“Zixiao Palace Haotian Yaochi, on the order of Taoist Ancestor Hongjun, came to congratulate the newlyweds on their happy event, wishing the happy event to be completed successfully and the newlyweds to be together forever.”

Who would have thought that this happy event between Xuan Yu, Xi and Chang Xi would actually alarm Dao Ancestor Hongjun in Zixiao Palace.

Although he did not come to celebrate in person, Haotian Yaochi was sent to celebrate, and even more so. Come and congratulate me!

This is the first time in the entire prehistoric period that even the six saints of the prehistoric era did not have such an honor as Zixiao Palace on the day of their sanctification…

It can be seen that even Tao Ancestor looks down upon Xuan Yu. I want to see it.

And directly announced,”I wish the wedding a successful completion and the couple will be happy together forever.””It has already shown the attitude in Zixiao Palace. In today’s prehistoric times, who dares to violate it and who can violate it.

Even the Wu Clan cannot turn a blind eye, otherwise the Wu Clan would not respect the rules set by Hongjun.. Therefore, the Twelve Ancestral Witches who were still clamoring now stopped moving in anger.

As for the demon clan, they did not dare to move rashly anymore.

She was so shocked that she completely fell silent. There was no longer any chattering!

The whole place fell into silence…

Nuwa ignored the Wu clan and said to Xuan Yu;”Xuan Yu, let’s go on a good day.” It has arrived, follow me now to complete this marriage!”

Not long after, not long after Haotian Yaochi arrived to celebrate.

Someone announced again;

“Master Xuandu, the first disciple of Bajing Palace in Shouyang Mountain, came here to celebrate on the orders of the Supreme Saint and presented nine pieces of ‘Nine Transformations Golden Pill’ to wish the happy event a successful completion and the couple to be together forever.”

When I was in a good mood, I made a special announcement about his proud work; ‘Nine Turns Golden Pill’.

Even Taoist Hongjun from Zixiao Palace came to celebrate and expressed his gratitude. How dare I and other saints do it? To be negligent, it can be said that they are ready to break through the space immediately to celebrate.

If they don’t express it, wouldn’t it be disrespectful to the Taoist? This is what I must do.

After that, it’s Yuanshi, even if they have a lot of grudges with Xuanyu;

“The chief disciple of the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, the Antarctic Immortal, came to celebrate on the orders of the Saint of the First Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and presented him with a top-quality innate spiritual root… I wish the happy event a successful completion and the couple to be together forever.”

Yuanshi is the one who has the best reputation. Naturally, he can’t be too shabby in front of a large number of monks from all over the world.

“Maitreya Buddha, the first disciple of Lingshan Mountain in the West, came to celebrate on the orders of the two saints Yin Zhunti and presented nine ‘Bodhi Seeds’. I wish the happy event a complete success and the couple will be happy together forever.”

The Bodhi tree is produced by the Bodhi tree, one of the ten innate spiritual roots. It represents the innate five elements Geng metal…

It is rare for the two Western saints to be generous.

After all, it does not look good in front of so many monks.


The series of celebrations completely pushed Xuan Yu’s luck in this ‘celestial marriage’ to its peak!

Strange images appeared in the sky, dragons, phoenixes and auspicious beasts flew, and eight-note fairy music resounded throughout the world…

As a result, the ‘celestial marriage’ between Xuan Yu, Xi and Chang Xi was completed under the auspices of Nuwa, and it was considered a near miss..

At the moment of completion, colorful auspicious clouds formed in the sky, and then countless merits rained down.

Because heavenly marriage has a deeper meaning, it is the way of heaven taking the opportunity to pass on the teachings of the harmony of yin and yang to all living beings in the wild, and it has the merit of promoting the reproduction of all things and has a far-reaching influence, so it gives merit.

The sky shows strange images, and the qi of yin and yang intersect, so that yin and yang complement each other. All things bear yin and embrace yang, and the qi is in harmony. The harmonious Qi is anger.

