Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 67: Chi You's plan is too strong

   "The devil, it's the devil again. Everywhere is the devil's advantage. When will the mysterious door control the prehistoric?"

  In the heart of the original Tianzun, Hongjun Daozu is the spokesperson of the heavenly path, so Xuanmen is the only right way under the heavenly path.

  As for the magical path, and the Buddhist path that has not yet flourished, it is nothing but evil.

   But above the predecessors, it seems that everything is taken by the devil. The original Tianzun is angry, and he is a little angry, why Hongjun doesn't take it.

  As the spokesperson of the Way of Heaven, hasn't it been this way to indulge the Way of the Devil?

  As for saying that Hongjun Daozu could not beat Luohu, Primordial Tianzun would never believe this, because in his eyes, the spokesperson of the heavens could borrow the power of the heavens.

  Sages can borrow the power of Heaven, so the spokesperson of Heaven will definitely be able to borrow more power.

  Luo Huan is very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, is it possible that Tiandao is strong?

  Above this predecessor, and under the rules of heaven, even the demon ancestors can't make waves.

  "Master, you do not take action again and again, and let the demon ancestor endure it, causing the decline of the profound sect, then don’t blame the disciple for forcing you to take action."

  The original Tianzun's eyes showed a firm color, and he was about to make a move, because sooner or later, the mysterious door would be swallowed by the magic way.

  Hongjun, as the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, the Great Sect under the Profound Sect did not take the lead in appearing the quasi-sage, but instead made the magical quasi-sage appear!

   "Tong'er, go call you Brother Huanglong to come." The majestic voice of Primordial Heaven came.

  Immediately, Baihe Boy left Kunlun Mountain and went to the Taoist Temple of Huanglong Taoist.

  The Taoist Huanglong is a direct disciple of the original Tianzun, but he is not treated by the original Tianzun, because Huanglong is a generation who wears a lin and armor.

  The most annoying thing about Primordial Heavenly Venerable is the generation who wears Lin Lin and armor. If Huanglong had not passed his formation at the beginning, Primitive Heavenly Venerable would definitely not accept him as a follower.

  Now in his plan, Huanglong needs to go to the human race to provoke a conflict between the profound door and the magic way, and then force Hongjun Daozu to take action.

  It didn’t take long for the real Huanglong to come to Yuxu Palace to pay respect to the original Tianzun.

  "Huanglong, you worship my door, and there is no spiritual treasure to give. Today I give you a chance, or you can become a quasi-sacred fruit." Primordial Tianzun said kindly.

  Major Huanglong was puzzled. In the past, the Primordial Heavenly Lord never gave him a good face. What happened today? The Golden Crow came out to the west?

  Although he was puzzled in his heart, the real person Huanglong still knelt down and thanked him. Regardless of whether it was true or not, since Primordial Heavenly Lord had said it, he had to thank him.

  "The disciple thanks Master for his great kindness, but I don't know what the fate is?" Huang Long asked in confusion.

   Primitive Tianzun said faintly: “There should be three emperors in the human race. If the emperor has proclaimed today, the Lieshan clan is about to complete its merits, and the third emperor will also be shipped out.

  I let you go to the human race and collect the third emperor as a disciple.

  Are you willing to go? "

  Real Huanglong is overjoyed when he heard it, this is a real chance!

  If he can teach the emperor, in the future the emperor will prove the Dao, it is bound to give merit, and Huanglong can become the quasi-sage status by virtue of this merit.

  Thinking of this, Huang Long's heart is already filled with excitement that is hard to suppress.

  He is just a Taiyi Golden Immortal now, if he is a quasi-sage, then he can reach the sky in one step!

  At this time, the real Huanglong had an illusion. He felt that the original Tianzun had no prejudice against him, the reason why he had always disliked him, and he had not given him any magic weapon.

  It should be this time to give him a great opportunity, and it is precisely because of this that other disciples would not say anything!

  After all, there is no benefit for Huanglong. Now there is one benefit. For Huanglong, the other disciples can't say anything.

   Thinking of this, Huang Long once again knelt down to thank the Primordial Heavenly Lord.

   "You go to the human race, and the person who is born has a vision of heaven and earth, then he is the co-lord, you can accept him as a disciple!" Primordial Tianzun asked again.

  There is nothing to say about the real Huanglong. After thanking him, he went to Origin Valley.

  The northernmost part of the wild, the Pangu Temple has now been moved here, and some of the remaining witches are also here.

  At present, the prehistoric Wu Clan has two parts, one part is in the Netherworld Palace, and the other part is guarded by the Pangu Palace.

  "Chiyou, you are leading the Wu Clan to death!" Xing Tian said in a deep voice.

  At the time of the battle between heaven and earth, Chi You did not fall, but by chance he also got the soul.

