Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 57: Emperor's Mount

   Xuan Du quickly returned to Chen Du, and came to Fuxi's palace for the first time, but now Fuxi has some mobility problems.

   One hundred and fifty-eight years old, this is unique in the human race. You must know that the current life span of the human race is 60 or 70 years old.

   Fuxi lived to be a hundred and fifty-eight years old, and he was supporting it with that breath.

   Fuxi lying on the bed, saw Xuandu walk in.

   asked in a weak voice, "Master, have you ever seen Lieshan?"

   "Common Lord, the poor Dao has already gone to the Yanhuo tribe, but the Lieshan clan wants to come to Chendu from the Yanhuo tribe alone." Xuandu said.

   Fuxi was a little anxious, and said, "How can I let him come alone? There are so many monsters on the way, in case something goes wrong!"

   "Don't worry, the master of the Lieshan clan is Yun Zhongzi, the second disciple of the Demon Sect Taixuan Sect. There will be Yun Zhongzi secretly protecting it all the way, and nothing will happen."

   After hearing Xuandu's words, Fuxi relieved his heart and told Xuandu to retreat.

   Fuxi nowadays, to say one more word, it seems that it takes a lot of effort to lose the vitality of the year.

  Think about it, Fuxi is too old.

   Several human races serving Fuxi were also sent out by Fuxi.

   Lying on the bed, looking at the roof alone, what Fuxi is most worried about now is the disaster of the human race.

   He has also thought of a way, but it has no effect, and can only play a small role.

   "I have completed my merits, and there is not much time left. The Lieshan family doesn't know if I can come in time."

   Fuxi is the originator of Xiantian Gossip. He calculated it a few days ago, and there are three years left when his merits are completed.

   is to retreat from the position of co-lord when he is successful.

  Three years, this is not much time for the human race, but the Lieshan clan came along the way from the Yanhuo tribe. If there is some delay along the way, I am afraid it will be difficult to come to Chendu in three years.

After    Nuwa came out of Mount Xumi, she came to Origin Valley, and she still couldn't let go of her brother.

  Looking at Fuxi's old appearance, and lying alone in the bed, it was the cultivation of the saint Nuwa, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

   At this moment, Nuwa was thinking, if Fuxi had preached earlier, it would be so good, at least not having to suffer in the human race.

   Although she is the Virgin of the Human Race, Nuwa does not think that the life of the Human Race is good.

   Thinking of Fuxi's proving, Nuwa also thought of one thing. She was a little busy with the landing some time ago, but it was delayed.

   Originally, Nuwa went to the East China Sea once, but when she first arrived, she had not selected the dragon clan. Because of Lu Ya, she returned to Wa Huangtian.

   This has also led to the fact that the feet of the three human races have not been arranged yet.

   looked at Fuxi a few more times, and Nuwa headed to the East China Sea.

   The saint descended, and the purple gas came 30,000 miles east.

   Above the East China Sea, Ao Guang led a group of dragons to greet him.

  "Ao Guang led the dragon to visit the Nüwa saint." Ao Guang bowed respectfully.

   The dragon clan behind him all bowed respectfully.

   After all, this is a saint, and a saint in the line of Mount Xumi.

   "The Dragon King does not need to be polite." Nuwa said lightly.

   Then, Ao Guang took Nuwa into the Dragon Palace, so he was entertaining.

   But Nuwa is not here to enjoy, she straightforwardly said: "The main palace is here to find a mount for the Human Emperor."

   "The Niang Niang means to choose the dragon to be the emperor's mount?" Ao Guang asked suspiciously.

  Ao Guang also heard about the three emperors of the human race, but he knew that the dragon race signed an equal contract with the human race. How could it happen that the dragon race gave the human emperor a mount?

   "Not bad." Nuwa nodded.

  Although Ao Guang is the Dragon King, it is a big deal to let the Dragon Race to be a mount. He can't be the Lord, so he has to ask Ao Zheng for instructions.

   "It's unlucky that the empress has come. Your Majesty Dragon Emperor has gone to Mount Xumi. With this mount, Xiaolong can't be the master." Ao Guang said euphemistically.

   If this is the saint of Xuanmen, Ao Guang will definitely not say anything good, after all, this is slapped in the face of the dragon clan, but Nuwa is a disciple of the demon ancestor.

   "Since this palace is here, naturally you don't need to be the master, the demon ancestor's decree, choose nine dragons as the emperor's mount." Nuwa did not feel too embarrassed Ao Guang.

   directly move out of Luo Hui, this is the most direct and effective way.

   As expected!

   Ao Guang heard this, and immediately nodded: "The demon ancestor's decree, the dragons should obey it. Please wait for the mother, and the dragon will call out some dragons for the mother to choose."

