Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 5: Luo? Means, all saints go to heaven

  The magic mist did not dissipate because Xihe became a demon, but the scope became larger and larger, but only ten breaths, and a radius of 100,000 li was enveloped by the magic mist.

   This magic mist seems to have the failure to isolate the heavenly way, but in this magic mist, I can't feel the existence of the heavenly way.

   Wangshu's eyes appeared cautious, she did not expect that the evil demon would turn into Xihe and lure her to the Taiyin Star!

   You must know that because the evil spirits are afraid of Luo Huo, they dare not step into the prehistoric land, but now the evil demon has entered the prehistoric land at such a big risk!

   What does this mean?

   Obviously, he was going to do something to Wang Shu, Wang Shu could also feel that this time, he was afraid that it would be too bad.

   At the moment when the evil demon transforms, the aura of Hunyuan is also revealed.

  Wang Shu is the most holy, not Hun Yuan, how could she be Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian's opponent?

   Thinking of this, Wang Shu began to plan in his heart. She would definitely not fall into the hands of demons, otherwise, it would be very detrimental to Luo Hui.

   As the magic mist spread and reached a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, the evil demon walked towards Wang Shu step by step.

   "Fellow Daoist is surprised to see this seat?" The evil demon laughed.

   "Evil demon, you appear in the prehistoric land, aren't you afraid that the demon ancestor will do it to you?" Wang Shu asked back.

  In Wang Shu's eyes, the demons should still be very afraid of Luo Huo, otherwise, they wouldn't have spent such a lot of time to seduce her by changing into Xihe.

   "Luohu? This seat hasn't appeared in the prehistoric for many years. I feel strange to the prehistoric. All this is because of Luohu."

   Speaking of Luo Huo, the evil demon's heart was filled with hatred, and he wanted to eat Luo Huo raw.

   But deep in the heart of the evil demon, there is still a trace of fear, and he is still afraid of Luo Hui.

   Even if he became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the evil demon still feared Luo Huo, and originally wanted to use Emperor Jun to absorb the infinite true spirit.

   But Di Jun actually swallowed the countless true spirits by himself in the end, and he fell for Taiyi.

   This made the evil spirits have to appear on the prehistoric land. His method to fight against Luo Hui was the true spirits, which had now been swept away by Emperor Jun.

   The evil demon had to find another way, and this way was to control Wang Shu.

   As for continuing to hide in the void sea, this is unrealistic, he is not a fool.

   Before, the Devil Ancestor and Dao Ancestor didn't enter the Void Sea to look for him. It was because the Lich was measuring the calamity, but now the Lich measuring the calamity has passed.

   Then the Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor will join forces to enter the Void Sea. Once these two ancestors enter the Void Sea, it is easy to find him!

  Because they entered the Void Sea, not only were they beheading the evil demon, but there was also an important reason to divide the Void Sea equally!

   Although the Void Sea has no creatures, it is part of the Primordial Land. It seems useless now. Perhaps in the future, the Primordial Land will develop to a certain level, and this Void Sea will become a vital area of ​​the Primordial Land!

   "Do you think this magic fog can stop the demon ancestor's calculation?" Wang Shu smiled.

   Actually, Wang Shu was also pretending to be calm. Since this demon dared to do this, he must have come prepared.

   "Haha~~~ Wangshu, you look down on this seat too much, look at Luohu up high, this is the mist of God, not to mention Luohu, even at this time, you can't know anything in the magic mist."

   After finishing this sentence, the demon waved his hand, and the entire space dimmed in an instant.

   Strands of demon qi formed, and the next moment, these demon qi turned into chains and stretched toward Wang Shu's body.

  Although the evil demon is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Wang Shu will never catch it with her hands. She doesn't know if what the evil demon said is true.

   But Wang Shu understood that as long as she left the magic mist, Luo Hui should be able to feel her crisis.

   As long as Luo Hui feels it, he can instantly enter the starry sky, not only can rescue her, but also kill the demons.

   For demons, Wang Shu knows that this has always been a block in Luo Hui's heart, and it is a mortal existence.

   "Moonfall Hanshuang"

  Wang Shu offered the Taiyin Scepter, which is the best innate spirit treasure, and is in charge of the law of Taiyin.

   The endless Lunar Law turned into a jade rabbit, slowly flying up, and gradually everything around it began to freeze.

   Even the innate aura, at this time, began to freeze.

   Not only that, but the magic mist was also frozen at this time.


   But the chain of demon energy was not frozen, but continued to attack Wang Shu.

   The docile moon rabbit roared abruptly, turned into ten thousand meters in size, and swallowed the chains.

