Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 8: 4 holy sermons

  The cultivation bases of the Antarctic Immortal Weng and Yunzhongzi are higher than those of the twelve pro-biography disciples collected by the original Tianzun. If they are not accepted as disciples, then the prestige of the original Tianzun in Honghuang will decline linearly.

   The saints are immortal in the prehistoric age, and they are most worried about two things. One is the problem of orthodoxy and the other is the face problem.

   Of course, some saints don't care about faces, but Primordial Heavenly Lord is the kind of saint with extremely fancy face!

   "There should be twelve direct disciples under my seat, but you are also predestined with me, are you willing to be my named disciples?" Yuan Tianzun said.

   Antarctic Xianweng and Yun Zhongzi looked at each other. They did not expect that they had come to Kunlun Mountain with so much hard work, but they were only a registered disciple.

  In terms of footwork and aptitude, they are definitely not as high as the twelve direct disciples, but they can only be named disciples.

   This makes Antarctica Xianweng and Yun Zhongzi feel a little unhappy.

   But what if you are unhappy?

   In this cruel predicament, it is already very lucky to have a backing.

   "Master accepts you as named disciples, are you still not willing!" Guang Chengzi said in a deep voice.

   As the big disciple under the Primitive Tianzun seat, Guang Chengzi is very uncomfortable with the two named disciples who have a higher cultivation level than him.

   Antarctic Xianweng and Yunzhongzi were both startled. They wanted to agree, but Guangchengzi's words made them hesitate.

   Now that they have not yet apprented a teacher, this Guang Chengzi started to do this. When they really become named disciples, what should they do?

   I am afraid that I will be squeezed out by these twelve direct disciples and cannot survive.

   They came to find a backer, but they didn't come to be angry.

   After a while, Antarctic Xianweng and Yun Zhongzi said together: "I can't wait for the chance to be a saint disciple, goodbye!"

   Primordial Tianzun's face changed, but he didn't say anything, but gave up. Since he didn't want to be his named disciple, there was no need to stay in Yuxu Palace.

   Antarctic Xianweng and Yunzhongzi left Yuxu Palace.

   "Brother Dao, why don't we go to the Xianzu Palace, maybe we can worship the Xianzu as our teacher!" Yun Zhongzi suggested.

Antarctic Xianweng shook his head and said, "I am disappointed with the Xuanmen Poverty Dao. It is less than a thousand years before the Master Tongtian and the Taixuan Master have preached. Pang Dao wants to give it a try. I don’t know the Tao. What do you think?"

   "Never mind, I don't think much about the Xuanmen poor Dao, so I went to the East China Sea with Brother Dao!" Yun Zhongzi said.

  So, the two quickly left Kunlun Mountain and headed to the East China Sea. After all, there was not much time, and they had to travel a long distance.

   In the Yuxu Palace, Guang Chengzi said disdainfully: "I don't know the so-called, Master accepts them as named disciples, but he still doesn't want to!"

   "That's because they don't have this blessing, it's not like worrying about this." Chijingzi laughed.

   Primitive Tianzun felt that Guang Chengzi was right at this time. He was a dignified saint, and there were still some disciples who were unwilling to register.

   Shu doesn’t know whether the ancestor is a registered disciple or a saint?

   His dignified saint accepts a Daluo Jinxian and a Taiyi Jinxian as his named disciples, which is already pretty good.

   "For the teacher's next sermon, please pay attention to the lecture. If there is anything you don't understand, ask after the sermon is over."

   The original Tianzun said that he began to talk about the avenue of interpretation and education.

"A turbulence, the opening and closing of nothingness, the invocation of male and female, the congruence of black and white, the interaction of existence, chaos, chaos, rushing to the sacredness, including the element and the spirit, the change of the gods, the trance of retribution, it is for too easy, for existence The beginning of the beginning. The beginning is the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

  "Tian Zun lived in a leisurely life in seven words, explaining the figure and the gods, with Huang Ting Xia Guan Yuan on the top, and Youque Qianmengmen on the back,

   Breathing into the dantian from the room, irrigating the spiritual roots with the clear water from the Yuchi, and examining what can be repaired can last forever. The people in the yellow court wear red clothes,

   Guan Yuanmao is two stunners, the quiet **** is tall and towering, the essence of the dantian is small, and the clear water of Yuchi produces fertilizer,

  The roots of the spirit are strong and old, there are soldiers in red clothes in the middle pond, and the gods live three inches across, and the distance between China and the outside is closed.

   When Xiuzhi is in the Shenlu, Xuanfu’s tracheal fertilization house, the anxious and solid child is self-sustaining, and there are scholars in the house.

   The child can see if he is not sick, stand a long ruler on it, and the child can keep it safe, and he can pay for himself when he breathes.

  Zi keeps his body strong and celebrates, he hides himself in the square inch, and his spirit returns to the old and rejuvenated, and his heart is shackled and succumbed to competition.

   The adopted son Yushu Ling is strong, and the road is not annoying, and the spirit platform is open to the sky and close to the middle field.

