Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 340: World War [2] Withered Wood Ancestor

The battle in the Primordial Battlefield began, and the battle in the celestial land also began. This is a battle between maintenance and competition.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Generals led by the ghost car fought against Jiuying and Feng Boyu's Wu tribe army.

The Celestial Land is the ancestral land of the Wu Clan, and it is related to the Wu Clan’s luck. It must not be captured by the heavenly army, otherwise, this will affect the battle of the ancient battlefield.

Nowadays, the entire primordial land is blooming everywhere, and there are wars everywhere, but there are only three places where the battles are the most important, namely the Primordial Battlefield, the Heavenly Land, and Buzhou Mountain.

Jiuying and Feng Boyu are all comparable to the quasi-sages. Although they are only in the early stage of the quasi-sages, they have a powerful body and can completely fight the quasi-sage's mid-term battle.

The battle of the four quasi-sages has been able to shake the space of the celestial land. How could Jiuying, Feng Bo, and Yushi let their battle destroy the celestial land?

With their powerful wind and rain supernatural powers, the ghost car was forced out of the celestial land, but wherever the four quasi-saints fought, they could affect the space of millions of miles.

"Jiuying, Uncle Feng, Yushi, I didn't expect Dijiang to send you three great witches, it seems that this demon saint is very valued! Haha~~~"

The ghost car laughed, and he did not show the slightest fear, because he was not afraid of these three great witches at all.

They are just the great witches equivalent to the early quasi-sage, he is the quasi-sage mid-term, even if they are equivalent to the quasi-sage mid-term?

The ghost car is the most combatable among the ten demon saints, its level of belligerence is no less than that of the witch race, and it is more like challenge.

"Not to be valued, but to kill you!" Jiu Ying sneered.

As Jiu Ying said, Yu hand shook his hand, the hand bell rang, and a soul-absorbing force surged towards the ghost car.

"It is said that the Wu clan can't use magic weapons, it doesn't seem to be the case." The ghost car was taken aback for a moment, and then mocked, because this magical power had no attack power for him.

As everyone knows, Jiuying only used this to distract the ghost car, the real means is behind.

I saw that Jiuying, Uncle Feng and Yushi were all transformed into great witches.

"Wind and rainy days!"

"Tian Qing!"

Master Feng Boyu used a combination of supernatural powers, while Jiuying used the Heavenly Qi of the weather supernatural powers.

Suddenly, a strong wind and rain appeared. This wind was the nine-magic divine wind, and it was the three-dimensional heavy water that rained.

There are three types of yuan water, the most powerful is the one yuan heavy water, one drop can crush the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The second is the three yuan heavy water, one drop can kill the golden fairy, and the next is the nine yuan heavy water, one drop can kill the Xuanxian.

The combination of Jiu Mei Shenfeng and Sanyuan Zhongshui directly made the face of the ghost car serious. This should not be underestimated, and a little carelessness will cause injury.

In the war between them, once one party is injured first, the result can be imagined.

The ghost car didn't hesitate, it turned into its main body directly, and a divine bird of the size of ten feet appeared in the sky with nine heads.

A ghost car is a different beast from heaven and earth, and each head represents a law.

They are gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, darkness, wind, and rain.


Like the sound of Fengming.

The nine heads exhaled nine rays of light, and they gathered into a huge colorful cloud, covering the ghost car.

Blocked the Jiu Mei Shenfeng and Sanyuan Heavy Water.

But Jiuying's Tian Qing was blasted down.

The sky curtain covering thousands of miles, tilted down from one side, looking really terrifying.

As if the sky had fallen.

This Tianqi is a kind of strange gravity formed by the weather, which can suppress all living beings.

The ghost car was hit this day, and its huge body trembled.

With wings, the ghost car flew upwards, trying to lift the sky up, but he underestimated Jiuying's magical powers. This is not as simple as gravity. There is also this extremely complicated weather phenomenon.

A wave of cold gushed out, and the ghost car had to release the real fire of Samadhi to resist.

Jiuying, Feng Bo, and Yushi were a little surprised when they saw the ghost car blocking their supernatural powers. Their combination of supernatural powers was simply not something that could be blocked in the mid-quasi-sage stage.

It seemed that this ghost car was far stronger than the ordinary quasi-sage mid-stage. For a moment, Feng Bo took a step, and the body of the great witch of thousands of feet blasted the ghost car with one punch.

The ghost car turned into an innate Taoist body, and a sharp spear came out in his hand, which directly pierced the hitting heavy punch.

Rumble! ! !

