
“”Hong Yi” was hit by Pangu’s real body and flew out.

“Xuanyu, can’t you see that the outcome has been decided? Your human army is about to be destroyed. Don’t you think about them?”

How could Xuan Yu fail to see the crisis in the human army at this time!

But at this moment, perhaps because of the clarity of bystanders, Xuan Yu, who was outside the battlefield, immediately made new discoveries about the battlefield.

When Pangu was fighting next The real body said while transmitting messages to the two sisters Xi and Chang Xi;

“At this time, the two Lich tribes are attacking our human race from both sides. The two ladies, together with the Queen Mother of the West, are trying to close the Five Elements Formation, trying to allow the armies of the two Lich tribes to meet, or temporarily withdraw from the battlefield if possible… In short, let the Lich tribes meet. The armies of the two demon tribes met……”

Neither Xi nor Chang Xi are stupid people. They immediately understood what Xuan Yu meant when they heard what he said.

At this time, they and the Queen Mother of the West were jointly presiding over the innate Five Elements Formation.

Xi and Chang Xi said to Queen Mother Xi,”Sister Queen Mother Xi, my husband has told us to find a way.”……”

Xuan Yu said what he said exactly.

The Queen Mother of the West also reacted immediately;”Yes, how could I not have thought of this?”

She immediately sent an order to her female fairies;

“You guys quickly go and notify Po Yuan in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and Zhulong in the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation and ask them to cooperate with our innate five elements formation. I will try my best to close the formation and reduce the scope to the minimum.……”

Originally, the two Lich clans could be said to have fought against several enemies of the Yuanhui. Their previous battle goals were already very clear. After destroying the human race, they would have to decide the winner and the male and female…

It’s just that at this time, the human army was caught in the middle by the Lich army, which instead isolated the Lich army.

One can imagine what would happen if the isolation in the middle was gone or reduced, allowing the armies of the two Lich tribes to confront each other.

Not to mention that the current high-level leaders of the Lich and Lich tribes have not given orders to only attack the human race. Even if they have given orders, if the two Lich tribes meet, they will definitely start a fight. There is no suspense at all.

What’s more, being enveloped by the aura of calamity now affects his mind.

Originally, the Xuanyu tribe’s army tried its best to resist the two lich tribes, but now they are closing the battle line in unison, closing the formation, reducing the scope as much as possible, closing the distance between the two sides, and letting the lich army gradually get closer to each other……

Finally, when it reached a certain level; under the unified steps of Xiwangmu, Poyuan, and Zhulong, the three peerless formations worked together, with the innate Five Elements formation as the main one, protecting the other two formations. When he narrowed his range to the minimum, he suddenly left the battlefield and lifted up…

Of course, if he suddenly left the battlefield like this, he would inevitably be hit hard on the back by the two Lich clans.

Because this will inevitably reveal flaws, giving the Lich and Lich clans an opportunity to take advantage of.

However, with the support of the innate Five Elements Formation, the loss was still within the tolerable range.

Because of the sudden departure of the human army from the battlefield, the two opposing lich tribes had been chasing after the human army. Of course, it was inevitable that the two lich tribes would meet.

The enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and started fighting each other directly without any deliberate instigation.

This is a battlefield in the first place, and there is no need for any transitional buffer. The Witch Clan cannot tolerate the Demon Clan in its eyes, just as the Witch Clan cannot tolerate the Witch Clan in the eyes of the Demon Clan…

It is indeed as Xuan Yu imagined, as long as the Lich Clan is allowed to When armies meet on the battlefield, it will inevitably be a fight to the death.

The senior leaders of the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan were both confused!

But that was short-lived. Even if they wanted to stop it, it was already too late. However, a war of this scale could be separated. What’s more, they were all enemies, and they had no intention of stopping it.

Just like two dogs that have bitten together, it is impossible to separate them again.

Once the scene starts, in this situation, whoever dares to stop first will die first, whoever dares to compromise first will be defeated first…

The battlefield suddenly changed miraculously, and it was no longer a pincer attack between the two armies of the Lich and the Demon. The human army.

Instead, the main battlefield began to turn into a confrontation between the two armies of the lich, and a battle between the lich.

The great witch roared and roared;

“Kill the bastards of the Wu clan and tear them into pieces. Kill them all, whether they are monsters or humans.……”

“Kill me clean……”

The demon saints on the demon clan’s side were also roaring crazily;”Wave the witch-slaying swords in your hands and let these brainless witch clans die. No one from the witch clan or the human race can be spared.”……”

The changes in the battle situation are truly unpredictable.

On the contrary, the Xuanyu tribe’s army suddenly traveled to the periphery, the pressure suddenly reduced, and they were no longer in danger of destruction.

The two tribes of lich and demons have become the main battlefield at this time!!!

And to a large extent, it was because the Xuanyu tribe was controlled by Luohu’s demonic energy before, so it had a little resistance to the impact of the heaven and earth calamity at this time. In addition, the human race was not originally affected by this calamity. The protagonist, not as affected as the two Lich clans, still maintains his sanity… and has not completely fallen into the crazy killing!

Xi and Chang Xi said again;”My husband also said, let’s not stand out too much now, just keep it as it is now, let the two lich clans keep fighting each other, don’t attract their attention, and at this time, we can recover It’s okay to focus on yourself, even if you don’t kill the enemy.……”

The general meaning is to keep a low profile and don’t cause hatred…

Queen Mother Xi, Po Yuan, Zhu Long and others couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The previous crisis scenes had brought too much pressure to them.

They all couldn’t help but sigh;

“As expected of the King of Humans, he solved the pincer attack between the two armies of the Lich and the Lich with a simple move, and instead let the two Lich and Lich tribes fight on their own. It was really great.……”

“Ha ha!! This can be regarded as a cocoon between the two tribes of lich and they actually attacked our Xuanyu tribe. They deserved it.……”

At this time, even the prehistoric saints who had been paying attention to the war were confused. The situation of the war had changed too quickly.

This move of the Xuanyu Tribe can be said to have solved its own crisis without any effort, and instead put itself in the most advantageous position.

“Wonderful, really wonderful……”Tongtian on Jin’ao Island couldn’t help but clapped his hands excitedly and shouted;

“He is indeed my friend Xuan Yu. Judging from the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for the two armies of the Lich and the Lich tribe to form a siege on the Xuan Yu tribe again!”

In fact, the Xuanyu tribe’s army alone is far behind whether it is compared to the demon clan or the wizard clan. If Xuanyu’s saint combat power is not taken into account, whether it is against the wizard clan or the demon clan, it is There is no chance of being crushed and destroyed.

After all, in the battle between the monk armies, strategies and tactics have little impact on the outcome of the war. Absolute strength can crush all conspiracies. A trick.

However, now on the battlefield of the Lich-Man war, a miracle has happened. The Xuanyu tribe has stabilized. If this continues, the winning side will definitely win.………………………………………………………………………………………………

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