  The **** portal in the jade room, as the one who taught me by the son, and the source of the law, the real son Dan is in front of me,"

  "Follow Zhimen Hou Tiandao, close to the sub-body but still self-defeating, quiet and inactive, keeping an eye on the spirit,

   is waiting for the longevity grass of the heavenly path, the seven orifices have passed through the elders, and the yin and yang are still sitting in the heavenly gate, and the magical communication under the throat,

   Clear and cool under the canopy, Daqing Lingyuan sees my form, and can live forever after reaching a young age, and moving the kidney essence through Huachi,

   Standing in the Mingtang looking to the dantian, it will make the gods open the gates of life, to benefit the spiritual roots of heaven, and the yin and yang are like meteors.

  The liver-qi week is still unprovoked, the lung is the Qi triple-burner, the upper seat Tianmenhou old way, the body fluid Liquan leads to the Liufu,

   Open both ears up and down with the nose, peek into the heaven and earth save the boy, blend the essence to treat the hair and teeth, the color and gloss will not be white. "

   The saint's preaching can be described as visions appearing everywhere.

   Explaining and teaching the twelve golden immortals can also be heard in various ways.

   Yuxu Palace preached, and he also preached in Xianzu Palace. Although these disciples were not satisfactory, the Eastern Prince still told the truth of the immortal way!

"The husband is speechless, the vacuum is not the color, the one who thinks, cannot know, the one who observes, is invisible, cannot be obtained, and cannot be reached. The six emptiness makes all things rest, and the lives of the people come back to life. The towering is so majestic, the one who is not the sage can pass it? Kuang Yuanshi Tianzun, the compassion is widespread, the wisdom shines in the ten directions, and sees all living things In the world, reincarnation is endless, long catastrophes suffer, and cannot be self-evident. Then he feels the rain and nourishment, promotes the wonderful way, attracts sentiment, is born in the Dead Sea, travels in the realm of purity and emptiness, the land of tranquility, beyond the dust, walks barely, and is free and alone Transformation, subtle and mysterious, inaction is natural, returning to the vegan confounders."


  Although they were not satisfied with these disciples, the Eastern Prince still told the truth about immortality, and the following disciples also listened carefully.

   It's just that the Eastern Prince didn't talk about the core laws of the Immortal Dao, and compare these to future disciples.

  The time in the wild is the least valuable, and more than 600 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

   Above the East China Sea, Jinbiao Island is extremely prosperous. Hundreds of thousands of living creatures have come to Jinbiao Island. These are all creatures who come here especially for their fame.

   The Master Tongtian opened the mountain gate to collect the disciples. This is an opportunity, and no creature wants to miss it.

   Relatively speaking, Penglai Island is a bit worse, with only a few hundred creatures.

   The Master Tongtian is the second disciple of the Demon Ancestor, and most of the creatures are rushing towards this.

   Antarctica Xianweng and Yunzhongzi were also preparing to go to Jinbie Island first, but before they entered, they saw so many creatures pouring into the island.

   This makes the two of them have no bottom in their hearts. With so many creatures, they don't know if they can go to the teacher.

   So they finally came to Penglai Island. At the end of the day, the two of them are more prominent, one is Daluo Jinxian and the other is Taiyi Jinxian Peak.

   The remaining hundreds of creatures are mostly golden immortals, and the highest is only the mid-term of Taiyi golden immortal.

   Because of the high level of cultivation, they all went to Jinbie Island.

   "So many creatures have entered Jinbiao Island. I don't know how the second brother will respond. With hundreds of creatures, this seat is a little helpless."

   Tai Xuan didn't want to accept disciples, but he wanted to fight for the position of Emperor.

   "I will wait to see the saint."

   On Penglai Island, beside Xinhu Lake, hundreds of creatures worshipped Taixuan in unison.

   "Get up 1"

   "You have come here to be destined to this seat, this teaching, comprehend 30%, can be a disciple, understand 20%, can be described as a named disciple of this seat, less than 20%, missed the doctrine of this seat!"

   Taixuan opened the door directly and set the rules.

   "I will never let the saint down."

   Both Antarctic Xianweng and Yun Zhongzi had no bottom in their hearts, because Taixuan said that he could become true disciples with 30% comprehension, so it was obviously difficult to hear the Tao this time.

   Although they have confidence in their own cultivation skills, listening to Taoism is not only testing their cultivation skills!

   Tai Xuan preached, everything suddenly became solemn, and the endless demonic energy was like a sea of ​​clouds, tumbling in the lake of mind.

   "The great way is only me, regardless of the way of the Buddha, the whole heart is the foundation, and I am free.

   The sky is the blue sky, and the earth is vast. With the lingering, the law is natural.

  Heaven, furnace and earth fire, to refine the original mind, to be firm, and how to fear thorns.

   The great road is not yet in sight, you can get it with a smile, naturally, you can accept it with tolerance.

  If you want to obtain the true law, you should put diligence as the first, wisdom as the foundation, and perseverance as the foundation.

