Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 314: Terran asks for help, Mozu chooses

The change of human luck directly shocked both Hongjun Daozu and Luohu, especially Hongjun Daozu, who directly helped Taiqing Daozu suppress human luck.

If you don't help Taiqing Daozu protect the only remaining adult tribe's luck, I am afraid Taiqing Daozu will be separated from the human race from now on.

Although he will not fall from the holy position, he will always be the bottom among the saints, and he will never be able to go further.

In the Zixiao Palace, the jade disc of good fortune exudes supreme power, three thousand green lights shoot out, suppressing the human luck, so that the 10% of the luck belonging to the Taiqing Taoist ancestor can not be lost.

"Stupid!" Hongjun Daozu shouted angrily.

If it hadn't been for the innate spirit treasure that Taiqing Daozu had taken over Taiyi, it would not have caused this result.

At most half of the luck that passed away like Nuwa!

But now it's all right, if it weren't for him to take action, it would have passed directly, and no one would teach the human race from now on!

Even so, Taiqing Daozu wanted to continue preaching the human race in the future, and he was already troubled.

For a trivial top-grade innate spirit treasure, abandoning the trust of the human race in him, Hongjun Daozu wanted to curse.

I don't know the severity!

With the testimony of the human race, don’t you still know the importance of the human race in the prehistoric?

If it weren't for him to stay in the Zixiao Palace to preach the Red Clouds, he would now descend to Kunlun Mountain to reprimand Taiqing.

I hope this time I can teach Taiqing a lesson, don't just look at the strengths and weaknesses in front of you.

The current human race is weak, and the heavenly demon race is very strong, but can't it be seen from the eyes of a saint that the Lich race is about to fall?

Mount Xumi, with great freedom in the sky, Luo Hu stood up, stepped out, and appeared above the primordial void.

Looking at those human races above the prehistoric lands, there was a fierce light in his eyes, and when he looked at Kunlun Mountain again, a murderous aura surged from Luo Hu.

As the Virgin of the Human Race, Nuwa should have descended to the Human Race to save the Human Race from fire and water, but Nu Wa was fighting in chaos.

But in Taiqing, no one stopped him, but he didn't care about the Human Race, even if he was hindered by helping the Human Race, he was at least the saint of the Human Race!

But now, what is this?

Luo Hui's eyes were full of anger, how could he not know that the Dao ancestor of Zixiao Palace helped Taiqing suppress the air luck, otherwise, even if the elapsed time passed, Luo Hui would force the clan to break away from Taiqing.

But now that Taoist ancestors make a move, Luo Hu can't do too much.

The human race is now less than hundreds of billions, only tens of billions are left, and this number is still dropping sharply.

Because those 100,000 heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals did not have a trace of obstruction, killing the human race was as simple as pinching the ants to death.

A magical power is enough to kill tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people!

You have to know that this is a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, one can kill a tribe, although the human race multiplies extremely fast and there are many, but it can't stop such a slaughter.

"The Human Race hasn't fully understood it yet. If I make a move, I will definitely give up all my previous efforts and let so many Human Races die in vain!" Luo Hu muttered to himself.

Now Luo Hui already has the heart to help the human race, but he wants to wait for the human race to understand and let the race know that relying on others will never rely on himself.

Even if the patron is a saint, it is not as strong as oneself. If the human race is strong, the Heavenly Court Demon Race will still slaughter the human race like this?

Even if the Human Race is half as powerful as the Demon Race, the Demon Race does not dare to act on the Human Race.

"Ao Zheng!" Luo Hui called.

Long Huang Ao Zheng was pulled out of the space by a force. When he saw Luo Huzhi in front of him, Ao Zheng quickly bowed respectfully.

"the host."

Looking at Luo Hui's deep face, Ao Zheng didn't understand what had happened, but it was certain that Luo Hui was in furious.

"When the human race is fully enlightened, it is the time when the dragon race helps the human race, let's make arrangements!" Luo Hui said lightly.

Ao Zheng immediately said: "Be careful to follow the master's decree."

After speaking, Ao Zheng turned around and flew towards the East China Sea. He wanted to assemble the dragon army and wait for the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on the Heavenly Court.

Judging from Luo Hui's face, he must be very dissatisfied with the slaughter of the human race.

As Luohu's mount, he should share his worries for Luohu, this kind of little thing doesn't need Luohu to do it himself, as the dragon king, he is enough to do this thing.

Luo Hui passed on to Ao Zheng all the things Human Race needs to comprehend. As long as the Human Race understands thoroughly, then Ao Zheng will have the induction. At that time, it will be when the Dragon Army is dispatched.

Zulong said at the beginning that the dragon clan had withdrawn from the prehistoric hegemony, which meant that the dragon army could not assemble and step into the prehistoric continent!

But now that there is the decree of the devil ancestor, then everything that the ancestor dragon said at the time is invalidated, and everything should be respected by the demon ancestor.

There is still more than a thousand years to go before the World War, and the Monster Race has obtained so many human races, three souls and seven souls, and has suppressed the Wu race.

Then let the dragons first strike at the arrogant arrogance of the heavens.

"It was you who blocked it at first. Don't let the disciples help the Human Race. Now it is you who saw the Human Race being slaughtered and angered, you..." Wang Shu appeared behind Luo Hui.

