Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 319: Human Race: Weakness is the original sin

The appearance of the Taibai Venus must have the permission of the Heavenly Emperor Taiyi, and it must be said that Taiyi will really pick the time!

The current behavior of the human race is the act of annihilation.

At first, Taiyi listened to Bai Ze's opinion and planned to leave a million male human races. This is not considered annihilation, but the human race will eventually die out.

But what the human race is doing now directly gives Taiyi an excuse to kill the human race directly, and the human race is completely eliminated!

Even when the time comes, Nuwa can't say anything, because the human race first disrespects the devil ancestor, and their heavenly court is also to maintain the majesty of the devil ancestor.

In the chaos, Nuwa looked towards the land, the red hydrangea in her hand did not go out, but was hit by the original Tianzun's Pangu flag.

He was knocked out directly, and a mouthful of blood came out.

However, Nuwa didn't care about her injuries, but stared at the prehistoric human race in a daze.

Primitive Tianzun and Eastern Princes have also discovered the great changes, this human race is really going to die!

Empress Nuwa was working hard for them in Chaos, but they had better go straight to death.

The monstrous resentment rushed to the demon ancestor!

Although it won't shake the luck of the Demon Ancestor, it will let the entire prehistoric people know that the Human Race is disrespecting the Demon Ancestor!

Even if the Demon Ancestor doesn't do anything, there will be other great powers that will do it, and Heavenly Court will take the opportunity to destroy the entire human race directly.

At that time, Nuwa could not say anything, because if Nuwa opposed it, it would be disrespectful to her master!

"Friend Nuwa, such a race, is it worth it for you to do this?" Primitive Tianzun said helplessly.

"Yes, how noble the Demon Ancestor is. Even now, the Human Race has complained about the Demon Ancestor so much, but the Demon Ancestor has not taken any action..." The Eastern Prince did not say the rest, because it goes without saying, Nuwa Also know what it means.

Nuwa was stunned. She didn't expect that the race she had created would actually have such a grievance against her master.

An irritation of hating iron but not steel appeared in Nuwa's heart. Why did Luo Hu not let outsiders help Human Race?

Not for the human race yet!

But now the human race can't understand it, and instead blames the devil ancestor!

Nuwa closed her eyes, her heart seemed to be twisted into a big lump, so another mouthful of blood came out.

"Tao friends take care, let's say goodbye." The original Tianzun said to the Eastern Prince, and then left the chaos!

At this time, there is no need to block Nu Wa here, because Nu Wa can no longer help Human Race.

Judging from what Nu Wa looks like now, it seems that a knot has occurred.

If the human race were to perish, then Nuwa's cultivation base would not improve a bit in the future.

Even if the human race does not perish, this knot of Nuwa is difficult to untie.

Looking at Honghuang blankly, Nuwa didn't know what she was thinking now.

A kind of suffering, an unspeakable kind of suffering, came naturally.

In Origin Valley, the ten great demon saints looked at Zhen Yuanzi, and Bai Ze sneered, "Zhen Yuanzi, have you seen it? This is the human race you helped. Now they are disrespectful to the demon ancestor. Why, you still have to continue to help Are they?"

Zhen Yuanzi stopped, not knowing what to do. The Human Race disappointed him too much. Not only did he fail to comprehend what he should comprehend, but instead had such a strong resentment towards the Demon Ancestor.

This is a dead end!

Who dares to help Terran at this time?

I am afraid that above the prehistoric lands, apart from Dao Ancestor, no one dare to help the human race.

As for the ancestor of destiny, he never valued human race, even if he knew that human race might be the protagonist of the world in the future, he didn't care about it, so he couldn't talk about helping.

The heavenly soldiers are slaughtering the human race madly.

Human races of less than 100 million are under the frantic massacre of these heavenly soldiers and generals.

In less than a moment, the human race had only one hundred thousand left.

Since there is no need to worry about male or not, and directly destroy the human race, these heavenly soldiers and generals don't need to kill them.

That's why there is such a quick means of killing!

"Is my human race perished?"

"I think my human race has always been peaceful and does not have any disputes with other races. Why is there such a disaster?"

"Hundreds of billions of human races, now it is less than one hundred thousand!"


Nowadays, there are still many monks in the human race, but they are all heavenly immortals and mysterious immortals.

As monks, they are naturally more knowledgeable than ordinary mortals, and they all sighed.

What is the reason for this disaster!

At the final moment of life and death, these human monks began to reflect on themselves.

Their human race has never fought with other races, because the human race is weak and dare not fight with other races!

Not to mention that there is a festival with the heavenly court, how can the weak human race dare to confront the heavenly court?

Their human race has no rare treasures, and no innate spiritual treasures.

Some is just the tree of wisdom on the Cliff of Wisdom, but this is bestowed by Empress Houtu to the human race, and with the current status of Empress Pingxin, who dares to peek at this fruit tree?

Besides, this fruit tree is not in the eyes of Heaven at all!

The human race has a cultivation technique, which is the golden pill road handed down by the ancestors of Taiqing Taoism.

Although this Jindan Avenue is very powerful you can directly cultivate to the quasi-sage.

But this is not important to Heavenly Court!

Moreover, this Golden Core Avenue seems to be suitable for the cultivation of the human race, but not suitable for the cultivation of the heavenly soldiers and generals of the heaven.

These Terran monks thought about one reason after another, but never thought of a satisfactory reason.

Their human race does not fight with others, but suffers from this kind of genocide.

Is it really for no reason?

"Why don't the human races who fight with foreign races suffer such a catastrophe, I can't wait, God is unfair!"

The only hundred remaining human monks shouted in unison, seeming to ask the heavens, what is it for, did they violate the way of heaven?

There are only tens of thousands of human races now.

Hearing the voices of these human monks, all the heavenly soldiers laughed loudly.

"Why? I wait for the **** to kill the ants, do I still need a reason? Haha~~~"

"It's ridiculous, in Honghuang and weak, do you deserve to ask why?"

"It's really an ignorant race, haha, it's ridiculous!"

Every one of the heavenly soldiers and generals made ridicule sounds, and when they looked at the human monks, they were full of disdain.




So that's it~~~

These human race monks finally understood why the human race was so slaughtered.

It turns out that everything is because Human Race is ants, weak and ignorant!

Weak urine is the original sin!

Weakness is the source of all evil!

"Human race is ignorant and blames the demon ancestor. Now the human race knows it is dead, and dare not expect the demon ancestor to forgive.

Under the leadership of hundreds of human monks, tens of thousands of people all knelt down to Mount Xumi.

At this time, the heavenly soldiers and generals who continued to slaughter the human race were all set in place, as if a supreme power trapped them!


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