Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 39: Fuxi Killing Ghost Car

   The quasi-sage bleeds, which means that he has been severely injured and cannot separate his mind to take care of his injuries. You must concentrate on dealing with all this before you.

   The ghost car no longer has the heart to fight again. He already understands in his heart that if this continues, I am afraid that he will really fall in the Valley of Origin.

   He underestimated the Dragon Emperor Ao Zheng and also the Human Race. He didn't expect that after the Dragon Emperor blessed Fuxi, he would have such a powerful power. It was amazing.


   With a beep, the ghost car turned around and flew away.

   This is to escape!

   Those great abilities in the predicament were all shocked at this time, the dignified Primordial Demon Sage escaped in the hands of a weak human race.

   And watching ghost cars is not without the power of a battle!

   Even if you lose, you have the power to protect yourself. Why?

   But the next scene stunned them directly.

   I saw Fuxi beckoning, and the Kongtong seal floating in the air fell in his hand, and the cohesion of the human race could be seen with the naked eye.

  Gradually, the Kongtong seal exudes a dazzling light, turning into a beam of light and hitting the ghost car.


   Outside the Valley of Origin, on a certain sacred mountain, the sky was stained with blood, and it rained blood.

   At this moment, those great powers felt the aura of the ghost car dissipate, and the dignified Primordial Demon Sage fell into the hands of mortal Fuxi.

   "The ghost car just fell away?"

   "The true spirit has flown to the six reincarnations, and the poor generation of demon saints is not complete even the true spirit."

   The true spirits of those prehistoric powers who can see the ghost car are also incomplete, obviously caused by the blow of Fuxi.

   Nine heads, now there are only eight heads left, going to the reincarnation of the six realms.

   "This time, the human race is afraid that it will truly rise to the wild, and a weak race will no longer be there."

   "Yes, there is a saint behind, and now the Dragon Emperor seems to have signed some contract with the co-owner of the human race."

   "The future human race should not be underestimated. The power of the Kongtong seal is no weaker than the innate treasure, and the ancient demon saints such as ghost cars are all gone!"

   The great powers of the great lords are all talking about the human race. After this time, the weak pronoun of the human race will be removed.

   In the past, the human race was equivalent to the ant family, and now the human race has shown a powerful side to the entire primordial land.

   Fuxi's peak posture, holding the seal of the hole, actually beheaded the ghost car demon saint in the late Quasi-sage stage, this kind of strength, I am afraid that there is not much.

   "The ghost car is dead, the criminals will be killed even though they are far away!"

   Fuxi's voice spread throughout the entire wilderness, and this voice declared the rise of the human race.

   Although he still has a bit of disdain, he thinks that Fuxi is only relying on the power of the Dragon Emperor, but he dare not say anything against it. Otherwise, the ghost car is a lesson for the past.

  All the human races cheered at this time. This battle is their co-master's battle to slay the monsters, and it is also the ghost chariot demon saint who killed one of the chief culprits of the human race.

   You need to know that there were two great demon saints who slaughtered the human race. One of them was a ghost car. Now that Fuxi has killed the ghost car, it is regarded as a little interest recovered for the human race.

   Those saints who are not optimistic about Ao Zheng and Fuxi are a little surprised at this time. One is surprised at Ao Zheng's strength, and the other is surprised at Fuxi's will, so much power can be borrowed from Ao Zheng.

   One year has passed, and Fuxi's killing of ghost cars has gradually faded away in Humans. After all, a year is still a long time for Humans.

   Chendu, in Fuxi's palace, an order came out, completely changing the relationship between the human race and the dragon race.

   Fuxi appointed the dragon as a human totem, and will always enjoy the luck of the human.

  As the co-lord of the human race, Fuxi's appeal is so great that even the Jiuli tribe has listened to Fuxi's orders.

   You must know that the Jiuli tribe all believe in the twelve ancestor witches, and now they have added a totem!

   The head resembles a camel, its horns resemble a deer, its eyes resemble a rabbit, its ears resemble a cow, its neck resembles a snake, its belly resembles a mirage, its scales resemble a carp, its claws resemble an eagle, and its palm resembles a tiger. It is a dragon!

  In the palace, Fuxi was sitting in the main seat. Although the old Fuxi looked a little dying, his eyes gave people a kind of coercion.

   "Fuxi, the purpose of this emperor's coming here has been achieved. From now on, there will be no more demon races above the quasi-sage coming to the human race to make trouble, you can rest assured." Ao Zheng stood up and prepared to leave.

   Fuxi also stood up quickly, and said to Ao Zheng gratefully: "Thank you for the help of the Dragon Emperor for killing the ghost car. Fuxi has thanked the Dragon Emperor for the human race."

   "But just do it casually, it doesn't have to be so, goodbye!"

   After Ao Zheng finished speaking, Feishen left Fuxi's palace.

   Watching Ao Zheng leave, Fuxi's eyes showed firmness. Human race is truly powerful only if it is strong.

   Although he used the power of the Dragon King this time, what about the next time Human Race is in crisis?

   It is impossible for him to use the power of the Dragon Emperor every time. What if the Dragon Emperor does not help him? Is it necessary to watch the human race annihilate?

   Thinking of this, Fuxi summoned the Xuandu.

   After a while, the Great Master Xuandu came to the palace and bowed to Fuxi.

   "Master, you are the leader of the human race cultivator, is there a way to make my human race cultivator a little more diligent?" Fuxi asked.

   "There is no need to worry about the co-lord, my human monk just misinterpreted the Golden Core as long as it is changed, it will not take long for the cultivation speed to increase." Xuandu said.

   Fuxi nodded, so that's it, Xuandu is the disciple of Taiqing Taoist ancestor, and Fuxi is very relieved of Xuan.

   After explaining some things in the Xuandu, Fuxi began to busy with his own affairs again, perfecting the method of deduction of the human race, this is his main business.

   The natural disasters are too terrifying for the human race.

   Although the disease is terrible, natural disasters are far more fierce.

   Fuxi also decided to leave Chendu. He has to walk between the valleys of origin and observe the right time and place, so that he can perfect his own deduction method.

  Wahuangtian, Nuwa looked at Fuxi in the mirror image and nodded with satisfaction. She had already obtained the Hetu Luoshu from Kunpeng, but there was only a chance.

   But because Fuxi did not fully integrate with the human race, Nuwa could not give the Hetu Luoshu. After all, Fuxi's predecessor was the demon emperor of the demon clan.

   The human race and the monster race are not at the same time, even if Fuxi is reincarnated, it still has the influence of the previous life.

   Therefore, Fuxi killed the ghost car, not only helped the human race, but also helped himself, so that Fuxi truly integrated into the human race.

   "Niang, the big master killed the ghost car, from now on the big master will be a real human race." Jin Feng said joyfully.

   "Well, this palace should also go to the human race. It's also time for my brother to complete his merits." Nuwa said lightly.

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