Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 37: Human Emperor Liwei, Kongtong Yinxian

Above the valley of origin, the long-running dragon's body hovered, and the dark dragon scales shone incomparably under the sun.

All the human races were shocked when they saw this scene. Primordial rumors say that the demon ancestor's mount was a dragon, and it was also black.

Who is the demon ancestor?

That is the master of the Virgin Mother, among the human race, Luo Hu's reputation is not weak at all.

Fuxi, who was initially a little worried, didn't have the slightest fear at this time.

At the moment when the ghost car attacked, even though Fuxi was not worried about her life, she was worried that the entire human race would be affected.

He died alone, and there will be a new co-owner in the future, but if the human race is gone, then everything is over.

But when he saw the dragon, Fuxi was relieved, and his nervous heart relaxed.

When he was a child in Xinhuo tribe, he heard the story of his birth.

A divine dragon turned into a dragon horse, guarded by his mother Hua Xu, and has been guarding it for ten years. After he was born, the dragon horse showed its true body and disappeared into the sky.

So Fuxi subconsciously thought that this dragon was good and beneficial to the human race, otherwise, how could he protect his mother.

"Don't panic all the people, the co-owner has the dragon body to protect him, how can he be defeated by the animal?" Xuantu resisted the severely injured body, ran his magic power, and spread the voice to every place in the Origin Valley.

"The co-master Shenlong protects the body and kills the evildoers!"

For a while, the entire Human Race of Origin Valley shouted loudly.

This caused the ghost car's anger to reach its extreme in an instant. His dignified Primordial Demon Sage was called a demon by a group of ants. What a humiliation!

As for Ao Zhengze, he didn't blame the human race. Since the human race said that Fuxi had a dragon body, it would be fine for him to do it once.

And this time Ao Zheng was here to protect Fuxi.

It was not that Zhen Yuanzi could not protect Fuxi, but because Zhen Yuanzi could not directly suppress the ghost car after all. When the war broke out, the aftermath would not be acceptable to the human race.

Ao Zheng came to remove the ghost car under Luo Hu's decree. Of course, Ao Zheng didn't do it for nothing. This time he will be in the position of the Dragon Clan.

From then on, he wants to make the dragon race and the human race inseparable!

Prosperity and prosperity, loss and loss!

This is only Ao Zheng who has the courage, and he would never do that if he changed to Zulong, after all, the human race was too weak.

Once the luck is connected, then the human race will be exterminated, and the dragon will also follow the extermination!

But Ao Zheng dared to do this, because he knew how much his master values ​​the Human Race, and even placed the future Demon Race's heavy responsibility on the Human Race.

It can be seen that Luo Hu will not let the people die, so he made up his mind to connect the luck of the dragon and the human.


Ao Zheng let out a dragon chant, trembling through the land, as if at this moment, Ao Zheng completely transformed into a body-protecting beast, transformed into a size of three feet, hovering around Fuxi's body.

At this moment, Fuxi seemed to have been absorbed by the supreme mana, and instantly became a prehistoric top power, exuding supreme coercion!

This is the majesty of the emperor, belongs to the emperor, and the majesty of the co-lord of the human race.

At this moment, Fuxi Jun came to the world, looking at the ghost car, as if he was in a high position, looking at an uninfluenced animal.

That dragon chant just now shocked all the great abilities of Honghuang.

Since Ao Zheng wanted to connect the luck of the dragon and the human race, he was not afraid of being discovered by all the mighty powers, and he had to act with high profile.

The great power of the prehistoric always set his sights on the Valley of Origin. When he saw the majestic Dragon Emperor hovering around Fuxi, he became a body guardian beast.

Everyone is shocked, what does this mean?

This represents that the noble Dragon Emperor has signed an equal agreement with a mortal, and it also represents that the Dragon Race and the Human Race will treat each other equally in the future.

"Dragon Emperor, he is just a mortal, how noble you are to be his body protector, if you spread it out, wouldn't it make Honghuang laugh at him!"

The ghost car said tauntingly.

Now the ghost car wants to let Ao Zheng leave, because Ao Zheng's reputation is too great.

In the past, the two strongest people under the recognized saints were the Emperor Taiyi and the Dragon Emperor Ao Zheng!

After that, the Taishang Mozu and Taiqing Daozu and others.

Facing an existence like Taiyi Tiandi, one can imagine how much pressure the ghost car is under.

Ao Zheng didn't answer the ghost car's words, because in his eyes, the ghost car is an ant, and only Taiyi among the monsters can make him look at it.

"Ghost car, you are the Primordial Demon Sage, and you commanded the Primordial Demon Race to slaughter the Human Race, and you are incompatible with the Human Race. Today, you have killed thousands of my Human Race monks. If I don't sanction you, what is the majesty of the Human Race? Where is the majesty of the co-lord?"

As Fuxi's voice sounded, a ray of light flew from the 33rd outer sky and fell into Fuxi's hands.

Keep your eyes on it, it is the seal of Kongtong, the treasure of the human race!

"Your Majesty, the Shenlong protects the body, kills the demon saint, and takes revenge!"

The shouts of countless human races sounded, which made the Kongtong seal shine.

At this time, everything in the Valley of Origin is receiving the attention of the entire prehistoric power.

In the heavenly court, both Haotian and Queen Mother looked towards Origin Valley, their eyes gleaming with golden light.

"Fuxi is blessed by the Dragon Emperor Ao Zheng, and he holds the seal of Kongtong, this time I am afraid that the ghost car will be more fortunate!" Haotian said lightly.

The Queen Mother shook her head, and said contemptuously: "A weak human race, even with the Dragon King's blessing and holding the treasure, it is impossible to kill the ghost car. After all, the ghost car is higher than you and me. ."

"Don't underestimate the human race, I'm afraid this time the Flat Peach Conference will have one more power." Haotian's eyes flashed with precision.

On Linga Mountain in the west, Amitabha gave a loud horn and said compassionately: "Buddha and Tao are in the human after this time, no one in the human race dare to underestimate it!"

"Brother, this Fuxi may not be able to kill the ghost car, right?" Ran Deng also did not believe it.

Zhunti said: "I am afraid that even if the ghost car can't be killed, it can be seriously injured. In this way, the human race has been regarded as a true foothold in the prehistoric land."

On Jinbie Island in the East China Sea, Tai Xuan came to Biyou Palace and watched the origin valley with the Lord Tongtian.

"Ao Zhengnai is the first person under the saint. Even Junior Brother Styx is not his opponent. This time the ghost car will definitely die."

Tai Xuan is full of confidence in Ao Zheng.

"Ao Zheng has been with Master for longer than you and me. He was the first to listen to Master's preaching. Although his cultivation has not demonstrated the way, his strength is unpredictable!" The Master Tongtian is also full of confidence.

Shouyang Mountain and Kunlun Mountain are separated by air, and Taiqing Daozu and Primordial Tianzun are also discussing the origin valley, but they all think that Fuxi can use Ao Zheng's power to injure the ghost car, but cannot kill the ghost car!

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