Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 3: Too 1 choice

  The Queen Mother of the West was overjoyed at this time. With this Qiankun Ding, she can be said to have everything ready, and she is just about to refine it.

   "Junior sister, what are you still trying to do, hurry up and refine the colorful stones to fill the sky!" Tongtian Guru urged.

In fact, the Lord Tongtian and others said that they were not in a hurry. In fact, how could they not be in a hurry. The Lich had just passed the calamity, and there were opportunities everywhere above the prehistoric. As saints, even if they did not plan for themselves, I have to plan for my future disciples too!

   And the Lich's calamity is over, and they all have the idea of ​​preaching, after all, the orthodoxy still has to be passed on.

   Queen Mother West nodded, without further delay, she took over the Qiankun Ding and used her magic power to break into the Qiankun Ding.

   The innate treasure Qiankun Ding instantly turned red, and there was a rootless fire burning under the cauldron.

   This is the chaos sacred fire, it is the sacred fire that comes with the Qiankun Ding, and its power is not inferior to that of the sun sacred fire, and it can completely refine the colorful stones.

   As soon as he stretched out his hand, a large number of colorful stones entered the Qian Kun Ding.

  The Queen Mother of the West once again urged her magic power to increase the flames of the Qiankun Ding. In this way, it took seven to seven forty-nine days to refine the colorful stones.

   Looking at the colorful stone that has turned into liquid, exuding five colors of light, Queen Mother West smiled.

   "Please help me to consolidate the cave, this palace will fill the sky!" Queen Mother West shouted.

   The liquid made from the colorful stone was lifted up by Queen Mother's magic force, and then flew towards the cave.

   The ribbon of the phoenix robe is elegant, holding the immeasurable multicolored liquid in his hand, swinging upright, doing the act of patching the sky.

  The Queen Mother of the West is here to make up the sky, and Luo Hu of Mount Xumi is not idle. This time Queen Mother of the West wants to use this opportunity to prove the truth, it lacks some weight.

   When the merits are lowered, these saints will assign these merits. Then, even if Queen Mother West gets half of the merits, what use is it?

   Still unable to prove the way of sanctification.

   But if all the merits of patching the sky were given to Queen Mother Xi, Queen Mother Xi would definitely be able to prove the Tao.

   Luohu can tell his disciples not to make up the heavenly merit, but there is no way to force Hongjun's disciples not to make up the heavenly merit.

   It seems that I still need to go to the Zixiao Palace.

   Just when Luo Hui thought so, two guests came from Mount Xume, and Luo Hui's eyes showed a smile.

   He has forgotten one thing. From now on, Queen Mother Xi’s proving Dao has become the general trend.

   "Waiting to see the demon ancestor." Hongyun bowed respectfully to Luo Hui.

   "No need to be polite." Luo Hui smiled faintly.

   The two guests here are the Hongjun Dao ancestor and the Hongyun ancestor. As for why they came to Mount Xumi, it is natural for Luo Hui to send the red cloud to the heavens and the world.

   "Daoist, I want all the merits of repairing the sky, and you can mention it!" Luo Hui said straightforwardly.

   Hongjun was stunned and didn't understand what Luo Hui was talking about, and what's the use of Luo Hui's merits?

   Luo Huo recoiled with the Heavenly Dao, even if this merit was given to Luo Huo, it would not have any effect.

   After a calculation, Hongjun Daozu understood why Luo Hui said this, and immediately smiled: "Pan Dao needs to know Hongyun's situation at any time."

   Luo Hui shook his head and said: "The World Tree has supreme power, but it can't reflect the scene of the heavens and the world. If you want to know, you can only go with Hongyun."

   The ancestor Hongyun heard this and felt a little worried. If this Hongjun went with him, then all his plans would have been ruined.

   "Pan Dao must contact Hongyun at any time. This shouldn't be difficult for World Tree!" Hongjun Daozu sneered.

The meaning of    is very obvious. If Luo Hui doesn't agree, then this Queen Mother of the West will be postponed.

   "Contacting Hongyun at any time is beyond the ability of the World Tree, but if you contact once every 10,000 years, you can still do it."

   Luo Hui said, and with a big wave of his hand, the space between Da Zi Zai Tian and Mount Xumi split, and a light appeared in Luo Hui's hand.

   Using this ray of light, Luo Hui engraved a spell and hit Hong Yun's body, then refined a jade charm and gave it to Hongjun Daozu.

   Hongjun Daozu looked at the jade talisman, nodded, and exchanged for this jade talisman with the two virtues of mending the sky.

   Below the sky cave, Queen Mother of the West, holding the colorful liquid, slowly flew up, and blocked the sky cave with her supreme mana.

   But this rootless blockage, how can it be sustained.

