Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 329: The stone of fate, 300 years left [2 in 1 big

Buzhou Mountain, the first sacred mountain in the primordial land, was transformed from the backbone of the Great God Pangu and has the power to support the world!

It can be said that if there are mountains around, then the prehistoric world will not heal!

Of course, the heaven and the earth have been consolidated now, even if there is no Zhoushan, they will not be closing, of course, it is very likely to cause other conditions!

Moreover, there are so many secrets in this imperfect mountain that it is impossible to imagine.

Even if he exists as strong as Luo Hu, he doesn't know what is hidden in the mountain.

The treasures that are now known have either been taken away or cannot be taken, such as Pangu bone marrow, Luo Hu has not taken all of them.

Moreover, Luo Hu has a feeling that there may be more treasures under the mountain of Bu Zhou!

It's just that there seems to be some barrier protecting it, and Luo Hu's current cultivation base can't be checked.

When Luo Huo wanted to come, wouldn’t Zhou Mountain fall, then the treasures in it would appear?

At the very least, if the barrier is broken, he can see the treasures in it.

What kind of existence is Pangu Great God, as the cultivation base gradually deepens, Luo Hu has even more realized the power of Pangu Great God.

This is an unimaginable power, even if it is perished, all the means he left behind can kill the saint!

Who can think of how powerful a Heavenly Dao Realm peak is?

The prehistoric heaven is very powerful, but it has not reached the peak of the heaven.

At that time, the Great God Pangu split the chaos with a single axe, although the saint could do it.

But in that case, the Great God Pangu was preaching!

And it still proves the existence side by side with the Dao. If the Great God Pangu succeeds, then he will exist just like the Dao.

Therefore, the chaos that Pangu Great God faced at that time was not the chaos that is now. Luo Hu's cultivation at that time also had the peak of quasi-sage.

But even with the help of the Great Mill, he couldn't break through the chaos!

What does this show?

No saint can break through the chaos of the chaos period!

If by the time of the World Destruction Great Mill, it could release all its power.

Under a single axe, thousands of Chaos Demon Gods died and were left dead, and the main power of this axe was not directed against these thousands of Chaos Demon Gods.

It is mainly against the pressure of Chaos Avenue!

Luo Hu flew to the top of Buzhou Mountain, looking at the first sacred mountain that stood between heaven and earth, the terrifying Pangu coercion came.

If it had been before, Luo Hu was still affected a bit, but now Luo Hu has cultivated to the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Not afraid of these coercion.

After many years, Luo Hu solemnly watched Mount Buzhou once again, and his feelings now are very different from the previous ones.

Walking on Buzhou Mountain, Luo Hu could clearly feel the breath of Pangu.

It was as strong as Pangu Great God, and when the curtain came to an end, Luo Hui felt this deeply.

On the road of spiritual practice, if you do not advance, you will retreat!

The road to practice has no end!

If you want to be free and protect the people around you, you can only make yourself stronger and stronger. Otherwise, even if you reach the realm of Pangu Great God, it will come to an end!

In the past, the great God Pangu, who was aloft, couldn't keep even the imperfect mountains of the backbone.

Luo Huo's original idea was to keep the Fuzhou Mountain anyway, because the Fuzhou Mountain will not be broken if the Zhou Mountain is there!

Without Fuzhou Mountain, it is the first element of the future fragmentation of the prehistoric.

But if Zhoushan is not broken, Luo Hu will not be able to get more cultivation resources.

To reach the realm of Luo Hu, not only need to improve in realm, but also get some special training resources.

This is because Luohu will reach the realm of heaven if he goes one step further. This is a big leap, allowing him to truly walk in the wilderness!

Because only after reaching the heavenly realm (Hunyuan Wuji Luojinxian, Zhengdao realm), can you open a time-space tunnel in the chaos to carry out some kind of transmission.

Divine Sense was released, covering the entire Buzhou Mountain. He wanted to see if there were any treasures on the surface of Buzhou Mountain.

Anyway, it won't be long before Zhoushan will be pushed to this place, and if the treasure is not taken away, it will also be destroyed.

Luo Hui underestimated the treasure hunting abilities of the great powers, but Zhou Shan didn't know how many great powers had been searched over and over again.

Now it can be said that even the higher-level spiritual roots are gone, Luo Hu naturally returned without success.

"It seems that the treasures of Buzhou Mountain are all under the ground, and will gradually be born as opportunities come."

