Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 30: Xuandu apprentice, Fuxi went down the mountain

"Big brother?"

Primitive Tianzun still thinks of one more emperor's position!

Naturally, I really hope to go to the Zixiao Palace with Taiqing Daozu. When there are two emperor masters, interpretation and teaching can truly settle in the human race.

Moreover, it can occupy a large position, and may even be in charge of some human affairs.

It is no secret that the human race will be the protagonist of the world in the future.

"This son is predestined with the poor Dao, so he should be a great disciple!" Taiqing Daozu said unhurriedly.


Primitive Tianzun was taken aback, and Taiqing Daozu's inexplicable words made him notice the thin young man at the foot of Shouyang Mountain.

At a glance, Primordial Heavenly Sovereign also discovered this person's luck, and he was able to condense so much luck of the human race!

Human luck, the Nuwa Empress occupies 20%, Taiqing Taoist ancestor 15%, San Patriarch occupies half, and Kongtong seal occupies 50%.

But this thin young man actually occupied half of the human luck!

This is horrible, and this is still a mortal, it is shocking!

"How can there be such a human race, is he the co-master of the contemporary human race?" Primitive Tianzun said in surprise.

If it weren't for Taiqing Daozu's words, Primitive Tianzun would not pay attention to a small human race at all.

But now, this little human race has given him too much shock. This can no longer be treated as an ordinary human race. If he can be accepted as a disciple, he can directly control the human race's semi-permanent luck.

"This son is predestined with interpretation and teaching." Primitive Tianzun blurted out.

This was what Primordial Tianzun thought in his heart, and didn't want to say it. However, after a moment of slippage, he actually said it. As soon as the words were spoken, Primordial Tianzun knew that he was in trouble.


Taiqing Daozu immediately looked at the original Tianzun, his eyes full of unkindness.

At the beginning, Taiqing Daozu was run away by the original Tianzun, and also took away the position of emperor teacher, and also wanted to settle in the human race.

Such deeds, Taiqing Taoist ancestors have endured, but now the original Tianzun is still competing with him for disciples!

If he keeps letting it go, will he even take away his teaching and Taijitu in the future?

"Congratulations, big brother, for the apprentice." Primordial Tianzun said quickly.

At this time, it was very unwise to grab a disciple from Taiqing Daozu, and he absolutely couldn't do it.

"Well, there are still things to do with the poor Dao, so I won't leave more juniors." After Taiqing Daozu said, he slowly walked down the mountain.

Primitive Tianzun shook his head helplessly. This time I was afraid that Taiqing would be severely offended. I originally wanted to get another emperor's position, but now it is impossible to think about it.

Continuing to stay here will only make Taiqing completely disgusted, the original Tianzun has to leave first and wait for a chance to come again in the future.

And Primordial Tianzun also understood in his heart that even if Taiqing accepted the young man as a disciple, he would never go to the Zixiao Palace with him again.

It directly occupies half of the human luck, such a great deal, there is nothing Taiqing is not satisfied with.

Taiqing went down the mountain and did not show up directly, but observed the young man.

"The human race walked all over the fairy mountains, looking for ways of cultivation, and worshipped when you encounter the mountains. If the fairy does not show up, I shall leave after three days."

The young man yelled, then knelt down and bowed to Shouyang Mountain.

Tai Qing concealed in the void and calculated it. Under this calculation, the thin youth of this human race had already worshipped 998 fairy mountains, and Shouyang Mountain was the 999th.

With such great perseverance, even if the qualifications are poor, there will be some achievements in the future.

With half of the luck of the human race, there is no need to worry about future achievements.

Taiqing Daozu manifested his sage on the third day, but he did not appear in front of this human race youth, but instead displayed the Tai Chi diagram and turned it into a golden bridge.

One end is here for the Human Race Youth, and the other end is directly extended to the Bajing Palace.

When this human youth saw this scene, how could he not know that there was an immortal who appeared to be a saint, even when he walked 3,600 steps to the golden bridge, he arrived in front of the Bajing Palace.

"You are the human race that the master said, come in!" Jin Jiao Yin Jiao looked at the human race youth, and said in a disdainful tone.

As a sage boy, he is naturally a little arrogant, especially for the non-cultivation of the human race, basically a little cultivation of the monks, they look down.

"There is a fairy boy." The youth quickly thanked.

After entering the Bajing Palace, from the outside, the Bajing Palace is also magnificent, but after entering, there is a feeling of simplicity.

It's empty inside.

"Waiting to see the immortal." The young man saw Taiqing Taoist ancestor on the cloud bed and quickly bowed down.

Although I don't know the identity of Taiqing Taoist ancestor, it is enough to bow down. As long as the other party accepts himself as a disciple, everything is easy to say.

"You found nine thousand nine hundred and nine immortal mountains. Fang came to Shouyang Mountain. He has a relationship with the poor Dao. Would you like to be the chief disciple of the teaching?" Taiqing Daozu said lightly.


The golden horn and silver horn next to him were stunned. I didn't expect this scene to happen. An ordinary mortal would be the chief of the education!

"The immortal is the Taoist ancestor of Taiqing? I am willing, the disciple will pay respect to Master!" The young man hurriedly bowed.

