Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 69: Beat, Jingwei fills the sea

   In the courtyard, Luo Hui was sitting, Tai Xuan stood behind Luo Hui, the master and the apprentice watched Chen Du Fengyun.

   Although the capital of Chen is the capital of the human race, it has not much power, but it is a place where luck gathers, and it is the place where the great power is concerned.

   Now that the Lieshan clan is old, it seems that he is about to complete his merits, and the next co-lord is about to be born.

   It can be said that everything about Chen Du has attracted the attention of the entire prehistoric land.

   The next co-master is the last human emperor. If you want to obtain the human virtues and luck, you must do something with this last human emperor.

   Suddenly, Tai Xuan asked, "Master, Chi You is a reincarnated human race, but he is not a man of destiny. Now that the Lieshan clan is about to complete his merits, when will the last human emperor be born?"

   "What? Do you want Antarctica to be the teacher of the emperor?" Luo Hui asked with a smile.

   "Hey, if the master is willing, the disciple will naturally take the decree." Taixuan said with a smile.

   Luo Hui shook his head and said, "Don't think about it, you have already made arrangements for the teacher."

   "Master, the demon sect is the orthodox of the demon way after all. If there are two emperor's teachers, they will definitely be able to dominate the tens of thousands of people in the future! Fight for the demon way." Tai Xuanyi said righteously.

   Taixuan had two direct disciples, and naturally he hoped to get the teacher of the two emperors. In this way, the two disciples are quasi-sages.

   Luo Hui was not talking, Tai Xuan knew what idea he was making in his heart, but the Demon Cult could not be the only one among the Demon Dao.

   And Luo Hui has arranged someone to accept the last person as his disciple.

  , however, said that at this time in the palace, Lieshan was playing with the young girl, and a guard hurried in.

   "Enlighten the co-lord, Chi You, the leader of the Jiuli tribe, came to see you."

   "Chiyou is here?"

   The Lieshan clan is not surprised, the new tribe leader needs to come to Chen Du to pay a visit to the co-lord.

  Without the approval of the co-owner, then the leader will behave badly.

   It was reasonable for Chi You to come, but Lieshan did not expect to come at this time.

   "Girl, you have fun here, go out for the father, and come back later." Lieshan looked at the girl lovingly.

   "Father go to work, the girl can play by herself." The little girl said very sensibly.

   The Lieshan clan went to the main hall and met Chi You. After all, he was the leader of a tribe.

   When he came to the main hall, he saw a strong man standing below, but his hostility was heavier.

   "Chi You pays homage to the co-master." Chi You bowed down to the Lieshan clan.

   No matter what your status in your previous life, but now you are a human race, you will naturally bow down when you see the co-owner.

  Xuandu is a disciple of Taiqing Taoist ancestor, and he must bow down when he sees the Lieshan clan.

   "You are Chi You." The Lie Shan clan looked at this Chi You, and he had already learned the identity of Chi You from Yun Zhongzi.

   "Since you have become a human race, then you must devote yourself to the interests of the human race. If you have other thoughts, the thunder will eat your heart and the corpse will separate!"

   Chi You heard this, and he was shocked. It seemed that Lieshan had already known his origin.

   When he looked at Lieshan's again, Chi You felt the majesty in Lieshan's eyes, and was a little surprised. He didn't expect mortals to have such sharp eyes.

   "Chi You should be a human!" Chi You said quickly.

   At this time, the Lieshan clan can be said to control all the lifelines of Chi You, as long as the Lieshan clan goes through a decree, Chi You will be driven out of the human race.

  Because Chi You’s prestige is far inferior to that of the Lieshan clan, and the Lieshan clan is the contemporary co-lord, respected by all people!

   "The Jiuli tribe is in the border land of the Origin Valley, and is responsible for expanding the territory. Since you are the leader, you must take on this important task and open up a wider territory for the human race."

   The people of the Jiuli tribe are sturdy, and each is a Hercules, and is the tribe with the strongest physical ability among the human races.

   "Chi You will definitely not let the co-owner down, and will definitely open up a new world for the human race!" Chi You said firmly.

   Lieshan nodded, but in his heart he thought, Chi You is the ancestor witch of the Wu clan. If he expands his territory, he will definitely change the world for the human race!

   "Chi You has a sentence that I don't know should be said inappropriately." Chi You said hesitantly.

   The Lieshan clan glanced at Chi You, and it seemed that Chi You and Chen were not that simple.

   "But it doesn't hurt to say."

   "When I came here, Chen Du's guards were not strong, especially the weapons in the guards' hands, and even some stone tools. Chen Du is the capital of my human race, how can the guard be so loose!" Chi You said.