   A mouth, as if it can swallow the world, the sun, the moon, and the stars!

   "Wang Shu, although you are the most saint, the power of Hunyuan is not what you can imagine!" The demon sneered.

   did not even sacrifice the magic weapon, obviously did not put Wang Shu in his eyes.

   But he underestimated Wang Shu, the roaring Moon Rabbit, really swallowed the chains of devilish energy.

   And at this moment, something appeared in Wang Shu's hand. At this moment, the entire magic mist was filled with supreme murderous intent.

   This is more powerful than the ice-bound power, and the murderous aura has broken away the magic mist.

   The evil demon was shocked, and quickly sacrificed the map of the sky, consolidating the scope of the magic mist and dividing the power of murderous intent.

   "Luo Hui gave you the Gunslinger!" A hint of surprise flashed in the demons' eyes.

  Only the Killing Spear between heaven and earth can exude such murderous aura, which can disperse this magic mist.

   This sharp gun was not given to Wang Shu by Luo Hu, but Wang Shu took it out without authorization.

   Luohu's treasures are all in the Zizai Palace, and Wangshu lives in the Zizai Palace.

The reason why    brought out the Gunslinger was to prevent accidents in the process of beheading Xihe. I didn't expect an accident to happen.

   Wang Shu took advantage of the gunshot and waved at the magic mist, and a gap appeared in an instant, and the magic mist began to be dispersed.

   The evil demon hurriedly used mana to condense the magic fog. This magic fog must not disperse at this time, otherwise, he will be in danger.

   Although I don't know how powerful Luo Hui is, out of inner fear, the evil spirits can't guarantee that they can escape.

  Fengtiantu disappeared, and then, eighteen light pillars appeared in the magic fog space of hundreds of millions of miles, forming a barrier.

   The power of the gunslinger hit the barrier, only to make the barrier tremble, but did not break open.

   Although the Killing Spear is very powerful, it also depends on the user's cultivation level. If Luo Yu uses it, he can break the barrier of the Heavenly Map with a single finger!

   But Wangshu is only a holy after all, how can he ever fight a demon?

   "Demon Seal!"

   The evil demon yelled, and in an instant a huge seal gathered and suppressed Xiang Wangshu.

   This time, the evil demon really moved, because he was worried about Wang Shu's hole cards.

   After all, this woman is the Demon Ancestor, who knows how many Demon Ancestor treasures she has?

   Actually, Wang Shu was careless this time too. She just brought out the Gunslinger. If she brought out the Great Moment, she could at least escape.


  Wangshu was suppressed under the devil mark.

   The demon came to Wangshu's body, waved his hand, and fell into his hand.

   "Such innate treasure can only be used in the hands of this seat. Haha~~~ From now on, this seat will be able to kill the gun."

   One breath. . . Two breaths. . . Three breaths!


   The evil demon's face stunned, and he wanted to throw the gunshot, but he found that he couldn't discard the gunshot!

   "Luo Hui, you actually calculated this seat!" A look of fear appeared in the eyes of the demons.

   glanced at Wang Shu, wanting to kill Wang Shu with a shot, but he didn't do so, instead he didn't want to delay a breath, and left the starry sky instantly!

   Immediately after the evil demon left, Luo Hui's figure appeared in the magic fog, and when he saw Wang Shu, a ray of light shot out in his eyes, directly breaking the demon mark.

   "The evil demon turned into the appearance of Xihe, which tempted me to this point. For some reason, after suppressing me, he took the gun and left." Wang Shu said anxiously to Luo Xuan.

   "It's fine if you have nothing to do. Not everyone can touch the shotgun." Luo Hui's eyes showed coldness.

   The sharp spear is Luo Hui's treasure, naturally it is impossible for anyone to touch it. The reason why Wangshu can use the sharp spear is because she is Luo Hui's default woman.

   And the evil demon wanted to possess the Gunslinger, this direct contact encountered the prohibition under Luo Hubu.

   "They blamed me and brought the Killing Spear out." Wang Shu didn't understand Luo Yu's meaning, but she knew that the Killing Spear was lost by her.

   "It's okay, you go back to Mount Xumi first. As for the matter of Xihe, this calamity has its own definite number." After Luo Hui finished speaking, he stepped out and entered the void.

  Wangshu knew that it must be Luo Huan who had gone to chase the evil demon. She felt a little guilty. After all, she had lost the sharpshooter.

  The evil demon who was rushing to escape tried every possible means to lose the Gunkilling Spear, but he found that the Gunkilling Spear seemed to be linked to him and couldn't throw it away.

   And Luo Hui is using the breath of the sharp spear to chase demons, so Luo Hui has enough confidence in killing demons.

