Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 15: 3000 years

   The other side of the chaos surprised Luo Huo, because of this attempt, Luo Huo returned to the prehistoric millennium late.

   These thousands of years are not very long for the present Honghuang, but they can do a lot of things, especially the plan with Luo Huan.

   You must know that Luo Hui's plan covers the entire prehistoric land. Not only that, but also the future of the prehistoric land, are all in Luo Hui's plan.

   Luo Hui comes from later generations and knows the process of the prehistoric well. It is precisely because of this that Luo Hui dares to count the future.

   In the starry sky, Luo Hui looked at one place, where was the lunar star, and now living in Chang Xi and Wu Gang.

   However, Luo Huo's divine consciousness has noticed that another aura is included, and this aura is very annoying to Luo Huo.

   "Xihe is back to the original point. After tossing for so long, don't you know if you are still thinking about the future position?"

   Luohu smiled. With Luohu's ability, how could he predict that he couldn't figure out what happened in the Heavenly Court? In this Heavenly Court, Lu Ya was already the Emperor of Heaven.

   If Xihe is still thinking of the queen, the first thing to do is to kill his last son.

   Of course, there is another way, but it's too evil...

   didn't care about Lunar Star, a little Xihe didn't need him, the Demon Ancestor, to do it himself.

   Just when Luo Hui wanted to return to Mount Xumi, the space in front of him fluctuated a bit, and the figure of Daozu Hongjun appeared.

   "The evil demon still didn't escape from the hands of fellow daoists." Hongjun Daozu laughed.

   The death of the evil demon is also a great event for Xuanmen. Daozu Hongjun also calculated that the evil demon would not die and would cause unpredictable disasters to the Xuanmen in the future.

   "The evil demon is dead, but the root of the evil is still there, and sooner or later it will reincarnate in the wilderness." Luo Hui said lightly.

   Of course, the rebirth of the evil roots will be determined by Luo Huo. If he wants the evil spirits to appear, then the evil spirits can once again appear in the prehistoric land.

   "Fellow Daoist returned so long, I should have explored the other side of Chaos, I don't know what to find?" Hongjun Daozu asked.

   "Doesn't you know if you try it yourself? Do you believe my words?"

   Luo Hui asked back, and then left the prehistoric sky when Hongjun Daozu was in a daze.

   After a while, Daozu Hongjun came back to his senses, and he understood why Luo Hui said so.

   It seems that the Dao of Heaven is right, let the prehistoric calamity happen, raise the level of the prehistoric, and strengthen the power of the heaven.

   The unknown side will appear in the prehistoric sooner or later, and everything must be prepared. It seems that Liang Jie must be opened again.

   Hongjun Daozu is the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven, so he can naturally promote the emergence of Quanji, which can not only make the Dao of Heaven stronger, but also the Daozu of Hongjun.

   Therefore, Hongjun Daozu is happy to start measuring the robbery.

   However, the opening of the calamity is also a prerequisite. Now that the predicament is present, once the calamity occurs again, all creatures will be destroyed.

   But the big catastrophe can't happen, but the small catastrophe can happen. This can also improve the heavens and make the prehistoric escalation gradually.

   In the starry sky, Hongjun Daozu's deep eyes seemed to have the reincarnation of all things, and everything could hardly escape his eyes.


   A ray of light shot out from Hongjun Daozu's eyes and entered the depths of the void, causing a slight change in the long river of time.

   This made the ancestor of Ziweixing's destiny open his eyes and quickly calculated it.

   "Hongjun ah Hongjun, you still can't hold your breath, you don't have Luohu's state of mind." The destiny ancestor calculated that Hongjun Daozu was pushing the volume of calamity, and couldn't help but sigh.

   This Hongjun Dao ancestor is completely using the life of a prehistoric creature to improve the level of the prehistoric, and then perfect the way of heaven, so that his cultivation base can be quickly improved.

   As everyone knows, there is only one consequence of doing this, that is, the way of heaven is getting stronger and stronger, and you will always be the spokesperson under the way of heaven.

  The stronger the heavenly way, the smaller the chance of breaking away from the heavenly way.

   Maybe Hongjun Daozu has his own thoughts, but even if he has an idea, it will always exist in Hongjun Daozu's heart.

   Luo Hu who had just returned to Mount Xumi, looked in the direction of the starry sky, and shook his head. Daozu Hongjun used his great supernatural powers to change the long river of time, and at the same time urged the opening of Liangjie.

   The amount of calamity is not opened randomly, every time the amount of calamity is opened, the prehistoric state has reached a peak state.

   When the fierce beast weighed the calamity, that was the time when the chaos demon god's remnant soul had the largest number, so the weighed calamity occurred.

  The first calamity of the Dragon and Han Dynasty and the battle between Dao and Demon, this is completely the peak of personal luck, and the battle of the amount of calamity started.

   The Lich’s amount of calamity is because of the pinnacle of power. At the moment before the war between heaven and earth, the cultivation of the prehistoric creatures reached a very high level.

   is far from the comparison between the amount of the beast and the beginning of the dragon and the dragon.

   Looking at the fierce beast calamity and the first robbery of the Dragon and Han, in which calamity can there be dozens of quasi-sages?

   During the period of the Lich's Tribulation, there were more than dozens of quasi-sages, hundreds of them, and even more!

