Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 59: Luo Chuanfa

   The minds are the same, it's easy to say, but it's hard to do it. The three of them are guarding each other.

  At this time, it was necessary to gather the strength of the three of them to be able to see Lu Ya's heels clearly, but when their three minds merged together.

   There is no doubt that this is the most vulnerable time, and a little carelessness may be killed by the other party.

   Luo Hui glanced at Hongjun, he could control not to kill Hongjun, but he had to prevent Hongjun from thinking about him.

   Now in the predicament, the person Hongjun wants to kill most is Luo Hui.

   Because of Luo Hui, the position of Hongjun, the spokesperson of the heaven, is very embarrassing. It stands to reason that Hongjun should be the most noble existence.

   But there is an anomaly like Luo Hu, but it makes Hongjun even need to change the general trend of heaven.

   Not only Hongjun wants to kill Luo Huo, but even Tiandao wants to kill Luo Huo all the time.

   Especially, Luo Hui sprinkled the magic seed over the entire prehistoric land, and even Hongjun was planted with the magic seed.

   What is the majesty of the spokesperson of Hongjun Tiandao?

  Slowly, the treasure of the ancestor of fate, the gear of fate appeared, and three card slots appeared on it.

   Ancestor of Destiny took the lead in a drop of blood dripping on it, a light flashed, and the breath of Ancestor of Destiny was connected with the gear of destiny.

   Luo Hui did not hesitate, a drop of blood dripped on it, the next moment, the light flashed, Luo Hui's soul was taken away.

   Fate ancestors saw that Luo Hui and Hongjun didn't take any action. Only then did they use the gear of fate to make a contract. As long as they dripped a drop of blood, they would all be absorbed a trace of soul.

   As long as there is any breach of contract, it will be wiped out instantly.

   This is a contract witnessed by the Dao, and even the Dao of Heaven cannot maintain them.

   It's almost impossible for Hongjun to do anything now.

   The Destiny Ancestor opened his eyes and looked at Hongjun Daozu, and said impatiently: "What are you waiting for, fellow Daoist? Is it waiting for Lu Ya to be prepared, is he using his supernatural powers?"

   The ancestors of destiny have a heavy tone. After all, this is peeping at an existence higher than their cultivation level. If they are careless, they will be discovered, and once they are targeted.

  I am afraid that the most dangerous thing is the ancestor of destiny. Luo Hui and Hongjun are the second ancestors of the wild, and killing has great cause and effect.

   Hongjun also dripped a trace of blood, and the soul was also taken away. It was impossible to kill Luo Hui when his mind merged.

   Then, without any precautions, and no calculations, the three of them all released a huge amount of mental power.

   Above the long river of time, it converges into a golden bridge, spanning both sides of the long river of time.

   Luohu, Destiny, Hongjun both got on the golden bridge, muttering silently, and a scene appeared before their eyes.

   The master above is just Lu Ni Daojun, this is the scene of Lu Ni Daojun before.

   One breath, two breaths... six breaths!


   The golden bridge was broken, Luo Hu, Destiny, and Hongjun were all lifted off and fell on the edge of the long river, each of them pale.

   was not discovered by Daojun Lu, but the three of them gathered their minds and couldn't take one more breath in the long river of time.

   Six breaths are already their limit, but seeing the sight of six breaths has given them a little understanding of Lu Ya.

   Daojun Lu is not in the chaos. In other words, Daojun Lu is the mighty power of the heavens and the world.

   And the world where Lu Ni Daojun is ranked is the top three in the entire world.

   As for the strength of Daojun Lu Ya, none of the three of them can see clearly, it may be in the realm of Zhengdao, or it may be above the realm of Zhengdao.

   The Aojian Killing Lord of the Vault Realm came to Honghuang, bringing a new realm to Honghuang.

   That is the realm of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

   The realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is just entering the Dao realm in the heavens and all realms, and the Hunyuan Wuju Luo Jinxian is the power of the heaven realm, and it is the proof realm in the heavens and all realms.

   As for the realm above the Dao Realm, Aojian Killing Monarch didn't know, because he had never touched it.

   Therefore, Luo Hui and the three of them don't know the realm above the realm of Zen Dao, so they are not familiar with the realm of Daojun Lu Ya!

   The Gear of Destiny released three drops of blood, which fell on the bodies of Luo Huo and the other three.

  The contract ends.

   "What a Lu Nian Daojun, he is so powerful!" The Fate Ancestor's face was deep.