   The Lieshan Clan didn't even care about the guarding issue. In his opinion, the guards were just helping him run errands or make something.

   Again, there is no civil strife in the human race, and it is useless to have strong guards.

   As for the invasion of foreign races, no matter how strong the guards are, they are still mortals. How can they fight against the gods?

   "Do you have any suggestions?" Lieshan asked.

  " Chi You felt that Chen Du's guard should be strengthened. After all, this is the imperial army protecting the co-owner.

   This time, Chi You brought one hundred thousand pieces of bronze, ten thousand pieces of iron, one hundred pieces of gold and silver, and a powerful army, all of which were used to protect the common master! "

   Chi You said it relaxed, but stopped in Lieshan's heart, but it was like the sky collapsed. If this is to harm him, how can Chen Duwei's army resist?

   But thinking of Yun Zhongzi, Lieshan no longer worried that Chi You would dare to do that mess.

   "There will be no chaos within my human race, and there is no need to worry about the forbidden army. As for foreign invasion, how can the mortal army resist?" Lieshan said lightly.

   "The co-lord is wrong. The co-lord of the Forbidden Army is the majesty of our human race, and it represents the bravery of our human army.

As for the foreign invasion, although the powerful army of ten thousand people I brought was all mortals, but I was skilled in the battlefields I created, which can gather murderous air and injure the enemy. Survive under! "

   Chi You said here, with a little arrogance in his eyes, he invented a formation in the human race, suitable for the battle formation of the human race.

   The Lieshan clan was shocked, looking at Chi You, he actually invented such a battle formation, which is definitely a great feat for the human race!

  Foreign tribes invade, you can't let immortal masters or ask for foreign aid every time. If the human race has its own army to resist foreign tribes, this is true self-improvement.

   "Okay! Chi You, you have made great deeds for the human race, I am so relieved, very comforted!" Lieshan clan was overjoyed.

   No matter what the Lieshan Clan is doing, he will set out in the interests of the human race.

   Chi especially created a battle formation for the Human Race. This is a great feat. This is a great contribution to the Human Race’s defense.

   At this time, the Lieshan clan looked a little pleasing to Chi You. Before, because Chi You was the reincarnation of the Witch clan, he was a bit disinterested in Chi You, worried that Chi You would steal the luck of the human race.

   "With such a strong army, it is not appropriate to stay in Chen. The Jiuli tribe is to expand the territory for the human race, Chiyou, you should bring such a strong army to open up the territory for the human race!" Lieshan said majestic.

   Chiyou laughed, and said: "I know that the co-master is a human race, and there are 100,000 such a strong army in the Jiuli tribe, and it will definitely be able to open up the territory for the human race!"

   "Okay, I hope you don't let me down. The number of my human race is increasing. Origin Valley can no longer satisfy the current human race. The burden on the Jiuli tribe is very heavy."

   "Don't worry, the co-owner, after Chi You returns this time, he will definitely expand the land for the human race by 100,000 miles!" Chi You directly issued a military order.

   The Lieshan clan does not matter which clan Chi You was in in his previous life, but now Chi You is beneficial to the Human clan, so he can reuse it!

   And wanting to steal the luck of the human race, it is not so easy.

   The Lieshan clan followed Chi You and left the palace, went to the military camp outside Chen Du, and reviewed the powerful army of 10,000 people. His heart was shocked. This is far better than the guards of Chen Du!

  With this forbidden army, Chen Du is as good as gold, even if there is an invasion by foreign people, as long as there is no fairy **** above the golden fairy, then they can all solve it by themselves!

   The Lieshan clan didn’t know that these troops were cultivated by Chi You secretly.

   These troops are not only strong bodies, but also have powerful evil spirits, forming battle formations, which can condense battle spirits, and ordinary immortals will die when they touch them!

   Those weapons, the Lieshan clan also stayed, strengthening the original Chen Du guard.

   But the Lieshan Clan did not attach much importance to strengthening the army. In his opinion, the Human Race will not have civil strife, let alone meet with swords and soldiers!

   Therefore, the Lieshan clan does not have the slightest suspicion for Chi You's sole control of the military.

   Chiyou stayed in Chendu for three days. Although Lieshan was accompanied every day, most of the time, Lieshan was by his side.

  Because Chi You has some good strategies for the human race, although they are all about strengthening the human defense and strengthening the human army, the Lieshan clan feels that Chi You is a rare human race.

   This is also because the Lieshan clan doesn't value the strong army very much. Otherwise, Chi You's deeds and opinions will definitely be valued by the Lieshan clan, and it is not impossible to become the next co-lord.