   Nuwa was waiting here, and after a short time, Ao Guang came with more than a hundred dragons.

   Every dragon clan has the cultivation base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and this cultivation base is not bad at this time.

   "You can choose all your empresses." Ao Guang said respectfully.

   Nuwa looked at it again, frowning, which made Ao Guang's heart tighten.

   Although he directly summoned such a dragon clan, he still didn't want to let the protagonist dragon be a mount.

   So these more than a hundred dragons are basically hybrid dragons, and the true dragons have few bloodlines, and some of them don't even have the talent of dragons.

   The cultivation base is OK, but there is no real Shenlong momentum.

   "Ao Guang, are you questioning the majesty of the palace, or the majesty of the demon ancestor, the dragon clan doesn't want to exist anymore?"

   Nuwa's face changed, she became angry and her tone became severe.

   Ao Guang almost didn't squat down, he felt the breath of death on Nuwa's body.

   The entire East China Sea Dragon Palace was filled with the breath of death, and for a while, the creatures in the entire Dragon Palace panicked.

   When the saint is angry, all spirits are destroyed, this is not just a talk.

  Ao Guang understands that what Nuwa said is definitely not a lie, especially since this matter involves the majesty of the demon ancestor. Without Nuwa's action, Ao Zheng will kill the dragon by himself.

   However, Ao Guang just wanted to fool Nu Wa, but he didn't expect Nu Wa to carry out the Demon Ancestor.

   "Niang Niang forgive me, Xiaolong will take Niang Niang into the dragon world." Ao Guang said quickly.

   Nuwa's face eased, but she was still a little unhappy. She didn't expect that the Dragon Clan had changed over the years, and she even dared to perfuse her.

   Ao Zheng led Nuwa to the portal. After crossing, it was the Dragon Realm.

   This is the real gathering place of the dragons, and the four seas of dragons outside are just superficial.

   Above the Heavenly Dragon Hall, Nuwa was sitting in the main seat, while Ao Guang led 36 dragons standing below.

   These are pure dragons, and they are all left over from the ancient times.

   Every one has the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian, and it is also a great power to put it above the wild.

   "Qizi Niangniang, these 36 dragons are dragons born in the ancient times, and they are most suitable to represent the dragons." Ao Guang said with some arrogance.

   This is the heritage of the dragon family.

   Thirty-six pure dragons, and they are all Daluo Jinxian, you must know that they are more than simple Daluo Jinxian.

  Any nine can form a battle formation, and all can fight the quasi-sage.

   Nuwa looked at it. She was very satisfied with the dragon clan this time, and only then could she be qualified to be her brother's mount.

   Actually, Nuwa was so concerned not for the Three Emperors, but for Fuxi herself.

   If it were not for her elder brother among the three emperors, Nuwa probably wouldn't care whether she was a dragon or a dragon.

   "Just nine of them." Nuwa pointed out nine in a row, and all of them had the highest cultivation base.

   Each one is the peak of the Great Luo Jinxian, and it is possible to break through at any time.

   "This..." Ao Guang felt distressed.

   These are all dragons that can break through the quasi-sage at any time!

   If you enter the human race, which side's combat power can be determined in the future?

   "Don't worry, if they are a quasi-sage, they can return to the dragon world, but you need to send another big Luojin fairy dragon to replace." Nuwa commanded.

   Ao Guang was overjoyed immediately. In this way, the Dragon Race still didn't lose anything, and could not only complete the demon's decree, but also go to the Human Race to gain merit.

why not?

   Nuwa waved her hand and included the nine selected dragons into the map of the country's shrines, and released them when they were released.

   "Niang, there are nine divine dragons. It is impossible for one person to sit on three. There is an innate spirit Baolong in my dragon palace. It is given to the Niang Niang. It is a gift to the Emperor Fuxi."

  Ao Guang is a fine person. He knows that Nuwa and Fuxi have a deep relationship, and he also knows that Fuxi is the boss of the three emperors. At this time, it is undoubtedly the most suitable to get closer.

   Without waiting for Nuwa's consent, Ao Guang took Long Hu out.

   has a size of one hundred meters, there is another world inside the chariot, and the appearance is very atmospheric, it is also very suitable for the emperor to ride.

   "Since the Dragon King gave it to him, the palace has thanked Fuxi for it."

   Nuwa finished speaking, rolled up Long Hu, and then disappeared into the dragon world.

   After Nuwa left, Prime Minister Turtle came out and looked at Ao Guang and said.

   "The Dragon King is really a good calculation, this time the human race and the dragon race are getting closer, and then the luck of the human race must have the dragon family's share!"