   Originally, the three of them were the pinnacle of existence, but now suddenly there was an existence stronger than him.

   This puts them under pressure.

   "I have practiced for countless years, but in the end it is still an ant." Hongjun Daozu shook his head, his words full of helplessness.

   "Don't be so pessimistic. Our cultivation time is still short. When the eighteen years of chaos have passed, I am afraid that our strength will not be weaker than that of Lu Ni."

   Luohu is not depressed, but full of motivation. If they are now at the end of their cultivation, what's the point?

   And after watching this time, they all knew that Mr. Lu Ya was only eighteen years old this year, but this eighteen was a bit older.

  A chaos is one year, which means that Lord Lu Ya lived for eighteen chaotic years.

  A chaotic year is 600 billion years, which is longer than any of them.

   After leaving for a long time, Luo Hui took a deep breath, and the color of choice flashed in his eyes.

   Whether it is the Fate Ancestor or Hongjun Dao Ancestor, today's cultivation base is higher than him, and they have reached the heavenly realm.

   And he is still just the pinnacle of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   He has a way to quickly improve his cultivation level. He is thinking whether to tell the destiny ancestor and Hongjun Dao ancestor.

   Luohu's pattern is very big, and now it seems that the three of them are not in harmony with each other, and they are all enemies, but when they really reach the world, the three of them absolutely must unite.

   Luohu didn't break through because Luohu wanted to break through to the middle or even late stage of the Heavenly Realm in one fell swoop.

   He is suppressing his cultivation. Once he breaks through, he is likely to come from behind and surpass Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Ancestor.

   "Why are you hesitating?" Fate looked at Luo Hui and smiled.

   Luo Hui's expression was too obvious at this time, and both Destiny and Hongjun saw his strangeness.

   "There is a method that can be practiced quickly, I want to teach you or not." Luo Hui said solemnly.

   When these words came out, no matter it was the fate ancestor or Hongjun Dao ancestor, there was no color of joy, but a look of vigilance.

   Luo Hui helped them, this is definitely a weasel giving New Year greetings to the rooster, not at ease.

  Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Luo Hui was very funny, but he really wanted to say how to practice fast, but he didn't expect them to have such expressions.

   Luo Hui was totally unconscious. If he hadn't counted the two of them a lot from beginning to end, Destiny and Hong Jun would not have such an expression.

   "Long time can speed up the cultivation progress of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and above, but this method needs to be careful, don't stay in the long river, or it will die in a flash."

   Luo Hui told the secret of the long river of time. He did not think about Hongjun and the return of fate, he was just planning for the future.

   The heavens and myriad worlds do not know how many years have existed, and how long has this chaos existed?

   There is absolutely no 600 billion years, which means that it is less than a chaotic year.

   Under the astonishment of Hongjun and Destiny, Luo Hui immediately said: "The long river of time is determined by the cultivation base. I can only stay in it for three breaths."

   Luohuo is the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and Destiny and Hongjun are both heavenly realms, that is, they spend more time in the long river than Luohuo.

   After this, the two of them will be helped by a long time, far surpassing Luo Hui.

   Hongjun and Destiny only thought about it at this time, and why did Luo Hui suddenly jump into the long river of time.

   But what made the two of them puzzled was why Luo Huo would tell them this. Isn't he afraid that their cultivation level would increase rapidly and then kill him?

   "Really?" Hongjun glanced at Luo Hui in disbelief.

   "Don't you know if you just jump in and try?" Luo Hui left the starry sky after saying this.

   Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Destiny Ancestor are back in the long river of time, they naturally have to experiment to see if they can help cultivation.

   After this test, they were all shocked.

   Luo Hui modified?

Has    changed for the better?

   Still lost?

   They stayed for ten breaths under the long river of time, and they could clearly feel the improvement of their cultivation.

   It takes only ten breaths!

   Of course, it is impossible to come out and go in again. Within a hundred years, you can only enter the long river of time once.

   "What on earth does Fellow Luohu want to do?" The destiny ancestor was puzzled.

   If it is said that Luo Hui only told him this secret, then this can also explain why.

   Why did you tell Hongjun?

   Is the relationship between the two of them reconciled and have become allies?

   But looking at Hongjun's expression, this is obviously impossible.

   Hongjun Daozu left the starry sky, he has already decided, and it seems that it is time for those disciples to come to Zixiao Palace.

   This is a method that is conducive to cultivation, and Luo Huan will also tell the saints of Demon Dao if he wants to come.