   Chi You left the capital of Chen. This time, Chi You was satisfied with the trip to the capital of Chen. Although the Lieshan clan still had some insights on him, he had already taken it seriously.

  In the capital of Chen, the great sages and human servants gathered in the palace.

   "Tell me, what do you think of Chi You?" Lie Shan said.

   "Although Chi You is talented, he has gone the wrong way. If he focuses on other aspects of the human race, it would be fine."

   "Yes, but he just attaches so much importance to the strong army!"

   "I feel that Chi You has something to say. If the human race wants to be strong, it must have a strong army. If there is no strong army, how can you resist foreigners?"

   "But my human race is strong, can I resist the gods?"

   "Chi You, a powerful army with 10,000 people, can only resist one golden immortal, if there are ten golden immortals, 100 golden immortals?"

  In an instant, the voice supporting Chi You was drowned in the questioning voice.

   In a courtyard in Chendu, Luo Hui shook his head watching this scene. This is really disaster-free and worry-free!

"Master, the disciple feels that Chi You is right. If the Human Race wants to be strong, it must have a strong army. Although the current Human Race is still weak, but it has a strong army, this is a good thing." Tai Xuan is very supportive of Chi You. .

   "Those who don't know are not guilty. After the Three Empresses, it is the era when the human race is strong." Luo Hui laughed.

   Tai Xuan frowned. If he waited until that time, someone who could truly be a strong army for the human race would have long gone.

  In Tai Xuan's eyes, he believed that if Chi You became the co-master, then a strong army could start now, and one day it would be comparable to the Primordial Lich.

   But if Chi You can't be a co-leader, then this strong army is even missed.

   "Master, if Chi You is plundering human luck, what shall you do?" Tai Xuan asked weakly.

   After all, this is peeping at the general situation, Tai Xuan is also a little nervous.

   "Tai Shang is helping Chi You."

   "Master, what is this going to do?"

   "Naturally beating you disobedient juniors and sisters, you have to be careful, don't be too high to beat the head, or the teacher won't help you." Luo Hui said with a smile.

   is wrong!

   Taixuan always feels something is wrong.

   He remembers that Luo Hui was the most disgusted and fought with the door! Why is there some support this time?

   Tai Xuan was lost in thought, if Luo Hui really didn't care about it by then, then they would really be beaten by Tai Xuan.

   Luo Hui didn't care what Tai Xuan thought, but looked at the Kunlun Mirror in front of him. In the picture, a five or six year old daughter came to the East China Sea outside Chen Du.

   This East China Sea is not a prehistoric East China Sea. This is the East China Sea named by the human race, a relatively large lake after all.

   Luo Hui saw this scene and knew that a scene in the myth was about to appear.

   As expected, the little girl was playing on the beach. Not long after, a huge vortex appeared on the surface of the sea, and then a five-clawed dragon flew out.

   "You girl, why bother this prince Qingxiu!"

  The dragon opened his mouth, and the world changed color. In an instant, the whole Chen was covered with dark clouds, as if it were going to rain.

   This little East China Sea was built by the Dragons to protect Chen Du. Every hundred years, a dragon will come here to guard it. This time it is the turn of Ao Guang’s third son, Ao Bing, who is also the third prince of Donghai Dragon!

   "I am playing in the water can I bother you?"

   This little girl is not an ordinary person, but the young girl of the Lieshan clan, the co-lord of the human race, and the princess of the human race.

   If an ordinary girl came to play in the water, it would not alarm Ao Bing, but the girl would be different.

   As the daughter of the Lieshan clan, she was born with human luck. Playing in the water again caused the Xiaodonghai Dragon Palace to sway.

   "Huh, ignorant human race!" Ao Bing disdain to argue with mortals.

   Even when casting a spell, for a while, the waves above the sea rolled up to a thousand stories, rolled down, and instantly swallowed the girl.

   After the incident, Ao Bing entered Xiaodonghai and continued to practice, without taking this matter to heart.

   The waves receded, and the girl’s body was washed to the shore, and a phantom flew out of the girl’s body. The resentment and luck merged, and it was like a shock to the sky.

   "锵锵~~~" With a cry, the girl's soul turned into a fine guard.

   With his paws and mouth, grabbed the stone on Yunv Mountain next to Xiaodonghai, and dropped it on Xiaodonghai, trying to fill Xiaodonghai!

   At the moment when the girl was swallowed by the waves, Ao Zheng, who was in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, woke up from her practice.

  'S face changed.

   "Ao Guang, your son has broken the emperor!" Ao Zheng yelled, and the whole Dragon Palace could hear it.

   At the same time, in Chendu's palace, Lieshan clan was discussing important matters with the great sages, and suddenly felt a pain in his heart and fainted.

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