Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 349: World War【End】

   Luo Hui was stunned, he would never have thought that Pangu would transmit his voice to him.

   It’s just that the meaning of the sound transmission made Luo Hui half understand, especially the last sentence that he waited for, which made Luo Hui wonder if Pangu was really alive.

  If you are really alive, then who was it that fell?

   That huge physical body fell into the new world and evolved into a prehistoric world. Who is this?

   Luo Huo saw Pangu incarnate all things with his own eyes. How did it suddenly become like this? Luo Huo didn't have much resistance to Pangu being alive.

   He didn't worry about Pangu expelling him from the prehistoric, but Luo Hui was shocked. What is the truth!

   Pangu, who was clearly dead, told him and asked him to prove the truth!

   Luo Hui shook his head. There is no need to stay in this place anymore. Pangu's physical body will definitely dissipate next, and Pangu has already communicated with him, and his purpose of coming has been achieved.

   Watching Luo Hui leave step by step, Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Ancestor were both surprised. Isn't Luo Hui not curious that Pangu God is still alive?

   Thinking of this, Hongjun Daozu wanted to catch Luo Hui and ask, but at this time, a loud bang rang through the entire prehistoric land.

   The powerful battle wave spread to the entire prehistoric land in an instant. Today’s prehistoric land is already riddled with defects, and many creatures have fallen.

   If the aftermath of this battle were to pass, then the entire prehistoric creatures would definitely be halved.

   I am afraid that there are less than 100 million creatures in the wild now. I don't know how many genocide is in this battle.

   Hongjun Daozu shot, the jade saucer of good fortune flew out, forming a huge sky, covering the area of ​​the ancient battlefield, covering hundreds of thousands of miles.

   The aftermath of the battle hit the sky, but couldn't break through the sky and swept the entire wilderness.

   "Daoist, I didn't expect you to make a move. I thought you would always be an indifferent Taoist ancestor? Haha~~~" Fate Patriarch laughed.

   No matter what, the destiny ancestor will not take action. It is best that the entire prehistoric creatures perish, whether he has orthodoxy in the prehistoric.


   Within the Zhoutian star battle array, all 36,000 star gods fell, and three hundred and sixty star monarchs, two-thirds fell.

   Fuxi was seriously injured, Yinglong was seriously injured, and Kun Peng was seriously injured.

   Too one minor injury.

   The Zhoutian Star Dou formation instantly collapsed, and the surviving Xingjun were all shaken out, and some fell into the turbulence of time and space, and there was no possibility of surviving.

   The Twelve Capital Sky Gods Array also collapsed in an instant. The Twelve Ancestral Witch was lifted out, and all the Twelve Ancestral Witches were injured, especially Chi You, who was seriously injured and dying.


   A mouthful of blood came out, Di Jiang looked at the brothers in front of him, then looked at everything around him.

   Taikoo battlefield no longer exists, and some are just endless turbulence of time and space.

   As for the witch tribe army, except for the part that has been evacuated, all the rest are lost.

   "Unexpectedly, I would eventually follow in the footsteps of the three clans, haha~~~~" Dijiang's sad laughter sounded.

   Taiyi was also uncomfortable when he heard Dijiang's words. He opened his divine eyes and had already observed the situation of the heavenly soldiers and generals of the Witch tribe outside.

   There are only a few million left in the sky and ice sky, and the Witch army is less than one million. What a tragic battle.

   Now no matter which side wins, they no longer have the right to control the predecessor, and their ending is doomed.

   Without a large army at the grassroots level, they could not manage the huge prehistoric.

   Although they have followed in the footsteps of the three clans, the battle they saw is not over yet.

   Tai reached out one by one, and the Chaos Clock appeared in his hand.

   rose up his mana and hit the Chaos Clock with a palm.


   The sound of the Chaos Bell resounded throughout the entire prehistoric land, which officially ended the Lich's Tribulation.

   But the end of a calamity, did not let the war end, Taiyi wants to provoke the beginning of the next calamity!

   A strong sound wave attacked the Twelve Ancestor Witch.

   Dijiang and others hurriedly resisted, but Chi You, who had been dying frequently, couldn't resist.

   "Big brother, I am not reconciled, but after working hard for so long, I made a wedding dress for others."

"I can not be reconciled!"

   Chiyou died in a roar. The body of his ancestor witch had been broken, and now he was attacked by sound waves. The body was turned into smash and scattered between the heaven and the earth!

   can be regarded as returning to Pangu's embrace!

   Since the battle of the twelve ancestral witches, one ancestral witch has fallen.

  Dijiang and other eleven ancestral witches all looked at the place where Chi You died, and their eyes flashed with cold light. Chi You was not reconciled, how could they be reconciled?

