
A crashing sound without warning sounded from Houtu’s body, and at the same time, a huge ripple containing the power of Hunyuan was set off.

Wherever the ripples went, they turned into blood-colored light waves.

Houtu, who had already realized the Hunyuan, felt in his heart A great compassion for heaven and humanity arose again.

On Hou Tu’s face, there was a look of compassion that could not be concealed.

Time passed by breath by breath, and the ripples of laws on Hou Tu’s body continued to spread, and the sound of collapses was earth-shattering, resounding throughout the entire world. The Netherworld.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Nuwa and others changed dramatically! They thought that Houtu would reincarnate again.

Due to the relationship between Chu Xiao and Houtu, it was impossible for Nuwa to watch Houtu leave.

Nuwa’s body A terrifying Holy Realm cultivation suddenly arose, trying to forcibly stop the changes that occurred in Hou Tu.

Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly came from Chu Xiao’s mouth at the next moment, interrupting Nu Wa’s spell casting

“Mother, although the nether world is open, the order of the afterlife here is not complete, so let my sister complete all this.”

Chu Xiao’s voice was extremely calm, and his face showed a calm look, as if he had a plan in mind.

Nuwa knew that there was a blood link between Chu Xiao and Hou Tu. The fact that Chu Xiao could be so calm explained the situation. It was not out of control.

In an instant, Nuwa’s clothes turned and she put away her holy realm cultivation.

Step by step, Hou Tu slowly walked towards the center of the nether world.

Because of the aura of the law of reincarnation that she exuded, all who were about to The dead souls who had been thrown into the six reincarnations all stopped.

With an extremely solemn and fanatical look, they all looked at Hou Tu. It seemed that what appeared in the center of the world at this time was a statue that could bring them infinite power. of unparalleled gods


Countless law ripples are centered on the back soil and continue to spread out.

There was an ethereal humming sound throughout the Netherworld.

Behind Hou Tu, a divine wheel exuding extremely rich blood quietly transformed.

“In the name of the Lord of Reincarnation, this seat opens the six paths of reincarnation and sends all living beings into reincarnation.”

“Now, in the name of the Lord of the Earth Realm, I shape the Netherworld Realm!”

Houtu’s sacred words resounded through every corner of the underworld, causing countless dead souls to kneel down and worship!

There were some shouting, some crying, some wailing, and the noise shook the sky at every turn.

“Use the soul of the netherworld to open the underworld!”

I heard an ethereal shout coming from Hou Tu’s mouth, pointing his finger at the center of the nether world, and suddenly a giant python burst out of the ground! The giant python was covered with black patterns all over its body, exuding a dark and strange aura.

The length of its body is boundless. In just a few breaths, the length it emerged from the Netherworld’s ground has exceeded hundreds of millions of meters!

But in terms of shape, even compared to those powerful super ferocious beasts, the Netherworld Python is only Don’t hesitate to give in.

In the shocked eyes of countless dead souls, the Netherworld Python roared towards the entrance of the Netherworld.

Finally, at the entrance of the Netherworld, it merged with the earth at an extremely fast speed, forming a winding and turning structure with extremely deep momentum. The Netherworld Road.

A sky-high roar came from the giant python’s mouth, crossing the divide between Yin and Yang, and reaching the prehistoric world.

When all the creatures heard it, they seemed to be confused, as if they saw a road to the underworld that leads to the afterlife!

With the accompanying With the emergence of the Underworld Road, the entire Netherworld began to divide.

Countless dead souls who originally lined up in a long queue and threw themselves into the six reincarnation gates appeared directly on the Underworld Road.

“Condensing the true meaning of reincarnation, the river of forgetfulness emerges!”

Hou Tu’s voice continued to sound, and the law of reincarnation roared out from the body, forming a long river (cbdg), falling from the sky!




The Wangchuan River fell into the earth and connected to the Huangquan Avenue. The earth shook violently, setting off a landslide. The feeling of the ground cracking.

Countless ghostly creatures poured into the river at extremely fast speeds, so that at a glance, the Forgotten River was full of insects and snakes, and the fishy wind was dense!

“With the true meaning of earth, Naihe bridge comes out!”

The Wangchuan River was born in just one breath. The wind was howling around Houtu and the sky was filled with dust!

The powerful laws of earth turned into rainbows and went straight to the Wangchuan River!

In the end, when billions of laws of earth were on the Wangchuan River, When they gathered together, a suspended Tongtian Bridge connecting the two poles of the world suddenly took shape!

The appearance of Naihe Bridge really shocked Nuwa and the others.

At a glance, the momentum of Naihe Bridge far surpassed that of Huangquan Road, bursting out with earth-shattering terror.

Xihe , Chang Xi, Yaochi, and Kunpeng, because Houtu shaped the order of the underworld, they were shocked and speechless.

Only Chu Xiao and Nuwa could maintain their true intentions.

“There is still a little bit missing, not perfect enough.”

Chu Xiao’s eyes were fixed on Naihe Bridge, and a voice suddenly came from his mouth.

When Nuwa heard the words, she was shocked. She didn’t know what the perfection Chu Xiao said was.

But Houtu in the center of the world seemed to be aware of it, and the blood was red. Looking at Naihe Bridge, a bright color gradually appeared in his eyes

“When sentient beings enter reincarnation, why do they remember their past lives? Anyone who steps onto this bridge will forget the past!”

After Kong Ling’s words fell, in the center of Houtu’s blood-colored eyebrows, an aura belonging to the bloodline of the ancestral witch surged rapidly!

