Chapter 142 On Dao Dan Qi Array [Three more automatic]

After speaking, daddy begins to explain own Alchemy:

“The Dan, the round, the round, the Tai Chi, the Tai Chi Nine Cycles are detached, and the infinite is also. My Alchemy is the way of the Gold Core, and the gold is also the Immortal.”

Daddy’s Alchemy actually has nothing to do, it is to refine the Medicine Pill to the extreme. Refined into Immortal Gold Core!

The main control is the heat and time. No wonder Daddy’s Medicine Pill has been refined for hundreds of years, which is almost the same as cultivation.

Five hundred years later, Daddy finished explaining Alchemy and said to everyone:

“This is the old-fashioned Gold Core approach. The old-fashioned Cultivation Base is now low, and it can be refined into a Rank 7 Gold Core at most, but taking a Rank 7 Gold Core can make a person a gold immortal.

The eight-turn Gold Core “Nine Nine Zero” can become the realm of Taiyi, and the Nine Cycles Gold Core can become the realm of Da Luo!”

Ling Bao admired:

“Daddy fellow daoist is good Alchemy, I will talk about my Alchemy, my Alchemy is just the opposite of daddy fellow daoist!”

When Sanqing heard what Ling Bao said, he was very curious.

You must know that the later generations of Ling Bao are not so good at Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, so the later generations of Alchemy can really bring the medicinal properties of medicinal materials to the extreme.

Ling Bao was talking about Alchemy in later generations, and Ling Bao began to preach:

“I think that the pill is to replenish the same, the way of the sky, the damage is more than the insufficiency, my pill is the Medicine Pill, the medicine is the spiritual material, through the combination of medicinal properties, the emperor is the mainstay, and the minister is the auxiliary. , With the neutralizing medicine, the stimulating medicine to sublimate the medicinal properties, I call it the way of the emperor and the minister. In addition, it is necessary”

Ling Bao talked about the Medicine Pill of his later generations, while Ling Bao’s Alchemy is to give play to the medicinal properties of each medicinal material. The medicinal materials are classified according to the Tao of Three Talents, Heat, Warm, and Cold, and Yin & Yang Tai Chi Tao.

The different functions of medicinal materials are classified according to the four elements, and they are used by the monarch and ministers. According to different parts, they are divided into five elements of the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.

Ling Bao’s alchemy is divided into thirty-six grades such as Qi training, physical training, god training, healing, improving aptitude, washing the marrow and cutting the veins, breaking bottleneck, etc., and 72 effects.

After listening to Ling Bao’s words, daddy seemed to have opened a window, and daddy stood up and saluted Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, I might as well!”

Ling Bao quickly said modestly:

“Alchemy of daddy fellow daoist, very energetic, no less!”

Daddy just wanted to be humble, through Heavenly Dao:

“Brother, why not combine your Alchemy and Ling Bao’s Alchemy into one, so that is the complete Alchemy!”

Daddy had an idea and looked forward to Ling Bao, Ling Bao said:

“Tongtian’s words are extremely true, I don’t know if daddy fellow daoist can agree?”

Daddy also said happily:

“Can’t ask for it!”

After talking about Alchemy, Daddy even gave Ling Bao the method of Eight Turns Gold Core, Nine Cycles Gold Core and Promise Gold Core.

After all, the refining method of this Medicine Pill is inherited by Pangu, and he just understands, absorbs, and then practices into his own.

Ling Bao received Alchemy from daddy and said with a wry smile:

“Fellow daoist is really…

Then Ling Bao passed all the refining methods of Medicine Pill he knew to daddy, and many ammunition in it were useful for Daluo Jinxian and even quasi-sage.

Because the effect of many spiritual materials is very good now, after different combinations, some of the medicinal properties have surpassed Spiritual Roots.

Daddy watched the pill refining method passed by Ling Bao, and muttered to himself excitedly:

“Cleaning the marrow pill, cutting the pulse pill, washing the meridian and cutting the pulse pill, protecting the pulse pill, meditation pill, clear heart pill, centering pill, ice heart pill, burning fire pill, Xuanbing pill, Jing Gold Core, grass Huan pill, thick soil pill ,Xuanyang Pill, Zhiyang Pill, Zhiyin Pill, Xuanyin Pill, Yun Ling Pill”

There are altogether more than 10,000 kinds of Medicine Pill, including healing, curing, cultivation, poison pills, medical pills and so on.

Daddy instantly became a medical master. Daddy absorbed all kinds of pharmacology. When Daddy absorbed all kinds of pharmacology, he sighed:

“This Medicine Pill is profound and profound, I haven’t gotten started yet!!

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“The way of fellow daoist is the great way, I’m just a trail! Waiting for us to refine the Medicine Pill that can improve Sage’s physique, is it a beginner?”

Daddy’s eyes leaked enthusiasm, and then said:

“Yes, I must refine these Medicine Pills into Nine Cycles Medicine Pill, Nine Cycles Cleansing Pill, no, it should be Promise Cleansing Pill!”

Upon hearing daddy’s words, Ling Bao was surprised:

“Daddy fellow daoist, this is pill refining, not cultivation!”

Daddy shook his head:

“No, it may be just a means in the eyes of fellow daoist, but I think this is the avenue, I want to create a new Alchemy!”

Ling Bao sighed after hearing what daddy said:

“I’m not as good as a daddy fellow daoist!

Because Ling Bao knows that what he pursues is the avenue, not a single avenue, it is the 3,000 avenue, or even the avenue above the 3,000 avenue.

Ling Bao’s main cultivation now is “Chaos Good Fortune”, “Soul Golden Chapter” and “Three Thousand Dao Supernatural Powers”, and the others are auxiliary.

However, Ling Bao did not speak, but addressed the original Dao:

“Original fellow daoist, shall we start?”

Original Road:

“Let me start first!”

After speaking the original way:

“The Way of My Tools”

The original tools are similar, infinite pursuit of attack and defense!

Ling Bao also talked about Own Tools, which is similar to Alchemy. It will be pragmatic. Through Yin & Yang Three Talents Five Elements, etc., the performance of the main material of the mixer will be maximized, rather than the original. , After special refining techniques and flames, the power of Ling Bao is infinitely improved.

The posterity of the earthshaking seal is such an example. If Ling Bao is allowed to refine it, Buzhou Mountain will definitely refine the city dojo. What a good dojo to refine 5.9 materials, the greatest effect is deterrence, suppression and unyielding.

This kind of material refining the dojo will definitely allow own disciples to advance by leaps and bounds, instead of turning them into a brick to smash people.

Ling Bao discussed the Array Dao with Tongtian again. Ling Bao recounted the Array Dao he had taught Fuxi again, and exchanged insights about Qi Dao and Array Dao with Yuan Yuan and Tongtian.

The four people received a lot of goods, through Heavenly Dao:

“I didn’t expect the fellow daoist to study formation so thoroughly, no wonder any formation can see through it at a glance. If I study this formation with nine principles and four realms. The five methods are thoroughly studied, maybe I can reach the level of fellow daoist!

Ling Bao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry

“That’s a talented supernatural power!”

Tongtian curled his lips and looked at Tongtian not believing, Ling Bao was about to explain, suddenly

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