   At this time, where Chi You disappeared, a ray of light flew up, but there was another faint ray that wanted to cover this ray of light.

   This light is the true spirit of Chi You, and the faint light that appears is the chief culprit who swept away all the dead creatures.

   I saw Chi You’s true spirit, a golden light flashed out, defeating the faint light, and then quickly flew to the six reincarnations.

   All of this happened in an instant, and the two powers who were immersed in unwillingness did not see this scene.

   "Even if you quit the prehistoric land, you will have to destroy the monster race!" Di Jiang said coldly.

   "Exterminate the demon!"

   The remaining ten ancestral witches all shouted loudly.

   Soon, the eleven ancestral witches attacked together. They all attacked Taiyi. Although they were all injured, their combat effectiveness was still as strong as ever.

   Taiyi fought eleven ancestral witches alone, but he still had more than enough energy and he was not as strong as that.

   "Your Majesty, I will help you!" The Demon Emperor Fuxi stood up, his pale face could tell that Fuxi was also seriously injured, but he couldn't watch Taiyi die!

   "Your Majesty, my palace is here to help you!"

   Yinglong also stood up.

   She and Tai Yi Nao are husband and wife, and they don't know each other. Now she can't watch Tai Yi fight the eleven ancestor witches alone.

   It was the ancestor Kunpeng who seemed a little hesitant, he didn't dare to look at Taiyi's eyes because he had other thoughts in his heart.

   "Demon Master!" Demon Emperor Fuxi said with a cold voice looking at the ancestor Kunpeng.

The meaning of    is obvious!

   Taiyi and Ying Long also looked at Kunpeng.

At this time, Dijiang said in a cold voice: "Kunpeng, you are originally a disciple of the Taoist ancestor. If you leave here, you will be considered to have withdrawn from the battlefield and survived this tragedy. If you insist on staying here, you can only be with us. Fight to the death!"

   Kunpeng old ancestor immediately stood up, came to Taiyi's side, looked at Di Jiang and said in a deep voice: "Pan Dao is the Heavenly Demon Master, how can you escape before the battle, Di Jiang, you have miscalculated!"

   Seeing the ancestor Kunpeng approaching, Taiyi nodded with satisfaction.

   Then, Tai took the lead one by one, holding the chaos clock and the sword of slaughtering the witches, and slammed into the ancestral witch, followed by Ying Long and Demon Emperor Fuxi!

   But at this time, the Kunpeng ancestor who had promised to make a promise changed his direction and flew to the starry sky. With his hand pinching the law, he rolled up the Hetuluo scroll, changed the direction again, and headed to the North Sea.

   "Kun Peng, you are not a son of man, I will kill you!" Tai once saw this scene, his figure was stopped, but he was blown out by Di Jiang.

   A mouthful of blood came out. He didn't expect that the ancestor Kunpeng would be so unkind. Not only did he escape, he even killed so many Xingjun.

   In this time and space turbulence, those stars who have not reached the quasi-sage, without the protection of Hetu Luoshu, will be eroded by the time and space turbulence, and then perish.

   "Thief!" Demon Emperor Fuxi roared.

   At this moment, Tai Yi did not hesitate the injury on his body, but used his best to chase the ancestor Kunpeng. He no longer wanted to kill the ancestor witch, but was thinking, **** the ancestor Kunpeng!

   Demon Emperor Fuxi also wanted to chase him, but Tian Wu stayed on and stopped the Demon Emperor Fuxi, and the two fought here.

   Yinglong transformed into a dragon body. She, who was originally Yinglong, had a terrifying speed, no weaker than the rainbow transformation technique.

   caught up with Taiyi in an instant, chasing Kunpeng ancestor with Taiyi.

  Dijiang took the nine ancestral witches and chased after him.

  They are not trying to kill the ancestor Kunpeng, but to kill Taiyi and Yinglong. Although both sides have withdrawn from the prehistoric land, but so many people have died, this hatred cannot be resolved, only immortality!

   Above Mount Sumi, Nuwa looked at Luo Hu who had just returned.

   "Master, disciple~~~"

   "Go, just protect the true spirit of Fuxi, remember, don't hurt the true spirit of Tianwu." Luo Hui said lightly.

   Nuwa was puzzled at first, and then she understood that Tian Wu was not without a backer.

  In an instant, Nuwa disappeared on Mount Sumi.

   "Fuxi falls, this is the starting point for the next calamity, ha ha, I didn't expect that Chi You's willpower was so strong that he escaped the hunt of evil spirits!"

   Luohuo only discovered not long ago that none of the fallen creatures had flown into the six reincarnations. It can be said that the entire prehistoric creatures have fallen, and all the true spirits have been accepted by demons.