   As for Da Luo Jinxian has reached the terrible number of one hundred thousand, what kind of peak is this?

   Looking back at the current prehistoric times, Daluo Jinxian can completely become a great power, and Taiyi Jinxian can dominate.

   How different is this from before, this is a world of difference, a world war, which changed the entire prehistoric pattern.

   Luo Hui doesn't care what Hongjun Daozu wants to do, but he knows what he wants to do.


   This is the future demons set by Luo Huo, and it is also a race that continuously delivers fresh blood to Luo Huo's magic path.

   At the beginning, Luo Hui said that after the human race has experienced three plagues and nine disasters, it will truly rise in the precipice.

  The position of the Emperor of the Wild, Luo Huo can let go, but for the next human race development, Luo Huo must hold it tightly, and he will not let go of the three most important positions!

   In the palace of freedom, Luo Hu sits cross-legged on top of the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus, and below is Luo Hu’s disciple.

   Taishang Mozu, Tongtian Guru, Taixuan Guru, West Queen Mother, Xiong Ba, Nuwa Empress, Styx Old Ancestor.

   "Master, although both sides are defeated in the battle of heaven and earth, the heavenly court has lost the emperor, but the heavenly court is a prehistoric orthodoxy and cannot be thrown away. The disciple wants to send Xing Tian as the new emperor. I don't know what the master means?

   Taishang Mozu was the first to express his thoughts. It is not the first time that he put forward the idea of ​​letting Xing Tian be the emperor of heaven.

   "Master, the elder brother said very much that the heavenly court is a prehistoric orthodoxy. In the future, it will rule all spirits, not the heavenly court, and the profound gate." said the Master Tongtian.

   Although the Lord Tongtian did not say that Xing Tian should be the emperor of heaven, he still has his own opinions on the inability of the heavens to give way to the mysterious door.

   The Master Taixuan and the ancestor of the Styx also all spoke, supporting the Taishang Demon ancestor.

   As for Queen Mother Xi, Empress Nuwa, and Xiong Ba, they don't have any ideas, because they don't want to fight for hegemony.

   This heaven is also a land of cause and effect, and they don't want their disciples to wade into this muddy water.

   But what Nuwa didn't know was that Lu Ya had already returned to Heaven and became the second Emperor of Heaven.

  Of course, this is also because Nuwa doesn't pay too much attention to Lu Ya, otherwise, how can she not know the current situation of Lu Ya.

   "Nvwa, what do you think of this heavenly court?" Luo Hui looked at Nvwa.

   This made Nuwa start thinking about other things, but she didn't expect Luo Huang to ask her about it.

   "Heavenly Court is the land of great cause and effect. Although it is also the place where the fortune and power are gathered, the disciples don't want to set foot in the Heavenly Court." Nuwa said truthfully.

   But Luo Hui's next sentence almost didn't make Nuwa collapse.

   "You don't have this idea, you know that your disciple Lu Ya has become the second emperor of the heavens." Luo Hui smiled lightly.


   Nuwa was stunned, and she muttered that it was impossible in her heart for several times, Lu Ya should be in Wa Huangtian!

   "Master, Lu Ya is in the emperor Wa, and there is a golden phoenix watching by the side. How can he go to the heaven?" Nu Wa was a little uncomfortable.

   At this time, the other disciples were also a little disbelief. Lu Ya was just a great Luo Jinxian in the early days, how could he be the second emperor of heaven.

   At the moment, these powers are all calculated, and the results of the calculation make them all dumbfounded.

   "Really, this Lu Ya actually became the second Emperor of Heaven!" Queen Mother Xi said in surprise.

Taishang Mozu’s face instantly sank, and he looked at Nuwa and said in a bad tone: "Sixth Junior Sister, you have never advocated taking the heavens, but now you let your disciple quietly become the emperor of heaven. Are you hostile!"

   "Big brother, I don't know about Lu Ya, where is the hostility!" Nuwa explained quickly.

  Because Taishang Mozu had long said that Xingtian should be the emperor of But now Lu Ya has become the emperor of heaven silently. This is obviously Nuwa instructed to **** Xingtian's throne.

   "Since you want to take this heavenly court, isn't it all the same who will do this heavenly emperor?" Xiong Ba said leisurely.

   "Hmph!" Taishang Mozu snorted coldly.

   Only Xiong Ba said this. After all, Xiong Ba is in a different situation now. His future is very clear, that is, staying beside Luo Hu, so there is no need to worry about anything.

   "Master, this heavenly court?" asked the Lord Tongtian.

   At this time, the atmosphere in Zizai Palace was very tense, and only Luo Hui came forward to say something.

   "Although Lu Ya has an emperor's fate, he has only three thousand years of luck. As for this heaven, the land of cause and effect, there is no need to be contaminated."

   Luo Hui said lightly.

   After finishing speaking, Luo Hui also took a look at Taishang Mozu, and it happened that Taishang Mozu also looked at Luohu.

   His eyes were facing each other, the next moment, the Supreme Demon Ancestor lowered his head, not daring to look at Luohu.

   But Taishang Mozu knew that the heaven was no longer in Luo Hui's calculations.

   The idea of ​​making Xing Tian the emperor of heaven can only be shattered.

   But how could he know Luo Hui's calculations, how could Luo Hui leave such an important prehistoric hub of Heavenly Court?

   Because Luo Hui already knows who the future emperor is, everything is in his calculations.



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