their will was controlled by Daozhu, like a puppet, and they couldn’t even commit suicide.

Sometimes, they even wish that they could do their own tasks without care, provoke the Daozhu owner, and then be killed.

But it is a pity that they have mastered their will, and under the order of the master of Daozhu, they cannot resist, and even risk their lives to complete the task.

0··· Ask for flowers…

This feeling of being completely controlled is really uncomfortable!

Grabbing the origin of the four people, Lin Tian directly devoured it. He would not regret it, if he could occupy the Magpie’s Nest, kill the Dao Pearl Instrument Spirit, and become a new Dao Pearl Instrument Spirit, then Lin Tian would definitely resurrect them.


When he instantly integrated into the origin of the four people, Lin Tian’s cultivation was directly raised to the middle stage of the Void King level, and this kind of cultivation strength was definitely strong enough.

Moreover, at this time, Lin Tian also cast his Great Law of Transformation Freedom, and although he did not allow himself to reach the realm of the late stage of nothingness, he should have surpassed the Dao Zhu’s instrument spirit.


Lin Tian looked at the Dao Bead Spirit in the void, and at this time he already knew what this guy was, and he also knew the truth of everything.

The owner of the Dao Pearl was a late Void King level fellow, a small realm higher than himself. According to the four people he killed in one move just now, the gap between the small realms within this Void King level is very large.

Therefore, Lin Tian’s only turning point was the spirit of the Dao Pearl.

The instrument spirit that devoured the Dao Pearl may be barely comparable to the late stage of the Void King level, right?

Even if the guy rushes back, it is estimated that he can not be afraid.


Daozhu’s spirit emitted bursts of thunder and roars, if he had wisdom, he would definitely be very angry, after all, this is his own body, is his own world, but within his own world, he was actually born to be able to resist his own existence, how can Daozhu not be angry?

However, Lin Tian didn’t want to delay, he couldn’t use Dafa for a long time, and Lin Tian had to quickly suppress Daozhu.

At the same time, in the void.


In a magnificent complex of buildings covering hundreds of millions of miles, it seems that some grand event is being held at this time.

An old man brushed and opened his eyes.


His heart trembled, Dao Pearl is his biggest secret, in tens of thousands of years, he can grow from a Heavenly Dao level cultivator all the way to the Void King level, it is because of the Dao Pearl.

If he loses the Dao Pearl, then he is nothing.

Dao Zhu he did not completely refine and control, but he also recognized the Lord.

Although he usually can’t fully control the situation inside the Dao Pearl, he will sense it when the Dao Pearl encounters a big problem.

The reason why he didn’t come out with Daozhu was because he came to participate in the conference of a big force, there were many strong people here, and he was just a very ordinary cultivator.

If you take the Dao Bead and be seen by those strong people, it will be very dangerous.

Therefore, he placed the Daozhu in the forbidden place in the family, anyway, he just came to participate in the grand event, and if he hurriedly, he would go back for hundreds of years.

But what I didn’t expect was that something happened.

I saw him brush and stand up.


“Brother Xingyuan? What are you? ”

A friend on the side, looking at Xingyuan who was about to leave directly standing up, asked curiously.

The old man looked at his friend and squeezed out a smile.

“Something happened on the family side, I am in a hurry to go back, if the banquet really starts, there should be a few years before the moment, enough.”

His friend nodded and didn’t ask what was going on, but it wasn’t a big deal. After all, where Xingyuan is located, there is no force around that can be comparable to his family.

Stepping out of this super power, he directly tore open the space and rushed back towards the family.

“Damn it! No matter who it is, you actually dare to fight the idea of Daozhu, this seat wants you to live better than die! ”

Among the spatial peers, he said angrily that the Daozhu was the foundation of his rise. At the beginning, it was just a small border family, and in millions of years, he achieved the realm of Heavenly Dao.

But it was because of getting the Dao Pearl that he actually achieved the Dao Realm in a short period of time, and even reached the current Void King level.

Seeing that he used to create a few copies of the Void King level Origin everywhere, he could break through to the realm above the Void King Level.

But Daozhu actually had an accident, could it be that someone found it?

Anxious, he awakened the true spirit he had left in the Dao Bead while hurrying.

At this time, Lin Tian was fighting with the Dao Pearl’s instrument spirit, that is, the Supreme Dao.

But at this time, the abnormality happened.

I saw the Daozhu’s instrument spirit, his eyes changed instantly, and from the beginning of the indifference and ruthlessness like a machine, he suddenly became angry and cold!

“Ants! You actually vainly try to resist the power of Dao Zhu’s control? ”

In fact, this Xingyuan was still relieved in his heart, it was not the strong people in the outside world who discovered the Dao Pearl, but an accident inside the Dao Pearl.

He relaxed a lot, because Daozhu had created the world so many times, he didn’t know how many times he had devoured the transcendent world.

There are occasional accidents in Daozhu, after all, it is impossible to create a world of billions and billions without a little omission.

But as long as it is a problem inside Daozhu, it is not a problem.

Because Xingyuan is very vigilant, the strength of the Dao Bead Spirit will never be higher than his own.

When he first got the Dao Bead, the Dao Bead was only the supreme treasure of the Heavenly Dao, comparable to his own cultivation.

Now he has grown to the late stage of the Void King level, and the Dao Pearl is only a Void Spirit Treasure, and the strength of the Dao Pearl Instrument Spirit is the middle stage of the Void King level.

This is the vigilance of the star source, because no matter how big the accident is, the world inside the Dao Bead will not be stronger than the Dao Bead Instrument Spirit.

But what Xingyuan didn’t expect was that he looked at Lin Tian’s cultivation strength, and he froze for a moment.

“Void King Level? How is this possible? How could you possibly get into such a state? ”

This is already on par with the Dao Bead’s Instrument Spirit, and even because of the secret method, it seems to be more powerful than the Dao Bead Instrument Spirit.

Lin Tian squinted at the Dao Bead Instrument Spirit in the sky above, that is, the Supreme Avenue, but the controller at this time was the owner of which Dao Bead, the guy in the late stage of the Void King level in the mouth of the four world masters just now.

But it seems that this guy hasn’t rushed back yet, but just used some backhand to awaken the means he left in the Dao Pearl.


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