  Although the body was destroyed, the Yuanshen remained and remained in the Pangu Temple.

  "Brother Chiyou, Brother Xingtian is right, you are killing yourself!" Feng Boyu said, shaking his head.

  There are also several great witches who also look at Chi You, and they all disagree with Chi You's statement.

  "Big Brother Xingtian, did you know that this is an opportunity for my witch clan to regain a foothold in the wild?

  Nowadays, the human race is very powerful. If the Witch family wants to survive the prehistoric steadily, they must have a relationship with the human race, just like the dragon race! "

   Chi You looked at Xing Tian and said, then glanced at the other great witches.

  "Do you know who is behind the human race? It is the demon ancestor, who wants to tamper with the human race and the emperor, do you think who can save you in the predicament?" Xing Tian shouted!

"Big Brother Xingtian, you are a little misunderstood. Naturally, I will not be the human emperor of the human race as the ancestor witch, but use this soul to reincarnate the human race and become the human emperor by then. Everything is taken for granted. I think that Fuxi is the same ?" Chi You said.

  Hearing this, some great witches’ brows were stretched out, and Chi You’s words are not unreasonable. Why can’t the Wu clan do things that Fuxi can succeed?

  Xing Tian still feels something is wrong, but when he sees other great witches, he seems to be persuaded by Chi You. Although he can turn the tide, there is no need for it.

"Chi You, you know that I am the first disciple of the Taishang Demon Ancestor, and also the disciple of the Demon Ancestor. Although I do not agree with this matter, I will not oppose it, but you can rest assured that as long as you are the co-lord of the human race, Then, apart from opposing Mount Xume, I can help you solve the other enemies!"

  Xing Tian said that for this reason, he was already full of affection, and it was impossible for him to catch up with the whole Wu clan because of Chi You.

   Against Mount Xume, there is only one way to perish. This is inevitable.

  The reason why Xing Tian said this was to beat Chi You, even if he was really reincarnated from the human race, he couldn’t fight against Mount Xumi!

This is what Chi You waited for. He also understood Xing Tian's position and his difficulties. Speaking of this, Chi You was already surprised.

  "Big Brother Xingtian, wait and see, the younger brother must prove that I am right!"

   Chi You finished this sentence, then looked at the other great witches, and said: "Brothers and sisters, Chi You is heading to the Netherworld!"

   "Take care!" All the great witches are all over.

  After all, Chi You is the thirteenth ancestral witch of the Witch clan. Although only the soul is left, his status is still there.

  But nowadays, Xing Tian is in power. Without Xing Tian’s words, who would dare to help Chi You without permission?

   Chi You also knew why these great witches did not send him, and why Xing Tian did it.

  Once Chi You went out like this, then it was sneaking away, and it had nothing to do with the Wu Clan. Even if it angered the Demon Ancestor at that time, it was only Chi You's fault, and had nothing to do with the entire Wu Clan.

  If you want Xing Tian to help, you can only get Xing Tian to help with some achievements in the human race.

   "Big Brother Xingtian, if we do this, will Chi You's heart be chilled?" Feng Bo said.

   "If the heart is so cold, then let it be cold. It is better than the demon ancestor, and the destruction of the Wu clan is much stronger." Xing Tian knows the horror of the demon way better than anyone.

  Because Xing Tian is the most direct line of the Demon Dao.

   "What if the ancestor witch in the underworld helped Chi You?" Yushi said.

   "Netherworld Palace is the Netherworld Palace, and it has nothing to do with the Wu Clan. Even if something goes wrong at that time, it will not be blamed on the Wu Clan." Xing Tian showed a smug smile.

  In fact, Xing Tian still agrees with Chi You's approach, but he can't say it clearly.

  However, Xing Tian knew that he could not help Chi You, but he could.

  Because where the witch tribe belongs to the forces within the underworld, and the underworld is directly under the demon ancestor, and it was left behind by the earth.

  Underworld intervenes, it belongs to the internal contradiction of the forces under the Demon Ancestor seat, and there will be no major issues.

  Xing Tian left the Pangu Temple and went to the Heavenly Court. Of course, he was not looking for Haotian, but came to visit the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

   Chiyou, it is necessary to talk to the Taishang Demon Ancestor, at the very least, it must be clear of relations with the Wu Clan.

  Xing Tian is in the heavenly court, and the movement is naturally not small. You must know that Xing Tian is a great witch, and also the pinnacle great witch, the strength is not worse than the ancestor witch.

  Go straight to the 33rd layer, which scared Haotian and Yaochi. At this time, they were not Xingtian's opponents.

  When I saw Xing Tian went to the other side of the 33rd Heaven, I knew why, and I didn’t care.

