Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 13: Lu Ya's ambition

   Hongjun Daozu didn't say anything, he was thinking about something in his heart. The Eastern Prince was very important to him, and this was a very important chess piece.

   The saints clash with each other and use their disciples as pawns to compete for great luck!

   And the Daozu and the Demon Ancestor are fighting for the front, not only with the disciples to fight for the front, but also the holy position, and the control of heaven and earth.

   If the disciples are saints, then this will help them a lot.

   The destiny ancestor wants to accept the Eastern Prince as a named disciple, and this is planning for the future.

   This is obviously the destiny ancestor thinking about how to gain a foothold in the prehistoric ancestors. If you want to stand side by side with the Taoist ancestors and the demon ancestors, you need not only to cultivate a strong base, but also to have enough background.

   disciples occupy one item.

   Fortunately, the ancestor of destiny has no orthodoxy, which makes Hongjun Daozu not very worried.

   "The Eastern Prince can become the named disciple of the Daoist, but the Juxian Pagoda in the hands of the Daoist must be given to the Eastern Prince." Hongjun Daozu said.

   The destiny ancestor was startled and looked at Hongjun Daozu in surprise and said: "How did fellow Taoists know that Juxian Pagoda is in the hands of this seat?"

   "It seems that it is really in the hands of fellow Taoists." Dao Zu Hongjun was only the ancestor of destiny before, and it seems to be true.

   The Destiny Ancestor shook his head, and said helplessly: "East Prince has become a named disciple of this seat, and it does not matter if this Juxian Pagoda grants him."

   But at this time Hongjun Daozu had already begun to use his great supernatural powers to transmit sound to the Eastern Prince.

   The Eastern Prince, who was on the way, heard the voice of Hongjun Daozu, his face changed, showing a look of embarrassment.

   "Teacher, what happened?" a Taiyi Jinxian asked.

   "Well, don't mention it, let's go and go to Abbots Island."

   In fact, the East Prince's heart is already happy, he did not expect that he was favored by the destiny ancestor, and he would give Lingbao!

   Juxian Pagoda, this is the best innate spiritual treasure, and it is also the most precious treasure in the immortal way.

   It can be said that this is tailor-made for the Eastern King.

  Abbot’s Island was originally the dojo of the ancestors of destiny, but now it has become the base camp of immortality.

  East Prince led hundreds of disciples to Abbot’s Island, and established the fairy court here.

   asked the disciples to set up the Abbot’s Island, but the Eastern Prince went to a place, where there is a great power waiting for him.

   is exactly the destiny ancestor of Hongjun Daozu.

   "I have met seniors."

   Seeing this powerful and profound cultivation base in front of him, the Dongwang Duke was shocked. As a saint, he could not even see the cultivation base of the destiny ancestor.

   "You are destined to this seat, and would like to be a registered disciple of this seat." The Fate Ancestor looked at the Eastern Prince and said majesticly.

  East Prince hesitated for a moment, he actually wanted to approve his teacher right away, but he was also worried about Daozu Hongjun being by his side. If he was seen by Daozu Hongjun, it would be bad. After all, he still relied on Daozu Hongjun as his backer!

   "Not willing?" The tone of the fate ancestor became a bit heavy.

  East Prince thought for a while, then knelt down and bowed to his destiny ancestor, saying: "The disciple sees the teacher."

   "Well, since you have become a disciple of this seat, you should also know the other disciples of this seat. You only have one brother, that is Taiyi." Fate Ancestor said.

   "Taiyi? Didn't he perish?" The Eastern Prince asked suspiciously.

   And the Eastern Prince also knew that Fate Ancestor had three disciples, namely Dijun, Taiyi, and Xihe, but now Destiny Ancestor said there was only one disciple of Taiyi.

   This made the Eastern Prince very confused, but he didn't dare to ask.

   Taiyi is naturally not dead, but the destiny ancestor will not tell the Eastern Prince.

   With a wave of his hand, a twelve-fold pagoda appeared in the hands of the ancestors of the fate, exuding a golden light. On the top of the tower, there were three thousand clear breaths.

   Seeing this pagoda, the eyes of the Eastern Prince were straightened. This should be the legendary Juxian Pagoda. With this pagoda suppressing the luck of the immortal Dao, it should be able to make the immortal Dao prosperous!

   "This is the Juxian Pagoda, the best innate spirit treasure, which can be attacked and defended, and can suppress the luck, so I will give you a bodyguard!" The destiny ancestor waved his hand and pushed the Juxian Pagoda to the front of the Eastern Prince.