Hearing the teachings, he immediately guessed the identity of the Taiqing Taoist ancestor, and was so shocked that he came to the dojo of the leader of the teachings!

"Do you have a Dao number?" Tai Qiao Dao Zu smiled.

How could Taiqing Daozu not like it? Only then did he feel that his luck has grown rapidly.

All this is brought about by the young man in front of him. Not only does he have great perseverance, but he also has great luck. Being a big disciple is most suitable!

"Master, the disciple is unnamed," the young man said.

Taiqing Daozu nodded and said, "From now on, you will be called Xuandu!"

"Xuan Du thank you Master for giving the name!" Xuan Du respectfully thanked Taiqing Dao Zu.

"You have no cultivation skills, you can't use magic weapons, wait for you to cultivate Xiaocheng, and then give you a body protection magic weapon for your teacher." Taiqing Daozu said.

Although the magic weapon cannot be given, it can be given the cultivation method. The Taiqing Taoist ancestor taught the Taiqing Taoism and Huang Ting's three scrolls to Xuandu.

He also preached for Xuandu himself in Bajinggung.

It can be said that accepting this disciple has made Taiqing Daozu very careful to teach that such a good seedling will become a great weapon in the future.

As for the trivial matters of the human race, now Taiqing Daozu and are not in the mood to ask, Hongjun Daozu has given the position of an emperor to the primitive.

As the leader of the human religion, he didn't have anything, so naturally he didn't need to worry about these things. With this time, he might as well teach the Xuandu well.

No matter how busy he is, he is still making wedding dresses for others. He will not do such thankless things.

In the Valley of Origin, the old man turned into by Luo Hu is sitting on a stone, telling a group of children from the ancient times myths.

"Xuan Du went to Shouyang Mountain to apprentice, this loophole is really hard to catch." Luo Hu muttered to himself.

The avenue is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and one of them is escaped, which is a ray of life.

Profound fate got a glimmer of life, and Luo Hu didn't even calculate his trace, so he went to Shouyang Mountain.

Otherwise, Luo Hu will definitely send out his disciples to receive all of Xuan as disciples.

Of course, the first ray of life Xuan Du got was not the grandiose and purple energy that escaped, but his own ray of life.

Among the prehistoric, there are not many creatures who can seize the first-line vitality of oneself, it can be said that it is very few, and the entire prehistoric is probably not enough.

"Grandpa, who is Xuandu?"

Luo Hui was talking to himself, but there were still some children listening. Originally, Luo Hui talked about the deeds of the Demon Ancestor's battle against the Five Saints, and suddenly a mysterious capital popped up.

This naturally attracted the attention of these children.

"Yeah, who is the old master Xuan Du? Did they fight the Demon Ancestor together?"

"The Demon Ancestor is so pitiful, so many great gods hit him!"

"Yes, it's so pathetic."

A group of little kids are here to fight for Luo Huo, and they don't talk about Xuandu anymore.

Luo Hui was dumbfounded by crying or laughing. He had been bullied as an enemy and five. If Hongjun knew about it, he would be crying.

But it is also true that the five of them beat Luohu and one, and they are indeed suspected of bullying, but fortunately, Luohu is strong and bullied five of them.

"Xuan is a new star of Human Race, and Human Race will have a lot of things to rely on him in the future." Luo Hui said lightly.

"Grandpa, is this Xuandu stronger than the third ancestor?"

Comparing Na Xuan Du with the three ancestors, this is not comparable. If it is compared to the cultivation base and future achievements, then Xuan Du can definitely defeat the three of them.

Even if it is better than the human luck, Xuan Du can also be one to three.

But if it is more influential, Xuan Du is inferior to the third ancestor, no matter when it comes, the human race will remember the third ancestor, this is the earliest co-lord of the human race.

"Well, today's story will be told here. Let's go home." Luo Hu said with a smile.

When all these children dispersed, Luo Hu disappeared in place.

Ten years passed quickly in Honghuang.

In the view of Wuzhuang, Fuxi was meditating, but it was not a practice. Zhenyuanzi knew Luohu's decree.

You can't teach Fuxi to practice cultivation, unless you can teach Fuxi after completing the merits.

"Brother, Master let you pass." Qingfeng came to Fuxi's face.

"I see, thank you, Junior Brother Qingfeng."

Fuxi stood up, without delay, and quickly walked to the main hall and came to the hall, but saw Zhen Yuanzi holding the treasure of heaven and earth, not knowing what he was doing, as if he was comprehending the truth. !

"Worshiping Master, I don't know why Master called his disciples to come?"

In the past few years, Fuxi did not learn the cultivation method in the Wuzhuang Taoist Temple, but also involved everything else.

Even Formation Dao and Alchemy Dao have learned, this is because Zhen Yuanzi has cultivated too extensively.

"Fuxi, how long have you been to Wuzhuang Guan?" Zhen Yuanzi said lightly.

"The disciple has been following Master up the mountain for ten years."

Having said this, Fu Xi really felt a little bit emotional. The mountain has been around for a thousand years, and ten years have passed without knowing it.

"At the end of ten years, Wuzhuang Guan can't teach you anything, go down the mountain!"

Zhen Yuanzi said.

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