Feng Bo stepped back three steps, but the ghost car didn't move at all, looking like a mountain.

The clenched fist already shed a trace of blood, and the rain master glanced at the sharp spear in the ghost chariot's hand. This was at least the high-grade innate spirit treasure.

It's not that Feng Bo's body is comparable to the middle-grade Congenital Lingbao, but that just now, Feng Bo's fist is wrapped in the Jiumai Shenfeng, and even the middle-grade Congenital Lingbao cannot break Feng's fist.

"Unexpectedly, you are a demon saint who actually owns the high-grade innate spirit treasure. It seems that you are too good for you." The rain master said, a rain stick appeared in his hand, and one hit the ghost car.

Jiuying was not idle at this time either, the bell in his hand turned into a million feet, and he ran into the ghost car.

Although they can't use magic treasures, there are strange treasures used by their witches on this predecessor.

With this strange treasure, their combat power has been greatly improved.

The ghost car watched the rain master and Jiuying's attack, and his eyes flashed solemnly. He had thought these great witches would continue to use their bodies.

In this way, he could take the opportunity to yell at them and directly wound a great witch. In this way, his odds of winning doubled.

But now that they have used the strange treasure, it is obvious that his calculations are going to be frustrated.

This sharp spear is not a top-grade innate spirit treasure, but a top-grade innate spirit treasure, a broken sharp spear!

A shot was shot, and the gun shot out like a dragon, and a dragon roar sounded in the dark, and the shattering spear was shining with light.

Repulsed the rain stick and hit the bell.


A deafening sound rang.

Both Yushi and Jiuying took a step back, looking at the ghost car, as if they had not received any shock.

"The best innate Lingbao!" Jiuying said in surprise.

They miscalculated. Originally, their three great witches had absolute certainty to kill the ghost car, but now the ghost car has the best innate spirit treasure, which undoubtedly increased their pressure.

"It's really ignorant, this is a shattering spear that can break through the world!" said the ghost car, swept through with one shot, and directly attacked the three of Jiuying.

"Huh, what about giving you the best innate spirit treasure?" Feng Bo sneered.

Although they were afraid, they couldn't express it on the surface. At the time of the war, as the commanders of the two sides, their aura was very important.

The army below has entered the heating period, and life seems to be very cheap at this moment.

A fate disappeared at this time, and a corpse lost its true spirit.

For reasons of life, both the underworld and the heavenly armies of this great war cannot enter the underworld reincarnation after death!

And even the true spirit disappeared.

It seems that there is a mighty power that is secretly controlling all this, absorbing the true spirits of countless creatures, and using them to practice some exercises.

These are all immortals, not mortals, and the battle between them is fierce. There is no good place in the celestial land now, and it has become chaotic.

Fortunately, there was no ground vein that hurt the celestial pole, and it did not cause the Wu Clan's luck to pass.

In just one year, the two sides have lost more than three million troops.

What a terrible number this is?

This is nothing. What is truly terrifying is the entire prehistoric war, because the world war has evolved into a war everywhere.

Races have joined the battle between heaven and earth, all of which are caused by the two groups of Lichs scattered everywhere.

The war between heaven and earth has only been underway for a short year, and the entire prehistoric creatures have lost at least tens of billions!

This tens of billions is nothing compared to the demise of the hundreds of billions of human races, but you must know that this is only one year!

Who can tell how many years can this world war be?

If it is a hundred years, such a cost-effective calculation may be an extremely astonishing number.

"The battle between heaven and earth is the largest war of calamity in the history of the prehistoric lands. It is far from being comparable to the calamity of the fierce beast and the first calamity of the Dragon and Han Dynasty."

"Yes! I didn't expect that this battle of calamity would have affected so much!"

"It's no wonder that no saint dared to intervene. This kind of karma that has affected the entire primordial land, I am afraid that only the Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor can intervene!"

"In just one year, Honghuang is full of tribulation qi, even if the poor Tao is in the dojo, he is somewhat affected by the tribulation, and wants to go out and fight!"

"Even our quasi-sages can't bear it, let alone those Taiyi Golden Immortals or Golden Immortals?"

In the void, over the long river of time that belonged to the calamity, a powerful voice sounded.

All are feeling the magnitude of this catastrophe.

The war of calamity affected the entire prehistoric land, the war continued, and the lives continued to fall.

But at this time, all the mighty powers did not discover a very strange thing because of the calamity.

Those are the fallen creatures, and there is no real spirit flocking to the netherworld!

It disappeared miraculously.