  Do not ask for the immortal saint, only ask the self, tempered by the sun and the moon, and search up and down.

   Ask for it, but practice it, gain it, and let it go if it hurts.

  With the foundation of life, step by step, it fits the world and has its own universe.

   Take everything from far away, take everything close to the body, ask about it from time to time, and do good.

   Fight without contention, get nothing, ask me what my name is, it is a devil. . . . . "

   Taixuan directly uttered the scriptures that Luo Hui uttered back then, which is also the principle of the magic way!

   You must know that Tai Xuan did not fully comprehend the general outline of the magic path. Let these Taiyi Golden Immortals and the golden immortals understand how difficult it is?

   All the creatures scratched their heads, and some even jumped up anxiously.

   After a while, some creatures jumped up and madly used mana to attack the surrounding area.

   Tai Xuan transferred those crazy creatures with great supernatural powers except Penglai Island, they have already lost the qualification to enter the magic sect!

   Among these creatures, even the Antarctic Celestial Weng, the great Luo Jinxian, has frowning and sometimes scratching his ears and cheeks. It is obviously difficult to comprehend these scriptures!

   Tai Xuan knew that this master plan of the magic way made these creatures realize that there would be no results in a thousand years.

   Therefore, Tai Xuan did not wait in vain, but became too imaginary, and paid attention to the Jinbie Island.

   On the Jinbiao Island, Dubao Demon Lord, Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming were shocked. They did not expect that so many creatures would enter the Jinbiao Island.

   It was not only that they were shocked, but that the Heavenly Cult Master himself was shocked. He just thought about thousands of creatures, and he also thought about it. If it was thousands of creatures, he would accept them all.

   After all, coming here is predestined, and what the Master Tongtian pursues is that there is no kind of teaching!

   But so many creatures are beyond the expectation of the Master Tongtian, obviously they can't accept them all, otherwise the Qiyun Qiyun will be exhausted in a short time.

   Therefore, the Master Tongtian has set a rule, that is, after he preached, those who can comprehend 50% can be accepted as disciples, those who can comprehend 30% can be accepted as named disciples, and those below 30% can all be kicked out.

  Of course, the Lord Tongtian would not tell the general outline of the magic way, after all, he has his own teachings.

  Magic teachings can tell the general outline of the magical way. This is nothing, but the teachings cannot be cut!

  Biyu outside the palace, hundreds of thousands of living beings sat cross-legged and saw the appearance of the Lord Tongtian, all bowing respectfully.

   After the Master Tongtian talked about the rules for accepting disciples, he began to preach.

"The so-called Daoist is high and supreme, and you can look up and look up. The so-called Daoist is humble and indifferent, and look down. There is no below, but the foundation is not seen. There is no first, no see before. Endless, no see after. Heaven and earth are born in the avenue, and heaven and earth have the ceremony of superiority. In the heaven and earth, there are yin and yang, and there is always the number of yin and yang. One up and down, look up Observation, you can measure its chance. From the beginning to the end, the degree can be calculated, and it can be reasonable. Based on this, the road can be known."

"At the beginning of the Taiyuan Yuan Dynasty, there is Taishi, UU Reading is in Taishi but there is too nothing, there is too empty in too nothing, there is space in too empty, and there is too quality in space 。 Too qualitative, the nature of the world is clear and turbid, its quality is like an egg, and the color of black and yellow is nothing more than a thing in space. When the sun rises to the sky, Tai Chi produces yin, and it descends with the descent of the yang. When it reaches the ground, Tai Chi produces yang, which rises in a trance of negative yin. When it rises and falls, yin falls and yang rises. Heaven and earth travel through the road, and all things are formed."

   The morality and justice are natural, and the unity of nature and man is inherited. Advocating that there is no virtue in the upper path, and the only virtue in the lower path. Forty-nine of fifty and forty-nine avenues are a fixed number, and the first line of vitality escapes. The doctrine of interception is to intercept this line of vitality. Six ways of evolution.

  Tongtian Sect Master is good at preaching the Great Road, and it has affected hundreds of thousands of living beings. It can be said that this time the Tongtian Sect Master's preaching has a great impact and ranks first among the Four Holy Spirits.

   But the Lord Tongtian couldn't think of it, because his teachings are incomparable, which caused the Taishang Demon Ancestor to get angry on the heavens!

   The dignified magical way, the smoky miasma that was rectified by the leader of the heavens.

   This is the thought in the heart of Tai Shang Mozu.

   Of course, these masters of Tongtian didn't know, because the master of Tongtian discovered a very special creature.

   is just a realm of Xuanxian. He even came to listen to the Dao and listened with gusto. Compared with other creatures scratching their heads and cheeks, it can be said to be very delighted by the Master of Heaven.

   "The body looks like Xuanwu, but there are some. I am afraid that it is a predator and a strange beast. It is destined for this seat. It seems that it should be a disciple of the school." After the Master Tongtian finished his sermon, he observed the changes of these creatures!

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