   "Haha...My Dragon Clan must be prosperous forever. I think that the Phoenix Clan, Qilin Clan, Witch Clan, and Demon Clan have fallen, and will live forever for my Dragon Clan!

   Ao Guangda laughed.

  Although Ao Zheng is the most important of these, but the Four Seas Dragon King is also indispensable.

   "After the Dragon Emperor went to Mount Xumi this time and retrieved the Sanguang Divine Water, the Hualong Pond could be refined. At that time, the dragon clan will be even stronger."

Although Prime Minister Turtle is not a dragon, it is the first vassal race of the dragon, so the strength of the dragon is definitely a top priority for him.

   "The Dragon Emperor is coming back soon." Ao Guang said lightly.

  Once the Hualongchi refining is completed, there will be more and more dragons of pure blood of the dragon clan. By that time, the dragon clan must become the largest race in the prehistoric.

  Of course, they didn't know that Ao Zheng had been trapped by the Supreme Demon Ancestor at this time, otherwise they would definitely not be happy.

   Mount Sumeru, at this time, the atmosphere is very embossed.

   The third ancestor of the Demon Dao, the chief disciple Taishang Demon ancestor, personally took action to suppress Ao Zheng and Xiong Ba.

   and also included in the Zijin gourd, this is privately imprisoned, and the other party is still an important human race in the line of Mount Xumi.

   Luohuo's two children, both of their emotions and desires, dare not come forward. What they fear most is confronting the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

   They have suffered too much from the devil's ancestor before, and they don't want to eat anymore.

   I want to tell Luo Huo about this, but Luo Huo hasn't left the customs yet, and they can't reach Luo Hu at all.

  Tongtian Guru and Old Ancestor Styx are all anxious, although they are not worried about the safety of Ao Zheng and Xiong Ba.

   But this is suspected of infighting after all, they are worried that Luo Hui will be angry.

   "Second brother, it would be fine if Senior Wangshu left the customs first." said the ancestor of Styx.

  Tongtian hierarch nodded, but they all heard about it. This time Wangshu retreat was to preach.

   How can it be so fast?

   Therefore, it is unlikely that Wangshu will be the first to leave.

  Wangshu is not in the line of Mount Xume, but his relationship with Luohu is extraordinary. The potential hostess of Mount Xume is the wife of the future demon ancestor.

   No matter how tough the Taishang Demon Ancestor is, he must lower his head in front of Wang Shu.

  可, will Wangshu leave the gate first?

  Great and comfortable in the sky, the devil ancestor of the sky came to the world tree and looked at Luo Hu who was comprehending.

   At the beginning, Luo Hui said that ten years later, let the heavenly demon ancestor come to see how many steps the heavenly demon ancestor can comprehend the art of incarnation of the great road.

   Now that the ten-year period has come, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor came, but Luo Hui is still cultivating.

   The Celestial Demon Ancestor did not disturb Luo Huo, but sat down under the World Tree and watched the World Tree.

   Every time I watch the World Tree, I will have a different feeling. This has brought great benefits to the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, and at least it is a great help in understanding.

   The world tree is the spiritual root of the chaos and the thirty-sixth-rank chaotic creation green lotus. In addition, the world tree has another name, that is, the tree of enlightenment.

   Enlightenment under the world tree will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, even more.

   "It turns out that The third aspect of the art of dao incarnation is not the understanding of the dao, but the understanding of oneself!"

   Luo Hui opened his eyes, and suddenly two divine lights shot into the void, intertwined with the infinite emptiness, and undergone a huge evolution, like the change of stars.

   "Brother, you have realized the third level!" The Sky Demon Ancestor said in surprise.

   There are three layers of the incarnation art of the great road, each of which is incomparable mystery. The heavenly demon ancestor has comprehended for ten years, and with the blessing of his own heavenly way, he has realized the first level of entry.

   Luo Hui nodded. He did realize the third level, but he couldn't distinguish nine clones, at most two clones could be divided.

   The first and second levels of the art of the incarnation of the Dao are both the understanding of the Dao. I did not expect that the third level is actually the understanding of oneself and the perception of one’s own potential.

   "Second brother, what's your understanding?" Luo Hui asked with a smile.

   "The first level of entry, this great art is really profound. Brother, you said that if the heavens and all realms are the great art of comprehension, how can we win in the same realm?"

  The deeper the understanding, the more terrible he felt the art of the Great Dao, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor had to worry about the problems facing the heavens and the world in the future.

   "It's okay, don't we still have the hole card of Houtu?" Luo Hui smiled.

   At this moment, the emotions and desires rushed over.

   "Master, the big thing is not good, the senior brother put the fifth senior and Ao Zheng into sleep."

  :. :

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