Luo Hu wouldn't let this happen, because this treasure hidden under the ground was definitely not simple. Once Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Destiny Ancestor knew about it, there would be some fighting.

"Pangu, did you set this predecessor, or did you really perish?"

Standing on the top of Buzhou Mountain, Luo Hu said to himself.

If this is heard by the predecessor, I am afraid it will be another panic. After all, if this kind of statement comes from the mouth of others, it is at best a joke.

But from the mouth of the Demon Ancestor, this is different.

When Empress Pingxin left, she wanted to ask Luo Huo to help protect Fu Zhoushan, but Luo Huo said a word.

Because Bu Zhou Shan involves Luo Hu's interests.

"Although Pingxin has established the six reincarnations, but only in the heavens, how can he be a great saint? If there is no Pangu intervention, how can people believe it?

Luo Hu wouldn't believe that Pangu had no other players, so I won't mention anything in peace for the time being, just to say that these twelve capitals of the gods are one of the players Pangu left behind.

And Luo Hui always felt that Pangu Great God could calculate all future things, including what he did in Bu Zhoushan, was expected by Pan Gu Great God.

No one can imagine what kind of power a powerful existence has.

Luo Hu walked step by step, unknowingly he never walked down the mountain.

When he came to the edge of a small river below, there was a huge boulder on the edge of the small river, Luo Hu walked over.

Isn't this huge boulder where Nuwa created people?

"Condensing the essence of heaven and earth, gaining the brilliance of the sun and the moon, and gathering wisdom, can also be regarded as a natural root of wisdom." Luo Hui said lightly while looking at the huge rock.

Because on the top of this boulder, there is a spiritual energy vortex, although it is not big, but it is being absorbed by this boulder.

Obviously, this boulder has produced spiritual wisdom and can absorb the spiritual energy of this world.

"Enlightenment is the next choice. You have such a aptitude. If you meet me, you are considered to be destined to demon. This volume of nine turns of magic power will be given to you."

Luo Hui stretched out his hand and pointed a ray of light into the boulder.

Then the boulder trembled, as if expressing gratitude to Luo Hui.

Luo Hu also felt this way. Otherwise, how could Luo Huo value a piece of rock that opened up spiritual wisdom.

But Luo Hui would not have thought that this opportunity he gave caused the emergence of a magical power.

Luo Hui left Buzhou Mountain, but did not return to Mount Xumi, but went to the Netherworld Palace, which is a place where all saints must fight.

However, it is not so easy to compete for a part of the territory here.

On the Naihe bridge, there are souls walking one by one, but the old woman at the bridge head is the same.

"I want to go to Chaos, but I will keep the true spirits of these ancestral witches." Luo Hui said lightly.

Meng Po, who had been busy, had a meal, apparently hearing what Luo Hu said, but then she started to be busy again.

Luo Hu didn't say anything, but went to the place of the six reincarnations. This is the place of reincarnation, but the important place of the underworld. If you want to enter this place, you can't enter this place without permission, ordinary Yinsi can't enter!

After turning around the six realms, Luo Hu felt the power emanating from the six realms.

This is a manifestation of reincarnation, a manifestation of applying the law of reincarnation to the extreme. Although Luo Huo did not intend to comprehend the law of reincarnation.

But his law of reincarnation has also reached 30%. You must know that above the prehistoric ancestors, both the demon ancestor and the tao ancestor have practiced the three thousand laws.

"Humanity is negative, and there is no reincarnation. It seems that the first destiny of humanity has not yet appeared."

After the three plagues and nine disasters of the human race, when three sons of destiny appeared, they brought the current human race out of the predicament.

The ancestor Styx in the blood sea suddenly felt Luo Hu's breath, of course, this breath was deliberately issued by Luo Hu, just to attract the ancestor Styx to come.

Just as Luohu was talking to himself, the ancestor of Styx appeared, and respectfully worshipped Luohu: "The disciple sees Master."

"After the World War, when the saints are fighting for the underworld, do you have a countermeasure?" Luo Hui asked, looking at the ancestor of the river.

"The disciples haven't thought of it yet, but it's not so easy for them to take advantage of the underworld." Old Ancestor Styx said firmly.

"Are you relying on these six reincarnations?" Luo Hu said calmly.

"Not all, Master should also know Po Meng himself!" Patriarch Styx said suddenly.