   Zixiao Palace.

   Hongjun Daozu looked at the starry sky, then looked at the chaos, and muttered to himself.

   "This evil demon is still wise, if he still thinks that the void sea can protect him, I am afraid it will die faster."

   Hongjun Daozu knew that as long as the Evil Cube didn't choose to escape from chaos, but entered the Void Sea, he would definitely be caught by Luo Hu within ten breaths.

   Although Hongjun Daozu didn't know what method Luo Huan would use to kill Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he knew that Luohuo could definitely kill Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   "Master, now the predecessors are waiting to be thriving, the race is withered, and there is no the host of the heavens and the underworld, will this predecessor return to before the First Tribulation of the Dragon Han?"

   Haotian is very curious, whether this great predicament will return to the age of ten thousand races before the Dragon and Han Dynasty.

   "The Heavenly Court has been established, and it is regarded as the original orthodoxy. Although the Taiyi has disappeared, there will be the next Heavenly Emperor."

   When he said this, Daozu Hongjun glanced deeply at Haotian.

   "Master, even if there is a heavenly emperor at this time, what can still be done, the heaven has been ruined, and the heavenly soldiers and generals have all become preoccupations." Yaochi pursed his lips.

   Hongjun Daozu does not speak, the moment Heavenly Court is established, it indicates that the future orthodoxy shall be Heavenly Court.

   Even if it is down now, it will rise at an appropriate time.

   But at this moment, Haotian asked: "Master, now of all races, which race can be the emperor of heaven?"

   Obviously, Haotian disdains the races on the Primordial Continent, because the two most powerful races have already fallen.

   Although the dragon clan is not affected, the dragon king should not be the emperor, at least their master would not agree.

   The other races are too weak and have no such prestige at all.

   "There are definite numbers under heaven." Hongjun Daozu said lightly.

  . . . . . .

   The Heavenly Court is in dilapidated condition, the Emperor Taiyi disappears, and the life or death is unknown.

   Tianhou Yinglong was protected by the Dragon Emperor in the East China Sea, and the ten great heaven-protecting demons escaped from death.

   The demon master Kunpeng stole the Hetu Luoshu and fled to Beihai.

   The demon emperor Fuxi fell, leaving only a trace of true spirit, and was taken away by the Nuwa Empress.

   The rest of the heavenly powers have fallen by more than 90%, and the heavenly soldiers and generals have fallen by more than 90%.

   At present, on this heavenly court, there are quite a few demons looking for something.

   Obviously, Heavenly Court does not exist anymore. These monster races want to find some treasures, and then practice well in Honghuang.

   Of course, there are also some who want to continue to maintain the power of the heavenly court. For example, Taibai Venus brought a number of Da Luo Jinxian to guard the heavenly court.

   But after all, the power is weak, and it can't stop those monster races from fighting.

   This also caused the Heavenly Court to be even more dilapidated, especially the Heavenly Court Treasury, which was directly scraped three feet by these monsters.


   Purple Qi came to the east for 30,000 miles.

   There is a saint coming to heaven!

   The three sages of the Xuanmen, the four sages of the magic road (Nuwa did not come), and the three sages of Buddhism and Taoism appeared on the heaven.

   Immediately, whether it is the creatures who continue to support the heavens, or the demons who scrape treasures, they all bow down to the saint.

   "Congratulations on the arrival of the saint."

   These saints don't care about these ants, their main purpose for coming here is to chaos the clock.

   Divine Sense instantly enveloped the entire heavenly court, and each face was disappointed.

   This is one of the Three Treasures of Kaitian!

   Taiyi is already dead, where did this chaotic clock go!

   "It seems that this chaotic clock has escaped into the void, waiting for the opportunity to be born again!" Taiqing Daozu said lightly.

   "Perhaps, but fortunately, a great catastrophe has been avoided!" said the Master Tongtian.

   Regarding the words of the Master Tongtian, he nodded. Once the Chaos Clock appears above the heavenly court, there will be a fight between the saints, and I am afraid that the sky will collapse and the earth will break.

   Chaos clock, there is nothing that the saint does not want.

   Primitive Tianzun looked at the creatures above the heaven, and finally saw a big Luo Jinxian standing beside Taibai Jinxing.

   "You are willing to be a poor mount." Although it was asking, there was an irresistible command in his tone.

   The Daluo Jinxian beside Taibai Jinxing hesitated for a moment before he stood up.

   "The disciple is willing to act as a foot force under the seat of the saint." Then the original form was revealed.

   This is a wild animal with a head and face like a horse, horns like a deer, hooves like an ox, and a tail like a donkey.

  :. :

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