Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 333: Lu Ya appeared

"Not here?" Tai Yi's face was deep.

Xihe was not in her palace at this time, didn't she know that the battle between heaven and earth would begin next!

Although Taiyi didn't care about Xihe's life and death before, with Ying Long as a substitute, although it would weaken the star battle formation of Zhou Tian, ​​it didn't matter.

But now that Xihe is not dead, it is natural to use Xihe to set up the Zhoutian Star Battle!

But this time Xihe disappeared unexpectedly.

"Do you know where it went?" Taiyi asked Taibai Jinxing.

Taibai Venus hesitated to say or not to say, Taibai Jinxing's appearance immediately, his face became cold.

"Why? What can't you say!"

"Your Majesty calmed down his anger. It's not that you can't say it, but the Queen of the Sun went to the Sun Star." Taibai Jinxing said quickly.

"Sun Star?" Tai Yi was puzzled.

What is the so-called Xihe going to the sun star?

If it was before, if you went to the Sun Star, then Tai Yi wouldn't say anything, but now, unlike the past, there will be a battle between the sky and the earth, and Xihe's relationship with the Sun Star is very tense.

"Well, I see, you can withdraw."

Even if Taibai Venus heard this, he would not see Taiyi's unhappy even if he retreated.

If you continue to stay here, Taibai Jinxing is worried that a word will not be good, and it will anger the upper body.

Companion to a monarch is like a companion to a tiger, but Taibai Jinxing deeply understands this truth, and it was the same when he faced Emperor Jun.

No matter it is every emperor, he is moody, but Taibai Jinxing knows this well.

Watching Taibaijinxing leave, Taiyi began to guess.

Xihe wanted to leave the heaven, so he would not be blocked at all, but Xihe went to the Sun Star, which made Tai Yi very puzzled, after all, there was no one on the Sun Star now.

"Is Lu Ya in Sun Star at this time? No matter what, Xihe must return to the Heavenly Court. It has been less than ten years. There must be no mistakes in the battle between heaven and earth!"

Taiyi muttered to himself.

At this time, it was too late for the other powers to go to the Sun Star to summon Xihe, and must go too soon.

Moreover, Taiyi could forcefully bring Xihe, and if he changed to someone else, he might not be able to summon him.

The battle between heaven and earth, life and death is unknown, Xihe would be forgiven for going to the Sun Star to crush Lu.

But for the victory of the Heaven and Earth War, Tai Yi would not let Xihe delay the arrangement of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation.

Thinking in his heart, Taiyi's hand appeared in the shadow of Hetu Luoshu, which was a treasure he used to transport the prehistoric places.

The real Hetu Luoshu is in the starry sky. With this phantom, he can manipulate the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation to go to any place.

Of course, except for the saint dojo.

Just as Tai Yi was about to go to the Sun Star, the Queen Ying Long walked in.

"Your Majesty, the battle is imminent, you can't leave the heavens. Just now too platinum star has told this palace, Xihe has gone to the sun star, this time it is better to go from this palace." Ying Long said while looking at Taiyi.

"You can't go to the Queen of Heaven. Even if you go, it's useless." Taiyi knew that Xihe had no good feelings for Ying Long.

After all, it was Ying Long who had robbed her of the queen. It was surprising that Xihe could give Ying Long a face.

"Even if this palace cannot be visited, your Majesty should not leave the Heavenly Court without authorization. Once there is an emergency, the arrangement of the Heavenly Court for so many years will be destroyed!" Ying Long said in a deep voice.


Taiyi was silent, and he didn't know what to say. The Queen Yinglong was right. If there is an emergency in Heavenly Court, if he is not there, then many arrangements will be ruined!

But Xihe must be recalled, otherwise, this is not conducive to the next battle between heaven and earth.

Taiyi cannot go, Yinglong cannot go, then who should be sent?

Countless personal choices flashed in Tai Yi's heart, but without exception, he was not 100% sure to recall Xihe.

Only Taiyi personally will be able to recall Xihe.


A golden armour day will quickly walk in.

"His Majesty, Empress, the little prince has returned to the heavenly court."

"Lu Ya is back? Shouldn't he be in Sun Star?" Tai Yi was even more puzzled.

Lu Ya is not on the Sun Star, so what exactly did Xihe Go to Sun Star do?

"Your Majesty is confused, Lu Ya has always been by Nuwa Empress, how could he be in Sun Star?" Ying Long smiled.

In Ying Long's heart, there was already a suitable candidate, and it was the most suitable for Lu Ya to go.

"Let Lu Ya come in." Ying Long said lightly.

"Zunzhi." Jin Jiatian walked out quickly.

"Your Majesty, this time you have a good candidate. You don't need to go. If Lu Ya can't call Xihe back, then even if your Majesty goes, it is useless." Ying Long smiled.

Nodded too much, Ying Long said it was After a while, Lu Ya came to the palace and bowed down when he saw too quickly.

"My nephew sees his uncle." Lu Ya bowed respectfully.

"Okay, follow the mother of Nuwa, you are good at cultivation!" Taiyi came to Lu Ya's side and patted Lu Ya on the shoulder.

"My nephew sees my aunt." Lu Ya bowed to Ying Long again.

This worship made Ying Long very happy. She thought that Lu Ya would not recognize her, but she didn't expect Lu Ya to be so polite.

"Good, good, good." Ying Long said hello three times.

"Xiao Shi, you are not with Empress Nuwa, why did you suddenly come to the heavenly court? You know it is dangerous now!" Tai Yi's face became stern, like a strict father!

"This time my nephew came here by the order of my mother to fight the world war. As a prince, my nephew naturally wants to participate!" Lu Ya said firmly.

"My dear nephew, the battle between heaven and earth is the entire battle between heaven and earth. Don’t say that your Daluo Jinxian’s cultivation base, even the cultivation base of the quasi-sage peak of my uncle, cannot guarantee the safety of life. By your side, the Golden Crow's veins cannot be cut off!"

"My uncle's words are wrong. Back then, the Witch Clan killed my nine elder brothers. As in today's battle, my nephew will take revenge for the elder brothers!" Lu Ya's eyes showed the blood of revenge.

"No, the war is too dangerous for you. I won't let you join in. I will go back to Emperor Wa!" Taiyi's face was deep!

"Uncle, nephew..."

Lu Ya still wanted to say something, but when he saw Tai Yi's face, he swallowed.

"Your Majesty, Xiao Shi also wants to contribute to Heavenly Court. After all, as a prince, he can't stay out of the matter. It's better to assign that task to Xiao Shi." Ying Long said.


"Uncle, please send a mission to my nephew!" Lu Yi said quickly with a bright eye.

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