"I am a demon, everything is up to my heart. At first, I wanted to let people experience the calamity, but now I feel that the calamity of the human race is too great." Luo Hui shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Luo Hui has a bitter heart and can't tell. Could he say that he was actually reborn from later generations?

Although it was only twenty years of life, it gave him an unforgettable memory, which has had a great impact on him up to now.

"The devil follows the heart, and the devil follows the nature, but if so, why is Hongjun still alive?" Wang Shu asked.

"He can't kill, and now I can't kill him either." Luo Hui told the truth.

Even if he had the opportunity to kill Hongjun Daozu, Luo Hu wouldn't make a move. What he wanted was a living Hongjun Daozu to help him preach in the world.

Become the chief evangelist under his seat.

Wang Shu didn't say anything any more, she knew that Luo Hu had a big plan, and this plan was very profound, even if she knew it, she couldn't understand it.

Luo Hu is not only the demon ancestor, the ancestor of desire, but also a proficient in calculation!

All human races, heart-to-heart, voice-to-sound, every word can shake the entire wilderness.

"The Human Race asks the Demon Ancestor to help and resolve the disaster of extinction!"

The sound shook the entire wilderness.

The demon ancestor does not control the human luck, so the demon ancestor can ignore the human race.

The entire prehistoric might be sneered, Human Race can threaten Nuwa and Taiqing with luck and let them take action, but it cannot threaten the Demon Ancestor.

However, the entire prehistoric land was waiting for the demon ancestor's decision. At this time, even the heavenly soldiers and generals who slaughtered the human race had stopped.

These heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals can no longer be called heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, each of them has endless karma and this evil spirit.

It can be said that they are even more demons than demons, and they all know their own destiny. After performing this task, they will perish.

So they didn't care about Nuwa Empress, nor Taiqing Taoist ancestor. When the Human Race asked Nuwa and Taiqing, these heavenly soldiers did not stop.

But now they have switched to the Demon Ancestor, but they dare not stop.

Violating the Nuwa Empress and Taiqing Taoist ancestor, it was just a death. They were about to die, so they were not afraid.

But after rebelling against the Demon Ancestor, they couldn't even die and had to endure endless torture.

If the Demon Ancestor didn't let them die, even the monstrous karma would not be able to let them fall.

This is why they are afraid of the Demon Ancestor.

In the Purple Cloud Palace, Hongjun Daozu smiled, and Luo Hui was the first to ask not to help the human race.

Now the Human Race has begged Luo Hu's body, Hongjun Daozu wanted to see how Luo Hu should be resolved.

Now Hongjun Daozu is no longer worried. In the end, the Demon Ancestor took action, and the people were grateful to the Demon Ancestor. Now that the human race has not experienced the great catastrophe, Luo Hu will definitely not help.

In this way, the human race can see Luo Hui's true face clearly, and even if Luo Hui makes the final shot, he will not be grateful to Luo Hui.

Kunlun Mountain, Taiqing Daozu's originally gloomy face, became happy, and finally it was the turn of the Mozu. This time, let's see how the Mozu should do it.

In the chaos, Nuwa fought against the original Tianzun and the Eastern Prince, and it was difficult to distinguish for a while.

Although it was one enemy and two, Nuwa did not lose the wind, and under the madness, the Primordial Heavenly Lord and the Eastern Prince did not dare to confront each other.

Nuwa lost her mind, but neither of them.

When I heard Human Race’s Nu Wa woke up, her eyes filled with expectations.

"Master, you can help the human race!" Nuwa said silently in her heart, and followed the human race to pray.

The Primitive Tianzun and the Eastern Prince both shook their heads. This was an order from the Demon Ancestor. They must not help the human race or participate in the calamity.

Now the Demon Ancestor will definitely not change his mind, otherwise, wouldn't he refute his own words?

In the heavenly court, Tai Yi was a little nervous, he was worried that Demon Ancestor would intervene. Above this predecessor, Tai Yi was not afraid of Hongjun Dao Ancestor, but he was afraid of Demon Ancestor!

"If the Demon Ancestor doesn't make a move, the Heavenly Court will win the battle of the calamity this time. If the Demon Ancestor intervenes, everything is hard to say." Taiyi said while looking at Ying Long next to him.

"The Demon Ancestor has made a clear order not to allow the saints to intervene, nor to intervene in the affairs of the human race, I should not be able to do it!" Ying Long said with some uncertainty.

After all, the demon ancestor is supreme, and it is the demon ancestor. The devil follows his heart and his nature. No one knows what the next idea of ​​the devil is!

In the void, Luo Hui looked at those kneeling human races, and his heart softened.

"What shall you do now?" Wang Shu asked.

Now Human Race has approached Luo Hu, Wang Shu knew what Luo Hu thought, but she didn't know what Luo Hu should do.

"Human race can't be so weak." Luo Hu said.

Wang Shu didn't say anything yet, Luo Hui said again: "Hongjun is now waiting to see my joke, then I will do what he wants, let the people know that I am cruel."

When Luo Hui said this, his eyes flashed with determination.

Wang Shu didn't know what Luo Hu was going to do, but he could see that Luo Hu seemed to have made a big decision.

"I am Luohu."

The short four words calmed the entire prehistoric land.

Because next is the idea of ​​the devil ancestor, and the idea of ​​the devil ancestor can determine everything and reverse everything!


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