Until a few breaths of time passed, a drop of ancestral witch essence blood was suddenly separated from the center of Houtu’s eyebrows!

Houtu continued to inject the law of reincarnation into the ancestors. In the blood of the witch essence.

The essence and blood continued to transform, and finally slowly condensed into a human form! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Houtu grabbed the air with his big hand, and directly grabbed out a wisp of the will of the netherworld. , penetrated into the body of the figure formed by the essence and blood of the ancestral witch.

In the end, the figure quickly emerged with an unrelated appearance, which looked somewhat similar to Hou Tu

“I have given you my name, Po Meng, and you need to guard Naihe Bridge for a long time without any mistakes.”

Houtu exhaled a breath of turbidity. Even if he has realized the Tao of Hunyuan, it is still a big burden for Houtu to shape a living being at the cost of a drop of his own ancestral witch essence and blood.

After Houtu’s words fell, the condensed and formed Po Meng slowly opened her eyes, and there was a bloody star glow in her eyes.[]

“Respect the law.”

Meng Po’s own will is transformed into a ray of netherworld will, and she possesses extremely high spiritual intelligence.

After bowing to Hou Tu, her figure flickered, and the next moment Chu Xiao was on the Naihe Bridge!

Only Po Meng was seen The water of Forgotten River was stirred up and turned into Meng Po soup. After every dead soul walking on the Naihe Bridge drank it all, all the past events in their memories turned into dust and disappeared.

Even those who once stood on the top of the prehistoric The soul of the ferocious beast also disappeared after drinking Meng Po soup.

Seeing this, Chu Xiao’s expression changed slightly.

In his perception, the Meng Po on the Naihe Bridge was not him in the previous life. The little immortal in the underworld in my memory is a great power whose cultivation is infinitely close to the quasi-saint level!

“Is this the real Po Meng?”

Chu Xiao murmured to himself, with a look of understanding on his face.

“That’s right, how could he be just an insignificant little immortal who could suppress countless souls of the past?”

Chu Xiao smiled lightly and shook his head. He was soon shocked by Hou Tu’s next move.

He saw the twelve law wings behind Hou Tu shaking wildly, and a raging wind and dust stirred up in the center of the Yu Nether World!

In less than three breaths In a matter of seconds, the aura of the law of earth in Hou Tu’s body has risen to a level that has never been reached by all living beings!

Boom, boom!

The tunnel roared, and Hou Tu once again connected with the will of the netherworld, using his own third level of Hunyuan cultivation as the foundation to drive the power of earth. The law descended on the Netherworld!

The next moment, under the dumbfounded eyes of countless creatures, where the Law of Earth descended, a huge Netherworld city rose from the ground! The roar of the tunnel continued, and bloody thunder quietly accumulated over the giant city, spreading out to hundreds of millions of people around it. A range of tens of thousands of miles.

The light on Houtu’s fingertips flickered, flying in the air at high speed, and finally he wrote two ancient characters, which slowly fell onto the plaque of the giant city.


Houtu did not hesitate to spend his own essence and blood, and once again created several powerful Netherworld figures who were infinitely close to the quasi-sage level, and came to Yingdu.

Yingdu City lies across the center of the Netherworld, with Naihe Bridge in front and six gates to the dead behind. There is also a place to stay

“There are reincarnations and reincarnations in the world. If there is no judgment and punishment, we will end up in the netherworld and incomplete!”

“With the power of my divine punishment, I will emerge from the eighteenth level of hell!”

Hou Tu’s eyes glowed with blood, and he immediately used his own two laws as the basis to create a small world in the shape of an eighteen-story pagoda, which was directly driven into Yingdu City! The eighteen levels of Shura Hell represent the ultimate punishment of the Netherworld. It is also a torture of the good and evil of the creatures in the ancient world! From then on, the Netherworld was first formed!

In the next two hours, Hou Tu continued to create one Netherworld after another.

“Three birthstones, stand!”

“The gate of hell is closed, stand!”

“The city was built in vain!”

And with the establishment of these netherworld orders, bursts of songs also sounded throughout the netherworld.

“I sigh Naihe by the Naihe Bridge, and look at the three lives on the Three Lives Stone. The evil spirits are saddened by the gate of hell, and the resentment adds to the body and it is a waste of time.”

Until the last song sounded

“The flowers on the other side are blooming on the other side!”


In an instant, a melodious and vigorous avenue bell resounded through the nether world. The bell was extremely ethereal and clear.

Flowers of the other shore appeared in the earth, as if they appeared out of thin air. Countless purple flowers gathered on both sides of the Huangquan Road. wisps of

Sanskrit sounds floated, heaven and earth In the meantime, scriptures were everywhere, and the order belonging to the will of the netherworld was truly in operation!

Countless undead souls started endless reincarnations from life to life along the Huangquan Avenue, Guimen Pass, Naihe Bridge, and Sansheng Bridge.

Finally, Houtu in the center of the world , a lot of relief appeared on her face.

Although she did not physically suppress reincarnation, she was the Lord of Samsara and the Lord of the Netherworld.

Compared with the prehistoric world, Houtu was in the Netherworld, and her cultivation level had at least improved. More than 30%.

She can continuously absorb the power of reincarnation from the Netherworld to enhance her own cultivation.

At the same time, because Houtu shapes all the order in the Netherworld, those creatures who are born or live in the Netherworld will also All follow Hou Tu!

It can be said that Hou Tu is innately invincible as long as he is in the netherworld!.

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