Therefore, in the ancient world, there was infinite vitality descending…

With the arrival of merit, even the calamity evil energy generated by the previous meeting of the lich’s breath was washed away. It was very mysterious. It can be seen that the merit descended from this ‘celestial marriage’ How huge it is, and how far-reaching the influence of the ‘celestial marriage’ is…

This immeasurable merit is integrated into the bodies of Xuanyu, Xi and Chang Xi, and Nuwa, because Xuanyu, Xi and Chang Xi are the main persons in the incident. , so the merits are the most, and Nuwa contributed to this, so she naturally has some merits, but it is relatively much less.

The endless creatures present and the Xuanyu tribe were all baptized by the endless vitality descended from heaven, and they were very benefited.

Especially for the human race in the Xuanyu tribe, the effect is even more obvious…

The demon tribe’s people, seeing this scene, felt regretful in their guts for a moment, especially Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. This merit should be theirs.

It’s a pity that they don’t realize how precious it is. This was originally their opportunity, and others couldn’t take it away even if they wanted to, but they actually offered to give it to Yu Xuanyu.

Let Xuan Yu also become one of the opportunities. Following Xuan Yu and fighting hard, he actually won all the opportunities that belonged to the demon clan.

It wasn’t until this moment that Di Jun figured out the key, and he was so angry for a moment.

If I had known that this opportunity was so great, it would be impossible to use it as a bargaining chip to win over Xuan Yu, but now it is too late to regret it.

The most annoying thing is that not only did Xuan Yu fail to win over him, but all the opportunities were taken up by Xuan Yu.

I lost a lot of rice when I failed to steal the chicken, lost my wife and lost my troops!

The saddest thing in life is this.

Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi secretly swore in his heart;”Xuanyu, if we don’t avenge this revenge, we will not be the Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan.……”

The hatred for Xuan Yu has reached its peak!

At this time, they no longer had any illusions about winning over Xuan Yu.

Di Jun looked at the twelve ancestral witches and hundreds of millions of witch soldiers of the witch clan who showed no intention of retreating.

A plan was immediately formed in his mind, and orders were quietly sent out one after another.

After listening to Di Jun’s order, the top leaders of the Demon Clan immediately lifted their spirits from their previously depressed expressions. Some of the belligerent people among them even began to become excited…

As for the Wu Clan, The Twelve Ancestral Witches were able to use the magical power of space from Dijiang and brought hundreds of millions of witch soldiers from the witch clan. They had already shown their determination, so naturally they could not retreat casually.

Zhu Rong couldn’t help but asked;”What should we do next?”

Gonggong said matter-of-factly;”The stumbling block to the unification of the ancient world has not been removed, and the Houtu girl has not vented her anger. How can we let Xuanyu enter the bridal chamber comfortably?”It’s not that cheap.”

Qiang Liang said,”Yes, we have gathered the great witches from twelve tribes this time. How could we just retreat casually? Wouldn’t it be a joke to the entire primitive world?””

Zhu Jiuyin continued,”Don’t be impatient. Whether it’s Nuwa or Haotian Yaochi in Zixiao Palace, what they care about is just the completion of this ‘celestial marriage’. It can be clearly seen that they There is no intention to stop us from attacking the human race Xuanyu!”

Di Jiang said;”That’s right. In order to avoid the situation where our Wu clan has to face Xuanyu and the demon clan at the same time after the expiration of the Yuanhui period in the future, we must The Xuanyu tribe must be eliminated within this period of time……”

After the ‘Heavenly Marriage’ was successfully completed, Nuwa actually vaguely knew that it was a chance, but she really didn’t expect that the harvest would be so rich. After collecting the heavenly merits, Nuwa directly clasped her fists towards Tongtian and said goodbye;

“Senior Brother Tongtian, Junior Sister’s mission is now considered completed, so they will leave first.”

The one who knew Tongtian said unjustly,”Junior sister Nuwa, as soon as you get this merit, you have to leave. This human tribe has a deep connection with you. The witch tribe’s army has not retreated, and the monster tribe is also ready to move, so you can’t. Be careful?

Nuwa replied disapprovingly,”Brother Tongtian, can’t you still see through that?” As a saint, everything is just in accordance with God’s will. What’s more, Xuan Yu uses cultivation as a magical means, so what should I worry about?”

“So…if senior brother can’t see through it, you have a close relationship with Xuan Yu. It will not be easy for senior brother to help Xuan Yu.”………………………………………………………………………………………..

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