Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 71: Invite people

Shouyang Mountain, in the Bajing Palace, Taiqing Taoist and Primitive Tianzun are sitting opposite each other.

   There is a water mirror in front of them, and everything about Chen Du is in the mirror.

   "Brother, Xuan Du did this, but he lost a Dao heart."

   Obviously, the original Tianzun did not agree with Xuandu's approach, but he was not his own disciple, so he could only speak to Taiqing.

   Taiqing Daozu's brows were also frowned, and he did not agree with Xuantu's approach.

   In consideration of human education, Taiqing Taoist ancestors believed that the human race should not be arrogant, and tolerate the calmness of the moment, and step back.

   "If the girl didn't turn into a bird of fine guard, one pill of Nine Ranks Resurrection Pill could be saved, maybe this is God's will!" Taiqing Daozu shook his head helplessly.

   "Brother, I don't think it is appropriate for the current human race to go to war, especially with the dragon race. By that time, both will be injured. I am afraid that the brother's teaching will be destroyed." Primordial Tianzun said.

   Of course, the Primordial Heavenly Lord is not all for the sake of Taiqing Taoist ancestors, he also has his own little abacus in his heart.

   Chanjiao has begun to penetrate into other people's teachings. Sooner or later, Chanjiao will also be the great teaching of the human race. Then he can use the luck of the human race to cultivate.

   Regardless of the original intention of Tianzun?

   But Taiqing Daozu understands that once the human race goes to war, then the human religion is destroyed, he may not fall to the holy position, but he will definitely become the weakest existence among the saints.

   "You can't play swordsmen!" Taiqing Daozu said firmly.

   He doesn't want to be the weakest existence among the saints, and now the magic way is powerful, but the magic way has no education in the human race.

   The human race is destroyed, and it does no harm to the magic way, but it does too much damage to the profound door.

   "How are you going to do, brother?" Yuan Tianzun asked quickly.

   Taiqing Daozu thought for a while, and finally shook his head helplessly. There was no way to stop the human race.

  Although he is the supreme human race, he is the leader of the human race, but now the human race has a co-lord, even if Nuwa gives a decrement, no co-lord’s command is useful!

   Now it can only be pinned on the Dragon Clan, I only hope that the Dragon Clan can go to Chen Du to intercede and hand over the murderer.

   Jiuli Tribe.

   The news of Chen Du has reached Chi You. The tens of thousands of people who stayed in Chen Du did not do it at will, but the eyeliner Chi You arranged there.

   Chen has any movement, he can know in time.

   Chi You summoned eighty-one brothers to discuss Chen Du's affairs.

   These eighty-one brothers were the eighty-one celestial witches from the beginning, and they were found one by one by Chi You, and now they are following Chi You, opening up the territory for the human race.

   "Big Brother, the Dragon Clan killed the little princess and daughter. This incident has already made Chen Du crazy. I am afraid that after three days, it will be the time when the Human Clan and the Dragon Clan broke away!"

   "You can't let the human race be destroyed. Once the human race is gone, then the protagonist of heaven and earth will be the dragon race. At that time, my witch race will have no chance of coming out."

   "What should I do? Fighting must be played, but how can I win?"


  In the camp, all the eighty-one witches were talking about it.

   Chi You heard the words of the witch these days, the hesitation in his eyes disappeared.

   slapped the table and stood up, Chi You said in a deep voice, "Call all the troops and rush to Chendu within three days with a spell."

   "Big brother, is this really the case? You have to know that even with us, the human race has no chance to win!"

   "Knowing that we can't do it, this is the human race. Now we are the human race. Let's do it according to the human race's ideas and gather the army!" Chi You waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to say anything.

   The Jiuli tribe army gathered and rushed to Chen Du quickly.

   Not only that, the immortal masters of all tribes also rushed to Chendu quickly. They all knew that the Human race had come to a major decision.

  Chen Du, the Lieshan clan dismissed the others and looked at the girl alone, tears in his eyes couldn't help but flowed down.

   "Human race is not for the father alone, for the father is not qualified to let the whole race avenge you."

   Lieshan looked at the baby's body, with helpless eyes.

   At this time, the Lieshan clan was a bit self-blame. If he was not a co-owner, even if he lost his life, he would avenge the girl.

   Although he is a father, he is the leader of a clan. The current human clan is weak, and every step he takes requires careful consideration.

   If this revenge is not reported, the Lieshan clan will not be reconciled. The baby girl is his daughter, and the dragons are killed in this way. This is not to put the human race in the eyes!

   He can bear the pain of bereavement, but he cannot bear to despise the human race and trample on the dignity of the human race!

   Just as the Lieshan clan was in a dilemma, Yunzhongzi appeared behind the Lieshan clan.

   He calculated that an accident would happen to the girl, but he did not expect it to be the third prince of Donghai!

   "Lieshan, you don't have to worry too much, just do what you want!"

   At this time, Yun Zhongzi can only say this.

  If you really get into it, the dragon clan is also in the magic way, and Yun Zhongzi can't mention helping the Lieshan clan take revenge.

   But he will do his best to let the magic and Dao not help each other!

   Although the human race is weak, in recent years, the human race has also emerged as a holy. The three ancestors of the human race at the time were also top-notch Da Luo Jinxians!

   Therefore, the human race is not the kind of small race that can be captured.

   "Master, you save the baby girl." The Lieshan clan knelt down to Yun Zhongzi.

Yun Zhongzi helped the Lieshan clan. He wanted to have a baby girl, but the baby girl’s soul did not enter the underworld, but turned into a fine guard bird. Such a huge resentment, I am afraid that even the saint’s action is of no avail, only the devil. Zu shot The girl has her life, don't be too sad. "

   After saying this, Yun Zhongzi has left, he can't stay here anymore, otherwise, he may say something that violates the regulations of Mount Xume.

   After leaving Yunzhongzi, the Lieshan clan went to the Three Ancestor Palace, which is the sanctuary of the Human Race in the Human Race and the place of worship.

   Burn incense and pray. The Lieshan family wants to invite the three ancestors and Emperor Fuxi to make a decision.

   The three fragrances passed, and the golden light in the palace of the three ancestors was flourishing, and the golden body of the three ancestors walked out of a phantom.

   "Lieshan, what do you want me to do?"

   is coming from the ancestor of the Chao family.

   "The Lieshan clan pays homage to the ancestors, and asks the ancestors to show the way for the Lieshan clan!" Lieshan clan bowed down.

   Such a major event happened to the Human Race, how can you not know in the Fire Cloud Cave?

   The three ancestors and Emperor Fuxi both knew that the baby girl was killed by the dragon clan. The question just now was a helpless move by the Chao family.

   Nowadays, the Lieshan clan is the co-lord, and all the fairy gods of the human race need to obey the co-lord.

   Even if they were former co-lords, they must listen to the words of contemporary co-lords!

   "Let's talk about it." Chao Shi said.

   The Lieshan clan quickly told one side of the death of the girl, and then said: "Ancestor, the dragon kills my son, I can take care of the overall situation and bear it. But the dragon suppresses the human, this I cannot bear!"

   Youchao nodded.

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