   "Daoist, if you want to completely repair the sky, I am afraid that we still need Tianzhu to support. Buzhou Mountain has been broken, and the Taoist needs to find another Tianzhu." Said Zhunti Sage.

   "This palace has found the Tianzhu, so I don't need to bother the Taoists."

  After the Queen Mother said, she took out the limbs of Xuangui, put them in the Qiankun Ding, and refined them to form a huge pillar of heaven.

   This sky pillar stands between Wucaiye and the earth, completely supporting this world.

   But the sky is still a bit inclined, but it does not affect the overall situation.

   After making up the sky, the sky pillar has disappeared, as if there is no sky pillar between the sky and the earth.

   But these great abilities all know that this Tianzhu is a real existence.

   All the saints dissipated their mana, looked up at the sky, and now I can see that the location of the cave that day was extremely beautiful.

   exudes colorful glow, dazzling and colorful.

   Next, all the saints understood that it was time to wait for the merits to come.

   Primitive Tianzun looked at the half of the mountain that fell on the barren land. With a turn of his mind, he waved his hand and put away the half of the mountain.


   A cloud of merit and virtue flew out of the sky, with the size of a hundred acres. If it falls on one person and lives in the grandeur and purple spirit, it can completely prove sanctification.

   "It seems that the Queen Mother of the West is going to preach this time."

"It may not be necessary. This heaven-filling merit is not attributed to the Queen Mother of the West alone. There are other saints, even the saints of the Demon Dao line who give up their merits, but how can the saints of the Xuanmen and Buddhism allow them What about merit?"

   Many great abilities in the prehistoric state are all being discussed. After all, this is related to the birth of a saint, not a trivial matter!

   Merit appeared in the sky and began to split. After all, it is not the work of one person to repair the sky.

   Immediately after the merit celebration cloud is divided into eleven, obviously all saints have merit.

   Taishang Mozu, Tongtian Guru, Taixuan Guru, Nuwa Empress, Taiqing Daozu, Primitive Tianzun, Xianzu Dongwang Duke, Amitabha, Zhunti Sage, Burning Sage.

   These ten saints accounted for 50% of them, and the remaining one, the largest one, occupied 50%, and belonged to Queen Mother Xi.

   Nuwa waved her hand and pushed her own merit to Queen Mother Xi.

  Tongtian Guru and Taixuan Guru are also the same as Nuwa, who gave their share of merit to Queen Mother Xi.

   Taishang Demon Ancestor pretended not to see it, and wanted to absorb this merit and Qingyun, and then refine it.

   But Luo Hu's voice rang in his mind.

   Not only did Rahu's voice sounded in the mind of Taishang Mozu, but even Amitabha, the sage of burning lamps, and the saint of Zhunti, all rang Rahu's voice.

   "Give the merit to Queen Mother of the West and help her prove the Tao!"

   This is Luo Hui's decree. No matter how courage the Taishang Demon Ancestor is, he dare not defy and directly surrendered his merits.

   Not to mention the three Amitabha Buddhas, they all surrendered their merits.

   The three saints of Xuanmen were all taken aback when they saw this scene. This was obviously helping Queen Mother West to prove the truth!

   Taiqing Daozu and Primordial Tianzun are unwilling to surrender this merit, as long as they don't surrender it, Queen Mother West cannot prove Dao.

   But the idea of ​​Duke Xianzudong is different from that of the two of them. He is going to move out of Kunlun Mountain, and he has seen that the three saints of Buddhism and Taoism have surrendered their merits.

   Obviously, this is a voice transmission.

   Then since Luo Hui has personally transmitted the sound, this Queen Mother of the West must be able to prove the truth, that is to say, they must also hand over their merits next.

   If it is handed over under compulsion, there is no cause and effect, but if she actively helps Queen Mother Xi, this can completely make Queen Mother owe him a cause and effect.

   Thinking of this, the Eastern Prince no longer hesitated, and directly promoted his own merit celebration.

   "Who Dao Fellow Xi Wangmu wants to prove Dao, how can the poor Dao stand idly by!"

   The merits of the Eastern Prince was incorporated into the Western Queen’s merits, which surprised the Western Queen Mother.

   Taiqing Daozu and Primordial Tianzun are even more surprised, I don’t know what the Eastern Prince is doing!

   But then, Taiqing Daozu and Primitive Tianzun were both transmitted by Hongjun Daozu.

   "The merits of patching up the heavens should be transferred to Queen Mother of the West to help her prove the Tao.

   Although Hongjun Daozu's words made them very puzzled, they did not dare to violate Hongjun Daozu's decree.

   In desperation, Taiqing Daozu and Primitive Tianzun both surrendered this merit.

   Hundred acres of merits and virtues were injected into Queen Mother Xi’s body, instantly igniting Hongmeng Purple Qi, which made the Taishi Demon Sutra cultivated by Queen Mother Xi quickly run.

