Chapter 199 Jin Ling Xun Feng [Subscription]

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, thank you very much, yes, go to the extreme west, do you want me to take you there!”

Ling Bao shook his head and said:

“no need”!

Bai Yunzi said:

“Will the fellow daoist go to the West Antarctic Islands to sit for a while? This is not the same as the prehistoric islands, and it has a special flavor! I have just returned from the extreme west, and it will take more than nine hundred and fifty years for the new clouds to condense. !”

Ling Bao listened, then said:

“Yes, let’s go and see!”

Bai Yunzi said:

“Let’s go, go to Juxian Island first, the atmosphere is very strong there!”

Ling Bao was also very curious, and set off with Baiyunzi, and soon the two of them arrived at a very large island. Ling Bao’s broken golden eyes saw a lot of traces of formation on the island, although it is not Innate formation, but the acquired formation Also very powerful defense formation.

Ling Bao curiously asked Bai Yunzi:

“There is a defense formation here?”

Bai Yunzi said in surprise:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist has a good vision, yes, there is indeed a defensive formation here. Although this Western Pole is indisputable, it has to compete with this nature.

Every 100,000 years, there will be a very big storm here. This storm is not an ordinary wind, but a Jinling Sunda wind. This Jinling Sunda wind is made of Innate gold gas, Innate spiritual blade gas, and Innate Sunda wind. .

Every time it takes nine years, Innate’s golden sword spirit, eroding flesh and bones, is very overbearing. Unless the cultivator who specializes in body training reaches Innate Ling Bao Realm, it can resist it.

Even if the cultivator’s Cultivation Base has arrived at Innate Ling Bao’s Realm, people will not dare to fight Jinling Xunfeng for a long time!

Because in addition to Innate Golden Blade Qi, Innate Spirit Blade Qi is even more abnormal, not hurting flesh or bones, this Innate Spirit Blade Qi will only scrape your Magic power.

In one hour, the magic power of a hundred years is gone. After nine years, 400,000 years of cultivation will be wasted. No one dares to stay for nine years under such circumstances.

Moreover, this Jinling Sunda wind occurs once every 100,000 years. As for this Innate strange wind, it is even more powerful. It does not hurt the body or the Magic power.

But it’s the primordial spirit that hurts. If there is no primordial spirit to defend Magic Treasures, and Nine Heavens is not used, it will be completely wiped out. Therefore, after hundreds of years of development, this formation that has been researched is to resist every 100,000 years. Once the Jinling Sunda wind.

However, it is usually not turned on. It will only be turned on when the Jinling Sunda wind comes. It is usually in an idle state.

After hearing what Bai Yunzi said, Ling Bao asked:

“This thing is so powerful, how did this golden spirit sundae form, do you know?”

Bai Yunzi shook his head:

“I don’t know exactly how it was formed, but some people want to know how it was formed, but even Hunyuan Jinxian, they also went to investigate, but all the people who wanted to know the truth did not come back.

To know the people of Hunyuan Jinxian, you can become a master of Hunyuan Golden Fairy as long as you cultivate, but you don’t even have information, so people here don’t want to know what is going on. ”

After Ling Bao heard it, he was very interested. Bai Yunzi looked at Ling Bao’s meaning, and quickly understood Ling Bao’s thoughts, and said to Ling Bao with comfort:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, although you have to maintain a fearless heart in your practice, don’t be curious about the conclusion that countless people have come to die. If anyone knows the force, someone has already said it.

Okay, don’t think about Jinling Xunfeng, let’s go down and take a look, there seems to be a discussion meeting today, let’s go and take a look!”

Ling Bao took this matter to heart. Ling Bao also knew that Bai Yunzi was also kind, so he said to Bai Yunzi:

“Thank you Bai Yunzi fellow daoist, let’s go, I also want to see how this discussion conference is like!”

Bai Yunzi’s excited explanation:

“This Dao Conference can be regarded as the prosperous age of our West Pole Islands. Here, countless people are exploring the cultivation method of higher Realm.

In the West Pole Islands, there are a total of one ancestor, two kings, three schools, and six powers. The origin of the twin kings can be described as very mysterious.

The two kings practice the Mental Energy secret method. Both of them are to resist the cultivation cultivation technique invented by Luo Hou. A great Buddha king, the relic of cultivation is the cultivation cultivation technique that restrains Luo Hou, one is the fantasy king, and the cultivation is Illusion Art. , Also for the secret method of cultivation Mental Energy.

The Buddha King condenses Mental Energy and Magic Power into relics, and is very good at breaking Illusion Art.

The magic king practiced Luohou’s secret technique, and the two were brothers, helping each other and growing up.

As for the Three Sects, they are three people who have passed the pill-refining formation. The Danzong is the pill refining everyone. Of course, the West Pole Islands does not have too many geniuses and treasures, so the Danzong took a different approach and used the flesh as a great medicine to cultivate the inner pill. The inner alchemy was consummated, opened up the world, and became the golden immortal of Hunyuan Daluo.

The Qi Zong is the same as Dan Zong, refining the body into a huge Ling Bao, and entering Innate is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Upon hearing this, Ling Bao asked in shock:

What? Become an Innate Ling Bao and become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?”

Bai Yunzi shook his head:

“No, that is the division of body cultivator practitioners. The cultivation principle of the sect is that as long as people born in the prehistoric state, no matter what God or God is, they belong to the day after tomorrow. The real Innate is Heavenly Dao. Innate under the avenue.

The Qizong is to refine the body cultivator of the own Dao into various Ling Bao, and then reverse the chaos and become the Dao Innate, thus proving the Daluo Jinxian!

As for the formations, it is even more perverted. He believes that formation is not arranged through various Magic Treasures. Only the formation of gods and formations are the way to go.

(Zhao Nuo’s) So he refined all the parts of his body into various formations, and arranged various formations through these formations, but he didn’t expect it to really make him successful.

All the formations can be arranged as long as he moves his mind. In the eyes of Zhenzong, there is no Innate formation and acquired formation, because in his eyes there is no rubbish formation, only rubbish people.

So when he merged the thousands of formations into one heart, he also proved that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!”

Ling Bao heard Bai Yunzi’s introduction and said with great interest:

“I want to meet these talents, it’s incredible, but let them take a different path!”

Bai Yunzi nodded, then said:

“However, apart from the Cultivation Technique of the ancestor Huang Tian, ​​everyone has learned from them. The Cultivation Technique of other people was announced by them. No one can successfully cultivate a donkey!”

Ling Bao asked in shock

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