I am afraid that the Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor have not discovered it, otherwise, they would have come out long ago, after all, this is the true spirit of tens of billions of living beings!

Heavenly Court has used hundreds of billions of human souls to create an earth-shattering magic weapon, the witch-slaughtering sword!

And now in the battle of measuring the calamity, one of the true spirits disappeared, and it is what some people say, then how many true spirits are there after the calamity is measured?


Bu Zhoushan, the benchmark of the prehistoric, is also the pillar of the prehistoric.

Because of the amount of calamity, this mountain is no longer a pure land, and the heavenly army and the Wu tribe army have already fought here.

The battle between Xing Tian and Bai Ze was Tai Yi's miscalculation. Tai Yi believed that Emperor Jiang would send an ordinary witch.

I didn't expect Xing Tian to come, this very unique witch.

Xing Tian is not only a witch clan, but also a great power of the magic way, and also the ancestor of the witch clan!

The most important thing is that Xing Tian's combat power is comparable to the late quasi-sage.

And this hasn't counted the affliction, if you count the affliction, Xing Tian's combat power is hard to imagine.

What is a qi?

One axe and one shield, although not a congenital spirit treasure, it is comparable to the best congenital spirit treasure.

Although Bai Ze was promoted to the late quasi-sage, but the battle with Xingtian was directly defeated.

But Bai Ze continued to hold on, because he knew that as long as he was holding on for a while, he would have reinforcements.

The largest swamp in the wild.

Here is a powerful ancestor, withered wood ancestor, who is a casual cultivator, not a profound sect or a magic way.

But the cultivation base should not be underestimated, it is the pinnacle of the quasi-sage.

In the entire prevalence of casual cultivation, he is regarded as the most prestigious power, but the withered ancestor has a cold personality and does not like to communicate with outsiders.

This also led to Tai Yi daring to let the ancestor Kunpeng come and threaten the ancestor withered wood.

"Friend of Taoist Kunpeng, you are a direct disciple of the Xuanmen, the direct disciple of the Taoist ancestor, and the future saint, why do you want to obey Taiyi and be an enemy of this seat?"

A skinny old man, holding a cane in his hand, looked at the ancestor Kunpeng and said.

It's okay if Old Ancestor Withered Wood doesn't say this, Ancestor Kunpeng's expression is better, but having said this, Ancestor Kunpeng thinks of the great shame of the day.

He is the saint of the future!

Taiyi lost so much face in front of so many people!

"Withered wood, you don't need to say much about the poor road, just say this time the world war, do you help the heavens!" Kunpeng ancestor said in a deep voice.

" This seat is also the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, why? Do you want to fight against this seat during the battle between heaven and earth?" Withered Old Ancestor said coldly.

"Huh! Withered Wood, you value yourself too much. The poor Dao is ordered by the Emperor of Heaven. If you don't help the Heavenly Court, then the poor Dao will pull you into the calamity!" The ancestor Kunpeng had no extra nonsense and started to threaten directly.

"Kunpeng, you~~" Withered wood ancestor's beard all flew up.

He didn't expect Taiyi to be so insidious, threatening him with this kind of thing, once he entered this battle of the calamity, then he was very likely to fall in this calamity.

"Withered Wood, Pindao gives you ten breaths of time to consider!" Kunpeng ancestor said directly.

Old Ancestor Withered Wood was not talking, but fell into a decision. If he didn't help Heavenly Court, he would be dragged by Old Ancestor Kunpeng.

If it is added, it will still be added. The only difference is the security of this amount of robbery.

In a battle with the ancestor of Kunpeng, he may only have a half chance of surviving, but by helping Heavenly Court, he has a great chance of surviving.

The big deal finally escaped.

"Friends of Daoist, your time is up." Kunpeng ancestor said, the Congenital Yiqi Pagoda appeared in his hand, and he seemed to be ready for a battle.

"This seat can promise to help Heavenly Court, but this seat will never go to the Primordial Battlefield!" Withered Wood Old Ancestor knew that the real battle was on the Primordial Battlefield.

As long as he doesn't enter the Taikoo battlefield, he is 90% sure to survive.

"Yes, the emperor's decree, you first go to Buzhou Mountain to assist the demon saint Baize, and then go to the land of the celestial pole and destroy the land of the celestial pole." Kunpeng ancestor said lightly.

"It will take hundreds of years to go to Buzhou Mountain here. If you wait..."

The ancestor Kunpeng waved his hand, the natal chart appeared, and a light appeared.

"Friends of Taoism, please go to Buzhou Mountain."

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