Chapter 304 Two sons fighting [seeking subscription]

When the three people left, Di Xin said:

“The prime minister, you have also seen it, which son do you think can inherit Datong!”

Bi Gan is not a fool, although he and the king are brothers, but still facing the emperor:

“My lord, this matter still needs the lord to call the shots!”

Seeing Bi Gan’s performance, Emperor Yi nodded in satisfaction. This elder of the two dynasties, when he was not the great king, Bi Gan was the prime minister. Now he has to pave the way for his sons, so naturally he cannot let his sons not be able to control these ministers.

If Bigan gives advice, Emperor Yi may or may not adopt it, but before own son takes the position, Bigan will definitely be assigned or even resigned.

Although Bi Gan doesn’t know what Emperor Yi thinks, Bi Gan is very smart. He must take care of the affairs within his responsibilities, but he would not care about things that he should not be in charge of himself.

So Emperor Yi intends to treat Bi Gan as a minister of the loneliness. Is Bi Gan stupid? No, Bi Gan is very smart. You must know that Bi Gan is a person who owns Jiuqiao Linglong Xin. Such a person is extremely smart.

In addition to Bi Gan, Emperor Yi thought of Wen Zhong, Wen Zhong is a very powerful person, proficient in arranging troops, and his personal combat effectiveness is also very strong.

With Wen Zhongzai, there would be no problems with Dashang for a short time. Thinking of this, Emperor Yi stood up and coughed a few times.

At this time, a person came over and faced Emperor Yidao:

“My lord, you are not in good health. If you can rest, just rest. Don’t bother!”

Emperor Yi knew that his own life didn’t have much time, so Emperor Yi said to the servant around him:

“It’s okay, I own my body, I (bafa) know it myself!”

Hearing what Emperor Yi said, the man had to retreat, and then waited for Emperor Yi to speak, and Emperor Yi said to the servant:

“Go, go to the ancestral hall!”

The servant bowed his head and said:

“Nuo, King!”

After speaking, he took Emperor Yi to the direction of the ancestral hall. When Emperor Yi arrived at the ancestral hall, he saw Emperor Xin kneeling there. When Emperor Yi saw Emperor Xin, he asked very angrily:

“Di Xin, do you know what’s wrong?”

Di Xin looked at Di Yi stubbornly without saying a word.Di Yi saw Di Xin’s appearance and was very satisfied in his heart, but Di Xin said to Di Xin in order to protect Di Xin:

“Okay, I don’t know how to repent, kneel for me until tomorrow morning, and then go back to me, study hard, don’t learn anything that is ineffective!”

After talking about Di Xin, he left. After Di Xin left, both Wei Zi Qi and Wei Zhong Yan received Di Yi reprimanding Di Xin, but they were very happy.

But soon the two began to confront each other, frame each other, and fight, and Emperor Yi saw the battle between Wei Ziqi and Wei Zhongyan in his eyes.

Every time the two of them are excessive, Emperor Yi will punish them and slowly weaken their power. Wei Ziqi and Wei Zhongyan only see each other in their eyes, but they don’t know that countless forces belong to Di Xin. Under the door.

Di Xin’s strength is getting stronger and stronger. Unfortunately, the two of them have red eyes to kill each other. Di Xin is indeed very low-key. Please greet my father and the owner every day.

But I am very despised, now I want to admit my mistakes, it is too late, because the two know through careful study, every time Di Yi asks Di Xin about governance, Di Yi is the same rhetoric before, and there is no change at all, which makes Di Yi Very angry.

And the two have completely put down their guard against Di Xin, and sometimes the two fight to a certain extent, and Emperor Yi will blatantly put the power of the two under the name of Di Xin. Even so, neither of them took the emperor. Xin To put in one’s eyes.

Because whenever the two are on guard against Di Xin, Di Xin will be scolded by Di Yi, and many of the forces placed under Di Xin’s name are ignored by Di Xin.

Slowly, the two of them basically won’t be able to inquire about Di Xin’s information. Both of them think that this second brother is simply a mud that can’t support the wall.

Just after the two people were fighting, Wen Zhong came back. After hearing the news, Emperor Yi was very excited:

“Hurry up!”

Wen Zhong walked to the Great Hall and said to Di Xin:

“Majesty, the old minister is guilty, the old minister has traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, but he has not found a suitable healing medicine!”

Emperor Yi was very disappointed, but as a very sacred king, Emperor Yi would naturally not criticize Wen Zhong. Emperor Yi helped Wen Zhong up and said:

“Teacher, you are not to blame, it seems that this is my fate, it is my fate!”

Wen Zhong was very moved:

“My lord, please take a good rest. I’m going to the East China Sea this time. I heard that there are many fairy islands in the East China Sea.

It’s a pity that my master can’t get Closed Door Training, otherwise, if I beg my master, it will definitely cure the king!”

Di Yi naturally knew that Wen Zhong was a disciple of the sect, but no matter which sect he was, he couldn’t get out. It was impossible for his own power to enter the Sacred Land of those sects, and his own injuries could not be announced.

If it is announced, then there will be unnecessary disturbances for own sons to inherit the Datong!.

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