Luohu naturally knew who Po Meng was, but he didn't expect that the ancestor of Styx would also know this.

"With Po Meng, you have more bargaining chips to talk to the saint, but it's better not to expose Meng Po's affairs!" Luo Hui exhorted.

"Follow the master's decree, and disciples will not reveal the identity of Po Meng until they are in danger," said the ancestor of Styx.

Meng Po is the incarnation of the Ping Niang Niang. No matter how high she is, she should be no worse than the saint. This is a back hand that Pingxin stayed in the underworld.

Now that the ancestor of Styx knew the secret of Po Meng, Luo Hu didn't worry. He left the prehistoric land and went to Chaos. What happened to the underworld during this period.

After all, there is Po Meng in the underworld, ordinary people, there is still no way to get in.

So at this point, Luo Hu felt relieved.

"Master, according to your instructions, this Yinshan Mountain is hidden in the earth, but when he leaves Yinshan, can his disciples kill it?" said the ancestor of the river.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva saved so many souls and evil spirits, which made the Asuras of the ancestors of the Styx much less!

"The existence of Jizo is to relieve your Asuras. If there is no Jizo, the Asuras will continue to grow. Do you think there is still a place for the Asuras to survive in the sea of ​​blood?" Luo Hui said while looking at the ancestor of the Styx.

At this point, the ancestor of Styx made Luo Hu very disappointed, his eyes were so short-sighted.

I just saw the disadvantages of Ksitigarb, but didn't see the benefits of Ksitigarb. If there is no Ksitigarb, to say something ugly, the Asuras are bound to have sparks with the Humans.

Although it's not now, the more the human race goes, the stronger the human race will be. At that time, when there is a war with the human race, how can the Asura race survive?

"The disciple didn't think of this, so I asked the respected teacher to punish him." The ancestor of the river also understood why Luo Hu was angry.

The ever-growing Asuras, if the sea of ​​blood is not enough to survive, they will definitely go to the mainland, and at that time, they will definitely conflict with the human race!


The ancestor of Styx was taken aback at this moment, how could there be a conflict with the human race, shouldn't it be with the monster race or the witch race?

What is Human Race?


The ancestor of Styx thought of a terrible thing, that is, the second family of Lich will lose both, and the human race will rise up and become the protagonist of the wild world!

Thinking of this, the ancestor Styx felt more likely.

However, Luo Hui will not discuss this issue with the ancestors of the Styx River. Instead, he will step out and enter the six reincarnations. He wants to experience the positive and negative whirlwinds of these six reincarnations!

If you want to reincarnate, you must go through this positive and negative whirlwind, which is not a means of attack for the soul

But for the living body, the power of this positive and negative whirlwind is afraid that even the pinnacle of the quasi-sage can't bear it!

But blowing on Luo Hu's body did not produce any means of attack.

At this moment, Luo Hu felt a swelling suction, and wanted to absorb all the origin of Luo Hu!

But what kind of cultivation level Luo Huo, how can the mere positive and negative whirlwind absorb Luo Hu's origin.

I don't want the netherworld to be related to the Dao of Heaven, but now they are still connected. This source must be used to feed back the Dao of Heaven.

Heaven can use this to absorb those powerful reincarnation essences, and gradually reach the time limit for another promotion.

Tiandao wants to evolve, so it needs a great upgrade!

Luo Hui didn't care about this. Since Tiandao wanted to improve, let him improve.

Everything has to look at the end, to see who made the wedding gown for whom.

In the underworld, the palace of the Emperor Fengdu, the twelve ancestor witches are discussing the battle between the world and the earth. There are still less than three hundred years before the battle.

If it is not prepared, it will be extremely unfavorable to the Witch Clan, and now Heavenly Court seems to have a magic weapon to restrain the Witch Clan!

The twelve ancestor witches all sneered, to see what treasures they are, and can restrain them!

"Brother, all the Witch tribe armies have been assembled, and when the time comes, all Witch tribe armies will fight against the monster tribe in the entire prehistoric!" Zhu Jiuyin said.

This is equivalent to a full bloom, letting the entire prehistoric land fight.

"All the battle formations will be passed down. This time, the Wu Clan will win!" Di Jiang said loudly.

The time to change the fate of the two clans is coming. Dijiang can't wait to kill the demon clan in the heavens. He must let the Wu clan conquer, not only in the underworld, but also in the heaven!

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