   Hong Jun really didn't guess wrong at this point. Luo Hui only saw all the saints of Sound Transmission Magic Dao and told them that they could enter the long river of time to practice once every 100 years.

   But you can't force it, you can't stand it, you have to go ashore.

   Luohu also passed this method to Buddha Amitabha. As for Zhunti and burning the lamp, he did not notify him. He wanted to come to Hongjun to talk about it.

   Taishang Demon Ancestor, Tongtian Guru, Taixuan Guru, Xi Wangmu, and Nuwa all entered the long river of time at the first time, and they put everything aside.

   The method that can help the saints improve their cultivation. This can be said to be the second method. The first is luck, but there are so many prehistoric luck. Where can a saint gather?

   But this time I practiced very quickly. These saints entered it, but came out with one breath.

   Although the time is short, it clearly feels that the cultivation base has been improved a bit, gathering sand to form a tower, the more times, the cultivation base will naturally increase.

   This is much better than fighting for luck!

   In the chaos, inside the Zixiao Palace.

   Hongjun Daozu sat on the cloud bed, exuding supreme majesty, looking at the saints below.

   Don't think about it, but also know that Hongjun must be using the method Luo Hui gave him to play mystery here.

   Luo Hui knows Hongjun very well, a great ability who likes to play with virtuality, and likes face.

   Hongjun Daozu just watched, there was no sign of speaking.

   Taiqing Dao Zu, Primitive Tian Zun, Immortal Zu Dong Wang Duke, Zhun Ti Buddha Mother, and Lan Deng Dao Zu all looked at Hong Jun Dao Zu, a little unclear.

   Let me come, and I don’t speak. Why?

   Primordial Tianzun stood up and asked respectfully: "Master, I don’t know why I am called to wait?"

   Hongjun Daozu still closed his eyes slightly, and still didn't mean to speak.

   This puzzled the saints below, and I don't know what Hongjun thought.

   After a while, Hongjun slowly opened his eyes, and said faintly: "What is the method of assisting saints in cultivation?"

   Although I don’t know why Hongjun asked, Taiqing Taoist ancestor stood up and respectfully said: “The great luck can help the saint’s cultivation.”

   The other saints nodded, and did not say any other way.

  Because this is the only method in the primordial world, it can assist the saint in his cultivation.

   "Idiot, there are so many mysteries in the great world, how can there be only one law, today the poor Taoist will teach you another law."

   Hongjun Daozu looks like being compassionate to sentient beings.

   If Luo Hui and the ancestor of fate were here, they would have laughed out of their teeth. If it hadn’t been said by Luo Hui, I’m afraid Dao Zu Hongjun would never know.


   These saints are all shocked, and there are methods to assist the saints in their cultivation today, and all of them are surprised.

After   , he looked at Hongjun Daozu with anxious expression in his eyes.

The meaning of    is self-evident, and that is to tell Hongjun Daozu not to sell Guanzi, and quickly say it.

"There is a long river of time in the dark to set the general trend of all things, and you can enter the long river of time to cultivate, but the cultivation base of the long river of time ~ has to wait for a breathing time under the long river of time, and you can enter every 100 years. once."

   Hongjun Daozu said majesticly.

   All the saints are shocked, there is such a way, all of them are excited.

   Hongjun Daozu's goal has been achieved. In the hearts of all the saints, his stalwart figure is a bit bigger.

   Looking at their nervous expressions, Hongjun Daozu told them to retreat, but how could they return to the dojo? All have entered a long river of time.

   As Hongjun Daozu said, they all took a breath in it, and even so, they benefited a lot.

   Origin Valley, in the human race, it took the Lieshan Clan for two years to come to Chendu, which was much faster than expected.

   But along the way, the Lieshan Clan has a lot of insights. The human crisis is not only due to hunger, but also from disease.

  When I arrived in Chendu, the first thing Lieshan did was to meet Fuxi.

   Fuxi was lying on the bed at this time, and Lieshan clan walked in to meet him.

   "The Lieshan clan of the Yanhuo tribe, pay respect to the co-lord."

   "The Lieshan is here, get up!"

   Fuxi's voice was already very weak at this time, and it was obvious that the time for his accomplishment of merit was approaching.

   "How do you feel about your journey along the way?" Fuxi asked.

  The Lieshan clan looked at Fuxi so weak, and he was still worried about the human race, and his heart was very moved.

  :. :

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