   "Thank you for the teacher's gift." Dong Wanggong hurriedly bowed and thanked him.

   You must know that the Eastern King’s magic weapon has always been flawed. He only has a crutch with a dragon head and can only attack. As for the defensive best innate spirit treasure, he does not have one.

   Not to mention the Lingbao that suppresses air luck.

   Although the dragon head crutches are suppressing Xiandao Qi Luck, it is not of much use. With this Juxian Pagoda, the Eastern Prince does not need to worry about this problem.

   "This Abbot’s Island was the original dojo of this seat, but now you have established an immortal path here and opened up an immortal garden. It’s okay to give it to you."

   "It turns out that Abbot’s Island belongs to the teacher, and the disciple doesn’t know it, so he asked the teacher to condemn him."

   "It's okay."

   After saying this, the destiny ancestor left Abbot’s Island, his goal has been achieved, and the luck of the Eastern Prince has been linked to him.

   Immortal Dao's prosperity is also of great benefit to the destiny ancestors.

   In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Lu Ya found him, but he was stopped by the shrimp soldiers and crabs.

  Dragon Palace is a heavy land, not everyone can rush into it, even the quasi-sage has to weigh his own weight.

   Lu Ya is the prince of the Primordial Heavenly Court, but now Taiyi has disappeared, as if he has already fallen, his prince has naturally become an ordinary monk.

   "Dragon King, my prince came to look for my aunt, why did you stop me!" Lu Ya looked at Ao Guang.

   Although Lu Ya's cultivation base is not low, he still doesn't have the presumptuous strength in Dragon Palace.

   "Lu Ya, my aunt has become the patriarch of the dragon clan, and is no longer the queen, you go back!" Ao Guang said in a deep voice.

   "Dragon clan chief?"

   After hearing these words, Lu Ya was taken aback. How could this be possible? He also knew a little bit about Ying Long's details. In the beginning, Ying Long was run by the Dragon clan, so how could he become the patriarch now?

   There is nothing wrong with what Ao Guang said. Ying Long is now the patriarch of the dragon clan, the second patriarch after Zulong.

   However, the current position of the patriarch of the dragon clan is under the dragon emperor, and the patriarch of Ying Long is also the patriarch of the dragon emperor Ao Zhengfeng.

   Ying Long didn't want to be the patriarch, but he couldn't disobey the Dragon Emperor's order.

   "Ao Guang, let Lu Ya come in."

   A long voice came out.

   Ao Guang glanced at Lu Ya, not blocking him, but gave him a way.

   Lu Ya, full of doubts, came to Yinglong's palace.

   "Auntie, is my uncle really dead?" Lu Ya stared at Ying Long tightly, because Ying Long was with Taiyi in the end.

"The order of your majesty at the time allowed the main palace to leave, but after the main palace left, I heard a loud noise and the mountain collapsed. As for whether your majesty has fallen, it is not known." Ying Long's eyes showed sadness. Taiyi disappeared, and the most sad designation was Ying Long, a husband and wife a hundred days of grace.

   "Auntie, now the heaven is ruined, and aunty needs to go back to preside over the overall situation..."

   Before Lu Ya had finished speaking, Ying Long interrupted him directly.

   "Xiao Shi, don't mix things up with Heavenly Court. Without your Majesty, Heavenly Court will exist in name only." Ying Long said clearly.

   "But this is the foundation laid down by my uncle, and it can't just be gone." Lu Ya said firmly.

   Ying Long is not angry, she thinks so too, but if she doesn't have the strength, and if she continues to retain the Heavenly Court, she will be killed by the power of all parties.

   "Just relying on the support of Taibai Jinxing and others, it doesn't make any difference, Xiaoshi, you quickly return to the Nuwa Empress." Ying Long asked.

   "Since my aunt is unwilling to return to the heavenly court, then my nephew won't force it, and leave."

   Lu Ya turned around and left the palace, and quickly flew out of the East China Sea to the heaven.

   Actually, Lu Ya ran out secretly while Nuwa was not in the palace.

   He wants to protect the heavenly court. He firmly believes that Taiyi is still alive, but disappeared for a short time, and Taibai Jinxing and others are willing to treat him as the new heavenly emperor!

   Lu Ya believed that after he became the Emperor of Heaven, he would definitely be able to take the Heavenly Court to recover.

   And the most important thing is that Lu Ya has a treasure in his hand, a treasure that Taiyi sent to Lu Ya with great supernatural powers before disappearing!

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