   Even if Luo Hui wanted to stop it, it was too late, which is why Luo Hui is so calm now.

  Because it has already happened, even if he is angry, it will not help.

   So many true spirits, if they were absorbed by the evil spirits, Luo Hui could hardly imagine how far the evil spirits would grow.

   Luo Hui sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-rank extinct black lotus. He was waiting, waiting for Dao Ancestor Hongjun to come.

   After thinking about it, it won’t take long before Hongjun will discover that this true spirit has disappeared, and then he will come to discuss countermeasures with Luo Hui.

   An opening battle of calamity, a battle of chasing, shocked the entire prehistoric power.

   "The ancestor Kunpeng actually did this kind of thing, oh~~~"

   "This time, Taiyi is afraid that he will kill the ancestor Kunpeng, I don't know if Daozu will come forward."

   "It shouldn't be! This is a detrimental thing. If Taoist ancestors come forward, the entire Xuanmen might be shameless and have a foothold in the wilderness."

   "It's hard to say, look! Maybe ten ancestral witches can stop Tai One!"

   Over a long period of time, each of the great abilities have expressed their own thoughts.

   But at this time, on the top of Bu Zhou Mountain, the battle between Xing Tian and Withered Old Ancestor ended.

   It's not that Xingtian didn't fight, but the dead wood ancestor escaped. As for Na Baize, he has already escaped.

   Xing Tian is one enemy and two, and there is also a quasi-sage pinnacle holding the best innate spirit treasure.

   It can be said that this battle is Xingtian's battle in the entire prestige!

   Xing Tian went to the celestial land, but found that Feng Bo, Yu Shi, and Jiu Ying were still fighting the ghost car.

   Immediately, Xing Tian joined the battle, which made the ghost car directly fall into the wind, and within a few strokes, dangers were all around!

   But Xing Tian didn't know, because of his departure, he missed a good opportunity.

   The ancestor Kunpeng flew over Buzhou Mountain, but when Taiyi and Ying Long flew to Buzhou Mountain, they stopped.

  Looking at the heaven on the top of Buzhou Mountain, they are no longer chasing after them. What if they catch up?

   turned around and looked at the ten ancestral witches including Dijiang who were chasing him.

   "Dijiang, I will make you pay for all this." Tai waved one by one, Tu Wujian slashed directly at Xuan Ming.

   At the same time, the chaotic clock turned into ten thousand feet, flying into the air, suppressing time and space.

   Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin slowed down at this moment, and the other ancestor witches quickly went to help Xuan Ming.

   They blocked the Slaughter Witch Sword, but they didn't know that another treasure had already appeared in Tai Yi's hand.

   A jade-white gourd, take the gourd one by one.

   "Please turn around, baby!"


   A creamy white light flew out, the speed was astounding, and it seemed to be teleporting.

   In just an instant, the white light flew back.

   "Sister Hyun Ming ~ Sister Hyun Ming ~ ~"

   These ancestral witches all looked at Xuan Ming, but they discovered where Xuan Ming stood motionless.

   Gong Gong took a step forward and shook Xuan Ming.


   Xuan Ming's head fell, and then Xuan Ming fell on the ground, then sank into the ground, and returned to Pangu's embrace.

   "Ying Long, you go to the East China Sea quickly, where, maybe you can escape the catastrophe." Taiyi Xianglong said through voice.

   " Your Majesty, this palace is your wife, so naturally I will fight alongside you!" How could Ying Long leave?

   "I will not die, but if you stay here, you will die. Now leave quickly. This is my decree!" Tai Yi did not leave Ying Long any room.

   "Ah~~~ Taiyi, you must die!"

   Gonggong and Zhu Rong both killed Xiang Taiyi, and the strange treasures in their hands had gathered powerful magical powers and vowed to cut Taiyi.

   "Quickly go!" Tai Yi once again transmitted to Ying Long.

   When seeing Ying Long leave, he was so relieved that he could fight without any worries.

   Now Taiyi, without any fetters, he is no longer the emperor of heaven, because there is no heaven.

   Yinglong also left. He was alone and only needed to attack.

   The chaotic clock hit Zhu Rong.

   This is Tai Yi's most powerful attack. After this attack, Tai Yi directly vomited blood, and the injuries on his body increased by one point.

   And how could Zhu Rong, who was originally injured, be able to take this blow and be directly shattered by the chaos clock.

  Dijiang and the others only then eased from the grief of Xuan Ming's death, and saw Zhu Rong fall again, burning with anger in their hearts.

   "Taiyi, go to death!" Qiangliang held a huge knife and slashed at Taiyi.

   The Chaos Clock got in front.


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