  At this moment, Queen Mother of the West cuts two desires and all six desires, proving the way and becoming holy.

   The coercion that belongs to the saint swept the entire predicament in an instant.

   After the Lich's calamity, a saint was born, and the purple gas came to the east for 30,000 miles.

   But at this time, the entire prehistoric land is in a period of low atmosphere, even if the saint is born, it is impossible to let the remaining creatures have any emotions.

   The Queen Mother of the West proved that she was sanctified, and she was not annoyed by the uncongratulations of the prehistoric creatures. After all, how many creatures did the prehistoric creature have at this time?

   "Thank you for your help in this palace!" Queen Mother Xi gave a slight salute to these saints.

   are all saints now, who will accept the salute of Queen Mother of the West? All of them avoided.

   "Congratulations to my sister's proving Dao." Nuwa smiled.

   In fact, Nuwa's smile was forced out, and her brother was left with a trace of real spirit, how could she laugh.


   Above the Purple Star, the Fate Ancestor stood with his hand, and behind him stood a person wearing an imperial robe, it was Tai One!

   It's just that Taiyi now has no majesty of the past, and some are just lost.

   "Taiyi, you have been lost in the prehistoric times." Fate Ancestor said lightly.

   "Master, is my elder brother controlled by demons?" Taiyi looked at the destiny ancestor and said.

   "Yes, but there should be no complete control, otherwise, you are afraid that you will really die." Fate Ancestor said.

   In fact, Di Jun’s actions surprised the ancestors of his destiny and gave up his life to save Taiyi!

   "Master, where should the disciples go from now on?"

  The dignified primordial emperor, at this moment, felt confused. He didn't know what the future would be like?

   go back to heaven?

   Is there still a heaven now?

   Heaven and earth war, even if the heavenly court still survives some people, what can be done?

   Then again, he has been seriously injured, and for a short time, he may not be able to recover.

   "Your path is not in the prehistoric."

  The Fate Ancestor carried Taiyi on his back and said lightly: "The Emperor of Heaven will only limit your future. Now you are no longer the Emperor of Heaven, and it is only a matter of time to prove Dao Hunyuan."

   "The disciples listen to Master's teachings."

   There was a light in Taiichi's eyes.


   This is a realm that monks dream of. Only when you become a Hunyuan can you initially control your own destiny!

  Unsanctified will end up as ants, but how many saints are there in the prehistoric?

   And to become a saint, you need a grandiose and purple aura, but there are only so many of this grandiose and purple aura.

   became a Hunyuan, the only way out for all monks.

   Taiichi naturally wants to become Hunyuan, and if he chooses between Hunyuan and the Emperor, then he will choose to prove Hunyuan without hesitation!

   "There is a world tree in Luohu, which can lead to the heavens and the world, and the teacher wants you to enter the heavens and the world, and then preach in it!" Fate Ancestor said.

  "Enter the heavens and the world?" Taiyi didn't expect that there are other worlds entering beyond the prehistoric world.

   And these heavens and worlds, it seems that it is not as simple as a world.

   "Since the world tree is in the demon ancestor's place, has there been a great power going to the heavens and all realms?" Taiyi asked.

   Although Taiichi is very lost now, he understands one thing, that is, the fate ancestor asked him to go to the heavens and the world, which is definitely not as simple as helping him to prove the way.

"The candle dragon has already gone to the heavens and the world, and Hongjun wants to let Hongyun go to the heavens and the world. They go to preach and let you go as a teacher. One is to prove the truth, and the other is to observe the heavens and the world. Rules, and the situation of the heavens and worlds!"

   The ancestor of Destiny didn't hide anything from Taiyi, and he didn't need to hide anything. He had no orthodoxy and didn't need to preach.

   When he wanted to come, Taiyi went to the heavens and all realms to prove the way and inquire about the news.

   "I don't know when to go?" Taiichi asked.

   "You can go." The ancestor of Destiny had already noticed that Hongjun had gone to Mount Xumi.

   Taiyi wants to tell Ying Long that he is still alive, but if you think about it again, let's wait until the sermon comes back!

   Taiyi followed the fate ancestor to Mount Xume, and the whole great power, just as the fate ancestor said, thinks that Tai is lost.

   Even a saint thinks so.

   There are not many people who know Taiyi is alive.

   Destiny, Luo Hui, Hongjun, and Gonggong, but Gonggong has been unable to say anything about Taiyi.

   This has also led to the chaos clock of Taiyi, including the saints, who are looking for Taiyi. After all, Taiyi is dead, so the chaos clock will definitely not be destroyed.

   This is one of the three treasures of Kaitian, and it is also the treasure of offense and defense!

  :. :

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