Chapter 335 Form a party and engage in private business [seeking subscription]

Ling Bao heard Nezha’s words and said to Nezha:

“Well, you only need to know these. You don’t need to know more, because knowing too much is not good for you.

Your current Cultivation Base must not be too far-fetched, it is not good for your future, wait until you reach the Realm you should know.

I will tell you naturally!”

Nezha heard Ling Bao’s words and nodded to Ling Bao:

“Yes, Master, I get it!”

Ling Bao saw that Nezha was no longer asking, so he stopped talking, and then said to Nezha:

“You’d better not use your Magic power in Chaoge. This is the capital of the human race and is suppressed by the national fortune. If you do something that hurts Dashang, even I can’t save you.

The humane will represented by the national movement of a country, so my Magic power is high, and I can’t fight against the will of the human race!

Nezha nodded, Nezha knows that there is a human king here, and his father is also an official here. In Chentangguan, own father has the most power, but here, own father really has nothing.

So Nezha didn’t want to make trouble for own father-pro.

So Nezha nodded and said very obediently:

“Well, Master, I get it!”

Ling Bao nodded with a smile, and then flashed, seeing Zhunti leaving, Ling Bao thought in his heart:

“This is interesting!”


“Boyi test, what should I do? Your father was locked up by the king!”

Bo Yikao sighed and said:

“I don’t know, but the message from my father is to tell us not to act rashly. My father is just in prison now, and there is no danger to his life!

After Bo Yikao’s mother heard this, she asked:


Boyi nodded his head:

“Well, of course it’s true, it’s a letter sent back by my father!!

Bo Yikao’s mother, Tai Si, knew Ji Chang’s details, and then said:

“Then what else does your father explain?”

Boyi nodded his head:

“Father asked us to develop Xiqi well, and then all orders from King Zhou must be executed, but not in the name of King Zhou, or in the name of Xibohou as before!”

Boyikao’s mother and Ji Chang’s wife Taiyi said:

“You are the eldest son of your father. You don’t need to tell me about this. I am a Daoist family and I don’t understand. Since your father is not here, let you handle these matters!”

Ji Fa and Ji Xian, who were behind the examination of Boyi, seriously leaked a trace of envy and unwillingness, but Xiqi emphasized the order of growth and order, and who made himself not the eldest son.

So although the two were not reconciled, they had no choice but to bear it.

On Xiqi’s side, because Ji Chang’s spies were sending messages, King Zhou didn’t know about it. King Zhou knew that his own confidant was all the princes.

Although Xibehou has the greatest power, he has no handle in the hands of Xibehou, and Xibehou is still a prisoner of his own rank.

As long as he didn’t let him go, there would be no storm in Xiqi. Sometimes, King Zhou was still very grateful to Yuan Futong. If Yuan Futong had not rebelled, he would not know how to imprison Ji Chang.

Hearing the messages of Fei Zhong and You Hun passed by the shadow to him, King Zhou leaked a smile.

Yes, the people who Fei Zhong and Youhun persecute now are those who oppose own.

And they didn’t come forward. Fei Zhong and You Hun both found relevant evidence. These two people are doing well. Even if there is no evidence, the two will fabricate evidence.

Although these officials have many interest groups, they are in front of two rascals, Fei Zhong and Youhun.

.0 Seeking flowers……0

Moreover, it was a rogue who was highly regarded as a king, and all officials dared not speak.

Even Bigan didn’t interfere with the two of them. For a time, the whole court was in a miasma, but Fei Zhong and Youhun didn’t want to go on like this and began to form a party for private purposes.

When King Zhou knew what the two had done, he was very angry, and King Feng reprimanded in the court:

“Fei Zhong, You Hun, you two are so courageous, who gives you the courage to do such a thing?”

Fei Zhong and You Hun were taken aback. Didn’t the recent things that the king wanted to see? How could such a thing happen?


Both of them knew that their current power was given by King Zhou. Although they didn’t know what King Zhou was talking about, the two of them hurriedly knelt in front of the King, and prayed for the King’s forgiveness.

When everyone saw that they had no backbone at all, they knelt at every turn, despising them very much.

King Zhou looked at the two people who were kneeling on the ground, and then said to them:

“You two go back and reflect on it carefully, when did you know that you were wrong, and when did you come to find the widow!”

Hearing King Zhou’s words, both of them were very surprised, but they went down. They didn’t have the guts to ask King Zhou what was wrong!

Seeing that the two came out of the court, everyone shouted to King Zhou:

“Great King Shengming!

Although I don’t know why King Zhou wanted to reuse the two, most of them clapped their hands and applauded when they saw the two men in trouble.

King Zhou also has his own considerations. Recently, the two of them have a lot of scenery, and they have the meaning of warning them. The king also knows that the affairs of the court are too late. It is good to delay the time first.

That’s why King Zhou beat the two through the fact that they formed a party for private purposes!

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