  Go to the ancestral palace!

  "Disciples pay respect to Master, and wish Master a holy life without boundaries." Xing Tian respectfully worshipped.

   "Get up." Too nodded.

  Xingtian stood up, and said the reaction of Tianting in the future, and then said: "The Emperor of Heaven is far from Taiyi."

  "It's just a boy, but it's far from Taiyi." Taishang agreed with this.

  Although he is sanctified, when he is not sanctified, Taishang is really not sure to defeat Taiyi!

  At the beginning, Taiyi and Ao Zheng were tied for the first person under the saints. This is definitely not just talking about how powerful Ao Zheng is.

  "Do you know? At the beginning, the teacher planned to let you be the emperor of heaven. However, your master went to the chaos and did not return, so that Daozu Hongjun arranged the position of emperor." Tai Shang sighed.

  "The disciples don't want to be the emperor of the heavens. It is difficult to build a road where cause and effect converge." Xing Tian was very straightforward.

  Although Taishang entered the ruthless robbery, he still values ​​Xingtian.

   "You suddenly came to Heaven to find a teacher, but something is wrong?" Tai Shang said.

Xingtian didn't dare to conceal it, and quickly told Chi You's decision.

Taishang's eyes flickered, looked at Xing Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice, "Can you support Chi You?"

  "The disciple did not support him, the human race was supported by the master, and the disciple did not dare to do anything big!" Xing Tian knelt down quickly.

   "It doesn't need to be like that. Although your Master values ​​Human Race, Human Race wants to truly enter your Master's eyes, but it is still tender. You can support Chi You." Tai Shang said lightly.

  Xingtian wondered, and I don’t know why Taishang said this. Doesn’t this indicate that he must be against Mount Xumi?

  When the time comes, Mount Xumi will support the human race, what about suppressing the witch race?

  Xingtian didn’t know, Taishang saw hope in it, a hope to re-control the line of Mount Xumi.

  Although he has done a natural punishment, but this is not too much of his wish. He is to be the third ancestor of the magic way, and he must control the entire magic way.

  Luo Yu basically doesn't care about things, he wants to take over the whole magic way, when the time comes, he will act, and Luo Hu will back him!

  This is what Taishang thought.

   Nowadays, the saints of Mount Xumi, the demon god, do not have much respect for him, which makes Tai Shang very unhappy.

   just took this opportunity to beat it.

   Taishang asked Xing Tian to directly support Chi You, and he wanted to rectify the magic way.

Xing Tian couldn't, so he had to follow Taishang's instructions and returned to Pangu Temple. The first thing was to support Chi You, and he sent ninety-nine and eighty-one days witches to the Netherworld to pursue Chi You.

  Xingtian wants these eighty-one witches and Chi You to reincarnate together to help Chi You in the human race.

  At this time, in the Yama Hall of the Nether Netherworld, ten Yama Kings gathered together, all because Chi You came to the Nether Netherworld and said such shocking words.

   Chiyou wants to steal the throne of a human emperor from the human race!

  "Dear ancestor witches, since the war between heaven and earth, the power of my witch clan has declined day by day. Looking at the demon clan, there is still a tendency to rise. If I wait indifferent, then sooner or later I will be swallowed by the demon clan!

   Nowadays, the human race is very powerful, and it is the protagonist of the world. If the witch can get the throne of the human, it will definitely be able to borrow the luck of the human race to create the glory of the witch! "

   Chiyou looked at all the ancestor witches, and said what he wanted in his heart.

   "Chiyou, you are the only ancestor witch who gave birth to the soul after Hou Tu. Are you sure about snatching the throne of the human race?" King Qin Guang (Dijiang) asked.

   Chiyou laughed three times and said: "Big Brother, the Emperor was just a mortal before he preached the Dao. Even though I was reincarnated as a human race, I have different talents. How can mortals be able to contend?"

   "Big Brother, we did this. If the Demon Ancestor knew about it, wouldn't it involve the Witch Clan?" Xuan Ming said.

  They don’t worry about the Wu Clan in the underworld. After all, these are people from Luohu, but they are worried about the Wu Clan in Pangu Temple.

  "Don’t worry, Chi You became a human being and then went to fight. It was not the ancestor witch who went to fight. How could the devil ancestor blame it? Otherwise, how could Fuxi become the emperor!"

  Speaking of Fuxi, these ancestral witches are very angry. In the demon race, they are the demon emperor, but in the human race they have become the emperor, and their status is equal to that of the saints!

   "In that case, let's open the six reincarnations together, and cast spells to make Chi You rebirth with memories, and gather the heaven and earth visions to build momentum for it!" Zhu Rong said loudly.

   "Okay, that's it!"

  The rest of the ancestral witches also stood up.

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